# Copyright (C) 2021-2024 Intel Corporation
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
import os
import os.path as osp
from typing import List, Optional
from defusedxml import ElementTree as ET
from datumaro.components.annotation import AnnotationType, Cuboid3d, LabelCategories
from datumaro.components.dataset_base import DatasetItem, SubsetBase
from datumaro.components.errors import InvalidAnnotationError
from datumaro.components.format_detection import FormatDetectionContext
from datumaro.components.importer import ImportContext, Importer
from datumaro.components.media import Image, PointCloud
from datumaro.util import cast
from datumaro.util.image import find_images
from datumaro.util.meta_file_util import has_meta_file, parse_meta_file
from .format import KittiRawPath, OcclusionStates, TruncationStates
class KittiRawBase(SubsetBase):
# http://www.cvlibs.net/datasets/kitti/raw_data.php
# https://s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/avg-kitti/devkit_raw_data.zip
# Check cpp header implementation for field meaning
def __init__(
path: str,
subset: Optional[str] = None,
ctx: Optional[ImportContext] = None,
assert osp.isfile(path), path
self._rootdir = osp.dirname(path)
super().__init__(subset=subset, media_type=PointCloud, ctx=ctx)
items, categories = self._parse(path)
self._categories = categories
self._items = list(self._load_items(items).values())
def _parse(cls, path):
tracks = []
track = None
shape = None
attr = None
labels = {}
point_tags = {"tx", "ty", "tz", "rx", "ry", "rz"}
# Can fail with "XML declaration not well-formed" on documents with
# <?xml ... standalone="true"?>
# ^^^^
# (like the original Kitti dataset), while
# <?xml ... standalone="yes"?>
# ^^^
# works.
tree = ET.iterparse(path, events=("start", "end"))
for ev, elem in tree:
if ev == "start":
if elem.tag == "item":
if track is None:
track = {
"shapes": [],
"scale": {},
"label": None,
"attributes": {},
"start_frame": None,
"length": None,
shape = {
"points": {},
"attributes": {},
"occluded": None,
"occluded_kf": False,
"truncated": None,
elif elem.tag == "attribute":
attr = {}
elif ev == "end":
if elem.tag == "item":
assert track is not None
if shape:
shape = None
assert track["length"] == len(track["shapes"])
if track["label"]:
labels.setdefault(track["label"], set())
for a in track["attributes"]:
for s in track["shapes"]:
for a in s["attributes"]:
track = None
# track tags
elif track and elem.tag == "objectType":
track["label"] = elem.text
elif track and elem.tag in {"h", "w", "l"}:
track["scale"][elem.tag] = float(elem.text)
elif track and elem.tag == "first_frame":
track["start_frame"] = int(elem.text)
elif track and elem.tag == "count" and track:
track["length"] = int(elem.text)
# pose tags
elif shape and elem.tag in point_tags:
shape["points"][elem.tag] = float(elem.text)
elif shape and elem.tag == "occlusion":
shape["occluded"] = OcclusionStates(int(elem.text))
elif shape and elem.tag == "occlusion_kf":
shape["occluded_kf"] = elem.text == "1"
elif shape and elem.tag == "truncation":
shape["truncated"] = TruncationStates(int(elem.text))
# common tags
elif attr is not None and elem.tag == "name":
if not elem.text:
raise InvalidAnnotationError("Attribute name can't be empty")
attr["name"] = elem.text
elif attr is not None and elem.tag == "value":
attr["value"] = elem.text or ""
elif attr is not None and elem.tag == "attribute":
if shape:
shape["attributes"][attr["name"]] = attr["value"]
track["attributes"][attr["name"]] = attr["value"]
attr = None
if track is not None or shape is not None or attr is not None:
raise InvalidAnnotationError("Failed to parse annotations from '%s'" % path)
special_attrs = KittiRawPath.SPECIAL_ATTRS
common_attrs = ["occluded"]
if has_meta_file(path):
categories = {
AnnotationType.label: LabelCategories.from_iterable(parse_meta_file(path).keys())
label_cat = LabelCategories(attributes=common_attrs)
for label, attrs in sorted(labels.items(), key=lambda e: e[0]):
label_cat.add(label, attributes=set(attrs) - special_attrs)
categories = {AnnotationType.label: label_cat}
items = {}
for idx, track in enumerate(tracks):
track_id = idx + 1
for i, ann in enumerate(cls._parse_track(track_id, track, categories)):
frame_desc = items.setdefault(track["start_frame"] + i, {"annotations": []})
return items, categories
def _parse_attr(cls, value):
if value == "true":
return True
elif value == "false":
return False
elif str(cast(value, int, 0)) == value:
return int(value)
elif str(cast(value, float, 0)) == value:
return float(value)
return value
def _parse_track(cls, track_id, track, categories):
common_attrs = {k: cls._parse_attr(v) for k, v in track["attributes"].items()}
scale = [track["scale"][k] for k in ["h", "w", "l"]]
label = categories[AnnotationType.label].find(track["label"])[0]
kf_occluded = False
for shape in track["shapes"]:
occluded = shape["occluded"] in {OcclusionStates.FULLY, OcclusionStates.PARTLY}
if shape["occluded_kf"]:
kf_occluded = occluded
elif shape["occluded"] == OcclusionStates.OCCLUSION_UNSET:
occluded = kf_occluded
if shape["truncated"] in {TruncationStates.OUT_IMAGE, TruncationStates.BEHIND_IMAGE}:
# skip these frames
local_attrs = {k: cls._parse_attr(v) for k, v in shape["attributes"].items()}
local_attrs["occluded"] = occluded
local_attrs["track_id"] = track_id
attrs = dict(common_attrs)
position = [shape["points"][k] for k in ["tx", "ty", "tz"]]
rotation = [shape["points"][k] for k in ["rx", "ry", "rz"]]
yield Cuboid3d(position, rotation, scale, label=label, attributes=attrs)
def _parse_name_mapping(path):
rootdir = osp.dirname(path)
name_mapping = {}
if osp.isfile(path):
with open(path, encoding="utf-8") as f:
for line in f:
line = line.strip()
if not line or line.startswith("#"):
idx, path = line.split(maxsplit=1)
path = osp.abspath(osp.join(rootdir, path))
assert path.startswith(rootdir), path
path = osp.relpath(path, rootdir)
name_mapping[int(idx)] = path
return name_mapping
def _load_items(self, parsed):
images = {}
for d in os.listdir(self._rootdir):
image_dir = osp.join(self._rootdir, d, "data")
if not (d.lower().startswith(KittiRawPath.IMG_DIR_PREFIX) and osp.isdir(image_dir)):
for p in find_images(image_dir, recursive=True):
image_name = osp.splitext(osp.relpath(p, image_dir))[0]
images.setdefault(image_name, []).append(p)
name_mapping = self._parse_name_mapping(
osp.join(self._rootdir, KittiRawPath.NAME_MAPPING_FILE)
items = {}
for frame_id, item_desc in parsed.items():
name = name_mapping.get(frame_id, "%010d" % int(frame_id))
items[frame_id] = DatasetItem(
path=osp.join(self._rootdir, KittiRawPath.PCD_DIR, name + ".pcd"),
Image.from_file(path=image) for image in sorted(images.get(name, []))
attributes={"frame": int(frame_id)},
for ann in item_desc.get("annotations"):
for frame_id, name in name_mapping.items():
if frame_id in items:
items[frame_id] = DatasetItem(
path=osp.join(self._rootdir, KittiRawPath.PCD_DIR, name + ".pcd"),
Image.from_file(path=image) for image in sorted(images.get(name, []))
attributes={"frame": int(frame_id)},
return items
class KittiRawImporter(Importer):
_ANNO_EXT = ".xml"
def detect(cls, context: FormatDetectionContext) -> None:
annot_file = context.require_file(f"*{cls._ANNO_EXT}")
with context.probe_text_file(
"must be a KITTI-like annotation file",
) as f:
parser = ET.iterparse(f, events=("start",))
_, elem = next(parser)
if elem.tag != "boost_serialization":
raise Exception
_, elem = next(parser)
if elem.tag != "tracklets":
raise Exception
def find_sources(cls, path):
return cls._find_sources_recursive(path, ".xml", "kitti_raw")
def get_file_extensions(cls) -> List[str]:
return [cls._ANNO_EXT]