=========================== Level 11: Data Generation =========================== Pre-training of deep learning models for vision tasks can increase model accuracy. Training model with the synthetic dataset is one of famous pre-training approach since the manual annotations is quite expensive work. Base on the [FractalDB]_, Datumaro provides a fractal image dataset (FractalDB) generator that can be utilized to pre-train the vision models. Learning visual features of FractalDB is known to increase the performance of Vision Transformer (ViT) models. Note that a fractal patterns in FractalDB is calculated mathmatically using the interated function system (IFS) with random parameters. We thus don't need to concern about any privacy issues. .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: CLI We can ``generate`` the synthetic images by the following CLI command: .. code-block:: bash datum generate -o --count GEN_IMG_COUNT --shape GEN_IMG_SHAPE ``GEN_IMG_COUNT`` is an integer that indicates the number of images to be generated. (e.g. ``--count 300``) ``GEN_IMG_SHAPE`` is the shape (width height) of generated images (e.g. ``--shape 240 180``) .. tab-item:: Python With Pthon API, we can generate the synthetic images as below. .. code-block:: python from datumaro.plugins.synthetic_data import FractalImageGenerator FractalImageGenerator(output_dir=, count=GEN_IMG_COUNT, shape=GEN_IMG_SHAPE).generate_dataset() ``GEN_IMG_COUNT`` is an integer that indicates the number of images to be generated. (e.g. ``count=300``) ``GEN_IMG_SHAPE`` is a tuple representing the shape of generated images as (width, height) (e.g. ``shape=(240, 180)``) Congratulations! You completed reading all Datumaro level-up documents for the intermediate skills. .. [FractalDB] Nakashima, Kodai, et al. "Can vision transformers learn without natural images?." Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Vol. 36. No. 2. 2022.