Source code for datumaro.plugins.data_formats.roboflow.importer

# Copyright (C) 2023 Intel Corporation
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

import os
import os.path as osp
import warnings
from collections import defaultdict
from glob import glob
from io import TextIOWrapper
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Type

from defusedxml import ElementTree

from datumaro.components.errors import DatasetImportError
from datumaro.components.format_detection import FormatDetectionConfidence, FormatDetectionContext
from datumaro.components.importer import Importer
from datumaro.components.merge.extractor_merger import ExtractorMerger

[docs] class RoboflowCocoImporter(Importer): FORMAT = "roboflow_coco" ANN_FILE_NAME = "_annotations.coco.json"
[docs] @classmethod def detect( cls, context: FormatDetectionContext, ) -> FormatDetectionConfidence: context.require_file(osp.join("*", cls.ANN_FILE_NAME)) return FormatDetectionConfidence.MEDIUM
[docs] @classmethod def find_sources(cls, path): subset_paths = glob(osp.join(path, "**", cls.ANN_FILE_NAME), recursive=True) sources = [] for subset_path in subset_paths: subset_name = osp.basename(osp.dirname(subset_path)) sources.append( {"url": subset_path, "format": cls.FORMAT, "options": {"subset": subset_name}} ) return sources
[docs] @classmethod def get_file_extensions(cls) -> List[str]: return [osp.splitext(cls.ANN_FILE_NAME)[1]]
@property def can_stream(self) -> bool: return True
[docs] def get_extractor_merger(self) -> Type[ExtractorMerger]: return ExtractorMerger
[docs] class RoboflowVocImporter(Importer): FORMAT = "roboflow_voc" FORMAT_EXT = ".xml" ANN_DIR_NAME = ""
[docs] @classmethod def detect(cls, context: FormatDetectionContext) -> FormatDetectionConfidence: with context.require_any(): with context.alternative(): cls._check_ann_file( context.require_file("**/" + cls.ANN_DIR_NAME + "*" + cls.FORMAT_EXT), context ) return FormatDetectionConfidence.MEDIUM
@classmethod def _check_ann_file(cls, fpath: str, context: FormatDetectionContext) -> None: with context.probe_text_file( fpath, "Requirements for the annotation file of voc format" ) as fp: cls._check_ann_file_impl(fp) @classmethod def _check_ann_file_impl(cls, fp: TextIOWrapper) -> bool: root = ElementTree.parse(fp).getroot() if root.tag != "annotation": raise DatasetImportError("Roboflow VOC format xml file should have the annotation tag.") if not root.find("source/database").text == "": raise DatasetImportError( "Roboflow VOC format xml file should have the source/database with ``." ) return True @classmethod def _get_sources(cls, path: str) -> Dict[Any, List[Any]]: def _filter_ann_file(fpath: str): try: with open(fpath, "r") as fp: return cls._check_ann_file_impl(fp) except DatasetImportError: return False sources = cls._find_sources_recursive( path, ext=cls.FORMAT_EXT, extractor_name="", dirname=cls.ANN_DIR_NAME, file_filter=_filter_ann_file, filename="**/*", max_depth=2, recursive=True, ) if len(sources) == 0: return [] return sources
[docs] @classmethod def find_sources(cls, path: str) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: sources = cls._get_sources(path) subsets = {} for source in sources: subset_name = osp.dirname(source["url"]).split(os.sep)[-1] subsets[subset_name] = osp.dirname(source["url"]) sources = [ { "url": url, "format": cls.FORMAT, "options": { "subset": subset, }, } for subset, url in subsets.items() ] return sources
[docs] @classmethod def get_file_extensions(cls) -> List[str]: return [cls.FORMAT_EXT]
[docs] class RoboflowYoloImporter(RoboflowVocImporter): FORMAT = "roboflow_yolo" FORMAT_EXT = ".txt" ANN_DIR_NAME = "labels/" @classmethod def _check_ann_file_impl(cls, fp: TextIOWrapper) -> bool: for line in fp: fields = line.rstrip("\n").split(" ") if len(fields) != 5: raise DatasetImportError( f"Roboflow Yolo format txt file should have 5 fields for each line, " f"but the read line has {len(fields)} fields: fields={fields}." ) for field in fields: if not field.replace(".", "").isdigit(): raise DatasetImportError(f"Each field should be a number but fields={fields}.") # Check the first line only return True raise DatasetImportError("Empty file is not allowed.")
[docs] @classmethod def find_sources(cls, path: str) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: sources = cls._get_sources(path) subsets = defaultdict(list) for source in sources: subset_name = osp.dirname(source["url"]).split(os.sep)[-2] subsets[subset_name].append(source["url"]) sources = [ { "url": osp.dirname(osp.dirname(urls[0])), "format": cls.FORMAT, "options": { "subset": subset, "urls": urls, }, } for subset, urls in subsets.items() ] return sources
[docs] class RoboflowYoloObbImporter(RoboflowYoloImporter): FORMAT = "roboflow_yolo_obb" FORMAT_EXT = ".txt" ANN_DIR_NAME = "labelTxt/"
[docs] @classmethod def detect(cls, context: FormatDetectionContext) -> FormatDetectionConfidence: warnings.warn( f"FormatDetectionConfidence of '{cls.FORMAT}' is lowered because of 'dota' format support. " f"It will be deprecated in datumaro==1.8.0.", DeprecationWarning, ) with context.require_any(): with context.alternative(): cls._check_ann_file( context.require_file("**/" + cls.ANN_DIR_NAME + "*" + cls.FORMAT_EXT), context ) return FormatDetectionConfidence.LOW
@classmethod def _check_ann_file_impl(cls, fp: TextIOWrapper) -> bool: for line in fp: fields = line.rstrip("\n").split(" ") if len(fields) != 10: raise DatasetImportError( f"Roboflow Yolo OBB format txt file should have 10 fields for each line, " f"but the read line has {len(fields)} fields: fields={fields}." ) # Check the first line only return True raise DatasetImportError("Empty file is not allowed.")
[docs] class RoboflowCreateMlImporter(RoboflowCocoImporter): FORMAT = "roboflow_create_ml" ANN_FILE_NAME = "_annotations.createml.json"
[docs] class RoboflowMulticlassImporter(RoboflowCocoImporter): FORMAT = "roboflow_multiclass" ANN_FILE_NAME = "_classes.csv"