Source code for otx.algorithms.anomaly.adapters.anomalib.config.anomalib_config

"""Configurable parameter conversion between OTX and Anomalib."""

# Copyright (C) 2021 Intel Corporation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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from pathlib import Path
from typing import Union

import anomalib
from anomalib.config.config import get_configurable_parameters
from omegaconf import DictConfig, ListConfig

from otx.api.configuration.configurable_parameters import ConfigurableParameters

[docs] def get_anomalib_config(task_name: str, otx_config: ConfigurableParameters) -> Union[DictConfig, ListConfig]: """Get anomalib configuration. Create an anomalib config object that matches the values specified in the OTX config. Args: task_name: Task name to load configuration from the Anomalib otx_config: ConfigurableParameters: OTX config object parsed from configuration.yaml file Returns: Anomalib config object for the specified model type with overwritten default values. """ config_path = Path(anomalib.__file__).parent / "models" / task_name.lower() / "config.yaml" anomalib_config = get_configurable_parameters(model_name=task_name.lower(), config_path=config_path) # TODO: remove this hard coding of the config location if == "draem": anomalib_config.dataset.transform_config.train = ( f"src/otx/algorithms/adapters/anomalib/configs/{task_name.lower()}/draem/transform_config.yaml" ) anomalib_config.dataset.transform_config.val = ( f"src/otx/algorithms/adapters/anomalib/configs/{task_name.lower()}/draem/transform_config.yaml" ) else: anomalib_config.dataset.transform_config.train = None anomalib_config.dataset.transform_config.val = None update_anomalib_config(anomalib_config, otx_config) return anomalib_config
def _anomalib_config_mapper(anomalib_config: Union[DictConfig, ListConfig], otx_config: ConfigurableParameters): """Return mapping from learning parameters to anomalib parameters. Args: anomalib_config: DictConfig: Anomalib config object otx_config: ConfigurableParameters: OTX config object parsed from configuration.yaml file """ parameters = otx_config.parameters groups = otx_config.groups for name in parameters: if name == "train_batch_size": anomalib_config.dataset["train_batch_size"] = getattr(otx_config, "train_batch_size") elif name == "max_epochs": anomalib_config.trainer["max_epochs"] = getattr(otx_config, "max_epochs") else: assert name in anomalib_config.model.keys(), f"Parameter {name} not present in anomalib config." sc_value = getattr(otx_config, name) sc_value = sc_value.value if hasattr(sc_value, "value") else sc_value anomalib_config.model[name] = sc_value for group in groups: update_anomalib_config(anomalib_config.model[group], getattr(otx_config, group))
[docs] def update_anomalib_config(anomalib_config: Union[DictConfig, ListConfig], otx_config: ConfigurableParameters): """Update anomalib configuration. Overwrite the default parameter values in the anomalib config with the values specified in the OTX config. The function is recursively called for each parameter group present in the OTX config. Args: anomalib_config: DictConfig: Anomalib config object otx_config: ConfigurableParameters: OTX config object parsed from configuration.yaml file """ for param in otx_config.parameters: assert param in anomalib_config.keys(), f"Parameter {param} not present in anomalib config." sc_value = getattr(otx_config, param) sc_value = sc_value.value if hasattr(sc_value, "value") else sc_value anomalib_config[param] = sc_value for group in otx_config.groups: # Since pot_parameters and nncf_optimization are specific to OTX if group == "learning_parameters": _anomalib_config_mapper(anomalib_config, getattr(otx_config, "learning_parameters")) elif group not in ["pot_parameters", "nncf_optimization"]: update_anomalib_config(anomalib_config[group], getattr(otx_config, group))