Source code for

"""Collection of utils for data in Action Task."""

# Copyright (C) 2022 Intel Corporation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions
# and limitations under the License.

import os.path as osp
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import List, Optional

import numpy as np
from mmcv import ConfigDict

from otx.api.entities.annotation import (
from otx.api.entities.dataset_item import DatasetItemEntity
from import ID
from otx.api.entities.label import Domain, LabelEntity
from otx.api.entities.scored_label import ScoredLabel
from otx.api.entities.shapes.rectangle import Rectangle
from otx.api.entities.subset import Subset

[docs] def find_label_by_name(labels: List[LabelEntity], name: str, domain: Domain): """Return label from name.""" matching_labels = [label for label in labels if == name] if len(matching_labels) == 1: return matching_labels[0] if len(matching_labels) == 0: label = LabelEntity(name=name, domain=domain, id=ID(int(name))) labels.append(label) return label raise ValueError("Found multiple matching labels")
[docs] def load_cls_annotations(ann_file, data_root): """Load annotation file to get video information.""" video_infos = [] with open(ann_file, "r", encoding="UTF-8") as fin: for line in fin: line_split = line.strip().split() video_info = {} idx = 0 # idx for frame_dir if line_split[0] == "#": continue frame_dir = line_split[idx] if data_root is not None: frame_dir = osp.join(data_root, frame_dir) video_info["frame_dir"] = frame_dir idx += 1 # idx for total_frames # TODO Support offsets in dataset video_info["total_frames"] = int(line_split[idx]) idx += 1 # idx for label[s] # TODO Support multi-label setting label = [int(x) for x in line_split[idx:]] assert label, f"missing label in line: {line}" assert len(label) == 1 video_info["label"] = label[0] video_infos.append(video_info) return video_infos
# pylint: disable=too-many-locals
[docs] def load_det_annotations(ann_file, data_root): """Load AVA annotations.""" video_infos = [] records_dict_by_img = defaultdict(list) with open(ann_file, "r", encoding="utf-8") as fin: for line in fin: line_split = line.strip().split(",") label = int(line_split[6]) video_id = line_split[0] timestamp = int(line_split[1]) img_key = f"{video_id},{timestamp}" entity_box = np.array(list(map(float, line_split[2:6]))) entity_id = int(line_split[7]) video_info = dict( video_id=video_id, timestamp=timestamp, entity_box=entity_box, label=label, entity_id=entity_id, ) records_dict_by_img[img_key].append(video_info) for img_key in records_dict_by_img: video_id, timestamp = img_key.split(",") bboxes, labels, entity_ids = parse_img_record(records_dict_by_img[img_key]) ann = dict(gt_bboxes=bboxes, gt_labels=labels, entity_ids=entity_ids) frame_dir = video_id if data_root is not None: frame_dir = osp.join(data_root, frame_dir) # FIXME Image shape is hard-coded, this will be replaced with CVAT format video_info = dict( frame_dir=frame_dir, video_id=video_id, timestamp=int(timestamp), img_key=img_key, ann=ann, width=320, height=240, ) video_infos.append(video_info) return video_infos
[docs] def parse_img_record(img_records): """Accumulate and colligate bbox annotation info.""" bboxes, labels, entity_ids = [], [], [] while len(img_records) > 0: img_record = img_records[0] num_img_records = len(img_records) selected_records = [x for x in img_records if np.array_equal(x["entity_box"], img_record["entity_box"])] num_selected_records = len(selected_records) img_records = [x for x in img_records if not np.array_equal(x["entity_box"], img_record["entity_box"])] assert len(img_records) + num_selected_records == num_img_records bboxes.append(img_record["entity_box"]) valid_labels = np.array([selected_record["label"] for selected_record in selected_records]) labels.append(valid_labels) entity_ids.append(img_record["entity_id"]) bboxes = np.stack(bboxes) entity_ids = np.stack(entity_ids) return bboxes, labels, entity_ids
# pylint: disable=too-many-locals
[docs] def load_cls_dataset( ann_file_path: str, data_root_dir: str, domain: Domain, subset: Subset = Subset.NONE, labels_list: Optional[List[LabelEntity]] = None, ): """Convert video annotation information into DatasetItemEntity.""" dataset_items = [] video_infos = load_cls_annotations(ann_file_path, data_root_dir) for video_info in video_infos: label = video_info.pop("label") label = find_label_by_name(labels_list, str(label), domain) shapes = [Annotation(Rectangle.generate_full_box(), [ScoredLabel(label)])] dataset_item = DatasetItemEntity( media=video_info, annotation_scene=AnnotationSceneEntity(annotations=shapes, kind=AnnotationSceneKind.ANNOTATION), subset=subset, ) dataset_items.append(dataset_item) return dataset_items
# pylint: disable=too-many-locals
[docs] def load_det_dataset( ann_file_path: str, data_root_dir: str, domain: Domain, subset: Subset = Subset.NONE, labels_list: Optional[List[LabelEntity]] = None, ): """Convert video annotation information into DatasetItemEntity.""" dataset_items = [] video_infos = load_det_annotations(ann_file_path, data_root_dir) for video_info in video_infos: ann = video_info.pop("ann") # TODO Check use of entity_ids gt_bboxes = ann["gt_bboxes"] gt_labels = ann["gt_labels"] shapes = [] for bbox, labels in zip(gt_bboxes, gt_labels): labels = [find_label_by_name(labels_list, str(label), domain) for label in labels] shapes.append( Annotation( Rectangle(bbox[0], bbox[1], bbox[2], bbox[3]), [ScoredLabel(label, probability=1.0) for label in labels], ) ) dataset_item = DatasetItemEntity( media=ConfigDict(video_info), annotation_scene=AnnotationSceneEntity(annotations=shapes, kind=AnnotationSceneKind.ANNOTATION), subset=subset, ) dataset_items.append(dataset_item) return dataset_items