Source code for datumaro.plugins.data_formats.coco.base

# Copyright (C) 2019-2024 Intel Corporation
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

import errno
import logging as log
import os.path as osp
from inspect import isclass
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterator, Optional, Tuple, Type, TypeVar, Union, overload

import pycocotools.mask as mask_utils
from attrs import define

from datumaro.components.annotation import (
from datumaro.components.dataset_base import DEFAULT_SUBSET_NAME, DatasetItem, SubsetBase
from datumaro.components.errors import (
from datumaro.components.importer import ImportContext
from import Image
from datumaro.util import NOTSET, parse_json_file, take_by
from datumaro.util.image import lazy_image, load_image
from datumaro.util.mask_tools import bgr2index
from datumaro.util.meta_file_util import has_meta_file, parse_meta_file

from .format import CocoImporterType, CocoPath, CocoTask
from .page_mapper import COCOPageMapper

T = TypeVar("T")

[docs] class DirPathExtracter:
[docs] @staticmethod def find_rootpath(path: str) -> str: """Find root path from annotation json file path.""" path = osp.abspath(path) if osp.dirname(path).endswith(CocoPath.ANNOTATIONS_DIR): return path.rsplit(CocoPath.ANNOTATIONS_DIR, maxsplit=1)[0] raise DatasetImportError( f"Annotation path ({path}) should be under the directory which is named {CocoPath.ANNOTATIONS_DIR}. " "If not, Datumaro fails to find the root path for this dataset. " "Please follow this instruction," )
[docs] @staticmethod def find_images_dir(rootpath: str, subset: str) -> str: """Find images directory from the root path.""" if rootpath and osp.isdir(osp.join(rootpath, CocoPath.IMAGES_DIR)): images_dir = osp.join(rootpath, CocoPath.IMAGES_DIR) if osp.isdir(osp.join(images_dir, subset or DEFAULT_SUBSET_NAME)): images_dir = osp.join(images_dir, subset or DEFAULT_SUBSET_NAME) return images_dir raise DatasetImportError( f"We found the rootpath ({rootpath}) for this dataset. " f"However, there should exist a directory for images as {osp.join(rootpath, CocoPath.IMAGES_DIR)}. " "If not, Datumaro fails to find the image directory path. " "Please follow this instruction," )
[docs] class RoboflowDirPathExtracter(DirPathExtracter):
[docs] @staticmethod def find_rootpath(path: str) -> str: path, _ = osp.split(path) path, _ = osp.split(path) return path
[docs] @staticmethod def find_images_dir(rootpath: str, subset: str) -> str: return osp.join(rootpath, subset)
[docs] class MmdetDirPathExtracter(DirPathExtracter):
[docs] @staticmethod def find_rootpath(path: str) -> str: """Find root path from annotation json file path.""" path = osp.abspath(path) if osp.dirname(path).endswith(CocoPath.ANNOTATIONS_DIR): return path.rsplit(CocoPath.ANNOTATIONS_DIR, maxsplit=1)[0] raise DatasetImportError( f"Annotation path ({path}) should be under the directory which is named {CocoPath.ANNOTATIONS_DIR}. " "If not, Datumaro fails to find the root path for this dataset. " "Please follow this instruction," )
[docs] @staticmethod def find_images_dir(rootpath: str, subset: str) -> str: """Find images directory from the root path.""" return osp.join(rootpath, subset)
class _CocoBase(SubsetBase): """ Parses COCO annotations written in the following format: """ def __init__( self, path, task, *, merge_instance_polygons: bool = False, keep_original_category_ids: bool = False, coco_importer_type: CocoImporterType = CocoImporterType.default, subset: Optional[str] = None, stream: bool = False, ctx: Optional[ImportContext] = None, ): if not osp.isfile(path): raise FileNotFoundError(errno.ENOENT, "Can't find JSON file", path) self._path = path if not subset: parts = osp.splitext(osp.basename(path))[0].split( + "_", maxsplit=1) subset = parts[1] if len(parts) == 2 else None super().__init__(subset=subset, ctx=ctx) if coco_importer_type == CocoImporterType.default: self._rootpath = DirPathExtracter.find_rootpath(path) self._images_dir = DirPathExtracter.find_images_dir(self._rootpath, subset) elif coco_importer_type == CocoImporterType.roboflow: self._rootpath = RoboflowDirPathExtracter.find_rootpath(path) self._images_dir = RoboflowDirPathExtracter.find_images_dir(self._rootpath, subset) elif coco_importer_type == CocoImporterType.mmdet: self._rootpath = MmdetDirPathExtracter.find_rootpath(path) self._images_dir = MmdetDirPathExtracter.find_images_dir(self._rootpath, subset) else: raise DatasetImportError(f"Not supported type: {coco_importer_type}") self._task = task self._merge_instance_polygons = merge_instance_polygons self._label_map = {} # coco_id -> dm_id if self._task == CocoTask.panoptic: self._mask_dir = osp.splitext(path)[0] else: self._mask_dir = None self._stream = stream if not stream: self._page_mapper = None # No use in case of stream = False json_data = parse_json_file(path) self._load_categories( json_data, keep_original_ids=keep_original_category_ids, ) self._items = self._load_items(json_data) del json_data else: self._page_mapper = COCOPageMapper(path) categories_data = self._page_mapper.stream_parse_categories_data() self._load_categories( {"categories": categories_data}, keep_original_ids=keep_original_category_ids, ) self._length = None def __len__(self) -> int: if self.is_stream: if self._length is None: # Before we actually iterate over the items, we use the length of item page map. # It can be different with the actual length, # because there is a possiblity that an item cannot be parsed properly. return len(self._page_mapper) return self._length else: return len(self._items) def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[DatasetItem]: if self.is_stream: yield from self._stream_items() else: yield from self._items.values() def _load_categories(self, json_data, *, keep_original_ids): self._categories = {} if has_meta_file(self._rootpath): labels = parse_meta_file(self._rootpath).keys() self._categories = {AnnotationType.label: LabelCategories.from_iterable(labels)} # 0 is reserved for no class self._label_map = {i + 1: i for i in range(len(labels))} elif self._task in [ CocoTask.instances, CocoTask.labels, CocoTask.person_keypoints, CocoTask.stuff, CocoTask.panoptic, ]: self._load_label_categories( self._parse_field(json_data, "categories", list), keep_original_ids=keep_original_ids, ) if self._task == CocoTask.person_keypoints: self._load_person_kp_categories(self._parse_field(json_data, "categories", list)) # informs users if 0 is found as category id sicne 0 is reserved for no class found = [ self._categories[AnnotationType.label][label_id].name for cat_id, label_id in self._label_map.items() if cat_id == 0 and self._categories[AnnotationType.label][label_id].name.lower() != "background" ] if found: category_name = found[0] log.warning( "Category id of '0' is reserved for no class (background) but " f"category named '{category_name}' with id of '0' is found in {self._path}. " "Please be warned that annotations with category id of '0' would have `None` as label. " "(" ) def _load_label_categories(self, json_cat, *, keep_original_ids): categories = LabelCategories() label_map = {} cats = sorted( ( { "id": self._parse_field(c, "id", int), "name": self._parse_field(c, "name", str), "supercategory": c.get("supercategory"), } for c in json_cat ), key=lambda cat: cat["id"], ) if keep_original_ids: for cat in cats: label_map[cat["id"]] = cat["id"] while len(categories) < cat["id"]: categories.add(f"class-{len(categories)}") categories.add(cat["name"], parent=cat.get("supercategory")) else: for idx, cat in enumerate(cats): label_map[cat["id"]] = idx categories.add(cat["name"], parent=cat.get("supercategory")) self._categories[AnnotationType.label] = categories self._label_map = label_map def _load_person_kp_categories(self, json_cat): categories = PointsCategories() for cat in json_cat: label_id = self._label_map[self._parse_field(cat, "id", int)] categories.add( label_id, labels=self._parse_field(cat, "keypoints", list), joints=self._parse_field(cat, "skeleton", list), ) self._categories[AnnotationType.points] = categories def _stream_items(self) -> Iterator[DatasetItem]: pbars = self._ctx.progress_reporter length = 0 for img_info, ann_infos in pbars.iter( self._page_mapper, desc=f"Importing '{self._subset}'", ): parsed = self._parse_item(img_info) if parsed is None: continue _, item = parsed for ann_info in ann_infos: self._parse_anns(img_info, ann_info, item) yield item length += 1 for ann in item.annotations: self._ann_types.add(ann.type) self._length = length def _parse_anns(self, img_info, ann_info, item): try: if self._task is not CocoTask.panoptic: self._load_annotations(ann_info, img_info, parsed_annotations=item.annotations) else: self._load_panoptic_ann(ann_info, parsed_annotations=item.annotations) except Exception as e: self._ctx.error_policy.report_annotation_error( e, item_id=(ann_info.get("id", None), self._subset) ) def _load_items(self, json_data): pbar = self._ctx.progress_reporter def _gen_ann(info_lists): while info_lists: yield info_lists.pop() items = {} img_infos = {} img_lists = self._parse_field(json_data, "images", list) for img_info in _gen_ann(img_lists): parsed = self._parse_item(img_info) if parsed is None: continue img_id, item = parsed # Store item (DatasetItem) and img_info (Dict) to the integer key dictionary items[img_id] = item img_infos[img_id] = img_info ann_lists = self._parse_field(json_data, "annotations", list) for ann_info in pbar.iter( _gen_ann(ann_lists), desc=f"Importing '{self._subset}'", total=len(ann_lists), ): try: img_id = self._parse_field(ann_info, "image_id", int) if img_id not in img_infos: log.warn(f"Unknown image id '{img_id}'") continue # Retrieve item (DatasetItem) and img_info (Dict) from the integer key dictionary item = items[img_id] img_info = img_infos[img_id] self._parse_anns(img_info, ann_info, item) for ann in item.annotations: self._ann_types.add(ann.type) except Exception as e: self._ctx.error_policy.report_annotation_error( e, item_id=(ann_info.get("id", None), self._subset) ) return items def _parse_item(self, img_info: Dict[str, Any]) -> Optional[Tuple[int, DatasetItem]]: try: img_id = self._parse_field(img_info, "id", int) if img_info.get("height") and img_info.get("width"): image_size = ( self._parse_field(img_info, "height", int), self._parse_field(img_info, "width", int), ) else: image_size = None file_name = self._parse_field(img_info, "file_name", str) return img_id, DatasetItem( id=osp.splitext(file_name)[0], subset=self._subset, media=Image.from_file(path=osp.join(self._images_dir, file_name), size=image_size), annotations=[], attributes={"id": img_id}, ) except Exception as e: self._ctx.error_policy.report_item_error( e, item_id=(img_info.get("id", None), self._subset) ) def _load_panoptic_ann(self, ann, parsed_annotations=None): if parsed_annotations is None: parsed_annotations = [] # For the panoptic task, each annotation struct is a per-image # annotation rather than a per-object annotation. mask_path = osp.join(self._mask_dir, self._parse_field(ann, "file_name", str)) mask = lazy_image(mask_path, loader=self._load_pan_mask) mask = CompiledMask(instance_mask=mask) for segm_info in self._parse_field(ann, "segments_info", list): cat_id = self._get_label_id(segm_info) segm_id = self._parse_field(segm_info, "id", int) attributes = {"is_crowd": bool(self._parse_field(segm_info, "iscrowd", int))} parsed_annotations.append( Mask( image=mask.lazy_extract(segm_id), label=cat_id, id=segm_id, group=segm_id, attributes=attributes, ) ) return parsed_annotations @staticmethod def _load_pan_mask(path): mask = load_image(path) mask = bgr2index(mask) return mask @define class _lazy_merged_mask: segmentation: Any h: int w: int def __call__(self): rles = mask_utils.frPyObjects(self.segmentation, self.h, self.w) return mask_utils.merge(rles) def _get_label_id(self, ann): cat_id = self._parse_field(ann, "category_id", int) if not cat_id: return None label_id = self._label_map.get(cat_id) if label_id is None: raise UndeclaredLabelError(str(cat_id)) return label_id @overload def _parse_field(self, ann: Dict[str, Any], key: str, cls: Type[T]) -> T: ... @overload def _parse_field(self, ann: Dict[str, Any], key: str, cls: Tuple[Type, ...]) -> Any: ... def _parse_field( self, ann: Dict[str, Any], key: str, cls: Union[Type[T], Tuple[Type, ...]] ) -> Any: value = ann.get(key, NOTSET) if value is NOTSET: raise MissingFieldError(key) elif not isinstance(value, cls): cls = (cls,) if isclass(cls) else cls raise InvalidFieldTypeError( key, actual=str(type(value)), expected=tuple(str(t) for t in cls) ) return value def _load_annotations(self, ann, image_info=None, parsed_annotations=None): if parsed_annotations is None: parsed_annotations = [] ann_id = self._parse_field(ann, "id", int) attributes = ann.get("attributes", {}) if "score" in ann: attributes["score"] = self._parse_field(ann, "score", (int, float)) group = ann_id # make sure all tasks' annotations are merged if ( self._task is CocoTask.instances or self._task is CocoTask.person_keypoints or self._task is CocoTask.stuff ): label_id = self._get_label_id(ann) attributes["is_crowd"] = bool(self._parse_field(ann, "iscrowd", int)) if self._task is CocoTask.person_keypoints: keypoints = self._parse_field(ann, "keypoints", list) if len(keypoints) % 3 != 0: raise InvalidAnnotationError( f"Keypoints have invalid value count {len(keypoints)}, " "which is not divisible by 3. Expected (x, y, visibility) triplets." ) points = [] visibility = [] for x, y, v in take_by(keypoints, 3): points.append(x) points.append(y) visibility.append(v) parsed_annotations.append( Points( points, visibility, label=label_id, id=ann_id, attributes=attributes, group=group, ) ) try: segmentation = self._parse_field(ann, "segmentation", (list, dict)) except MissingFieldError as e: log.warn(str(e)) segmentation = None if segmentation and segmentation != [[]]: rle = None if isinstance(segmentation, list): if not self._merge_instance_polygons: # polygon - a single object can consist of multiple parts for polygon_points in segmentation: if len(polygon_points) % 2 != 0: raise InvalidAnnotationError( f"Polygon has invalid value count {len(polygon_points)}, " "which is not divisible by 2." ) elif len(polygon_points) < 6: raise InvalidAnnotationError( f"Polygon has invalid value count {len(polygon_points)}. " "Expected at least 3 (x, y) pairs." ) parsed_annotations.append( Polygon( points=polygon_points, label=label_id, id=ann_id, attributes=attributes, group=group, ) ) else: # merge all parts into a single mask RLE img_h = self._parse_field(image_info, "height", int) img_w = self._parse_field(image_info, "width", int) rle = self._lazy_merged_mask(segmentation, img_h, img_w) elif isinstance(segmentation["counts"], list): # uncompressed RLE img_h = self._parse_field(image_info, "height", int) img_w = self._parse_field(image_info, "width", int) mask_size = self._parse_field(segmentation, "size", list) if len(mask_size) != 2: raise InvalidAnnotationError( f"Mask size has wrong value count {len(mask_size)}. Expected 2 values." ) mask_h, mask_w = mask_size if not ((img_h == mask_h) and (img_w == mask_w)): raise InvalidAnnotationError( "Mask #%s does not match image size: %s vs. %s" % (ann_id, (mask_h, mask_w), (img_h, img_w)) ) rle = self._lazy_merged_mask([segmentation], mask_h, mask_w) else: # compressed RLE rle = segmentation if rle: parsed_annotations.append( RleMask( rle=rle, label=label_id, id=ann_id, attributes=attributes, group=group ) ) bbox = self._parse_field(ann, "bbox", list) if bbox and len(bbox) > 0: if len(bbox) != 4: raise InvalidAnnotationError( f"Bbox has wrong value count {len(bbox)}. Expected 4 values." ) x, y, w, h = bbox parsed_annotations.append( Bbox( x, y, w, h, label=label_id, id=ann_id, attributes=attributes, group=group, ) ) elif self._task is CocoTask.labels: label_id = self._get_label_id(ann) parsed_annotations.append( Label(label=label_id, id=ann_id, attributes=attributes, group=group) ) elif self._task is CocoTask.captions: caption = self._parse_field(ann, "caption", str) parsed_annotations.append( Caption(caption, id=ann_id, attributes=attributes, group=group) ) else: raise NotImplementedError() return parsed_annotations @property def is_stream(self) -> bool: return self._stream def get_dataset_item(self, item_key: int) -> Optional[DatasetItem]: if self.is_stream: img_info = self._page_mapper.get_item_dict(item_key) ann_infos = self._page_mapper.get_anns_dict(item_key) parsed = self._parse_item(img_info) if parsed is None: return None _, item = parsed for ann_info in ann_infos: self._parse_anns(img_info, ann_info, item) return item else: return self._items[item_key] def iter_item_ids(self) -> Iterator[int]: if self.is_stream: return self._page_mapper.iter_item_ids() else: return self._items.keys()
[docs] class CocoImageInfoBase(_CocoBase): def __init__(self, path, **kwargs): kwargs["task"] = CocoTask.image_info super().__init__(path, **kwargs)
[docs] class CocoCaptionsBase(_CocoBase): def __init__(self, path, **kwargs): kwargs["task"] = CocoTask.captions super().__init__(path, **kwargs)
[docs] class CocoInstancesBase(_CocoBase): def __init__(self, path, **kwargs): kwargs["task"] = CocoTask.instances super().__init__(path, **kwargs)
[docs] class CocoPersonKeypointsBase(_CocoBase): def __init__(self, path, **kwargs): kwargs["task"] = CocoTask.person_keypoints super().__init__(path, **kwargs)
[docs] class CocoLabelsBase(_CocoBase): def __init__(self, path, **kwargs): kwargs["task"] = CocoTask.labels super().__init__(path, **kwargs)
[docs] class CocoPanopticBase(_CocoBase): def __init__(self, path, **kwargs): kwargs["task"] = CocoTask.panoptic super().__init__(path, **kwargs)
[docs] class CocoStuffBase(_CocoBase): def __init__(self, path, **kwargs): kwargs["task"] = CocoTask.stuff super().__init__(path, **kwargs)