Source code for datumaro.util.mask_tools

# Copyright (C) 2019-2024 Intel Corporation
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
import logging as log
from functools import partial
from itertools import chain
from typing import Dict, Optional, Tuple

import numpy as np
from pycocotools import mask as pycocotools_mask

from datumaro._capi import encode
from datumaro.util.image import lazy_image, load_image

[docs] def generate_colormap(length=256, *, include_background=True): """ Generates colors using PASCAL VOC algorithm. If include_background is True, the result will include the item "0: (0, 0, 0)", which is typically used as a background color. Otherwise, indices will start from 0, but (0, 0, 0) is not included. Returns index -> (R, G, B) mapping. """ def get_bit(number, index): return (number >> index) & 1 colormap = np.zeros((length, 3), dtype=int) offset = int(not include_background) indices = np.arange(offset, length + offset, dtype=int) for j in range(7, -1, -1): for c in range(3): colormap[:, c] |= get_bit(indices, c) << j indices >>= 3 return {id: tuple(color) for id, color in enumerate(colormap)}
[docs] def invert_colormap(colormap): return {tuple(a): index for index, a in colormap.items()}
[docs] def check_is_mask(mask): assert len(mask.shape) in {2, 3} if len(mask.shape) == 3: assert mask.shape[2] == 1
_default_colormap = generate_colormap() _default_unpaint_colormap = invert_colormap(_default_colormap)
[docs] def unpaint_mask(painted_mask, inverse_colormap=None, default_id=None): """ Convert color mask to index mask mask: HWC BGR [0; 255] colormap: (R, G, B) -> index """ assert len(painted_mask.shape) == 3 if inverse_colormap is None: inverse_colormap = _default_unpaint_colormap if callable(inverse_colormap): map_fn = lambda a: inverse_colormap((a >> 16) & 255, (a >> 8) & 255, a & 255) else: map_fn = lambda a: inverse_colormap.get(((a >> 16) & 255, (a >> 8) & 255, a & 255), None) painted_mask = painted_mask.astype(int) painted_mask = ( painted_mask[:, :, 0] + (painted_mask[:, :, 1] << 8) + (painted_mask[:, :, 2] << 16) ) uvals, unpainted_mask = np.unique(painted_mask, return_inverse=True) palette = [] for v in uvals: class_id = map_fn(v) if class_id is None and default_id is None: raise KeyError(f"Undeclared color {((v >> 16) & 255, (v >> 8) & 255, v & 255)}") elif class_id is None and default_id is not None: class_id = default_id palette.append(class_id) palette = np.array(palette, dtype=np.min_scalar_type(len(uvals))) unpainted_mask = palette[unpainted_mask].reshape(painted_mask.shape[:2]) return unpainted_mask
[docs] def paint_mask(mask, colormap=None): """ Applies colormap to index mask mask: HW(C) [0; max_index] mask colormap: index -> (R, G, B) """ check_is_mask(mask) if colormap is None: colormap = _default_colormap if callable(colormap): map_fn = colormap else: map_fn = lambda c: colormap.get(c, (-1, -1, -1)) palette = np.array([map_fn(c)[::-1] for c in range(256)], dtype=np.uint8) mask = mask.astype(np.uint8) painted_mask = palette[mask].reshape((*mask.shape[:2], 3)) return painted_mask
[docs] def remap_mask(mask, map_fn): """ Changes mask elements from one colormap to another # mask: HW(C) [0; max_index] mask """ check_is_mask(mask) return np.array([map_fn(c) for c in range(256)], dtype=np.uint8)[mask]
[docs] def make_index_mask( binary_mask: np.ndarray, index: int, ignore_index: int = 0, dtype: Optional[np.dtype] = None, ): """Create an index mask from a binary mask by filling a given index value. Args: binary_mask: Binary mask to create an index mask. index: Scalar value to fill the ones in the binary mask. ignore_index: Scalar value to fill in the zeros in the binary mask. Defaults to 0. dtype: Data type for the resulting mask. If not specified, it will be inferred from the provided `index` to hold its value. For example, if `index=255`, the inferred dtype will be `np.uint8`. Defaults to None. Returns: np.ndarray: Index mask created from the binary mask. Raises: ValueError: If dtype is not specified and incompatible scalar types are used for index and ignore_index. Examples: >>> binary_mask = np.eye(2, dtype=np.bool_) >>> index_mask = make_index_mask(binary_mask, index=10, ignore_index=255, dtype=np.uint8) >>> print(index_mask) array([[ 10, 255], [255, 10]], dtype=uint8) """ if dtype is None: dtype = np.min_scalar_type(index) if dtype != np.min_scalar_type(ignore_index): msg = ( "Given dtype is None, " "but inferred dtypes from the given index and ignore_index are different each other. " "Please mannually set dtype" ) raise ValueError(msg, index, ignore_index) flipped_zero_np_scalar = ~np.full(tuple(), fill_value=0, dtype=dtype) # NOTE: This dispatching rule is required for a performance boost if ignore_index == flipped_zero_np_scalar: flipped_index = ~np.full(tuple(), fill_value=index, dtype=dtype) return ~(binary_mask * flipped_index) elif index < ignore_index: diff = ignore_index - index mask = ~binary_mask * np.full(tuple(), fill_value=diff, dtype=dtype) mask += index return mask elif index > ignore_index: diff = index - ignore_index mask = binary_mask * np.full(tuple(), fill_value=diff, dtype=dtype) mask += ignore_index return mask # index == ignore_index msg = ( "index == ignore_index. " f"It will create an index mask filling with a single value, index={index}" ) log.warning(msg) return np.full_like(binary_mask, fill_value=index, dtype=dtype)
[docs] def make_binary_mask(mask): if mask.dtype.kind == "b": return mask return mask.astype(bool)
[docs] def bgr2index(img): if img.dtype.kind not in {"b", "i", "u"} or img.dtype.itemsize < 4: img = img.astype(np.uint32) return (img[..., 0] << 16) + (img[..., 1] << 8) + img[..., 2]
[docs] def index2bgr(id_map): return np.dstack((id_map >> 16, id_map >> 8, id_map)).astype(np.uint8)
[docs] def load_mask(path, inverse_colormap=None, default_id=None): mask = load_image(path, dtype=np.uint8) if inverse_colormap is not None: if len(mask.shape) == 3 and mask.shape[2] != 1: mask = unpaint_mask(mask, inverse_colormap, default_id) return mask
[docs] def lazy_mask(path, inverse_colormap=None): return lazy_image(path, partial(load_mask, inverse_colormap=inverse_colormap))
[docs] def mask_to_rle(binary_mask): return encode(binary_mask)
[docs] def mask_to_rle_py(binary_mask): # walk in row-major order as COCO format specifies bounded = binary_mask.ravel(order="F") # add borders to sequence # find boundary positions for sequences and compute their lengths difs = np.diff(bounded, prepend=[1 - bounded[0]], append=[1 - bounded[-1]]) (counts,) = np.where(difs != 0) # start RLE encoding from 0 as COCO format specifies if bounded[0] != 0: counts = np.diff(counts, prepend=[0]) else: counts = np.diff(counts) return {"counts": counts, "size": list(binary_mask.shape)}
[docs] def extract_contours(mask): """ Convert an instance mask to polygons Args: mask: a 2d binary mask tolerance: maximum distance from original points of a polygon to the approximated ones area_threshold: minimal area of generated polygons Returns: A list of polygons like [[x1,y1, x2,y2 ...], [...]] """ import cv2 contours, _ = cv2.findContours( mask.astype(np.uint8), mode=cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, method=cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_TC89_KCOS ) results = [] for contour in contours: if len(contour) <= 2: continue contour = contour.reshape((-1, 2)) if not np.array_equal(contour[0], contour[-1]): contour = np.vstack((contour, contour[0])) # make polygon closed results.append(contour.flatten().clip(0)) # [x0, y0, ...] return results
[docs] def mask_to_polygons(mask, area_threshold=1): """ Convert an instance mask to polygons Args: mask: a 2d binary mask tolerance: maximum distance from original points of a polygon to the approximated ones area_threshold: minimal area of generated polygons Returns: A list of polygons like [[x1,y1, x2,y2 ...], [...]] """ contours = extract_contours(mask) polygons = [] for contour in contours: # Check if the polygon is big enough rle = pycocotools_mask.frPyObjects([contour], mask.shape[0], mask.shape[1]) area = sum(pycocotools_mask.area(rle)) if area_threshold <= area: polygons.append(contour) return polygons
[docs] def mask_to_bboxes(mask): """ Convert an instance mask to bboxes Args: mask: a 2d binary mask Returns: A list of bboxes like [[x1,x2,y1,y2], [...]] """ contours = extract_contours(mask) bboxes = [] for contour in contours: x1, x2 = min(contour[0::2]), max(contour[0::2]) y1, y2 = min(contour[1::2]), max(contour[1::2]) bboxes.append([x1, x2, y1, y2]) return bboxes
[docs] def crop_covered_segments( segments, width, height, iou_threshold=0.0, ratio_tolerance=0.001, area_threshold=1, return_masks=False, ): """ Find all segments occluded by others and crop them to the visible part only. Input segments are expected to be sorted from background to foreground. Args: segments: 1d list of segment RLEs (in COCO format) width: width of the image height: height of the image iou_threshold: IoU threshold for objects to be counted as intersected By default is set to 0 to process any intersected objects ratio_tolerance: an IoU "handicap" value for a situation when an object is (almost) fully covered by another one and we don't want make a "hole" in the background object area_threshold: minimal area of included segments Returns: A list of input segments' parts (in the same order as input): .. code-block:: [ [[x1,y1, x2,y2 ...], ...], # input segment #0 parts mask1, # input segment #1 mask (if source segment is mask) [], # when source segment is too small ... ] """ segments = [[s] for s in segments] input_rles = [pycocotools_mask.frPyObjects(s, height, width) for s in segments] for i, rle_bottom in enumerate(input_rles): area_bottom = sum(pycocotools_mask.area(rle_bottom)) if area_bottom < area_threshold: segments[i] = [] if not return_masks else None continue rles_top = [] for j in range(i + 1, len(input_rles)): rle_top = input_rles[j] iou = sum(pycocotools_mask.iou(rle_bottom, rle_top, [0]))[0] if iou <= iou_threshold: continue area_top = sum(pycocotools_mask.area(rle_top)) area_ratio = area_top / area_bottom # If a segment is fully inside another one, skip this segment if abs(area_ratio - iou) < ratio_tolerance: continue # Check if the bottom segment is fully covered by the top one. # There is a mistake in the annotation, keep the background one if abs(1 / area_ratio - iou) < ratio_tolerance: rles_top = [] break rles_top += rle_top if not rles_top and not isinstance(segments[i][0], dict) and not return_masks: continue rle_bottom = rle_bottom[0] bottom_mask = pycocotools_mask.decode(rle_bottom).astype(np.uint8) if rles_top: rle_top = pycocotools_mask.merge(rles_top) top_mask = pycocotools_mask.decode(rle_top).astype(np.uint8) bottom_mask -= top_mask bottom_mask[bottom_mask != 1] = 0 if not return_masks and not isinstance(segments[i][0], dict): segments[i] = mask_to_polygons(bottom_mask, area_threshold=area_threshold) else: segments[i] = bottom_mask return segments
[docs] def rles_to_mask(rles, width, height): rles = pycocotools_mask.frPyObjects(rles, height, width) rles = pycocotools_mask.merge(rles) mask = pycocotools_mask.decode(rles) return mask
[docs] def rle_to_mask(rle_uncompressed: Dict[str, np.ndarray]) -> np.ndarray: """Decode the uncompressed RLE string to the binary mask (2D np.ndarray) The uncompressed RLE string can be obtained by the datumaro.util.mask_tools.mask_to_rle() function """ resulting_mask = pycocotools_mask.frPyObjects(rle_uncompressed, *rle_uncompressed["size"]) resulting_mask = pycocotools_mask.decode(resulting_mask) return resulting_mask
[docs] def find_mask_bbox(mask) -> Tuple[int, int, int, int]: cols = np.any(mask, axis=0) rows = np.any(mask, axis=1) x0, x1 = np.where(cols)[0][[0, -1]] y0, y1 = np.where(rows)[0][[0, -1]] return (x0, y0, x1 - x0, y1 - y0)
[docs] def merge_masks(masks, start=None): """ Merges masks into one, mask order is responsible for z order. To avoid memory explosion on mask materialization, consider passing a generator. Inputs: a sequence of index masks or (binary mask, index) pairs Outputs: an index mask """ if start is not None: masks = chain([start], masks) it = iter(masks) try: merged_mask = next(it) if isinstance(merged_mask, tuple) and len(merged_mask) == 2: merged_mask = merged_mask[0] * merged_mask[1] except StopIteration: return None for m in it: if isinstance(m, tuple) and len(m) == 2: merged_mask = np.where(m[0], m[1], merged_mask) else: merged_mask = np.where(m, m, merged_mask) return merged_mask