Source code for

# Copyright (C) 2019-2023 Intel Corporation
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

import argparse
import logging as log
import os
import os.path as osp
from enum import Enum, auto

from datumaro.components.comparator import DistanceComparator, EqualityComparator, TableComparator
from datumaro.components.errors import ProjectNotFoundError
from datumaro.util.os_util import rmtree
from datumaro.util.scope import on_error_do, scope_add, scoped

from ..util import MultilineFormatter
from import DistanceCompareVisualizer
from ..util.errors import CliException
from ..util.project import generate_next_file_name, load_project, parse_full_revpath

[docs] class ComparisonMethod(Enum): table = auto() equality = auto() distance = auto()
eq_default_if = ["id", "group"] # avoid
[docs] def build_parser(parser_ctor=argparse.ArgumentParser): parser = parser_ctor( help="Compares two datasets", description=""" Compares two datasets. This command has multiple forms:|n 1) %(prog)s <revpath>|n 2) %(prog)s <revpath> <revpath>|n |n 1 - Compares the current project's main target ('project') in the working tree with the specified dataset.|n 2 - Compares two specified datasets.|n |n <revpath> - either a dataset path or a revision path. The full syntax is:|n - Dataset paths:|n |s|s- <dataset path>[ :<format> ]|n - Revision paths:|n |s|s- <project path> [ @<rev> ] [ :<target> ]|n |s|s- <rev> [ :<target> ]|n |s|s- <target>|n |n Both forms use the -p/--project as a context for plugins. It can be useful for dataset paths in targets. When not specified, the current project's working tree is used.|n |n Annotations can be matched 3 ways:|n - by comparision table|n - by equality checking|n - by distance computation|n |n Examples:|n - Compare two projects by distance, match boxes if IoU > 0.7,|n |s|s|s|ssave results to Tensorboard:|n |s|s%(prog)s other/project -o diff/ -f tensorboard --iou-thresh 0.7|n |n - Compare two projects for equality, exclude annotation groups |n |s|s|s|sand the 'is_crowd' attribute from comparison:|n |s|s%(prog)s other/project/ -if group -ia is_crowd -m equality|n |n - Compare two datasets, specify formats:|n |s|s%(prog)s path/to/dataset1:voc path/to/dataset2:coco|n |n - Compare the current working tree and a dataset:|n |s|s%(prog)s path/to/dataset2:coco|n |n - Compare a source from a previous revision and a dataset:|n |s|s%(prog)s HEAD~2:source-2 path/to/dataset2:yolo """, formatter_class=MultilineFormatter, ) formats = ", ".join( for f in DistanceCompareVisualizer.OutputFormat) comp_methods = ", ".join( for m in ComparisonMethod) def _parse_output_format(s): try: return DistanceCompareVisualizer.OutputFormat[s.lower()] except KeyError: raise argparse.ArgumentError( "format", message="Unknown output " "format '%s', the only available are: %s" % (s, formats), ) def _parse_comparison_method(s): try: return ComparisonMethod[s.lower()] except KeyError: raise argparse.ArgumentError( "method", message="Unknown comparison " "method '%s', the only available are: %s" % (s, comp_methods), ) parser.add_argument("first_target", help="The first dataset revpath to be compared") parser.add_argument( "second_target", nargs="?", help="The second dataset revpath to be compared" ) parser.add_argument( "-o", "--output-dir", dest="dst_dir", default=None, help="Directory to save comparison results " "(default: generate automatically)", ) parser.add_argument( "-m", "--method", type=_parse_comparison_method,, help="Comparison method, one of {} (default: %(default)s)".format(comp_methods), ) parser.add_argument( "--overwrite", action="store_true", help="Overwrite existing files in the save directory" ) parser.add_argument( "-p", "--project", dest="project_dir", help="Directory of the current project (default: current dir)", ) parser.set_defaults(command=compare_command) distance_parser = parser.add_argument_group("Distance comparison options") distance_parser.add_argument( "--iou-thresh", default=0.5, type=float, help="IoU match threshold for shapes (default: %(default)s)", ) parser.add_argument( "-f", "--format", type=_parse_output_format,, help="Output format, one of {} (default: %(default)s)".format(formats), ) equality_parser = parser.add_argument_group("Equality comparison options") equality_parser.add_argument( "-iia", "--ignore-item-attr", action="append", help="Ignore item attribute (repeatable)" ) equality_parser.add_argument( "-ia", "--ignore-attr", action="append", help="Ignore annotation attribute (repeatable)" ) equality_parser.add_argument( "-if", "--ignore-field", action="append", help="Ignore annotation field (repeatable, default: %s)" % eq_default_if, ) equality_parser.add_argument( "--match-images", action="store_true", help="Match dataset items by image pixels instead of ids", ) equality_parser.add_argument("--all", action="store_true", help="Include matches in the output") return parser
[docs] def get_sensitive_args(): return { compare_command: [ "first_target", "second_target", "dst_dir", "project_dir", ], }
[docs] @scoped def compare_command(args): dst_dir = args.dst_dir if dst_dir: if not args.overwrite and osp.isdir(dst_dir) and os.listdir(dst_dir): raise CliException( "Directory '%s' already exists " "(pass --overwrite to overwrite)" % dst_dir ) else: dst_dir = generate_next_file_name("compare") dst_dir = osp.abspath(dst_dir) if not osp.exists(dst_dir): on_error_do(rmtree, dst_dir, ignore_errors=True) os.makedirs(dst_dir) project = None try: project = scope_add(load_project(args.project_dir)) except ProjectNotFoundError: if args.project_dir: raise try: if not args.second_target: first_dataset = project.working_tree.make_dataset() second_dataset, target_project = parse_full_revpath(args.first_target, project) if target_project: scope_add(target_project) else: first_dataset, target_project = parse_full_revpath(args.first_target, project) if target_project: scope_add(target_project) second_dataset, target_project = parse_full_revpath(args.second_target, project) if target_project: scope_add(target_project) except Exception as e: raise CliException(str(e)) if args.method is ComparisonMethod.table: comparator = TableComparator() ( high_level_table, mid_level_table, low_level_table, comparison_dict, ) = comparator.compare_datasets(first_dataset, second_dataset) if args.dst_dir: comparator.save_compare_report( high_level_table, mid_level_table, low_level_table, comparison_dict, args.dst_dir ) elif args.method is ComparisonMethod.equality: if args.ignore_field: args.ignore_field = eq_default_if comparator = EqualityComparator( match_images=args.match_images, ignored_fields=args.ignore_field, ignored_attrs=args.ignore_attr, ignored_item_attrs=args.ignore_item_attr, all=args.all, ) output = comparator.compare_datasets(first_dataset, second_dataset) if args.dst_dir: comparator.save_compare_report(output, args.dst_dir) elif args.method is ComparisonMethod.distance: comparator = DistanceComparator(iou_threshold=args.iou_thresh) with DistanceCompareVisualizer( save_dir=dst_dir, comparator=comparator, output_format=args.format ) as visualizer:"Saving compare to '%s'" % dst_dir), second_dataset) return 0