Source code for datumaro.plugins.data_formats.celeba.align_celeba

# Copyright (C) 2023 Intel Corporation
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

import errno
import os
import os.path as osp
from typing import Optional

from datumaro.components.annotation import (
from datumaro.components.dataset_base import DatasetItem, SubsetBase
from datumaro.components.errors import DatasetImportError, InvalidAnnotationError
from datumaro.components.importer import ImportContext
from import Image
from datumaro.util.image import find_images
from datumaro.util.meta_file_util import has_meta_file, parse_meta_file

from .celeba import CelebaImporter, CelebaPath

[docs] class AlignCelebaPath(CelebaPath): IMAGES_DIR = osp.join("Img", "img_align_celeba") LANDMARKS_FILE = osp.join("Anno", "list_landmarks_align_celeba.txt") LANDMARKS_HEADER = ( "lefteye_x lefteye_y righteye_x righteye_y " "nose_x nose_y leftmouth_x leftmouth_y rightmouth_x rightmouth_y" )
[docs] class AlignCelebaBase(SubsetBase): def __init__( self, path: str, *, subset: Optional[str] = None, ctx: Optional[ImportContext] = None, ): if not osp.isdir(path): raise NotADirectoryError(errno.ENOTDIR, "Can't find dataset directory", path) super().__init__(subset=subset, ctx=ctx) self._anno_dir = osp.dirname(path) self._categories = {AnnotationType.label: LabelCategories()} if has_meta_file(path): self._categories = { AnnotationType.label: LabelCategories.from_iterable(parse_meta_file(path).keys()) } self._items = list(self._load_items(path).values()) def _load_items(self, root_dir): items = {} image_dir = osp.join(root_dir, AlignCelebaPath.IMAGES_DIR) if osp.isdir(image_dir): images = { osp.splitext(osp.relpath(p, image_dir))[0].replace("\\", "/"): p for p in find_images(image_dir, recursive=True) } else: images = {} label_categories = self._categories[AnnotationType.label] labels_path = osp.join(root_dir, AlignCelebaPath.LABELS_FILE) if not osp.isfile(labels_path): raise FileNotFoundError(errno.ENOENT, os.strerror(errno.ENOENT), labels_path) with open(labels_path, encoding="utf-8") as f: for line in f: item_id, item_ann = self.split_annotation(line) label_ids = [int(id) for id in item_ann] anno = [] for label in label_ids: while len(label_categories) <= label: label_categories.add("class-%d" % len(label_categories)) anno.append(Label(label)) self._ann_types.add(AnnotationType.label) image = images.get(item_id) if image: image = Image.from_file(path=image) items[item_id] = DatasetItem(id=item_id, media=image, annotations=anno) landmark_path = osp.join(root_dir, AlignCelebaPath.LANDMARKS_FILE) if osp.isfile(landmark_path): with open(landmark_path, encoding="utf-8") as f: landmarks_number = int(f.readline().strip()) point_cat = PointsCategories() for i, point_name in enumerate(f.readline().strip().split()): point_cat.add(i, [point_name]) self._categories[AnnotationType.points] = point_cat counter = 0 for counter, line in enumerate(f): item_id, item_ann = self.split_annotation(line) landmarks = [float(id) for id in item_ann] if len(landmarks) != len(point_cat): raise InvalidAnnotationError( "File '%s', line %s: " "points do not match the header of this file" % (landmark_path, line) ) if item_id not in items: raise InvalidAnnotationError( "File '%s', line %s: " "for this item are not label in %s " % (landmark_path, line, AlignCelebaPath.LABELS_FILE) ) anno = items[item_id].annotations label = anno[0].label anno.append(Points(landmarks, label=label)) self._ann_types.add(AnnotationType.points) if landmarks_number - 1 != counter: raise InvalidAnnotationError( "File '%s': the number of " "landmarks does not match the specified number " "at the beginning of the file " % landmark_path ) attr_path = osp.join(root_dir, AlignCelebaPath.ATTRS_FILE) if osp.isfile(attr_path): with open(attr_path, encoding="utf-8") as f: attr_number = int(f.readline().strip()) attr_names = f.readline().split() counter = 0 for counter, line in enumerate(f): item_id, item_ann = self.split_annotation(line) if len(attr_names) != len(item_ann): raise DatasetImportError( "File '%s', line %s: " "the number of attributes " "in the line does not match the number at the " "beginning of the file " % (attr_path, line) ) attrs = {name: 0 < int(ann) for name, ann in zip(attr_names, item_ann)} if item_id not in items: image = images.get(item_id) if image: image = Image.from_file(path=image) items[item_id] = DatasetItem(id=item_id, media=image) items[item_id].attributes = attrs if attr_number - 1 != counter: raise DatasetImportError( "File %s: the number of items " "with attributes does not match the specified number " "at the beginning of the file " % attr_path ) subset_path = osp.join(root_dir, AlignCelebaPath.SUBSETS_FILE) if osp.isfile(subset_path): with open(subset_path, encoding="utf-8") as f: for line in f: item_id, item_ann = self.split_annotation(line) subset_id = item_ann[0] subset = AlignCelebaPath.SUBSETS[subset_id] if item_id not in items: image = images.get(item_id) if image: image = Image.from_file(path=image) items[item_id] = DatasetItem(id=item_id, media=image) items[item_id].subset = subset if "default" in self._subsets: self._subsets.pop() self._subsets.append(subset) return items
[docs] def split_annotation(self, line): item = line.split('"') if 1 < len(item): if len(item) == 3: item_id = osp.splitext(item[1])[0] item = item[2].split() else: raise InvalidAnnotationError( "Line %s: unexpected number " "of quotes in filename" % line ) else: item = line.split() item_id = osp.splitext(item[0])[0] return item_id, item[1:]
[docs] class AlignCelebaImporter(CelebaImporter): PATH_CLS = AlignCelebaPath