Source code for datumaro.cli.commands.explain

# Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Intel Corporation
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

import argparse
import logging as log
import os
import os.path as osp

from datumaro.util.image import is_image, load_image, save_image
from datumaro.util.scope import scope_add, scoped

from ..util import MultilineFormatter
from ..util.errors import CliException
from ..util.project import load_project, parse_full_revpath

[docs] def build_parser(parser_ctor=argparse.ArgumentParser): parser = parser_ctor( help="Run Explainable AI algorithm", description=""" Runs an explainable AI algorithm for a model.|n |n This tool is supposed to help an AI developer to debug a model and a dataset. Basically, it executes inference and tries to find problems in the trained model - determine decision boundaries and belief intervals for the classifier.|n |n Currently, the only available algorithm is RISE (, which runs inference and then re-runs a model multiple times on each image to produce a heatmap of activations for each output of the first inference. As a result, we obtain few heatmaps, which shows, how image pixels affected the inference result. This algorithm doesn't require any special information about the model, but it requires the model to return all the outputs and confidences. Check the User Manual for usage examples.|n Supported scenarios:|n - RISE for classification|n - RISE for Object Detection|n |n This command has the following syntax:|n |s|s%(prog)s <image path or revpath>|n |n <image path> - a path to the file.|n <revpath> - either a dataset path or a revision path. The full syntax is:|n - Dataset paths:|n |s|s- <dataset path>[ :<format> ]|n - Revision paths:|n |s|s- <project path> [ @<rev> ] [ :<target> ]|n |s|s- <rev> [ :<target> ]|n |s|s- <target>|n Parts can be enclosed in quotes.|n |n The current project (-p/--project) is used as a context for plugins and models. It is used when there is a dataset path in target. When not specified, the current project's working tree is used.|n |n Examples:|n - Run RISE on an image, display results:|n |s|s%(prog)s path/to/image.jpg -m mymodel rise --max-samples 50|n |n - Run RISE on a source revision:|n |s|s%(prog)s HEAD~1:source-1 -m model rise """, formatter_class=MultilineFormatter, ) parser.add_argument( "target", nargs="?", default=None, help="Inference target - image, revpath (default: project)", ) parser.add_argument("-m", "--model", required=True, help="Model to use for inference") parser.add_argument( "-o", "--output-dir", dest="save_dir", default=None, help="Directory to save output (default: display only)", ) method_sp = parser.add_subparsers(dest="algorithm") rise_parser = method_sp.add_parser( "rise", description=""" RISE: Randomized Input Sampling for Explanation of Black-box Models algorithm|n |n See explanations at: """, formatter_class=MultilineFormatter, ) rise_parser.add_argument( "-s", "--max-samples", default=100, type=int, help="Number of algorithm iterations (default: mask size ^ 2)", ) rise_parser.add_argument( "--mw", "--mask-width", dest="mask_width", default=7, type=int, help="Mask width (default: %(default)s)", ) rise_parser.add_argument( "--mh", "--mask-height", dest="mask_height", default=7, type=int, help="Mask height (default: %(default)s)", ) rise_parser.add_argument( "--prob", default=0.5, type=float, help="Mask pixel inclusion probability (default: %(default)s)", ) rise_parser.add_argument( "--iou", "--iou-thresh", dest="iou_thresh", default=0.9, type=float, help="IoU match threshold for detections (default: %(default)s)", ) rise_parser.add_argument( "--nms", "--nms-iou-thresh", dest="nms_iou_thresh", default=0.0, type=float, help="IoU match threshold in Non-maxima suppression (default: no NMS)", ) rise_parser.add_argument( "--conf", "--det-conf-thresh", dest="det_conf_thresh", default=0.0, type=float, help="Confidence threshold for detections (default: include all)", ) rise_parser.add_argument( "-b", "--batch-size", default=1, type=int, help="Inference batch size (default: %(default)s)", ) rise_parser.add_argument( "--display", action="store_true", help="Visualize results during computations" ) parser.add_argument( "-p", "--project", dest="project_dir", help="Directory of the project to operate on (default: current dir)", ) parser.set_defaults(command=explain_command) return parser
[docs] def get_sensitive_args(): return { explain_command: [ "target", "model", "save_dir", "project_dir", ], }
[docs] @scoped def explain_command(args): import cv2 from matplotlib import cm project = scope_add(load_project(args.project_dir)) if args.model not in project.models: raise CliException( f"{args.model} has not been registered in this project. " f"This is a list of registered model names: {list(project.models.keys())}" ) model = project.make_model(args.model) if str(args.algorithm).lower() != "rise": raise CliException("Explanation algorithm except for rise is not yet implemented.") from datumaro.components.algorithms.rise import RISE rise = RISE( model, num_masks=args.max_samples, mask_size=args.mask_width, prob=args.prob, batch_size=args.batch_size, ) if and is_image( image_path = image = load_image(image_path)"Running inference explanation for '%s'" % image_path) heatmap_iter = rise.apply(image, progressive=args.display) image = image / 255.0 file_name = osp.splitext(osp.basename(image_path))[0] if args.display: for i, heatmaps in enumerate(heatmap_iter): for j, heatmap in enumerate(heatmaps): hm_painted = cm.jet(heatmap)[:, :, 2::-1] disp = (image + hm_painted) / 2 cv2.imshow("heatmap-%s" % j, hm_painted) cv2.imshow(file_name + "-heatmap-%s" % j, disp) cv2.waitKey(10) print("Iter", i, "of", args.max_samples, end="\r") else: heatmaps = next(heatmap_iter) if args.save_dir is not None:"Saving inference heatmaps at '%s'" % args.save_dir) os.makedirs(args.save_dir, exist_ok=True) for j, heatmap in enumerate(heatmaps): save_path = osp.join(args.save_dir, file_name + "-heatmap-%s.png" % j) save_image(save_path, heatmap * 255.0) else: for j, heatmap in enumerate(heatmaps): disp = (image + cm.jet(heatmap)[:, :, 2::-1]) / 2 cv2.imshow(file_name + "-heatmap-%s" % j, disp) cv2.waitKey(0) else: dataset, target_project = parse_full_revpath( or "project", project) if target_project: scope_add(target_project)"Running inference explanation for '%s'" % for item in dataset: image = if image is None: log.warning("Item %s does not have image data. Skipping.", continue heatmap_iter = rise.apply(image) image = image / 255.0 heatmaps = next(heatmap_iter) if args.save_dir is not None:"Saving inference heatmaps to '%s'" % args.save_dir) os.makedirs(args.save_dir, exist_ok=True) for j, heatmap in enumerate(heatmaps): save_image( osp.join(args.save_dir, + "-heatmap-%s.png" % j), heatmap * 255.0, create_dir=True, ) if not args.save_dir or args.display: for j, heatmap in enumerate(heatmaps): disp = (image + cm.jet(heatmap)[:, :, 2::-1]) / 2 cv2.imshow( + "-heatmap-%s" % j, disp) cv2.waitKey(0) return 0