Source code for datumaro.plugins.data_formats.cvat.base

# Copyright (C) 2019-2023 Intel Corporation
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

import os.path as osp
from collections import OrderedDict
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import List, Optional

import numpy as np
from defusedxml import ElementTree

from datumaro.components.annotation import (
from datumaro.components.dataset_base import DatasetItem, SubsetBase
from datumaro.components.errors import DatasetImportError
from datumaro.components.format_detection import FormatDetectionContext
from datumaro.components.importer import ImportContext, Importer
from import Image
from datumaro.util import mask_tools

from .format import CvatPath

def _find_meta_root(path: str):
    context = ElementTree.iterparse(path, events=("start", "end"))
    context = iter(context)

    meta_root = None

    for event, elem in context:
        if elem.tag == "meta" and event == "start":
            meta_root = elem
        elif elem.tag == "meta" and event == "end":

    if meta_root is None:
        raise DatasetImportError("CVAT XML file should have <meta> tag.")

    return meta_root, context

[docs] class CvatBase(SubsetBase): def __init__( self, path: str, *, subset: Optional[str] = None, ctx: Optional[ImportContext] = None, ): assert osp.isfile(path), path rootpath = osp.dirname(path) images_dir = "" if osp.isdir(osp.join(rootpath, CvatPath.IMAGES_DIR)): images_dir = osp.join(rootpath, CvatPath.IMAGES_DIR) self._images_dir = images_dir self._path = path if not subset: subset = osp.splitext(osp.basename(path))[0] super().__init__(subset=subset, ctx=ctx) items, categories = self._parse(path) self._categories = categories self._items = list(self._load_items(items).values()) def _parse(self, path): meta_root, context = _find_meta_root(path) categories, frame_size, attribute_types = self._parse_meta(meta_root) items = OrderedDict() track = None shape = None tag = None attributes = None image = None subset = None for ev, el in context: if ev == "start": if el.tag == "track": track = { "id": el.attrib["id"], "label": el.attrib.get("label"), "group": int(el.attrib.get("group_id", 0)), "height": frame_size[0], "width": frame_size[1], } subset = el.attrib.get("subset") elif el.tag == "image": image = { "name": el.attrib.get("name"), "frame": el.attrib["id"], "width": el.attrib.get("width"), "height": el.attrib.get("height"), } subset = el.attrib.get("subset") elif el.tag in CvatPath.SUPPORTED_IMPORT_SHAPES and (track or image): attributes = {} shape = { "type": None, "attributes": attributes, } if track: shape.update(track) shape["track_id"] = int(track["id"]) if image: shape.update(image) elif el.tag == "tag" and image: attributes = {} tag = { "frame": image["frame"], "attributes": attributes, "group": int(el.attrib.get("group_id", 0)), "label": el.attrib["label"], } elif ev == "end": if el.tag == "attribute" and attributes is not None: attr_value = el.text or "" attr_type = attribute_types.get(el.attrib["name"]) if el.text in ["true", "false"]: attr_value = attr_value == "true" elif attr_type is not None and attr_type != "text": try: attr_value = float(attr_value) except ValueError: pass attributes[el.attrib["name"]] = attr_value elif el.tag in CvatPath.SUPPORTED_IMPORT_SHAPES: if track is not None: shape["frame"] = el.attrib["frame"] shape["outside"] = el.attrib.get("outside") == "1" shape["keyframe"] = el.attrib.get("keyframe") == "1" if image is not None: shape["label"] = el.attrib.get("label") shape["group"] = int(el.attrib.get("group_id", 0)) shape["type"] = el.tag shape["occluded"] = el.attrib.get("occluded") == "1" shape["z_order"] = int(el.attrib.get("z_order", 0)) if el.tag == "box": shape["points"] = list( map( float, [ el.attrib["xtl"], el.attrib["ytl"], el.attrib["xbr"], el.attrib["ybr"], ], ) ) elif el.tag == "mask": shape["rle"] = el.attrib["rle"] shape["left"] = el.attrib["left"] shape["top"] = el.attrib["top"] shape["width"] = el.attrib["width"] shape["height"] = el.attrib["height"] else: shape["points"] = [] for pair in el.attrib["points"].split(";"): shape["points"].extend(map(float, pair.split(","))) if subset is None or subset == self._subset: frame_desc = items.get(shape["frame"], {"annotations": []}) frame_desc["annotations"].append( self._parse_shape_ann(shape, categories, image) ) items[shape["frame"]] = frame_desc shape = None elif el.tag == "tag": if subset is None or subset == self._subset: frame_desc = items.get(tag["frame"], {"annotations": []}) frame_desc["annotations"].append(self._parse_tag_ann(tag, categories)) items[tag["frame"]] = frame_desc tag = None elif el.tag == "track": track = None elif el.tag == "image": if subset is None or subset == self._subset: frame_desc = items.get(image["frame"], {"annotations": []}) frame_desc.update( { "name": image.get("name"), "height": image.get("height"), "width": image.get("width"), } ) items[image["frame"]] = frame_desc image = None el.clear() return items, categories @staticmethod def _parse_meta(meta_root): categories = {} frame_size = None original_size = [item for item in meta_root.iter("original_size")] if len(original_size) > 1: raise DatasetImportError("CVAT XML file should have only one <original_size> tag.") elif len(original_size) == 1: frame_size = ( int(original_size[0].find("height").text), int(original_size[0].find("width").text), ) mode = None labels = OrderedDict() for label in meta_root.iter("label"): name = label.find("name").text labels[name] = [ { "name": attr.find("name").text, "input_type": attr.find("input_type").text, } for attr in label.iter("attribute") ] common_attrs = ["occluded"] if mode == "interpolation": common_attrs.append("keyframe") common_attrs.append("outside") common_attrs.append("track_id") label_cat = LabelCategories(attributes=common_attrs) attribute_types = {} for label, attrs in labels.items(): attr_names = {v["name"] for v in attrs} label_cat.add(label, attributes=attr_names) for attr in attrs: attribute_types[attr["name"]] = attr["input_type"] categories[AnnotationType.label] = label_cat return categories, frame_size, attribute_types @classmethod def _parse_shape_ann(cls, ann, categories, image): ann_id = ann.get("id", 0) ann_type = ann["type"] attributes = ann.get("attributes") or {} if "occluded" in categories[AnnotationType.label].attributes: attributes["occluded"] = ann.get("occluded", False) if "outside" in ann: attributes["outside"] = ann["outside"] if "keyframe" in ann: attributes["keyframe"] = ann["keyframe"] if "track_id" in ann: attributes["track_id"] = ann["track_id"] group = ann.get("group") label = ann.get("label") label_id = categories[AnnotationType.label].find(label)[0] z_order = ann.get("z_order", 0) points = ann.get("points", []) if ann_type == "polyline": return PolyLine( points, label=label_id, z_order=z_order, id=ann_id, attributes=attributes, group=group, ) elif ann_type == "polygon": return Polygon( points, label=label_id, z_order=z_order, id=ann_id, attributes=attributes, group=group, ) elif ann_type == "points": return Points( points, label=label_id, z_order=z_order, id=ann_id, attributes=attributes, group=group, ) elif ann_type == "box": x, y = points[0], points[1] w, h = points[2] - x, points[3] - y return Bbox( x, y, w, h, label=label_id, z_order=z_order, id=ann_id, attributes=attributes, group=group, ) elif ann_type == "mask": rle = ann.get("rle") mask_w, mask_h = int(ann.get("width")), int(ann.get("height")) mask_l, mask_t = int(ann.get("left")), int(ann.get("top")) img_w, img_h = int(image.get("width")), int(image.get("height")) rle_uncompressed = { "counts": np.array([int(str_num) for str_num in rle.split(",")], dtype=np.uint32), "size": np.array([mask_w, mask_h]), } def _gen_mask(): # From the manual test for the dataset exported from the CVAT 2.5, # the RLE encoding in the dataset has (W, H) binary 2D np.ndarray, not (H, W) # Therefore, we need to tranpose it to make its shape as (H, W). mask = mask_tools.rle_to_mask(rle_uncompressed).transpose() canvas = np.zeros(shape=[img_h, img_w], dtype=np.uint8) canvas[mask_t : mask_t + mask_h, mask_l : mask_l + mask_w] = mask return canvas return Mask( image=_gen_mask, label=label_id, z_order=z_order, id=ann_id, attributes=attributes, group=group, ) else: raise NotImplementedError("Unknown annotation type '%s'" % ann_type) @classmethod def _parse_tag_ann(cls, ann, categories): label = ann.get("label") label_id = categories[AnnotationType.label].find(label)[0] group = ann.get("group") attributes = ann.get("attributes") return Label(label_id, attributes=attributes, group=group) def _load_items(self, parsed): for frame_id, item_desc in parsed.items(): name = item_desc.get("name", "frame_%06d.png" % int(frame_id)) image_path_opt_1 = osp.join(self._images_dir, name) image_path_opt_2 = ( osp.join(self._images_dir, self._subset, name) if self._subset is not None else None ) if osp.exists(image_path_opt_1): image = image_path_opt_1 elif image_path_opt_2 and osp.exists(image_path_opt_2): image = image_path_opt_2 elif "name" not in item_desc: # If --use-track flag is on # TODO: Revisit all the CVAT import/export parts. image = image_path_opt_1 else: raise DatasetImportError(f"Cannot find an image which has name={name}.") image_size = (item_desc.get("height"), item_desc.get("width")) if all(image_size): image = Image.from_file(path=image, size=tuple(map(int, image_size))) else: image = Image.from_file(path=image) parsed[frame_id] = DatasetItem( id=osp.splitext(name)[0], subset=self._subset, media=image, annotations=item_desc.get("annotations"), attributes={"frame": int(frame_id)}, ) for ann in item_desc.get("annotations"): self._ann_types.add(ann.type) return parsed
[docs] class CvatImporter(Importer): _ANNO_EXT = ".xml"
[docs] @classmethod def detect(cls, context: FormatDetectionContext) -> None: annot_file = context.require_file(f"*{cls._ANNO_EXT}") with context.probe_text_file( annot_file, 'must be an XML file with an "annotations" root element', ) as f: _, root_elem = next(ElementTree.iterparse(f, events=("start",))) if root_elem.tag != "annotations": raise Exception
[docs] @staticmethod def find_subsets(meta_root): subsets = [item.text for item in meta_root.iter("subset")] if len(subsets) == 0: raise DatasetImportError("CVAT XML should include <subset> tags.") return subsets
[docs] @classmethod def find_sources(cls, path): source_files = cls._find_sources_recursive(path, ".xml", "cvat") sources = [] for source in source_files: path = source["url"] meta_root, _ = _find_meta_root(path) if meta_root.find("project") is not None: for subset in cls.find_subsets(meta_root): source_clone = deepcopy(source) source_clone["options"] = {"subset": subset} sources += [source_clone] elif meta_root.find("task") is not None: sources += [source] else: raise DatasetImportError( "CVAT XML file should have a <meta> -> <task> or <meta> -> <project> subtree." ) return sources
[docs] @classmethod def get_file_extensions(cls) -> List[str]: return [cls._ANNO_EXT]