# Copyright (C) 2022-2023 Intel Corporation
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
import errno
import glob
import os.path as osp
from typing import List, Optional
import numpy as np
from datumaro.components.annotation import (
from datumaro.components.dataset_base import DatasetItem, SubsetBase
from datumaro.components.format_detection import FormatDetectionConfidence, FormatDetectionContext
from datumaro.components.importer import ImportContext, Importer, with_subset_dirs
from datumaro.components.media import Image
from datumaro.util.image import find_images
from datumaro.util.mask_tools import generate_colormap, lazy_mask
from datumaro.util.meta_file_util import DATASET_META_FILE, is_meta_file, parse_meta_file
class CommonSemanticSegmentationPath:
MASKS_DIR = "masks"
IMAGES_DIR = "images"
def make_categories(label_map=None):
if label_map is None:
return {}
categories = {}
label_categories = LabelCategories()
for label in label_map:
categories[AnnotationType.label] = label_categories
has_colors = any(v is not None for v in label_map.values())
if not has_colors: # generate new colors
colormap = generate_colormap(len(label_map))
else: # only copy defined colors
label_id = lambda label: label_categories.find(label)[0]
colormap = {label_id(name): (desc[0], desc[1], desc[2]) for name, desc in label_map.items()}
mask_categories = MaskCategories(colormap)
mask_categories.inverse_colormap # pylint: disable=pointless-statement
categories[AnnotationType.mask] = mask_categories
return categories
class CommonSemanticSegmentationBase(SubsetBase):
def __init__(
path: str,
image_prefix: str = "",
mask_prefix: str = "",
subset: Optional[str] = None,
ctx: Optional[ImportContext] = None,
if not osp.isdir(path):
raise NotADirectoryError(errno.ENOTDIR, "Can't find dataset directory", path)
super().__init__(subset=subset, ctx=ctx)
self._image_prefix = image_prefix
self._mask_prefix = mask_prefix
meta_file = glob.glob(osp.join(path, "**", DATASET_META_FILE), recursive=True)
if is_meta_file(meta_file[0]):
self._root_dir = osp.dirname(meta_file[0])
label_map = parse_meta_file(meta_file[0])
self._categories = make_categories(label_map)
raise FileNotFoundError(errno.ENOENT, "Dataset meta info file was not found", path)
self._items = list(self._load_items().values())
def _load_items(self):
items = {}
image_dir = osp.join(self._root_dir, CommonSemanticSegmentationPath.IMAGES_DIR)
if osp.isdir(image_dir):
images = {
osp.splitext(osp.relpath(p, image_dir))[0].replace("\\", "/")[
len(self._image_prefix) :
]: p
for p in find_images(image_dir, recursive=True)
if osp.basename(p).startswith(self._image_prefix)
images = {}
mask_dir = osp.join(self._root_dir, CommonSemanticSegmentationPath.MASKS_DIR)
masks = [
for mask_path in find_images(mask_dir, recursive=True)
if osp.basename(mask_path).startswith(self._mask_prefix)
for mask_path in masks:
item_id = osp.splitext(osp.basename(mask_path))[0][len(self._mask_prefix) :]
image = images.get(item_id)
if image:
image = Image.from_file(path=image)
annotations = []
index_mask = lazy_mask(
mask_path, self._categories[AnnotationType.mask].inverse_colormap
np_mask = index_mask() # loading mask through cache
classes = np.unique(np_mask)
for label_id in classes:
items[item_id] = DatasetItem(
id=item_id, subset=self._subset, media=image, annotations=annotations
return items
def _lazy_extract_mask(mask, c):
return lambda: mask == c
class CommonSemanticSegmentationImporter(Importer):
"""CommonSemanticSegmentation is introduced in the accuracy checker tool of OpenVINO™
to cover a general format of datasets for semantic segmentation task.
This should have the following structure:
- Dataset/
- dataset_meta.json # a list of labels
- images/
- <img1>.png
- <img2>.png
- ...
- masks/
- <img1>.png
- <img2>.png
- ...
def build_cmdline_parser(cls, **kwargs):
parser = super().build_cmdline_parser(**kwargs)
parser.add_argument("--image-prefix", default="", help="Image prefix (default: '')")
parser.add_argument("--mask-prefix", default="", help="Mask prefix (default: '')")
return parser
def detect(cls, context: FormatDetectionContext) -> FormatDetectionConfidence:
path = context.require_file(f"**/{DATASET_META_FILE}")
path = osp.dirname(path)
context.require_file(osp.join(path, CommonSemanticSegmentationPath.IMAGES_DIR, "**", "*"))
context.require_file(osp.join(path, CommonSemanticSegmentationPath.MASKS_DIR, "**", "*"))
return FormatDetectionConfidence.MEDIUM
def find_sources(cls, path):
return [{"url": path, "format": "common_semantic_segmentation"}]
def get_file_extensions(cls) -> List[str]:
return [osp.splitext(DATASET_META_FILE)[1]]
class CommonSemanticSegmentationWithSubsetDirsImporter(CommonSemanticSegmentationImporter):
"""It supports the following subset sub-directory structure for CommonSemanticSegmentation.
.. code-block::
└─ <split: train,val, ...>
├── dataset_meta.json # a list of labels
├── images/
│ ├── <img1>.png
│ ├── <img2>.png
│ └── ...
└── masks/
├── <img1>.png
├── <img2>.png
└── ...
Then, the imported dataset will have train, val, ... CommonSemanticSegmentation subsets.