# Video ## Format specification There are many kinds of video extensions as listed up [here](https://github.com/openvinotoolkit/datumaro/blob/develop/datumaro/plugins/data_formats/video.py). Datumaro can import a video into video frames by adjusting the start frame, end frame, and step size. Furthermore, with a `video_keyframes` format, Datumaro can extract keyframes by comparing zero-mean normalized cross correlation (ZNCC) metric between successive frames as following [here](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1047320312000223). Plus, Datumaro provides the options for choosing image extension and name patterns for efficient data management from multiple videos. ## Import video A Datumaro project with a video frames can be created in the following way: ``` datum project create datum project import -f video_frames ``` Load video through the Python API: ```python import datumaro as dm dataset = dm.Dataset.import_from('', format='video_frames') ``` Datumaro has few import options for `video_frames` format, to apply them use the `--` after the main command argument. Note that a video has a closed interval of [`start-frame`, `end-frame`]. `video_frames` import options: - `--subset` (string) - The name of the subset for the produced dataset items (default: none) - `-p, --name-pattern` (string) - Name pattern for the produced images (default: `%06d`) - `-s, --step` (integer) - Frame step (default: 1) - `-b, --start-frame` (integer) - Starting frame (default: 0) - `-e, --end-frame` (integer) - Finishing frame (default: none) - `-h, --help` - Print the help message and exit Usage: ``` console datum project import -f video_frames [-h] [-n NAME] [-r RPATH] [-p PROJECT_DIR] [--no-check] [-s STEP] [-b START_FRAME] [-e END_FRAME] url ... ``` Example: import a video into frames, use each 30th frame: ```console datum project import -f video_frames video.mp4 -o video-frames --step 30 ``` Example: import a video into frames, save as 'frame_xxxxxx.png' files: ```console datum project import -f video_frames video.mp4 -o video-frames --image-ext=.png --name-pattern='frame_%%06d' ``` Example: import a video into keyframes: ```console datum project import -f video_keyframes video.mp4 -o video-frames ```