# Copyright (C) 2019-2023 Intel Corporation
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
from __future__ import annotations
import logging as log
import os
import os.path as osp
import re
import shutil
import tempfile
import unittest.mock
from contextlib import ExitStack, suppress
from enum import Enum, auto
from typing import (
from datumaro.components.config import Config
from datumaro.components.config_model import (
from datumaro.components.dataset import DEFAULT_FORMAT, Dataset, IDataset
from datumaro.components.environment import Environment
from datumaro.components.errors import (
from datumaro.components.launcher import Launcher
from datumaro.util import find, parse_json_file, parse_str_enum_value
from datumaro.util.log_utils import catch_logs, logging_disabled
from datumaro.util.os_util import (
from datumaro.util.scope import on_error_do, scope_add, scoped
import networkx as nx
from datumaro.util.import_util import lazy_import
nx = lazy_import("networkx")
class ProjectSourceDataset(IDataset):
def __init__(self, path: str, tree: Tree, source: str, readonly: bool = False):
config = tree.sources[source]
rpath = path
if config.path:
rpath = osp.join(path, config.path)
if "path" in config.options:
rpath = osp.join(path, config.options.pop("path"))
dataset = Dataset.import_from(rpath, env=tree.env, format=config.format, **config.options)
# Using rpath won't allow to save directly with .save() when a file
# path is specified. Dataset doesn't know the root location and if
# it exists at all, but in a project, we do.
dataset.bind(path, format=dataset.format, options=dataset.options)
self.__dict__["_dataset"] = dataset
self.__dict__["_config"] = config
self.__dict__["_readonly"] = readonly
self.__dict__["name"] = source
def save(self, save_dir=None, **kwargs):
if self.readonly and (
save_dir is None or osp.abspath(save_dir) == osp.abspath(self.data_path)
raise ReadonlyDatasetError()
self._dataset.save(save_dir, **kwargs)
def readonly(self):
return self._readonly or not self.is_bound
def config(self):
return self._config
def __getattr__(self, name):
return getattr(self._dataset, name)
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
return setattr(self._dataset, name, value)
def __iter__(self):
yield from self._dataset
def __len__(self):
return len(self._dataset)
def subsets(self):
return self._dataset.subsets()
def get_subset(self, name):
return self._dataset.get_subset(name)
def infos(self):
return self._dataset.infos()
def categories(self):
return self._dataset.categories()
def get(self, id, subset=None):
return self._dataset.get(id, subset)
def ann_types(self):
return self._dataset.ann_types()
class IgnoreMode(Enum):
rewrite = auto()
append = auto()
remove = auto()
def _update_ignore_file(
paths: Union[str, List[str]],
repo_root: str,
filepath: str,
mode: Union[None, str, IgnoreMode] = None,
def _make_ignored_path(path):
path = osp.join(repo_root, osp.normpath(path))
assert is_subpath(path, base=repo_root)
# Prepend the '/' to match only direct childs.
# Otherwise the rule can be in any path part.
return "/" + osp.relpath(path, repo_root).replace("\\", "/")
header = "# The file is autogenerated by Datumaro"
mode = parse_str_enum_value(mode, IgnoreMode, IgnoreMode.append)
if isinstance(paths, str):
paths = [paths]
paths = {osp.join(repo_root, osp.normpath(p)): _make_ignored_path(p) for p in paths}
openmode = "r+"
if not osp.isfile(filepath):
openmode = "w+" # r+ cannot create, w truncates
with open(filepath, openmode) as f:
lines = []
if mode in {IgnoreMode.append, IgnoreMode.remove}:
for line in f:
new_lines = []
for line in lines:
if not line or line.startswith("#"):
line_path = osp.join(
osp.normpath(line.split("#", maxsplit=1)[0]).replace("\\", "/").lstrip("/"),
if mode == IgnoreMode.append:
if line_path in paths:
elif mode == IgnoreMode.remove:
if line_path not in paths:
if mode in {IgnoreMode.rewrite, IgnoreMode.append}:
if not new_lines or new_lines[0] != header:
print(header, file=f)
for line in new_lines:
print(line, file=f)
CrudEntry = TypeVar("CrudEntry")
T = TypeVar("T")
class CrudProxy(Generic[CrudEntry]):
def _data(self) -> Dict[str, CrudEntry]:
raise NotImplementedError()
def __len__(self):
return len(self._data)
def __getitem__(self, name: str) -> CrudEntry:
return self._data[name]
def get(
self, name: str, default: Union[None, T, CrudEntry] = None
) -> Union[None, T, CrudEntry]:
return self._data.get(name, default)
def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[CrudEntry]:
return iter(self._data.keys())
def items(self) -> Iterable[Tuple[str, CrudEntry]]:
return iter(self._data.items())
def __contains__(self, name: str):
return name in self._data
class _DataSourceBase(CrudProxy[Source]):
def __init__(self, tree: Tree, config_field: str):
self._tree = tree
self._field = config_field
def _data(self) -> Dict[str, Source]:
return self._tree.config[self._field]
def add(self, name: str, value: Union[Dict, Config, Source]) -> Source:
if name in self:
raise SourceExistsError(name)
return self._data.set(name, value)
def remove(self, name: str):
class ProjectSources(_DataSourceBase):
def __init__(self, tree: Tree):
super().__init__(tree, "sources")
def __getitem__(self, name):
return super().__getitem__(name)
except KeyError as e:
raise KeyError("Unknown source '%s'" % name) from e
class BuildStageType(Enum):
source = auto()
project = auto()
transform = auto()
filter = auto()
convert = auto()
inference = auto()
explore = auto()
class Pipeline:
def _create_graph(config: PipelineConfig):
graph = nx.DiGraph()
for entry in config:
target_name = entry["name"]
parents = entry["parents"]
target = BuildStage(entry["config"])
graph.add_node(target_name, config=target)
for prev_stage in parents:
graph.add_edge(prev_stage, target_name)
return graph
def __init__(self, config: PipelineConfig = None):
self._head = None
if config is not None:
self._graph = self._create_craph(config)
if not self.head:
raise MissingPipelineHeadError()
self._graph = nx.DiGraph()
def __getattr__(self, key):
return getattr(self._graph, key)
def _find_head_node(graph) -> Optional[str]:
head = None
for node in graph.nodes:
if graph.out_degree(node) == 0:
if head is not None:
raise MultiplePipelineHeadsError(
"A pipeline can have only one "
"main target, but it has at least 2: %s, %s" % (head, node)
head = node
return head
def head(self) -> str:
if self._head is None:
self._head = self._find_head_node(self._graph)
return self._head
def head_node(self):
return self._graph.nodes[self.head]
def _serialize(graph) -> PipelineConfig:
serialized = PipelineConfig()
for node_name, node in graph.nodes.items():
"name": node_name,
"parents": list(graph.predecessors(node_name)),
"config": dict(node["config"]),
return serialized
def _get_subgraph(graph, target):
Returns a subgraph with all the target dependencies and
the target itself.
return graph.subgraph(nx.ancestors(graph, target) | {target})
def get_slice(self, target) -> Pipeline:
pipeline = Pipeline()
pipeline._graph = self._get_subgraph(self._graph, target).copy()
return pipeline
class ProjectBuilder:
def __init__(self, project: Project, tree: Tree):
self._project = project
self._tree = tree
def make_dataset(self, pipeline: Pipeline) -> IDataset:
dataset = self._get_resulting_dataset(pipeline)
# TODO: May be need to save and load, because it can modify dataset,
# unless we work with the internal format. For example, it can
# add format-specific attributes. It should be needed as soon
# format converting stages (export, convert, load) are allowed.
# TODO: If the target was rebuilt from sources, it may require saving
# and hashing, so the resulting hash could be compared with the saved
# one in the pipeline. This is needed to make sure the reproduced
# version of the dataset is correct. Currently we only rely on the
# initial source version check, which can be not enough if stages
# produce different result (because of the library changes etc).
# save_in_cache(project, pipeline) # update and check hash in config!
# dataset = load_dataset(project, pipeline)
return dataset
def _run_pipeline(self, pipeline: Pipeline):
missing_sources, wd_hashes = self._find_missing_sources(pipeline)
for source_name in missing_sources:
source = self._tree.sources[source_name]
if wd_hashes.get(source_name):
raise ForeignChangesError(
"Local source '%s' data does not "
"match any previous source revision. Probably, the source "
"was modified outside Datumaro. You can restore the "
"latest source revision with 'checkout' command." % source_name
if self._project.readonly:
# Source re-downloading is prohibited in readonly projects
# because it can seriously hurt free storage space. It must
# be run manually, so that the user could know about this.
"Skipping re-downloading missing source '%s', "
"because the project is read-only. Automatic downloading "
"is disabled in read-only projects.",
if not source.hash:
raise MissingSourceHashError(
"Unable to re-download source "
"'%s': the source was added with no hash information. " % source_name
with self._project._make_tmp_dir() as tmp_dir:
obj_hash, _, _ = self._project._download_source(source.url, tmp_dir)
if source.hash and source.hash != obj_hash:
raise MismatchingObjectError(
"Downloaded source '%s' data is different "
"from what is saved in the build pipeline: "
"'%s' vs '%s'" % (source_name, obj_hash, source.hash)
return self._init_pipeline(pipeline, working_dir_hashes=wd_hashes)
def _get_resulting_dataset(self, pipeline):
graph, head = self._run_pipeline(pipeline)
return graph.nodes[head]["dataset"]
def _init_pipeline(self, pipeline: Pipeline, working_dir_hashes=None):
Initializes datasets in the pipeline nodes. Currently, only the head
node will have a dataset on exit, so no extra memory is wasted
for the intermediate nodes.
def _join_parent_datasets(force=False):
parents = {p: graph.nodes[p] for p in graph.predecessors(stage_name)}
if 1 < len(parents) or force:
dataset = Dataset.from_extractors(
*(p["dataset"] for p in parents.values()), env=self._tree.env
except DatasetMergeError as e:
e.sources = set(parents)
raise e
dataset = next(iter(parents.values()))["dataset"]
# clear fully utilized datasets to release memory
for p_name, p in parents.items():
p["_use_count"] = p.get("_use_count", 0) + 1
if p_name != head and p["_use_count"] == graph.out_degree(p_name):
return dataset
if working_dir_hashes is None:
working_dir_hashes = {}
def _try_load_from_disk(stage_name: str, stage_config: BuildStage) -> Dataset:
# Check if we can restore this stage from the cache or
# from the working directory.
# If we have a hash, we have executed this stage already
# and can have a cache entry or,
# if this is the last stage of a target in the working tree,
# we can use data from the working directory.
stage_hash = stage_config.hash
data_dir = None
cached = False
source_name, source_stage_name = ProjectBuildTargets.split_target_name(stage_name)
if self._tree.is_working_tree and source_name in self._tree.sources:
target = self._tree.build_targets[source_name]
data_dir = self._project.source_data_dir(source_name)
wd_hash = working_dir_hashes.get(source_name)
if not stage_hash:
if source_stage_name == target.head.name and osp.isdir(data_dir):
"Build: skipping loading stage '%s' from "
"working dir '%s', because the stage has no hash "
"and is not the head stage",
data_dir = None
elif not wd_hash:
if osp.isdir(data_dir):
wd_hash = self._project.compute_source_hash(data_dir)
working_dir_hashes[source_name] = wd_hash
"Build: skipping checking working dir '%s', "
"because it does not exist",
data_dir = None
if stage_hash and stage_hash != wd_hash:
"Build: skipping loading stage '%s' from "
"working dir '%s', because hashes do not match",
data_dir = None
if not data_dir and stage_hash:
if self._project._is_cached(stage_hash):
data_dir = self._project.cache_path(stage_hash)
cached = True
elif self._project._can_retrieve_from_vcs_cache(stage_hash):
data_dir = self._project._materialize_obj(stage_hash)
cached = True
if not data_dir or not osp.isdir(data_dir):
"Build: skipping loading stage '%s' from "
"cache obj '%s', because it is not available",
return None
if data_dir:
assert osp.isdir(data_dir), data_dir
log.debug("Build: loading stage '%s' from '%s'", stage_name, data_dir)
return ProjectSourceDataset(
data_dir, self._tree, source_name, readonly=cached or self._project.readonly
return None
# Pipeline is assumed to be validated already
graph = pipeline._graph
head = pipeline.head
# traverse the graph and initialize nodes from sources to the head
to_visit = [head]
while to_visit:
stage_name = to_visit.pop()
stage = graph.nodes[stage_name]
stage_config = stage["config"]
stage_type = BuildStageType[stage_config.type]
stage_hash = stage_config.hash
assert stage.get("dataset") is None
dataset = _try_load_from_disk(stage_name, stage_config)
if dataset is not None:
stage["dataset"] = dataset
uninitialized_parents = []
for p_name in graph.predecessors(stage_name):
parent = graph.nodes[p_name]
if parent.get("dataset") is None:
if uninitialized_parents:
if stage_type == BuildStageType.transform:
kind = stage_config.kind
transform = self._tree.env.transforms[kind]
except KeyError as e:
raise UnknownStageError("Unknown transform '%s'" % kind) from e
dataset = _join_parent_datasets()
dataset = dataset.transform(transform, **stage_config.params)
elif stage_type == BuildStageType.filter:
dataset = _join_parent_datasets()
dataset = dataset.filter(**stage_config.params)
elif stage_type == BuildStageType.inference:
kind = stage_config.kind
model = self._project.make_model(kind)
dataset = _join_parent_datasets()
dataset = dataset.run_model(model)
elif stage_type == BuildStageType.source:
# Stages of type "Source" cannot have inputs,
# they are build tree inputs themselves
assert graph.in_degree(stage_name) == 0, stage_name
# The only valid situation we get here is that it is a
# generated source:
# - No cache entry
# - No local dir data
source_name = ProjectBuildTargets.strip_target_name(stage_name)
source = self._tree.sources[source_name]
if not source.is_generated:
# Source is missing in the cache and the working tree,
# and cannot be retrieved from the VCS cache.
# It is assumed that all the missing sources were
# downloaded earlier.
raise MissingObjectError(
"Failed to initialize stage '%s': "
"object '%s' was not found in cache" % (stage_name, stage_hash)
# Generated sources do not require a data directory,
# but they still can be bound to a directory
if self._tree.is_working_tree:
source_dir = self._project.source_data_dir(source_name)
source_dir = None
dataset = ProjectSourceDataset(
readonly=not source_dir or self._project.readonly,
elif stage_type == BuildStageType.project:
dataset = _join_parent_datasets(force=True)
elif stage_type == BuildStageType.convert:
dataset = _join_parent_datasets()
raise UnknownStageError("Unexpected stage type '%s'" % stage_type)
stage["dataset"] = dataset
return graph, head
def _validate_pipeline(pipeline: Pipeline):
graph = pipeline._graph
if (
len(graph) == 0
or len(graph) == 1
and next(iter(graph.nodes))
== ProjectBuildTargets.make_target_name(
ProjectBuildTargets.MAIN_TARGET, ProjectBuildTargets.BASE_STAGE
raise EmptyPipelineError()
head = pipeline.head
if not head:
raise MissingPipelineHeadError()
for stage_name, stage in graph.nodes.items():
stage_type = BuildStageType[stage["config"].type]
if graph.in_degree(stage_name) == 0:
if stage_type != BuildStageType.source:
raise InvalidStageError(
"Stage '%s' of type '%s' must have inputs" % (stage_name, stage_type.name)
if stage_type == BuildStageType.source:
raise InvalidStageError(
"Stage '%s' of type '%s' can't have inputs" % (stage_name, stage_type.name)
if graph.out_degree(stage_name) == 0:
if stage_name != head:
raise InvalidStageError(
"Stage '%s' of type '%s' has no outputs, "
"but is not the head stage" % (stage_name, stage_type.name)
def _find_missing_sources(self, pipeline: Pipeline):
work_dir_hashes = {}
def _can_retrieve(stage_name: str, stage_config: BuildStage):
stage_hash = stage_config.hash
source_name, source_stage_name = ProjectBuildTargets.split_target_name(stage_name)
if self._tree.is_working_tree and source_name in self._tree.sources:
target = self._tree.build_targets[source_name]
data_dir = self._project.source_data_dir(source_name)
if not stage_hash:
return source_stage_name == target.head.name and osp.isdir(data_dir)
wd_hash = work_dir_hashes.get(source_name)
if not wd_hash and osp.isdir(data_dir):
wd_hash = self._project.compute_source_hash(
work_dir_hashes[source_name] = wd_hash
if stage_hash and stage_hash == wd_hash:
return True
if stage_hash and self._project.is_obj_cached(stage_hash):
return True
return False
missing_sources = set()
checked_deps = set()
unchecked_deps = [pipeline.head]
while unchecked_deps:
stage_name = unchecked_deps.pop()
if stage_name in checked_deps:
stage_config = pipeline._graph.nodes[stage_name]["config"]
if not _can_retrieve(stage_name, stage_config):
if pipeline._graph.in_degree(stage_name) == 0:
assert stage_config.type == "source", stage_config.type
source_name = self._tree.build_targets.strip_target_name(stage_name)
source = self._tree.sources[source_name]
if not source.is_generated:
for p in pipeline._graph.predecessors(stage_name):
if p not in checked_deps:
return missing_sources, work_dir_hashes
class ProjectBuildTargets(CrudProxy[BuildTarget]):
MAIN_TARGET = "project"
BASE_STAGE = "root"
def __init__(self, tree: Tree):
self._tree = tree
def _data(self):
data = self._tree.config.build_targets
if self.MAIN_TARGET not in data:
data[self.MAIN_TARGET] = {
"stages": [
"name": self.BASE_STAGE,
"type": BuildStageType.project.name,
for source in self._tree.sources:
if source not in data:
data[source] = {
"stages": [
"name": self.BASE_STAGE,
"type": BuildStageType.source.name,
return data
def __contains__(self, key):
if "." in key:
target, stage = self.split_target_name(key)
return target in self._data and self._data[target].find_stage(stage) is not None
return key in self._data
def add_target(self, name) -> BuildTarget:
return self._data.set(
"stages": [
"name": self.BASE_STAGE,
"type": BuildStageType.source.name,
def add_stage(self, target, value, prev=None, name=None) -> str:
target_name = target
target_stage_name = None
if "." in target:
target_name, target_stage_name = self.split_target_name(target)
if prev is None:
prev = target_stage_name
target = self._data[target_name]
if prev:
prev_stage = find(enumerate(target.stages), lambda e: e[1].name == prev)
if prev_stage is None:
raise KeyError("Can't find stage '%s'" % prev)
prev_stage = prev_stage[0]
prev_stage = len(target.stages) - 1
name = value.get("name") or name
if not name:
name = generate_next_name(
(s.name for s in target.stages), "stage", sep="-", default="1"
if target.find_stage(name):
raise VcsError("Stage '%s' already exists" % name)
value["name"] = name
value = BuildStage(value)
assert value.type in BuildStageType.__members__
target.stages.insert(prev_stage + 1, value)
return self.make_target_name(target_name, name)
def remove_target(self, name: str):
assert name != self.MAIN_TARGET, "Can't remove the main target"
def remove_stage(self, target: str, name: str):
assert name not in {self.BASE_STAGE}, "Can't remove a default stage"
target = self._data[target]
idx = find(enumerate(target.stages), lambda e: e[1].name == name)
if idx is None:
raise KeyError("Can't find stage '%s'" % name)
def add_inference_stage(
self, target: str, model: str, params: Optional[Dict] = None, name: Optional[str] = None
if model not in self._tree._project.models:
raise KeyError("Unknown model '%s'" % model)
return self.add_stage(
"type": BuildStageType.inference.name,
"kind": model,
"params": params or {},
def add_filter_stage(
self, target: str, expr: str, params: Optional[Dict] = None, name: Optional[str] = None
params = params or {}
params["expr_or_filter_func"] = expr
return self.add_stage(
"type": BuildStageType.filter.name,
"params": params,
def add_convert_stage(
self, target: str, format: str, params: Optional[Dict] = None, name: Optional[str] = None
if not self._tree.env.is_format_known(format):
raise KeyError("Unknown format '%s'" % format)
return self.add_stage(
"type": BuildStageType.convert.name,
"kind": format,
"params": params or {},
def add_explore_stage(
self, target: str, params: Optional[Dict] = None, name: Optional[str] = None
return self.add_stage(
"type": BuildStageType.explore.name,
"params": params or {},
def make_target_name(target: str, stage: Optional[str] = None) -> str:
if stage:
return "%s.%s" % (target, stage)
return target
def split_target_name(cls, name: str) -> Tuple[str, str]:
if "." in name:
target, stage = name.split(".", maxsplit=1)
if not target:
raise ValueError("Wrong build target name '%s': " "a name can't be empty" % name)
if not stage:
raise ValueError(
"Wrong build target name '%s': "
"expected stage name after the separator" % name
target = name
stage = cls.BASE_STAGE
return target, stage
def strip_target_name(cls, name: str) -> str:
return cls.split_target_name(name)[0]
def _make_full_pipeline(self) -> Pipeline:
pipeline = Pipeline()
graph = pipeline._graph
for target_name, target in self.items():
if target_name == self.MAIN_TARGET:
# main target combines all the others
prev_stages = [
self.make_target_name(n, t.head.name)
for n, t in self.items()
if n != self.MAIN_TARGET
prev_stages = [self.make_target_name(t, self[t].head.name) for t in target.parents]
for stage in target.stages:
stage_name = self.make_target_name(target_name, stage["name"])
graph.add_node(stage_name, config=stage)
for prev_stage in prev_stages:
graph.add_edge(prev_stage, stage_name)
prev_stages = [stage_name]
return pipeline
def make_pipeline(self, target: str) -> Pipeline:
if target not in self:
raise UnknownTargetError(target)
# a subgraph with all the target dependencies
if "." not in target:
target = self.make_target_name(target, self[target].head.name)
return self._make_full_pipeline().get_slice(target)
class GitWrapper:
def module():
import git
return git
except ModuleNotFoundError as e:
raise ModuleNotFoundError(
"Can't import the 'git' package. "
"Make sure GitPython is installed, or install it with "
"'pip install datumaro[default]'."
) from e
def _git_dir(self):
return osp.join(self._project_dir, ".git")
def __init__(self, project_dir, repo=None):
self._project_dir = project_dir
self.repo = repo
if repo is None and osp.isdir(project_dir) and osp.isdir(self._git_dir()):
self.repo = self.module().Repo(project_dir)
def initialized(self):
return self.repo is not None
def init(self):
if self.initialized:
repo = self.module().Repo.init(path=self._project_dir)
repo.config_writer().set_value("user", "name", "User").set_value(
"user", "email", "<>"
# GitPython's init produces an incomplete repo, which becomes normal
# only after a first commit. Unless the commit is done, some
# GitPython's functions will throw useless errors.
# Call "git init" directly to have the desired behaviour.
self.repo = repo
def close(self):
if self.repo:
self.repo = None
def __del__(self):
with suppress(Exception):
def checkout(self, ref: str, dst_dir=None, clean=False, force=False):
# If user wants to navigate to a head, we need to supply its object
# insted of just a string. Otherwise, we'll get a detached head.
ref_obj = self.repo.heads[ref]
except IndexError:
ref_obj = ref
commit = self.repo.commit(ref)
tree = commit.tree
if not dst_dir:
dst_dir = self._project_dir
repo_dir = osp.abspath(self._project_dir)
dst_dir = osp.abspath(dst_dir)
assert is_subpath(dst_dir, base=repo_dir)
if not force:
statuses = self.status(tree, base_dir=dst_dir)
# Only modified files produce conflicts in checkout
dst_rpath = osp.relpath(dst_dir, repo_dir)
conflicts = [osp.join(dst_rpath, p) for p, s in statuses.items() if s == "M"]
if conflicts:
raise UnsavedChangesError(conflicts)
self.repo.head.ref = ref_obj
if clean:
self.write_tree(tree, dst_dir)
def add(self, paths, base=None):
Adds paths to index.
Paths can be truncated relatively to base.
path_rewriter = None
if base:
base = osp.abspath(base)
repo_root = osp.abspath(self._project_dir)
assert is_subpath(base, base=repo_root), "Base path should be inside of the repo"
base = osp.relpath(base, repo_root)
path_rewriter = lambda entry: osp.relpath(entry.path, base).replace("\\", "/")
if isinstance(paths, str):
paths = [paths]
# A workaround for path_rewriter incompatibility
# with directory paths expansion
paths_to_add = []
for path in paths:
if not osp.isdir(path):
for d, _, filenames in os.walk(path):
for fn in filenames:
paths_to_add.append(osp.join(d, fn))
self.repo.index.add(paths_to_add, path_rewriter=path_rewriter)
def commit(self, message) -> str:
Creates a new revision from index.
Returns: new revision hash.
return self.repo.index.commit(message).hexsha
GitTree = NewType("GitTree", object)
GitStatus = NewType("GitStatus", str)
def status(
self, paths: Union[str, GitTree, Iterable[str]] = None, base_dir: str = None
) -> Dict[str, GitStatus]:
Compares working directory and index.
paths: an iterable of paths to compare, a git.Tree, or None.
When None, uses all the paths from HEAD.
base_dir: a base path for paths. Paths will be prepended by this.
When None or '', uses repo root. Can be useful, if index contains
displaced paths, which needs to be mapped on real paths.
The statuses are:
- "A" for added paths
- "D" for deleted paths
- "R" for renamed paths
- "M" for paths with modified data
- "T" for changed in the type paths
Returns: { abspath(base_dir + path): status }
if paths is None or isinstance(paths, self.module().objects.tree.Tree):
if paths is None:
tree = self.repo.head.commit.tree
tree = paths
paths = (obj.path for obj in tree.traverse() if obj.type == "blob")
elif isinstance(paths, str):
paths = [paths]
if not base_dir:
base_dir = self._project_dir
repo_dir = osp.abspath(self._project_dir)
base_dir = osp.abspath(base_dir)
assert is_subpath(base_dir, base=repo_dir)
statuses = {}
for obj_path in paths:
file_path = osp.join(base_dir, obj_path)
index_entry = self.repo.index.entries.get((obj_path, 0), None)
file_exists = osp.isfile(file_path)
if not file_exists and index_entry:
status = "D"
elif file_exists and not index_entry:
status = "A"
elif file_exists and index_entry:
# '--ignore-cr-at-eol' doesn't affect '--name-status'
# so we can't really obtain 'T'
status = self.repo.git.diff("--ignore-cr-at-eol", index_entry.hexsha, file_path)
if status:
status = "M"
assert status in {"", "M", "T"}, status
status = "" # ignore missing paths
if status:
statuses[obj_path] = status
return statuses
def is_ref(self, rev):
return True
except (ValueError, self.module().exc.BadName):
return False
def has_commits(self):
return self.is_ref("HEAD")
def get_tree(self, ref):
return self.repo.tree(ref)
def write_tree(self, tree, base_path: str, include_files: Optional[List[str]] = None):
os.makedirs(base_path, exist_ok=True)
for obj in tree.traverse(visit_once=True):
if include_files and obj.path not in include_files:
path = osp.join(base_path, obj.path)
os.makedirs(osp.dirname(path), exist_ok=True)
if obj.type == "blob":
with open(path, "wb") as f:
elif obj.type == "tree":
raise ValueError(
"Unexpected object type in a " "git tree: %s (%s)" % (obj.type, obj.hexsha)
def head(self) -> str:
return self.repo.head.commit.hexsha
def branch(self) -> str:
if self.repo.head.is_detached:
return None
return self.repo.active_branch
def rev_parse(self, ref: str) -> Tuple[str, str]:
Expands named refs and tags.
Returns: object type, object hash
obj = self.repo.rev_parse(ref)
return obj.type, obj.hexsha
def ignore(
paths: Union[str, List[str]],
mode: Union[None, str, IgnoreMode] = None,
gitignore: Optional[str] = None,
if not gitignore:
gitignore = ".gitignore"
repo_root = self._project_dir
gitignore = osp.abspath(osp.join(repo_root, gitignore))
assert is_subpath(gitignore, base=repo_root), gitignore
_update_ignore_file(paths, repo_root=repo_root, mode=mode, filepath=gitignore)
def is_hash(cls, s: str) -> bool:
return len(s) == cls.HASH_LEN
def log(self, depth=10) -> List[Tuple[Any, int]]:
Returns: a list of (commit, index) pairs
commits = []
if not self.has_commits():
return commits
for commit in zip(self.repo.iter_commits(rev="HEAD"), range(depth)):
return commits
class DvcWrapper:
def module():
import dvc
import dvc.cli
import dvc.env
import dvc.repo
return dvc
except ModuleNotFoundError as e:
raise ModuleNotFoundError(
"Can't import the 'dvc' package. "
"Make sure DVC is installed, or install it with "
"'pip install datumaro[default]'."
) from e
def _dvc_dir(self):
return osp.join(self._project_dir, ".dvc")
class DvcError(Exception):
def __init__(self, project_dir):
self._project_dir = project_dir
self.repo = None
if osp.isdir(project_dir) and osp.isdir(self._dvc_dir()):
with logging_disabled():
self.repo = self.module().repo.Repo(project_dir)
def initialized(self):
return self.repo is not None
def init(self):
if self.initialized:
with logging_disabled():
self.repo = self.module().repo.Repo.init(self._project_dir)
repo_dir = osp.join(self._project_dir, ".dvc")
[osp.join(repo_dir, "plots")],
filepath=osp.join(repo_dir, ".gitignore"),
def close(self):
if self.repo:
self.repo = None
def __del__(self):
with suppress(Exception):
def checkout(self, targets=None):
args = ["checkout"]
if targets:
if isinstance(targets, str):
def add(self, paths, no_commit=False):
args = ["add"]
if no_commit:
if paths:
if isinstance(paths, str):
def _exec(self, args, hide_output=True, answer_on_input="y"):
args = ["--cd", self._project_dir] + args
# Avoid calling an extra process. Improves call performance and
# removes an extra console window on Windows.
os.environ[self.module().env.DVC_NO_ANALYTICS] = "1"
with ExitStack() as es:
es.callback(os.chdir, os.getcwd()) # restore cd after DVC
if answer_on_input is not None:
def _input(*args):
return answer_on_input
es.enter_context(unittest.mock.patch("dvc.prompt.input", new=_input))
log.debug("Calling DVC main with args: %s", args)
logs = es.enter_context(catch_logs("dvc"))
retcode = self.module().cli.main(args)
logs = logs.getvalue()
if retcode != 0:
raise self.DvcError(logs)
if not hide_output:
return logs
def is_cached(self, obj_hash):
path = self.obj_path(obj_hash)
if not osp.isfile(path):
return False
if obj_hash.endswith(self.DIR_HASH_SUFFIX):
objects = parse_json_file(path)
for entry in objects:
if not osp.isfile(self.obj_path(entry["md5"])):
return False
return True
def obj_path(self, obj_hash, root=None):
assert self.is_hash(obj_hash), obj_hash
if not root:
root = osp.join(self._project_dir, ".dvc", "cache", "files", "md5")
return osp.join(root, obj_hash[:2], obj_hash[2:])
def ignore(
paths: Union[str, List[str]],
mode: Union[None, str, IgnoreMode] = None,
dvcignore: Optional[str] = None,
if not dvcignore:
dvcignore = ".dvcignore"
repo_root = self._project_dir
dvcignore = osp.abspath(osp.join(repo_root, dvcignore))
assert is_subpath(dvcignore, base=repo_root), dvcignore
_update_ignore_file(paths, repo_root=repo_root, mode=mode, filepath=dvcignore)
# This ruamel parser is needed to preserve comments,
# order and form (if multiple forms allowed by the standard)
# of the entries in the file. It can be reused.
import ruamel.yaml as yaml
yaml_parser = yaml.YAML(typ="rt")
def get_hash_from_dvcfile(cls, path) -> str:
with open(path) as f:
contents = cls.yaml_parser.load(f)
return contents["outs"][0]["md5"]
def is_file_hash(cls, s: str) -> bool:
return len(s) == cls.FILE_HASH_LEN
def is_dir_hash(cls, s: str) -> bool:
return len(s) == cls.DIR_HASH_LEN and s.endswith(cls.DIR_HASH_SUFFIX)
def is_hash(cls, s: str) -> bool:
return cls.is_file_hash(s) or cls.is_dir_hash(s)
def write_obj(self, obj_hash, dst_dir, allow_links=True):
def _copy_obj(src, dst, link=False):
os.makedirs(osp.dirname(dst), exist_ok=True)
if link:
os.link(src, dst)
shutil.copy(src, dst, follow_symlinks=True)
src = self.obj_path(obj_hash)
if osp.isfile(src):
_copy_obj(src, dst_dir, link=allow_links)
src += self.DIR_HASH_SUFFIX
if not osp.isfile(src):
raise UnknownRefError(obj_hash)
src_meta = parse_json_file(src)
for entry in src_meta:
self.obj_path(entry["md5"]), osp.join(dst_dir, entry["relpath"]), link=allow_links
def remove_cache_obj(self, obj_hash: str):
src = self.obj_path(obj_hash)
if osp.isfile(src):
src += self.DIR_HASH_SUFFIX
if not osp.isfile(src):
raise UnknownRefError(obj_hash)
src_meta = parse_json_file(src)
for entry in src_meta:
entry_path = self.obj_path(entry["md5"])
if osp.isfile(entry_path):
class Tree:
# can be:
# - attached to the work dir
# - attached to a revision
def __init__(
project: Project,
config: Union[None, Dict, Config, TreeConfig] = None,
rev: Union[None, Revision] = None,
assert isinstance(project, Project)
assert not rev or project.is_ref(rev), rev
if not isinstance(config, TreeConfig):
config = TreeConfig(config)
if config.format_version != 2:
raise ValueError(
"Unexpected tree config version '%s', expected 2" % config.format_version
self._config = config
self._project = project
self._rev = rev
self._sources = ProjectSources(self)
self._targets = ProjectBuildTargets(self)
def save(self):
def dump(self, path):
os.makedirs(osp.dirname(path), exist_ok=True)
def clone(self) -> Tree:
return Tree(self._project, TreeConfig(self.config), self._rev)
def sources(self) -> ProjectSources:
return self._sources
def build_targets(self) -> ProjectBuildTargets:
return self._targets
def config(self) -> Config:
return self._config
def env(self) -> Environment:
return self._project.env
def rev(self) -> Union[None, Revision]:
return self._rev
def make_pipeline(self, target: Optional[str] = None) -> Pipeline:
if not target:
target = "project"
return self.build_targets.make_pipeline(target)
def make_dataset(self, target: Union[None, str, Pipeline] = None) -> Dataset:
if not target or isinstance(target, str):
pipeline = self.make_pipeline(target)
elif isinstance(target, Pipeline):
pipeline = target
raise TypeError(f"Unexpected target type {type(target)}")
return ProjectBuilder(self._project, self).make_dataset(pipeline)
def is_working_tree(self) -> bool:
return not self._rev
def source_data_dir(self, source) -> str:
if self.is_working_tree:
return self._project.source_data_dir(source)
obj_hash = self.build_targets[source].head.hash
return self._project.cache_path(obj_hash)
class DiffStatus(Enum):
added = auto()
modified = auto()
removed = auto()
missing = auto()
foreign_modified = auto()
Revision = NewType("Revision", str) # a commit hash or a named reference
ObjectId = NewType("ObjectId", str) # a commit or an object hash
class Project:
def find_project_dir(path: str) -> Optional[str]:
path = osp.abspath(path)
if osp.basename(path) != ProjectLayout.aux_dir:
path = osp.join(path, ProjectLayout.aux_dir)
if osp.isdir(path):
return path
return None
def migrate_from_v1_to_v2(src_dir: str, dst_dir: str, skip_import_errors=False):
if not osp.isdir(src_dir):
raise FileNotFoundError("Source project is not found")
if osp.exists(dst_dir):
raise FileExistsError("Output path already exists")
src_dir = osp.abspath(src_dir)
dst_dir = osp.abspath(dst_dir)
if src_dir == dst_dir:
raise MigrationError(
"Source and destination paths are the same. "
"Project migration cannot be done inplace."
old_aux_dir = osp.join(src_dir, ".datumaro")
old_config = Config.parse(osp.join(old_aux_dir, "config.yaml"))
if old_config.format_version != 1:
raise MigrationError(
"Failed to migrate project: "
"unexpected old version '%s'" % old_config.format_version
on_error_do(rmtree, dst_dir, ignore_errors=True)
new_project = scope_add(Project.init(dst_dir))
new_wtree_dir = osp.join(new_project._aux_dir, ProjectLayout.working_tree_dir)
os.makedirs(new_wtree_dir, exist_ok=True)
old_plugins_dir = osp.join(old_aux_dir, "plugins")
if osp.isdir(old_plugins_dir):
copytree(old_plugins_dir, osp.join(new_project._aux_dir, ProjectLayout.plugins_dir))
old_models_dir = osp.join(old_aux_dir, "models")
if osp.isdir(old_models_dir):
copytree(old_models_dir, osp.join(new_project._aux_dir, ProjectLayout.models_dir))
new_project.env.load_plugins(osp.join(new_project._aux_dir, ProjectLayout.plugins_dir))
new_tree_config = new_project.working_tree.config
new_local_config = new_project.config
if "models" in old_config:
for name, old_model in old_config.models.items():
new_local_config.models[name] = Model(
{"launcher": old_model["launcher"], "options": old_model["options"]}
if "sources" in old_config:
for name, old_source in old_config.sources.items():
is_local = False
source_dir = osp.join(src_dir, "sources", name)
url = osp.abspath(osp.join(source_dir, old_source["url"]))
rpath = None
if osp.exists(url):
if is_subpath(url, source_dir):
if url != source_dir:
rpath = osp.relpath(url, source_dir)
url = source_dir
is_local = True
elif osp.isfile(url):
url, rpath = osp.split(url)
elif not old_source["url"]:
url = ""
source = new_project.import_source(
if is_local:
source.url = ""
except Exception as e:
if not skip_import_errors:
raise MigrationError(f"Failed to migrate the source '{name}'") from e
f"Failed to migrate the source '{name}'. "
"Try to add this source manually with "
"'datum project import', once migration is finished. The "
"reason is: %s",
new_project.remove_source(name, force=True, keep_data=False)
old_dataset_dir = osp.join(src_dir, "dataset")
if osp.isdir(old_dataset_dir):
# Such source cannot be represented in v2 directly.
# However, it can be considered a generated source with
# working tree data.
name = generate_next_name(
list(new_tree_config.sources), "local_dataset", sep="-", default="1"
source = new_project.import_source(name, url=old_dataset_dir, format=DEFAULT_FORMAT)
# Make the source generated. It can only have local data.
source.url = ""
def __init__(self, path: Optional[str] = None, readonly=False):
if not path:
path = osp.curdir
found_path = self.find_project_dir(path)
if not found_path:
raise ProjectNotFoundError(path)
old_config_path = osp.join(found_path, "config.yaml")
if osp.isfile(old_config_path):
if Config.parse(old_config_path).format_version != 2:
raise OldProjectError()
self._aux_dir = found_path
self._root_dir = osp.dirname(found_path)
self._readonly = readonly
# Force import errors on missing dependencies.
# TODO: maybe allow class use in some cases, which not require
# Git or DVC
self._git = GitWrapper(self._root_dir)
self._dvc = DvcWrapper(self._root_dir)
self._working_tree = None
self._head_tree = None
local_config = osp.join(self._aux_dir, ProjectLayout.conf_file)
if osp.isfile(local_config):
self._config = ProjectConfig.parse(local_config)
self._config = ProjectConfig()
self._env = Environment()
plugins_dir = osp.join(self._aux_dir, ProjectLayout.plugins_dir)
if osp.isdir(plugins_dir):
def _init_vcs(self):
# DVC requires Git to be initialized
if not self._git.initialized:
gitignore=osp.join(self._aux_dir, ".gitignore"),
self._git.ignore([]) # create the file
if not self._dvc.initialized:
osp.join(self._aux_dir, ProjectLayout.cache_dir),
osp.join(self._aux_dir, ProjectLayout.working_tree_dir),
osp.join(self._root_dir, ".dvc", "plots"), r=True, ignore_unmatch=True
self.commit("Initial commit", allow_empty=True)
def init(cls, path) -> Project:
existing_project = cls.find_project_dir(path)
if existing_project:
raise ProjectAlreadyExists(path)
path = osp.abspath(path)
if osp.basename(path) != ProjectLayout.aux_dir:
path = osp.join(path, ProjectLayout.aux_dir)
project_dir = osp.dirname(path)
if not osp.isdir(project_dir):
on_error_do(rmtree, project_dir, ignore_errors=True)
os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True)
on_error_do(rmtree, osp.join(project_dir, ProjectLayout.cache_dir), ignore_errors=True)
on_error_do(rmtree, osp.join(project_dir, ProjectLayout.tmp_dir), ignore_errors=True)
os.makedirs(osp.join(path, ProjectLayout.cache_dir))
os.makedirs(osp.join(path, ProjectLayout.tmp_dir))
git_dir, dvc_dir = osp.join(project_dir, ".git"), osp.join(project_dir, ".dvc")
if osp.exists(git_dir):
raise VcsAlreadyExists(git_dir)
if osp.exists(dvc_dir):
raise VcsAlreadyExists(dvc_dir)
on_error_do(rmtree, git_dir, ignore_errors=True)
on_error_do(rmtree, dvc_dir, ignore_errors=True)
project = Project(path)
return project
def close(self):
if self._dvc:
self._dvc = None
if self._git:
self._git = None
def __del__(self):
with suppress(Exception):
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, *args, **kwargs):
def save(self):
self._config.dump(osp.join(self._aux_dir, ProjectLayout.conf_file))
if self._working_tree:
def readonly(self) -> bool:
return self._readonly
def working_tree(self) -> Tree:
if self._working_tree is None:
self._working_tree = self.get_rev(None)
return self._working_tree
def head(self) -> Tree:
if self._head_tree is None:
self._head_tree = self.get_rev("HEAD")
return self._head_tree
def head_rev(self) -> Revision:
return self._git.head
def branch(self) -> str:
return self._git.branch
def config(self) -> Config:
return self._config
def env(self) -> Environment:
return self._env
def models(self) -> Dict[str, Model]:
return dict(self._config.models)
def get_rev(self, rev: Union[None, Revision]) -> Tree:
Reference conventions:
- None or "" - working dir
- "<40 symbols>" - revision hash
obj_type, obj_hash = self._parse_ref(rev)
assert obj_type == self._ObjectIdKind.tree, obj_type
if self._is_working_tree_ref(obj_hash):
config_path = osp.join(
self._aux_dir, ProjectLayout.working_tree_dir, TreeLayout.conf_file
if osp.isfile(config_path):
tree_config = TreeConfig.parse(config_path)
tree_config = TreeConfig()
os.makedirs(osp.dirname(config_path), exist_ok=True)
tree_config.config_path = config_path
tree_config.base_dir = osp.dirname(config_path)
tree = Tree(config=tree_config, project=self, rev=obj_hash)
if not self.is_rev_cached(obj_hash):
rev_dir = self.cache_path(obj_hash)
tree_config = TreeConfig.parse(osp.join(rev_dir, TreeLayout.conf_file))
tree_config.base_dir = rev_dir
tree = Tree(config=tree_config, project=self, rev=obj_hash)
return tree
def is_rev_cached(self, rev: Revision) -> bool:
obj_type, obj_hash = self._parse_ref(rev)
assert obj_type == self._ObjectIdKind.tree, obj_type
return self._is_cached(obj_hash)
def is_obj_cached(self, obj_hash: ObjectId) -> bool:
return self._is_cached(obj_hash) or self._can_retrieve_from_vcs_cache(obj_hash)
def _is_working_tree_ref(ref: Union[None, Revision, ObjectId]) -> bool:
return not ref
class _ObjectIdKind(Enum):
# Project revision data. Currently, a Git commit hash.
tree = auto()
# Source revision data. DVC directories and files.
blob = auto()
def _parse_ref(self, ref: Union[None, Revision, ObjectId]) -> Tuple[_ObjectIdKind, ObjectId]:
Resolves the reference to an object hash.
if self._is_working_tree_ref(ref):
return self._ObjectIdKind.tree, ref
obj_type, obj_hash = self._git.rev_parse(ref)
except Exception: # nosec try_except_pass
pass # Ignore git errors
if obj_type != "commit":
raise UnknownRefError(obj_hash)
return self._ObjectIdKind.tree, obj_hash
assert self._dvc.is_hash(ref), ref
return self._ObjectIdKind.blob, ref
except Exception as e:
raise UnknownRefError(ref) from e
def _materialize_rev(self, rev: Revision) -> str:
Restores the revision tree data in the project cache from Git.
Returns: cache object path
# TODO: maybe avoid this operation by providing a virtual filesystem
# object
# Allowed to be run when readonly, because it doesn't modify project
# data and doesn't hurt disk space.
obj_dir = self.cache_path(rev)
if osp.isdir(obj_dir):
return obj_dir
tree = self._git.get_tree(rev)
self._git.write_tree(tree, obj_dir)
return obj_dir
def _is_cached(self, obj_hash: ObjectId):
return osp.isdir(self.cache_path(obj_hash))
def cache_path(self, obj_hash: ObjectId) -> str:
assert self._git.is_hash(obj_hash) or self._dvc.is_hash(obj_hash), obj_hash
if self._dvc.is_dir_hash(obj_hash):
obj_hash = obj_hash[: self._dvc.FILE_HASH_LEN]
return osp.join(self._aux_dir, ProjectLayout.cache_dir, obj_hash[:2], obj_hash[2:])
def _can_retrieve_from_vcs_cache(self, obj_hash: ObjectId):
if not self._dvc.is_dir_hash(obj_hash):
dir_check = self._dvc.is_cached(obj_hash + self._dvc.DIR_HASH_SUFFIX)
dir_check = False
return dir_check or self._dvc.is_cached(obj_hash)
def source_data_dir(self, name: str) -> str:
return osp.join(self._root_dir, name)
def _source_dvcfile_path(self, name: str, root: Optional[str] = None) -> str:
root - Path to the tree root directory. If not set,
the working tree is used.
if not root:
root = osp.join(self._aux_dir, ProjectLayout.working_tree_dir)
return osp.join(root, TreeLayout.sources_dir, name, "source.dvc")
def _make_tmp_dir(self, suffix: Optional[str] = None):
project_tmp_dir = osp.join(self._aux_dir, ProjectLayout.tmp_dir)
os.makedirs(project_tmp_dir, exist_ok=True)
if suffix:
suffix = "_" + suffix
return tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(suffix=suffix, dir=project_tmp_dir)
def remove_cache_obj(self, ref: Union[Revision, ObjectId]):
if self.readonly:
raise ReadonlyProjectError()
obj_type, obj_hash = self._parse_ref(ref)
if self._is_cached(obj_hash):
if obj_type == self._ObjectIdKind.tree:
# Revision metadata is cheap enough and needed to materialize
# the revision, so we keep it in the Git cache.
elif obj_type == self._ObjectIdKind.blob:
raise ValueError("Unexpected object type '%s'" % obj_type)
def validate_source_name(self, name: str):
if not name:
raise ValueError("Source name cannot be empty")
disallowed_symbols = r"[^\\ \.\~\-\w]"
found_wrong_symbols = re.findall(disallowed_symbols, name)
if found_wrong_symbols:
raise ValueError("Source name contains invalid symbols: %s" % found_wrong_symbols)
valid_filename = make_file_name(name)
if valid_filename != name:
raise ValueError(
"Source name contains " "invalid symbols: %s" % (set(name) - set(valid_filename))
if name.startswith("."):
raise ValueError("Source name can't start with '.'")
reserved_names = {"dataset", "build", "project"}
if name.lower() in reserved_names:
raise ValueError("Source name is reserved for internal use")
def _download_source(
self, url: str, dst_dir: str, *, no_cache: bool = False, no_hash: bool = False
) -> Tuple[str, str, str]:
assert url
assert dst_dir
dvcfile = osp.join(dst_dir, "source.dvc")
data_dir = osp.join(dst_dir, "data")
log.debug(f"Copying from '{url}' to '{data_dir}'")
if osp.isdir(url):
copytree(url, data_dir)
elif osp.isfile(url):
os.makedirs(data_dir, exist_ok=True)
shutil.copy(url, data_dir)
raise UnexpectedUrlError(url)
on_error_do(rmtree, data_dir, ignore_errors=True)
if not no_hash:
obj_hash = self.compute_source_hash(data_dir, dvcfile=dvcfile, no_cache=no_cache)
if not no_cache:
log.debug("Data is added to DVC cache")
log.debug("Data hash: '%s'", obj_hash)
obj_hash = ""
return obj_hash, dvcfile, data_dir
def _get_source_hash(dvcfile):
obj_hash = DvcWrapper.get_hash_from_dvcfile(dvcfile)
if obj_hash.endswith(DvcWrapper.DIR_HASH_SUFFIX):
obj_hash = obj_hash[: -len(DvcWrapper.DIR_HASH_SUFFIX)]
return obj_hash
def compute_source_hash(
data_dir: str,
dvcfile: Optional[str] = None,
no_cache: bool = True,
) -> ObjectId:
if not dvcfile:
tmp_dir = scope_add(self._make_tmp_dir())
dvcfile = osp.join(tmp_dir, "source.dvc")
self._dvc.add(data_dir, no_commit=no_cache)
gen_dvcfile = osp.join(self._root_dir, data_dir + ".dvc")
if os.path.isfile(gen_dvcfile):
shutil.move(gen_dvcfile, dvcfile)
obj_hash = self._get_source_hash(dvcfile)
return obj_hash
def refresh_source_hash(self, source: str, no_cache: bool = True) -> ObjectId:
Computes and updates the source hash in the working directory.
Returns: hash
if self.readonly:
raise ReadonlyProjectError()
build_target = self.working_tree.build_targets[source]
source_dir = self.source_data_dir(source)
if not osp.isdir(source_dir):
return None
dvcfile = self._source_dvcfile_path(source)
os.makedirs(osp.dirname(dvcfile), exist_ok=True)
obj_hash = self.compute_source_hash(source_dir, dvcfile=dvcfile, no_cache=no_cache)
build_target.head.hash = obj_hash
if not build_target.has_stages:
self.working_tree.sources[source].hash = obj_hash
return obj_hash
def _materialize_obj(self, obj_hash: ObjectId) -> str:
Restores the object data in the project cache from DVC.
Returns: cache object path
# TODO: maybe avoid this operation by providing a virtual filesystem
# object
# Allowed to be run when readonly, because it shouldn't hurt disk
# space, if object is materialized with symlinks.
if not self._can_retrieve_from_vcs_cache(obj_hash):
raise MissingObjectError(obj_hash)
dst_dir = self.cache_path(obj_hash)
if osp.isdir(dst_dir):
return dst_dir
self._dvc.write_obj(obj_hash, dst_dir, allow_links=True)
return dst_dir
def import_source(
name: str,
url: Optional[str],
format: str,
options: Optional[Dict] = None,
no_cache: bool = True,
no_hash: bool = True,
rpath: Optional[str] = None,
) -> Source:
Adds a new source (dataset) to the working directory of the project.
When 'rpath' is specified, will copy all the data from URL, but read
only the specified file. Required to support subtasks and subsets
in datasets.
name (str): Name of the new source
url (str): URL of the new source. A path to a file or directory
format (str): Dataset format
options (dict): Options for the format Extractor
no_cache (bool): Don't put a copy of files into the project cache.
Can be used to reduce project cache size.
no_hash (bool): Don't compute source data hash. Implies "no_cache".
Useful to reduce import time at the cost of disabled data
integrity checks.
rpath (str): Used to specify a relative path to the dataset
inside of the directory pointed by URL.
Returns: the new source config
if self.readonly:
raise ReadonlyProjectError()
if name in self.working_tree.sources:
raise SourceExistsError(name)
data_dir = self.source_data_dir(name)
if osp.exists(data_dir):
if os.listdir(data_dir):
raise FileExistsError("Source directory '%s' already " "exists" % data_dir)
if url:
url = osp.abspath(url)
if not osp.exists(url):
raise FileNotFoundError(url)
if is_subpath(url, base=self._root_dir):
raise SourceUrlInsideProjectError()
if rpath:
rpath = osp.normpath(osp.join(url, rpath))
if not osp.exists(rpath):
raise FileNotFoundError(rpath)
if not is_subpath(rpath, base=url):
raise PathOutsideSourceError(
"Source data path is outside of the directory, "
"specified by source URL: '%s', '%s'" % (rpath, url)
rpath = osp.relpath(rpath, url)
elif osp.isfile(url):
rpath = osp.basename(url)
rpath = None
if no_hash:
no_cache = True
config = Source(
"url": (url or "").replace("\\", "/"),
"path": (rpath or "").replace("\\", "/"),
"format": format,
"options": options or {},
if not config.is_generated:
dvcfile = self._source_dvcfile_path(name)
os.makedirs(osp.dirname(dvcfile), exist_ok=True)
with self._make_tmp_dir() as tmp_dir:
obj_hash, tmp_dvcfile, tmp_data_dir = self._download_source(
url, tmp_dir, no_cache=no_cache, no_hash=no_hash
shutil.move(tmp_data_dir, data_dir)
on_error_do(rmtree, data_dir)
if not no_hash:
os.replace(tmp_dvcfile, dvcfile)
config["hash"] = obj_hash
config = self.working_tree.sources.add(name, config)
target = self.working_tree.build_targets.add_target(name)
target.root.hash = config.hash
return config
def add_source(
self, path: str, format: str, options: Optional[Dict] = None, *, rpath: Optional[str] = None
) -> Tuple[str, Source]:
Adds a new source (dataset) from the working directory of the project.
Only directories from the project root can be added. This command is
useful after a source was removed and you need to re-add it, or when
the dataset was copied or downloaded manually.
When 'rpath' is specified, will copy all the data from URL, but read
only the specified file. Required to support subtasks and subsets
in datasets.
url (str): URL of the new source. A path to a directory
format (str): Dataset format
options (dict): Options for the format Extractor
rpath (str): Used to specify a relative path to the dataset
inside of the directory pointed by URL.
Returns: the name and the config of the new source
if self.readonly:
raise ReadonlyProjectError()
if not path:
raise ValueError("Source path cannot be empty")
path = osp.abspath(path)
name = osp.basename(path)
if name in self.working_tree.sources:
raise SourceExistsError(name)
if not osp.isdir(path):
raise FileNotFoundError("Source directory '%s' is not found" % path)
if not (is_subpath(path, base=self._root_dir) and osp.dirname(path) == self._root_dir):
raise UnexpectedUrlError(
"The source path is expected to be " "a directory in the project root"
if rpath:
rpath = osp.normpath(osp.join(path, rpath))
if not osp.exists(rpath):
raise FileNotFoundError(rpath)
if not is_subpath(rpath, base=path):
raise PathOutsideSourceError(
"Source data path is outside of the directory, "
"specified by source URL: '%s', '%s'" % (rpath, path)
rpath = osp.relpath(rpath, path)
rpath = None
config = self.working_tree.sources.add(
"url": (path or "").replace("\\", "/"),
"path": (rpath or "").replace("\\", "/"),
"format": format,
"options": options or {},
return name, config
def remove_source(self, name: str, *, force: bool = False, keep_data: bool = True):
- force (bool) - ignores errors and tries to wipe remaining data
- keep_data (bool) - leaves source data untouched
if self.readonly:
raise ReadonlyProjectError()
if name not in self.working_tree.sources and not force:
raise UnknownSourceError(name)
data_dir = self.source_data_dir(name)
if not keep_data:
if osp.isdir(data_dir):
dvcfile = self._source_dvcfile_path(name)
if osp.isfile(dvcfile):
except Exception:
if not force:
self._git.ignore([data_dir], mode="remove")
def commit(
message: str,
no_cache: bool = False,
allow_empty: bool = False,
allow_foreign: bool = False,
) -> Revision:
Copies tree and objects from the working dir to the cache.
Creates a new commit. Moves the HEAD pointer to the new commit.
- no_cache (bool) - don't put added dataset data into cache,
store only metainfo. Can be used to reduce storage size.
- allow_empty (bool) - allow commits with no changes.
- allow_foreign (bool) - allow commits with changes made not by Datumaro.
Returns: the new commit hash
if self.readonly:
raise ReadonlyProjectError()
statuses = self.status()
if not allow_empty and not statuses:
raise EmptyCommitError()
for t, s in statuses.items():
if s == DiffStatus.foreign_modified:
# TODO: compute a patch and a new stage, remove allow_foreign
if allow_foreign:
"The source '%s' has been changed "
"without Datumaro. It will be saved, but it will "
"only be available for reproduction from the cache.",
raise ForeignChangesError(
"The source '%s' is changed outside Datumaro. You can "
"restore the latest source revision with 'checkout' "
"command." % t
for s in self.working_tree.sources:
self.refresh_source_hash(s, no_cache=no_cache)
wtree_dir = osp.join(self._aux_dir, ProjectLayout.working_tree_dir)
self._git.add(wtree_dir, base=wtree_dir)
extra_files = [
osp.join(self._root_dir, ".dvc", ".gitignore"),
osp.join(self._root_dir, ".dvc", "config"),
osp.join(self._root_dir, ".dvcignore"),
osp.join(self._root_dir, ".gitignore"),
osp.join(self._aux_dir, ".gitignore"),
self._git.add(extra_files, base=self._root_dir)
head = self._git.commit(message)
rev_dir = self.cache_path(head)
copytree(wtree_dir, rev_dir)
for p in extra_files:
if osp.isfile(p):
dst_path = osp.join(rev_dir, osp.relpath(p, self._root_dir))
os.makedirs(osp.dirname(dst_path), exist_ok=True)
shutil.copyfile(p, dst_path)
self._head_tree = None
return head
def _move_dvc_dir(src_dir, dst_dir):
for name in {"config", ".gitignore"}:
os.replace(osp.join(src_dir, name), osp.join(dst_dir, name))
def checkout(
rev: Union[None, Revision] = None,
sources: Union[None, str, Iterable[str]] = None,
force: bool = False,
Copies tree and objects from the cache to the working tree.
Sets HEAD to the specified revision, unless sources specified.
When sources specified, only copies objects from the cache to
the working tree. When no revision and no sources is specified,
restores the sources from the current revision.
By default, uses the current (HEAD) revision.
- force (bool) - ignore unsaved changes. By default, an error is raised
if self.readonly:
raise ReadonlyProjectError()
if isinstance(sources, str):
sources = {sources}
elif sources is None:
sources = {}
sources = set(sources)
rev = rev or "HEAD"
if sources:
rev_tree = self.get_rev(rev)
# Check targets
for s in sources:
if s not in rev_tree.sources:
raise UnknownSourceError(s)
rev_dir = rev_tree.config.base_dir
with self._make_tmp_dir() as tmp_dir:
dvcfiles = []
for s in sources:
dvcfile = self._source_dvcfile_path(s, root=rev_dir)
tmp_dvcfile = osp.join(tmp_dir, s + ".dvc")
with open(dvcfile) as f:
conf = self._dvc.yaml_parser.load(f)
conf["wdir"] = self._root_dir
with open(tmp_dvcfile, "w") as f:
self._dvc.yaml_parser.dump(conf, f)
for s in sources:
self.working_tree.config.sources[s] = rev_tree.config.sources[s]
self.working_tree.config.build_targets[s] = rev_tree.config.build_targets[s]
# Check working tree for unsaved changes,
# set HEAD to the revision
# write revision tree to working tree
wtree_dir = osp.join(self._aux_dir, ProjectLayout.working_tree_dir)
self._git.checkout(rev, dst_dir=wtree_dir, clean=True, force=force)
self._move_dvc_dir(osp.join(wtree_dir, ".dvc"), osp.join(self._root_dir, ".dvc"))
self._working_tree = None
# Restore sources from the commit.
# Work with the working tree instead of cache, to
# avoid extra memory use from materializing
# the head commit sources in the cache
rev_tree = self.working_tree
with self._make_tmp_dir() as tmp_dir:
dvcfiles = []
for s in rev_tree.sources:
dvcfile = self._source_dvcfile_path(s)
tmp_dvcfile = osp.join(tmp_dir, s + ".dvc")
with open(dvcfile) as f:
conf = self._dvc.yaml_parser.load(f)
conf["wdir"] = self._root_dir
with open(tmp_dvcfile, "w") as f:
self._dvc.yaml_parser.dump(conf, f)
os.replace(osp.join(wtree_dir, ".gitignore"), osp.join(self._root_dir, ".gitignore"))
os.replace(osp.join(wtree_dir, ".dvcignore"), osp.join(self._root_dir, ".dvcignore"))
self._working_tree = None
def is_ref(self, ref: Union[None, str]) -> bool:
if self._is_working_tree_ref(ref):
return True
return self._git.is_ref(ref)
def has_commits(self) -> bool:
return self._git.has_commits()
def status(self) -> Dict[str, DiffStatus]:
wd = self.working_tree
if not self.has_commits():
return {s: DiffStatus.added for s in wd.sources}
head = self.head
changed_targets = {}
for t_name, wd_target in wd.build_targets.items():
if t_name == ProjectBuildTargets.MAIN_TARGET:
if osp.isdir(self.source_data_dir(t_name)):
old_hash = wd_target.head.hash
new_hash = self.compute_source_hash(t_name, no_cache=True)
if old_hash and old_hash != new_hash:
changed_targets[t_name] = DiffStatus.foreign_modified
for t_name in set(head.build_targets) | set(wd.build_targets):
if t_name == ProjectBuildTargets.MAIN_TARGET:
if t_name in changed_targets:
head_target = head.build_targets.get(t_name)
wd_target = wd.build_targets.get(t_name)
status = None
if head_target is None:
status = DiffStatus.added
elif wd_target is None:
status = DiffStatus.removed
if head_target != wd_target:
status = DiffStatus.modified
elif not osp.isdir(self.source_data_dir(t_name)):
status = DiffStatus.missing
if status:
changed_targets[t_name] = status
return changed_targets
def history(self, max_count=10) -> List[Tuple[Revision, str]]:
return [(c.hexsha, c.message) for c, _ in self._git.log(max_count)]
def diff(
self, rev_a: Union[Tree, Revision], rev_b: Union[Tree, Revision]
) -> Dict[str, DiffStatus]:
Compares 2 revision trees.
Returns: { target_name: status } for changed targets
if rev_a == rev_b:
return {}
if isinstance(rev_a, str):
tree_a = self.get_rev(rev_a)
tree_a = rev_a
if isinstance(rev_b, str):
tree_b = self.get_rev(rev_b)
tree_b = rev_b
changed_targets = {}
for t_name in set(tree_a.build_targets) | set(tree_b.build_targets):
if t_name == ProjectBuildTargets.MAIN_TARGET:
head_target = tree_a.build_targets.get(t_name)
wd_target = tree_b.build_targets.get(t_name)
status = None
if head_target is None:
status = DiffStatus.added
elif wd_target is None:
status = DiffStatus.removed
if head_target != wd_target:
status = DiffStatus.modified
if status:
changed_targets[t_name] = status
return changed_targets
def model_data_dir(self, name: str) -> str:
return osp.join(self._aux_dir, ProjectLayout.models_dir, name)
def make_model(self, name: str) -> Launcher:
model = self._config.models[name]
model_dir = self.model_data_dir(name)
if not osp.isdir(model_dir):
model_dir = None
return self._env.make_launcher(model.launcher, **model.options, model_dir=model_dir)
def add_model(self, name: str, launcher: str, options: Dict[str, Any] = None) -> Model:
if self.readonly:
raise ReadonlyProjectError()
if launcher not in self.env.launchers:
raise KeyError("Unknown launcher '%s'" % launcher)
if not name:
raise ValueError("Model name can't be empty")
if name in self.models:
raise KeyError("Model '%s' already exists" % name)
return self._config.models.set(name, {"launcher": launcher, "options": options or {}})
def remove_model(self, name: str):
if self.readonly:
raise ReadonlyProjectError()
if name not in self.models:
raise KeyError("Unknown model '%s'" % name)
data_dir = self.model_data_dir(name)
if osp.isdir(data_dir):