# Format ## List Supported Data Formats This command shows a list of supported import/export data formats in Datumaro. It is useful on a quick reference of data format name used for other CLI command such as [convert](../context_free/convert.md), [import](../context/sources.md#import-dataset), or [export](../context/export.md#export-datasets). For more detailed guides on each data format, please visit [our Data Formats section](../../data-formats/formats/index.rst). Usage: ```console usage: datum format [-h] [-li | -le] [-d DELIMITER] ``` Parameters: - `-h, --help` - Print the help message and exit. - `-d DELIMITER, --delimiter DELIMITER` - Seperator used to list data format names (default: `\n`). For example, `datum format -d ','` command displays ```console Supported import formats: ade20k2017,ade20k2020,align_celeba,... ``` - `-li, --list-import` - List all supported import data format names - `-le, --list-export` - List all supported export data format names