Source code for datumaro.plugins.data_formats.cifar

# Copyright (C) 2023 Intel Corporation
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

import errno
import os
import os.path as osp
import pickle  # nosec B403
from collections import OrderedDict
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional

import numpy as np

from datumaro.components.annotation import AnnotationType, Label, LabelCategories
from datumaro.components.dataset_base import DatasetItem, SubsetBase
from datumaro.components.dataset_item_storage import ItemStatus
from datumaro.components.errors import InvalidAnnotationError, MediaTypeError
from datumaro.components.exporter import Exporter
from datumaro.components.format_detection import FormatDetectionConfidence, FormatDetectionContext
from datumaro.components.importer import ImportContext, Importer
from import Image
from datumaro.util import cast
from datumaro.util.meta_file_util import has_meta_file, parse_meta_file
from datumaro.util.pickle_util import PickleLoader

[docs] class CifarPath: META_10_FILE = "batches.meta" META_100_FILE = "meta" TRAIN_FILE_PREFIX = "data_batch_" USELESS_FILE = "file.txt~" IMAGE_SIZE = 32
Cifar10Label = [ "airplane", "automobile", "bird", "cat", "deer", "dog", "frog", "horse", "ship", "truck", ] # Support for Python version CIFAR-10/100
[docs] class CifarBase(SubsetBase): def __init__( self, path: str, *, subset: Optional[str] = None, ctx: Optional[ImportContext] = None, ): if not osp.isfile(path): raise FileNotFoundError(errno.ENOENT, "Can't find annotations file", path) if not subset: subset = osp.splitext(osp.basename(path))[0] super().__init__(subset=subset, ctx=ctx) self._categories = self._load_categories(osp.dirname(path)) self._items = list(self._load_items(path).values()) def _load_categories(self, path): if has_meta_file(path): return { AnnotationType.label: LabelCategories.from_iterable(parse_meta_file(path).keys()) } label_cat = LabelCategories() meta_file = osp.join(path, CifarPath.META_10_FILE) if not osp.isfile(meta_file): meta_file = osp.join(path, CifarPath.META_100_FILE) if osp.isfile(meta_file): # CIFAR-10: # num_cases_per_batch: 1000 # label_names: ['airplane', 'automobile', 'bird', 'cat', 'deer', # 'dog', 'frog', 'horse', 'ship', 'truck'] # num_vis: 3072 # CIFAR-100: # fine_label_names: ['apple', 'aquarium_fish', 'baby', ...] # coarse_label_names: ['aquatic_mammals', 'fish', 'flowers', ...] with open(meta_file, "rb") as labels_file: data = PickleLoader.restricted_load(labels_file) labels = data.get("label_names") if labels is not None: for label in labels: label_cat.add(label) else: labels = data.get("fine_label_names") self._coarse_labels = data.get("coarse_label_names", []) if labels is not None: for label in labels: label_cat.add(label) else: for label in Cifar10Label: label_cat.add(label) return {AnnotationType.label: label_cat} def _load_items(self, path): items = {} label_cat = self._categories[AnnotationType.label] # 'batch_label': 'training batch 1 of 5' # 'data': ndarray # 'filenames': list # CIFAR-10: 'labels': list # CIFAR-100: 'fine_labels': list # 'coarse_labels': list with open(path, "rb") as anno_file: annotation_dict = PickleLoader.restricted_load(anno_file) labels = annotation_dict.get("labels", []) coarse_labels = annotation_dict.get("coarse_labels", []) if len(labels) == 0: labels = annotation_dict.get("fine_labels", []) filenames = annotation_dict.get("filenames", []) images_data = annotation_dict.get("data") size = annotation_dict.get("image_sizes") if len(labels) != len(filenames): raise InvalidAnnotationError( "The sizes of the arrays 'filenames', " "'labels' don't match." ) if 0 < len(images_data) and len(images_data) != len(filenames): raise InvalidAnnotationError( "The sizes of the arrays 'data', " "'filenames', 'labels' don't match." ) for i, (filename, label) in enumerate(zip(filenames, labels)): item_id = osp.splitext(filename)[0] annotations = [] if label is not None: annotations.append(Label(label)) self._ann_types.add(AnnotationType.label) if ( 0 < len(coarse_labels) and coarse_labels[i] is not None and label_cat[label].parent == "" ): label_cat[label].parent = self._coarse_labels[coarse_labels[i]] image = None if 0 < len(images_data): image = images_data[i] if size is not None and image is not None: image = image.astype(np.uint8).reshape(3, size[i][0], size[i][1]) image = np.transpose(image, (1, 2, 0)) elif image is not None: image = image.astype(np.uint8).reshape( 3, CifarPath.IMAGE_SIZE, CifarPath.IMAGE_SIZE ) image = np.transpose(image, (1, 2, 0)) if image is not None: image = Image.from_numpy(data=image) items[item_id] = DatasetItem( id=item_id, subset=self._subset, media=image, annotations=annotations ) return items
[docs] class CifarImporter(Importer):
[docs] @classmethod def detect( cls, context: FormatDetectionContext, ) -> Optional[FormatDetectionConfidence]: super().detect(context) return FormatDetectionConfidence.MEDIUM
[docs] @classmethod def find_sources(cls, path: str) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: def _find(path: str, meta_file_name: str) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: # Find dataset root by looking for the meta file roots = cls._find_sources_recursive( path, "", "cifar", file_filter=lambda p: osp.basename(p) == meta_file_name, ) sources = [] # Extract subset files from the root path for root in roots: root_dir = osp.dirname(root["url"]) sources += cls._find_sources_recursive( root_dir, "", "cifar", # Subset files have no extension in the format, and # should not be the meta file. file_filter=lambda p: not osp.isdir(p) and not osp.splitext(osp.basename(p))[1] and osp.basename(p) != meta_file_name, ) return sources sources = [] sources += _find(path, CifarPath.META_10_FILE) sources += _find(path, CifarPath.META_100_FILE) return sources
[docs] @classmethod def get_file_extensions(cls) -> List[str]: return list({osp.splitext(p)[1] for p in (CifarPath.META_10_FILE, CifarPath.META_100_FILE)})
[docs] class CifarExporter(Exporter): DEFAULT_IMAGE_EXT = ".png" def _apply_impl(self): if self._extractor.media_type() and not issubclass(self._extractor.media_type(), Image): raise MediaTypeError("Media type is not an image") os.makedirs(self._save_dir, exist_ok=True) if self._save_dataset_meta: self._save_meta_file(self._save_dir) label_categories = self._extractor.categories()[AnnotationType.label] label_names = [] coarse_label_names = [] for label in label_categories: label_names.append( if label.parent and (label.parent not in coarse_label_names): coarse_label_names.append(label.parent) coarse_label_names.sort() if coarse_label_names: labels_dict = { "fine_label_names": label_names, "coarse_label_names": coarse_label_names, } coarse_label_names = OrderedDict((name, i) for i, name in enumerate(coarse_label_names)) meta_file = osp.join(self._save_dir, CifarPath.META_100_FILE) else: labels_dict = {"label_names": label_names} meta_file = osp.join(self._save_dir, CifarPath.META_10_FILE) with open(meta_file, "wb") as f: pickle.dump(labels_dict, f) for subset_name, subset in self._extractor.subsets().items(): filenames = [] labels = [] coarse_labels = [] data = [] image_sizes = {} for item in subset: filenames.append(self._make_image_filename(item)) anns = [a for a in item.annotations if a.type == AnnotationType.label] if anns: labels.append(anns[0].label) if coarse_label_names: superclass = label_categories[anns[0].label].parent coarse_labels.append(coarse_label_names[superclass]) else: labels.append(None) coarse_labels.append(None) if self._save_media and image = if not image.has_data: data.append(None) else: image = data.append(np.transpose(image, (2, 0, 1)).reshape(-1).astype(np.uint8)) if ( image.shape[0] != CifarPath.IMAGE_SIZE or image.shape[1] != CifarPath.IMAGE_SIZE ): image_sizes[len(data) - 1] = (image.shape[0], image.shape[1]) annotation_dict = {} annotation_dict["filenames"] = filenames if labels and (len(labels) == len(coarse_labels)): annotation_dict["fine_labels"] = labels annotation_dict["coarse_labels"] = coarse_labels else: annotation_dict["labels"] = labels annotation_dict["data"] = np.array(data, dtype=object) if image_sizes: size = (CifarPath.IMAGE_SIZE, CifarPath.IMAGE_SIZE) # 'image_sizes' isn't included in the standard format, # needed for different image sizes annotation_dict["image_sizes"] = [ image_sizes.get(p, size) for p in range(len(data)) ] batch_label = None if subset_name.startswith(CifarPath.TRAIN_FILE_PREFIX): num = subset_name[len(CifarPath.TRAIN_FILE_PREFIX) :] if cast(num, int) is not None: batch_label = "training batch %s of 5" % num elif subset_name == "test": batch_label = "testing batch 1 of 1" if batch_label: annotation_dict["batch_label"] = batch_label annotation_file = osp.join(self._save_dir, subset_name) if ( self._patch and subset_name in self._patch.updated_subsets and not annotation_dict["filenames"] ): if osp.isfile(annotation_file): # Remove subsets that became empty os.remove(annotation_file) continue with open(annotation_file, "wb") as labels_file: pickle.dump(annotation_dict, labels_file)
[docs] @classmethod def patch(cls, dataset, patch, save_dir, **kwargs): for subset in patch.updated_subsets: conv = cls(dataset.get_subset(subset), save_dir=save_dir, **kwargs) conv._patch = patch conv.apply() for subset, status in patch.updated_subsets.items(): if status != ItemStatus.removed: continue subset_file = osp.join(save_dir, subset) if osp.isfile(subset_file): os.remove(subset_file)