# Copyright (C) 2024 Intel Corporation
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
from abc import abstractmethod
from typing import Callable, List, Tuple
import numpy as np
import openvino.runtime as ov
from openvino.runtime import opset10 as opset
from openvino_xai.common.utils import IdentityPreprocessFN
from openvino_xai.inserter.model_parser import IRParserCls, ModelType
from openvino_xai.methods.white_box.base import WhiteBoxMethod
from openvino_xai.utils.torch import torch
class FeatureMapPerturbationBase(WhiteBoxMethod):
Base class for FeatureMapPerturbation-based methods.
:param model: OpenVINO model.
:type model: ov.Model
:param preprocess_fn: Preprocessing function, identity function by default
(assume input images are already preprocessed by user).
:type preprocess_fn: Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray]
:parameter target_layer: Target layer (node) name after which the XAI branch will be inserted.
:type target_layer: str
:param embed_scaling: Whether to scale output or not.
:type embed_scaling: bool
:param device_name: Device type name.
:type device_name: str
def __init__(
model: ov.Model,
preprocess_fn: Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray] = IdentityPreprocessFN(),
target_layer: str | None = None,
embed_scaling: bool = True,
device_name: str = "CPU",
super().__init__(model=model, preprocess_fn=preprocess_fn, embed_scaling=embed_scaling, device_name=device_name)
self.per_class = True
self._target_layer = target_layer
def generate_xai_branch(self) -> ov.Node:
"""Implements FeatureMapPerturbation-based XAI method."""
model_clone = self._model_ori.clone()
saliency_maps = self._get_saliency_map(model_clone)
if self.embed_scaling:
saliency_maps = self._scale_saliency_maps(saliency_maps, self.per_class)
return saliency_maps
def _get_saliency_map(self, model_clone: ov.Model):
raise NotImplementedError
class ReciproCAM(FeatureMapPerturbationBase):
Implements Recipro-CAM for CNN models.
:param model: OpenVINO model.
:type model: ov.Model
:param preprocess_fn: Preprocessing function, identity function by default
(assume input images are already preprocessed by user).
:type preprocess_fn: Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray]
:parameter target_layer: Target layer (node) name after which the XAI branch will be inserted.
:type target_layer: str
:param embed_scaling: Whether to scale output or not.
:type embed_scaling: bool
:param device_name: Device type name.
:type device_name: str
:param prepare_model: Loading (compiling) the model prior to inference.
:type prepare_model: bool
def __new__(
model: ov.Model | torch.nn.Module | None = None,
if isinstance(model, torch.nn.Module):
from .torch import TorchReciproCAM
return TorchReciproCAM(model, *args, **kwargs)
return super().__new__(cls)
def __init__(
model: ov.Model,
preprocess_fn: Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray] = IdentityPreprocessFN(),
target_layer: str | None = None,
embed_scaling: bool = True,
device_name: str = "CPU",
prepare_model: bool = True,
self.model_type = ModelType.CNN
if prepare_model:
def _get_saliency_map(self, model_clone: ov.Model) -> ov.Node:
target_node_ori = IRParserCls.get_target_node(self._model_ori, self.model_type, self._target_layer)
target_node_name = self._target_layer or target_node_ori.get_friendly_name()
post_target_node_clone = IRParserCls.get_post_target_node(model_clone, self.model_type, target_node_name)
logit_node = IRParserCls.get_logit_node(self._model_ori, search_softmax=True)
logit_node_clone_model = IRParserCls.get_logit_node(model_clone, search_softmax=True)
if not logit_node_clone_model.output(0).partial_shape[0].is_dynamic:
raise ValueError(
"Batch shape of the output should be dynamic, but it is static. "
"Make sure that the dynamic inputs can propagate through the model graph."
_, c, h, w = target_node_ori.get_output_partial_shape(0)
c, h, w = c.get_length(), h.get_length(), w.get_length()
if not self._is_valid_layout(c, h, w):
raise ValueError(f"ReciproCAM supports only NCHW layout, but got NHWC, with shape: [N, {c}, {h}, {w}]")
feature_map_repeated = opset.tile(target_node_ori.output(0), (h * w, 1, 1, 1))
mosaic_feature_map_mask = np.zeros((h * w, c, h, w), dtype=np.float32)
tmp = np.arange(h * w)
spacial_order = np.reshape(tmp, (h, w))
for i in range(h):
for j in range(w):
k = spacial_order[i, j]
mosaic_feature_map_mask[k, :, i, j] = np.ones((c))
mosaic_feature_map_mask = opset.constant(mosaic_feature_map_mask)
mosaic_feature_map = opset.multiply(feature_map_repeated, mosaic_feature_map_mask)
for node in post_target_node_clone:
mosaic_prediction = logit_node_clone_model
tmp = opset.transpose(mosaic_prediction.output(0), (1, 0))
_, num_classes = logit_node.get_output_partial_shape(0)
saliency_maps = opset.reshape(tmp, (1, num_classes.get_length(), h, w), False)
return saliency_maps
def _is_valid_layout(c: int, h: int, w: int):
return h < c and w < c
class ViTReciproCAM(FeatureMapPerturbationBase):
Implements ViTRecipro-CAM for transformer models.
:param model: OpenVINO model.
:type model: ov.Model
:param preprocess_fn: Preprocessing function, identity function by default
(assume input images are already preprocessed by user).
:type preprocess_fn: Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray]
:parameter target_layer: Target layer (node) name after which the XAI branch will be inserted.
:type target_layer: str
:param embed_scaling: Whether to scale output or not.
:type embed_scaling: bool
:param device_name: Device type name.
:type device_name: str
:param use_gaussian: Whether to use Gaussian for mask generation or not.
:type use_gaussian: bool
:param cls_token: Whether to use cls token for mosaic prediction or not.
:type cls_token: bool
:param final_norm: Whether the model has normalization after the last transformer block.
:type final_norm: bool
:param k: Count of the transformer block (from head) before which XAI branch will be inserted, 1-indexed.
:type k: int
:param prepare_model: Loading (compiling) the model prior to inference.
:type prepare_model: bool
def __new__(
model: ov.Model | torch.nn.Module | None = None,
if isinstance(model, torch.nn.Module):
from .torch import TorchViTReciproCAM
return TorchViTReciproCAM(model, *args, **kwargs)
return super().__new__(cls)
def __init__(
model: ov.Model,
preprocess_fn: Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray] = IdentityPreprocessFN(),
target_layer: str | None = None,
embed_scaling: bool = True,
device_name: str = "CPU",
use_gaussian: bool = True,
cls_token: bool = True,
final_norm: bool = True,
k: int = 1,
prepare_model: bool = True,
self.model_type = ModelType.TRANSFORMER
self._use_gaussian = use_gaussian
self._cls_token = cls_token
# Count of target "Add" node (between the blocks), from the output, 1-indexed
self._k = k * 2 + int(final_norm)
if prepare_model:
def _get_saliency_map(self, model_clone: ov.Model) -> ov.Node:
# Add -> add node before the target transformer blocks
# ↓ ↓
# skip block -> skip connection to the next block and target block itself
# ↓ ↓
# Add -> add node after the target transformer blocks
# Get target Add node in-between the transformer blocks
target_node_ori = IRParserCls.get_target_node(self._model_ori, self.model_type, self._target_layer, self._k)
target_node_name = self._target_layer or target_node_ori.get_friendly_name()
# Get post-add nodes and check them
post_target_node_clone = IRParserCls.get_post_target_node(model_clone, self.model_type, target_node_name)
# Get logit nodes. Check them and retrieve info
logit_node = IRParserCls.get_logit_node(self._model_ori, search_softmax=False)
logit_node_clone = IRParserCls.get_logit_node(model_clone, search_softmax=False)
if not logit_node_clone.output(0).partial_shape[0].is_dynamic:
raise ValueError(
"Batch shape of the output should be dynamic, but it is static. "
"Make sure that the dynamic inputs can propagate through the model graph."
_, num_classes = logit_node.get_output_partial_shape(0)
dim, h, w, num_aux_tokens = self._get_internal_size(target_node_ori)
# Depth first search till the end of the LayerNorm (traverse of the block branch)
post_target_node_ori = IRParserCls.get_post_target_node(self._model_ori, self.model_type, target_node_name)
norm_node_ori = self._get_non_add_node_from_two_nodes(post_target_node_ori)
while norm_node_ori.get_type_name() != "Add":
if len(norm_node_ori.outputs()) > 1:
raise ValueError("Number of normalization outputs > 1!")
inputs = norm_node_ori.output(0).get_target_inputs()
if len(inputs) > 1:
raise ValueError("Number of normalization inputs > 1!")
norm_node_ori = next(iter(inputs)).get_node()
# Mosaic feature map after the LayerNorm
post_target_node_clone_norm = IRParserCls.get_post_target_node(
model_clone, self.model_type, norm_node_ori.get_friendly_name()
mosaic_feature_map_norm = self._get_mosaic_feature_map(norm_node_ori, dim, h, w, num_aux_tokens)
for node in post_target_node_clone_norm:
# Mosaic feature map after the Add node
mosaic_feature_map = self._get_mosaic_feature_map(target_node_ori, dim, h, w, num_aux_tokens)
add_node_clone = self._get_add_node_from_two_nodes(post_target_node_clone)
# Transform mosaic predictions into the saliency map
mosaic_prediction = logit_node_clone
tmp = opset.transpose(mosaic_prediction.output(0), (1, 0))
saliency_maps = opset.reshape(tmp, (1, num_classes.get_length(), h, w), False)
return saliency_maps
def _get_internal_size(self, target_node: ov.Node) -> Tuple[int, int, int, int]:
_, token_number, dim = target_node.get_output_partial_shape(0)
if token_number.is_dynamic or dim.is_dynamic:
first_conv_node = IRParserCls.get_first_conv_node(self._model_ori)
_, dim, h, w = first_conv_node.get_output_partial_shape(0)
dim, h, w = dim.get_length(), h.get_length(), w.get_length()
first_concat_node = IRParserCls.get_first_concat_node(self._model_ori)
num_aux_tokens = len(first_concat_node.inputs()) - 1
token_number, dim = token_number.get_length(), dim.get_length()
h = w = int((token_number - 1) ** 0.5)
num_aux_tokens = token_number - (h * w)
return dim, h, w, num_aux_tokens
def _get_add_node_from_two_nodes(self, node_list: List[ov.Node]) -> ov.Node:
node1, node2 = node_list
if node1.get_type_name() == "Add":
return node1
return node2
def _get_non_add_node_from_two_nodes(self, node_list: List[ov.Node]) -> ov.Node:
node1, node2 = node_list
if node1.get_type_name() != "Add":
return node1
return node2
def _post_add_node_check(node_list: List[ov.Node]):
if len(node_list) != 2:
raise ValueError(f"Only two outputs of the between block Add node supported, " f"but got {len(node_list)}.")
node1, node2 = node_list
if not (node1.get_type_name() == "Add") != (node2.get_type_name() == "Add"):
raise ValueError(
f"One (and only one) of the nodes has to be Add type. "
f"But got {node1.get_type_name()} and {node2.get_type_name()}."
def _get_mosaic_feature_map(self, target_node_ori: ov.Node, dim: int, h: int, w: int, num_aux_tokens: int):
if self._use_gaussian:
if self._cls_token:
cls_token = opset.slice(
target_node_ori, np.array([0]), np.array([num_aux_tokens]), np.array([1]), np.array([1])
cls_token = opset.constant(np.zeros((1, 1, dim)), dtype=np.float32)
cls_token = opset.tile(cls_token.output(0), (h * w, 1, 1))
target_node_ori_wo_cls_token = opset.slice(
target_node_ori, np.array([1]), np.array([h * w + 1]), np.array([1]), np.array([1])
feature_map_spacial = opset.reshape(target_node_ori_wo_cls_token, (1, h, w, dim), False)
feature_map_spacial_repeated = opset.tile(feature_map_spacial.output(0), (h * w, 1, 1, 1))
tmp = np.arange(h * w)
spacial_order = np.reshape(tmp, (h, w))
gaussian = np.array(
[[1 / 16.0, 1 / 8.0, 1 / 16.0], [1 / 8.0, 1 / 4.0, 1 / 8.0], [1 / 16.0, 1 / 8.0, 1 / 16.0]]
mosaic_feature_map_mask_padded = np.zeros((h * w, h + 2, w + 2), dtype=np.float32)
for i in range(h):
for j in range(w):
k = spacial_order[i, j]
i_pad = i + 1
j_pad = j + 1
mosaic_feature_map_mask_padded[k, i_pad - 1 : i_pad + 2, j_pad - 1 : j_pad + 2] = gaussian
mosaic_feature_map_mask = mosaic_feature_map_mask_padded[:, 1:-1, 1:-1]
mosaic_feature_map_mask = np.expand_dims(mosaic_feature_map_mask, 3)
mosaic_feature_map_mask = opset.constant(mosaic_feature_map_mask)
mosaic_feature_map_mask = opset.tile(mosaic_feature_map_mask.output(0), (1, 1, 1, dim))
mosaic_fm_wo_cls_token = opset.multiply(feature_map_spacial_repeated, mosaic_feature_map_mask)
mosaic_fm_wo_cls_token = opset.reshape(mosaic_fm_wo_cls_token, (h * w, h * w, dim), False)
mosaic_feature_map = opset.concat([cls_token, mosaic_fm_wo_cls_token], 1)
mosaic_feature_map_mask_wo_cls_token = np.zeros((h * w, h * w), dtype=np.float32)
for i in range(h * w):
mosaic_feature_map_mask_wo_cls_token[i, i] = 1
if self._cls_token:
cls_token_mask = np.ones((h * w, 1), dtype=np.float32)
cls_token_mask = np.zeros((h * w, 1), dtype=np.float32)
mosaic_feature_map_mask = np.hstack((cls_token_mask, mosaic_feature_map_mask_wo_cls_token))
mosaic_feature_map_mask = np.expand_dims(mosaic_feature_map_mask, 2)
mosaic_feature_map_mask = opset.constant(mosaic_feature_map_mask)
mosaic_feature_map_mask = opset.tile(mosaic_feature_map_mask.output(0), (1, 1, dim)) # e.g. 784x785x768
feature_map_repeated = opset.tile(target_node_ori.output(0), (h * w, 1, 1)) # e.g. 784x785x768
mosaic_feature_map = opset.multiply(feature_map_repeated, mosaic_feature_map_mask)
return mosaic_feature_map