Source code for datumaro.components.progress_reporting

# Copyright (C) 2023 Intel Corporation
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

from __future__ import annotations

import math
import time
from typing import Iterable, Optional, Tuple, TypeVar

from import tqdm

T = TypeVar("T")

[docs] class ProgressReporter: """ Only one set of methods must be called: - start - report_status - finish - iter - split This class is supposed to manage the state of children progress bars and release of their resources, if necessary. """ @property def period(self) -> float: """ Returns reporting period. For example, 0.1 would mean every 10%. """ raise NotImplementedError @property def interval(self) -> float: """ Returns reporting time interval in second. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def start(self, total: int, *, desc: Optional[str] = None): """Initializes the progress bar""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def report_status(self, progress: int): """Updates the progress bar""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def finish(self): """Finishes the progress bar""" pass # pylint: disable=unnecessary-pass
[docs] def iter( self, iterable: Iterable[T], *, total: Optional[int] = None, desc: Optional[str] = None ) -> Iterable[T]: """ Traverses the iterable and reports progress simultaneously. Starts and finishes the progress bar automatically. Args: iterable: An iterable to be traversed total: The expected number of iterations. If not provided, will try to use iterable.__len__. desc: The status message Returns: An iterable over elements of the input sequence """ if total is None and hasattr(iterable, "__len__"): total = len(iterable) self.start(total, desc=desc) if total: display_step = math.ceil(total * self.period) s = time.time() for i, elem in enumerate(iterable): if ( not total or (display_step and i % display_step == 0) or time.time() - s > self.interval ): s = time.time() self.report_status(i) yield elem self.finish()
[docs] def split(self, count: int) -> Tuple[ProgressReporter, ...]: """ Splits the progress bar into few independent parts. In case of 0 must return an empty tuple. This class is supposed to manage the state of children progress bars and release of their resources, if necessary. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] class NullProgressReporter(ProgressReporter): @property def period(self) -> float: return 0 @property def interval(self) -> float: return float("inf")
[docs] def start(self, total: int, *, desc: Optional[str] = None): pass
[docs] def report_status(self, progress: int): pass
[docs] def iter( self, iterable: Iterable[T], *, total: Optional[int] = None, desc: Optional[str] = None ) -> Iterable[T]: yield from iterable
[docs] def split(self, count: int) -> Tuple[ProgressReporter]: return (self,) * count
[docs] class SimpleProgressReporter(ProgressReporter): def __init__(self, period: float = 0.1, interval: float = float("inf")): self._period = period self._interval = interval @property def period(self) -> float: return self._period @property def interval(self) -> float: return self._interval
[docs] def start(self, total: int, *, desc: Optional[str] = None): self._total = total self._desc = desc
[docs] def report_status(self, progress: int): status = str(self._desc) if self._desc else "" status += ( f" {progress:0{len(str(self._total))}d}/{self._total}" f" ({progress/self._total*100:6.2f}%)" ) print(status)
[docs] def finish(self): self.report_status(self._total)
[docs] def split(self, count: int): return (SimpleProgressReporter(self._period, self._interval),) * count
[docs] class TQDMProgressReporter(ProgressReporter): def __init__(self, period: float = 0.1, interval: float = 0.1, **options): self._period = period self._interval = interval self._options = options @property def period(self) -> float: return self._period @property def interval(self) -> float: return self._interval
[docs] def start(self, total: int, *, desc: Optional[str] = None): options = self._options.copy() if desc is not None: options["desc"] = desc self._total = total self._pbar = tqdm(total=total, **options) self._cur = 0
[docs] def report_status(self, progress: int): self._pbar.update(progress - self._cur) self._cur = progress
[docs] def finish(self): if self._total is None: self._total = self._cur # Total can be None self._pbar.update(self._total - self._cur) self._pbar.close()
[docs] def split(self, count: int): return (TQDMProgressReporter(self._period, self._interval, **self._options),) * count