Source code for otx.algorithms.anomaly.adapters.anomalib.callbacks.inference

"""Inference Callbacks for OTX inference."""

# Copyright (C) 2021 Intel Corporation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions
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from typing import Any, List

import numpy as np
import pytorch_lightning as pl
import torch
from anomalib.models import AnomalyModule
from pytorch_lightning.callbacks import Callback
from torch import Tensor

from otx.api.entities.annotation import Annotation
from otx.api.entities.datasets import DatasetEntity
from otx.api.entities.label import LabelEntity
from otx.api.entities.model_template import TaskType
from otx.api.entities.result_media import ResultMediaEntity
from otx.api.entities.scored_label import ScoredLabel
from otx.api.entities.shapes.rectangle import Rectangle
from otx.api.utils.segmentation_utils import create_annotation_from_segmentation_map
from otx.utils.logger import get_logger

logger = get_logger()

[docs] class AnomalyInferenceCallback(Callback): """Callback that updates the OTX dataset during inference.""" def __init__(self, otx_dataset: DatasetEntity, labels: List[LabelEntity], task_type: TaskType): self.otx_dataset = otx_dataset self.normal_label = [label for label in labels if not label.is_anomalous][0] self.anomalous_label = [label for label in labels if label.is_anomalous][0] self.task_type = task_type self.label_map = {0: self.normal_label, 1: self.anomalous_label}
[docs] def on_predict_epoch_end(self, _trainer: pl.Trainer, _pl_module: AnomalyModule, outputs: List[Any]): """Call when the predict epoch ends.""" # TODO; refactor Ignore too many locals # pylint: disable=too-many-locals outputs = outputs[0] # collect generic predictions pred_scores = torch.hstack([output["pred_scores"].cpu() for output in outputs]) pred_labels = torch.hstack([output["pred_labels"].cpu() for output in outputs]) anomaly_maps = torch.vstack([output["anomaly_maps"].cpu() for output in outputs]) pred_masks = torch.vstack([output["pred_masks"].cpu() for output in outputs]) # add the predictions to the dataset item depending on the task type if self.task_type == TaskType.ANOMALY_CLASSIFICATION: self._process_classification_predictions(pred_labels, pred_scores) elif self.task_type == TaskType.ANOMALY_DETECTION: # collect detection predictions pred_boxes = [] box_scores = [] box_labels = [] for output in outputs: pred_boxes.extend(output["pred_boxes"]) box_scores.extend(output["box_scores"]) box_labels.extend(output["box_labels"]) self._process_detection_predictions(pred_boxes, box_scores, box_labels, pred_scores, pred_masks.shape[-2:]) elif self.task_type == TaskType.ANOMALY_SEGMENTATION: self._process_segmentation_predictions(pred_masks, anomaly_maps, pred_scores) # add anomaly map as metadata for dataset_item, anomaly_map in zip(self.otx_dataset, anomaly_maps): dataset_item.append_metadata_item( ResultMediaEntity( name="Anomaly Map", type="anomaly_map", label=dataset_item.annotation_scene.get_labels()[0], annotation_scene=dataset_item.annotation_scene, numpy=(anomaly_map * 255).squeeze().cpu().numpy().astype(np.uint8), ) )
def _process_classification_predictions(self, pred_labels: Tensor, pred_scores: Tensor): """Add classification predictions to the dataset items. Args: pred_labels (Tensor): Predicted image labels. pred_scores (Tensor): Predicted image-level anomaly scores. """ for dataset_item, pred_label, pred_score in zip(self.otx_dataset, pred_labels, pred_scores): # get label label = self.anomalous_label if pred_label else self.normal_label probability = pred_score if pred_label else 1 - pred_score # update dataset item dataset_item.append_labels([ScoredLabel(label=label, probability=float(probability))]) def _process_detection_predictions( self, pred_boxes: List[Tensor], box_scores: List[Tensor], box_labels: List[Tensor], pred_scores: Tensor, image_size: torch.Size, ): """Add detection predictions to the dataset items. Args: pred_boxes (List[Tensor]): Predicted bounding box locations. box_scores (List[Tensor]): Predicted anomaly scores for the bounding boxes. box_labels (List[Tensor]): Predicted labels for the bounding boxes. pred_scores (Tensor): Predicted image-level anomaly scores. image_size: (torch.Size): Image size of the original images. """ # TODO; refactor Ignore too many locals # pylint: disable=too-many-locals height, width = image_size for dataset_item, im_boxes, im_box_scores, im_box_labels, pred_score in zip( self.otx_dataset, pred_boxes, box_scores, box_labels, pred_scores ): # generate annotations annotations: List[Annotation] = [] for box, score, label in zip(im_boxes, im_box_scores, im_box_labels): if box[0] >= box[2] or box[1] >= box[3]: # discard 1-pixel boxes continue shape = Rectangle( x1=box[0].item() / width, y1=box[1].item() / height, x2=box[2].item() / width, y2=box[3].item() / height, ) label = self.label_map[label.item()] probability = score.item() annotations.append(Annotation(shape=shape, labels=[ScoredLabel(label=label, probability=probability)])) # get label label = self.anomalous_label if annotations else self.normal_label probability = pred_score if label.is_anomalous else 1 - pred_score # update dataset item dataset_item.append_annotations(annotations) dataset_item.append_labels([ScoredLabel(label=label, probability=float(probability))]) def _process_segmentation_predictions(self, pred_masks: Tensor, anomaly_maps: Tensor, pred_scores: Tensor): """Add segmentation predictions to the dataset items. Args: pred_masks (Tensor): Predicted anomaly masks. anomaly_maps (Tensor): Predicted pixel-level anomaly scores. pred_scores (Tensor): Predicted image-level anomaly scores. """ for dataset_item, pred_mask, anomaly_map, pred_score in zip( self.otx_dataset, pred_masks, anomaly_maps, pred_scores ): # generate polygon annotations annotations = create_annotation_from_segmentation_map( hard_prediction=pred_mask.squeeze().numpy().astype(np.uint8), soft_prediction=anomaly_map.squeeze().numpy(), label_map=self.label_map, ) # get label label = self.normal_label if len(annotations) == 0 else self.anomalous_label probability = pred_score if label.is_anomalous else 1 - pred_score # update dataset item dataset_item.append_annotations(annotations) dataset_item.append_labels([ScoredLabel(label=label, probability=float(probability))])