# MPII Human Pose ## Format specification The original MPII Human Pose Dataset is available [here](http://human-pose.mpi-inf.mpg.de). Supported annotation types: - `Bbox` - `Points` Supported attributes: - `center` (a list with two coordinates of the center point of the object) - `scale` (float) ## Import MPII Human Pose Dataset A Datumaro project with an MPII Human Pose Dataset source can be created in the following way: ```bash datum project create datum project import --format mpii ``` It is also possible to import the dataset using Python API: ```python import datumaro as dm mpii_dataset = dm.Dataset.import_from('', 'mpii') ``` MPII Human Pose Dataset directory should have the following structure: ``` dataset/ ├── mpii_human_pose_v1_u12_1.mat ├── 000000001.jpg ├── 000000002.jpg ├── 000000003.jpg └── ... ``` ## Export to other formats Datumaro can convert an MPII Human Pose Dataset into any other format [Datumaro supports](/docs/data-formats/formats/index.rst). To get the expected result, convert the dataset to a format that supports bounding boxes or points. There are several ways to convert an MPII Human Pose Dataset to other dataset formats using CLI: ```bash datum project create datum project import -f mpii datum project export -f voc -o ./save_dir -- --save-media ``` or ``` bash datum convert -if mpii -i \ -f voc -o -- --save-media ``` Or, using Python API: ```python import datumaro as dm dataset = dm.Dataset.import_from('', 'mpii') dataset.export('save_dir', 'voc') ``` ## Examples Examples of using this format from the code can be found in [the format tests](https://github.com/openvinotoolkit/datumaro/blob/develop/tests/unit/test_mpii_format.py)