Source code for datumaro.plugins.data_formats.synthia.format

# Copyright (C) 2023 Intel Corporation
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

from collections import OrderedDict
from enum import IntEnum

[docs] class SynthiaFormatType(IntEnum): synthia_rand = 0 synthia_sf = 1 synthia_al = 2
[docs] @classmethod def meta_folders(cls): return [val for val in vars(cls).values() if isinstance(val, str) and "datumaro" not in val]
[docs] class SynthiaSfPath: IMAGES_DIR = "RGBLeft" SEMANTIC_SEGM_DIR = "GTLeft" DEPTH_DIR = "DepthLeft"
[docs] @classmethod def meta_folders(cls): return [val for val in vars(cls).values() if isinstance(val, str) and "datumaro" not in val]
[docs] class SynthiaAlPath: IMAGES_DIR = "RGB" SEMANTIC_SEGM_DIR = "SemSeg" DEPTH_DIR = "Depth"
[docs] @classmethod def meta_folders(cls): return [val for val in vars(cls).values() if isinstance(val, str) and "datumaro" not in val]
SynthiaRandLabelMap = OrderedDict( [ ("Void", (0, 0, 0)), ("Sky", (128, 128, 128)), ("Building", (128, 0, 0)), ("Road", (128, 64, 128)), ("Sidewalk", (0, 0, 192)), ("Fence", (64, 64, 128)), ("Vegetation", (128, 128, 0)), ("Pole", (192, 192, 128)), ("Car", (64, 0, 128)), ("Sign", (192, 128, 128)), ("Pedestrian", (64, 64, 0)), ("Cyclist", (0, 128, 192)), ("Lanemarking", (0, 175, 0)), ("TrafficLight", (0, 128, 128)), ] ) SynthiaSfLabelMap = OrderedDict( [ ("Void", (0, 0, 0)), ("Road", (128, 64, 128)), ("Sidewalk", (244, 35, 232)), ("Building", (70, 70, 70)), ("Wall", (102, 102, 156)), ("Fence", (190, 153, 153)), ("Pole", (153, 153, 153)), ("TrafficLight", (250, 170, 30)), ("TrafficSign", (220, 220, 0)), ("Vegetation", (107, 142, 35)), ("Terrian", (152, 251, 152)), ("Sky", (70, 130, 180)), ("Person", (220, 20, 60)), ("Rider", (255, 0, 0)), ("Car", (0, 0, 142)), ("Truck", (0, 80, 100)), ("Bus", (0, 60, 100)), ("Train", (0, 80, 100)), ("Motorcycle", (0, 0, 230)), ("Bicycle", (119, 11, 31)), ("RoadLines", (157, 234, 50)), ("Other", (72, 0, 98)), ("RoadWorks", (167, 106, 29)), ] ) SynthiaAlLabelMap = OrderedDict( [ ("Void", (0, 0, 0)), ("Sky", (128, 128, 128)), ("Building", (128, 0, 0)), ("Road", (128, 64, 128)), ("Sidewalk", (0, 0, 192)), ("Fence", (64, 64, 128)), ("Vegetation", (128, 128, 0)), ("Pole", (192, 192, 128)), ("Car", (64, 0, 128)), ("TrafficSign", (192, 128, 128)), ("Pedestrian", (64, 64, 0)), ("Bicycle", (0, 128, 192)), ("Lanemarking", (0, 172, 0)), ("TrafficLight", (0, 128, 128)), ] )