Source code for datumaro.plugins.synthetic_data.image_generator

# Copyright (C) 2022 Intel Corporation
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

import hashlib
import logging as log
import os
import os.path as osp
from importlib.resources import open_text
from multiprocessing import get_context
from random import Random
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple

import cv2 as cv
import numpy as np
import requests

from datumaro.components.generator import DatasetGenerator
from datumaro.util.definitions import get_datumaro_cache_dir
from datumaro.util.image import save_image
from datumaro.util.scope import on_error_do, on_exit_do, scope_add, scoped

from .utils import IFSFunction, augment, colorize, suppress_computation_warnings

[docs] class FractalImageGenerator(DatasetGenerator): """ ImageGenerator generates 3-channel synthetic images with provided shape. Uses the algorithm from the article: """ _MODEL_PROTO_FILENAME = "colorization_deploy_v2.prototxt" _MODEL_WEIGHTS_FILENAME = "colorization_release_v2.caffemodel" _HULL_PTS_FILE_NAME = "pts_in_hull.npy" _COLORS_FILE = "background_colors.txt" def __init__( self, output_dir: str, count: int, shape: Tuple[int, int], model_path: str = get_datumaro_cache_dir(), ) -> None: assert 0 < count, "Image count cannot be lesser than 1" self._count = count self._output_dir = output_dir self._model_dir = model_path self._cpu_count = min(os.cpu_count(), self._count) assert len(shape) == 2 self._height, self._width = shape self._weights = self._create_weights(IFSFunction.NUM_PARAMS) self._threshold = 0.2 self._iterations = 200000 self._num_of_points = 100000 self._initialize_params()
[docs] def generate_dataset(self) -> None: "Generation of '%d' 3-channel images with height = '%d' and width = '%d'", self._count, self._height, self._width, ) self._download_colorization_model(self._model_dir) mp_ctx = get_context("spawn") # On Mac 10.15 and Python 3.7 fork leads to hangs with mp_ctx.Pool(processes=self._cpu_count) as pool: try: params = self._generate_category, [Random(i) for i in range(self._categories)], # nosec B311 ) finally: pool.close() pool.join() instances_weights = np.repeat(self._weights, self._instances, axis=0) weight_per_img = np.tile(instances_weights, (self._categories, 1)) params = np.array(params, dtype=object) repeated_params = np.repeat(params, self._weights.shape[0] * self._instances, axis=0) repeated_params = repeated_params[: self._count] weight_per_img = weight_per_img[: self._count] assert weight_per_img.shape[0] == len(repeated_params) == self._count splits = min(self._cpu_count, self._count) params_per_proc = np.array_split(repeated_params, splits) weights_per_proc = np.array_split(weight_per_img, splits) generation_params = [] offset = 0 for param, w in zip(params_per_proc, weights_per_proc): indices = list(range(offset, offset + len(param))) offset += len(param) generation_params.append((param, w, indices)) with mp_ctx.Pool(processes=self._cpu_count) as pool: try: pool.starmap(self._generate_image_batch, generation_params) finally: pool.close() pool.join()
@scoped def _generate_image_batch( self, params: np.ndarray, weights: np.ndarray, indices: List[int] ) -> None: scope_add(suppress_computation_warnings()) proto = osp.join(self._model_dir, self._MODEL_PROTO_FILENAME) model = osp.join(self._model_dir, self._MODEL_WEIGHTS_FILENAME) npy = osp.join(self._model_dir, self._HULL_PTS_FILE_NAME) pts_in_hull = np.load(npy).transpose().reshape(2, 313, 1, 1).astype(np.float32) with open_text(__package__, self._COLORS_FILE) as f: background_colors = np.loadtxt(f) net = cv.dnn.readNetFromCaffe(proto, model) net.getLayer(net.getLayerId("class8_ab")).blobs = [pts_in_hull] net.getLayer(net.getLayerId("conv8_313_rh")).blobs = [np.full([1, 313], 2.606, np.float32)] for i, param, w in zip(indices, params, weights): image = self._generate_image( Random(i), # nosec B311 param, self._iterations, self._height, self._width, draw_point=False, weight=w, ) color_image = colorize(image, net) aug_image = augment(Random(i), color_image, background_colors) # nosec B311 save_image( osp.join(self._output_dir, "{:06d}.png".format(i)), aug_image, create_dir=True ) def _generate_image( self, rng: Random, params: np.ndarray, iterations: int, height: int, width: int, draw_point: bool = True, weight: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, ) -> np.ndarray: ifs_function = IFSFunction(rng, prev_x=0.0, prev_y=0.0) for param in params: ifs_function.add_param( param[: ifs_function.NUM_PARAMS], param[ifs_function.NUM_PARAMS], weight ) ifs_function.calculate(iterations) img = ifs_function.draw(height, width, draw_point) return img @scoped def _generate_category(self, rng: Random, base_h: int = 512, base_w: int = 512) -> np.ndarray: scope_add(suppress_computation_warnings()) pixels = -1 i = 0 while pixels < self._threshold and i < self._iterations: param_size = rng.randint(2, 7) params = np.zeros((param_size, IFSFunction.NUM_PARAMS + 1), dtype=np.float32) sum_proba = 1e-5 for p_idx in range(param_size): a, b, c, d, e, f = [rng.uniform(-1.0, 1.0) for _ in range(IFSFunction.NUM_PARAMS)] prob = abs(a * d - b * c) sum_proba += prob params[p_idx] = a, b, c, d, e, f, prob params[:, IFSFunction.NUM_PARAMS] /= sum_proba fractal_img = self._generate_image(rng, params, self._num_of_points, base_h, base_w) pixels = np.count_nonzero(fractal_img) / (base_h * base_w) i += 1 return params def _initialize_params(self) -> None: if self._count < self._weights.shape[0]: self._weights = self._weights[: self._count, :] instances_categories = np.ceil(self._count / self._weights.shape[0]) self._instances = np.ceil(np.sqrt(instances_categories)).astype(int) self._categories = np.ceil(instances_categories / self._instances).astype(int) @staticmethod def _create_weights(num_params): # weights from BASE_WEIGHTS = np.ones((num_params,)) WEIGHT_INTERVAL = 0.4 INTERVAL_MULTIPLIERS = (-2, -1, 1, 2) weight_vectors = [BASE_WEIGHTS] for weight_index in range(num_params): for multiplier in INTERVAL_MULTIPLIERS: modified_weights = BASE_WEIGHTS.copy() modified_weights[weight_index] += multiplier * WEIGHT_INTERVAL weight_vectors.append(modified_weights) weights = np.array(weight_vectors) return weights @classmethod def _download_colorization_model(cls, save_dir: str) -> None: prototxt_file_name = cls._MODEL_PROTO_FILENAME caffemodel_file_name = cls._MODEL_WEIGHTS_FILENAME hull_file_name = cls._HULL_PTS_FILE_NAME proto_path = osp.join(save_dir, prototxt_file_name) model_path = osp.join(save_dir, caffemodel_file_name) hull_path = osp.join(save_dir, hull_file_name) if not ( osp.exists(proto_path) and osp.exists(model_path) and osp.exists(hull_path) ) and not os.access(save_dir, os.W_OK): raise ValueError( "Please provide a path to a colorization model directory or " "a path to a writable directory to download the model" ) for url, filename, size, sha512_checksum in [ ( f"{prototxt_file_name}", prototxt_file_name, 9945, "e3dd9188771202bd296623510bcf527b41c130fc9bae584e61dcdf66917b8c4d147b7b838fec0685568f7f287235c34e8b8e9c0482b555774795be89f0442820", ), ( f"{caffemodel_file_name}", caffemodel_file_name, 128946764, "3d773dd83cfcf8e846e3a9722a4d302a3b7a0f95a0a7ae1a3d3ef5fe62eecd617f4f30eefb1d8d6123be4a8f29f7c6e64f07b36193f45710b549f3e4796570f1", ), ( f"{hull_file_name}", hull_file_name, 5088, "bf59a8a4e74b18948e4aeaa430f71eb8603bd9dbbce207ea086dd0fb976a34672beaeea6f1233a21687da710e0f8d36e86133a8532265dfda52994a7d6f0dbf5", ), ]: save_path = osp.join(save_dir, filename) if osp.exists(save_path): continue"Downloading the '%s' file to '%s'", filename, save_dir) try: cls._download_file( url, save_path, expected_size=size, expected_checksum=sha512_checksum ) except Exception as e: raise Exception(f"Failed to download the '{filename}' file: {str(e)}") from e @staticmethod @scoped def _download_file( url: str, output_path: str, *, timeout: int = 60, expected_size: int, expected_checksum: str ) -> None: BLOCK_SIZE = 2**20 assert not osp.exists(output_path) tmp_path = output_path + ".tmp" if osp.exists(tmp_path): raise Exception(f"Can't write temporary file '{tmp_path}' - file exists") response = requests.get(url, timeout=timeout, stream=True) on_exit_do(response.close) response.raise_for_status() checksum_counter = hashlib.sha512() actual_size = 0 with open(tmp_path, "wb") as fd: on_error_do(os.unlink, tmp_path) for chunk in response.iter_content(chunk_size=BLOCK_SIZE): actual_size += len(chunk) if actual_size > expected_size: # There is also the context-length header, but it can be corrupted or invalid # for different reasons raise Exception( f"The downloaded file has unexpected size, expected {expected_size}." ) checksum_counter.update(chunk) fd.write(chunk) actual_checksum = checksum_counter.hexdigest() if actual_checksum.lower() != expected_checksum.lower(): raise Exception("The downloaded file has unexpected checksum") os.rename(tmp_path, output_path)