Source code for otx.algorithms.anomaly.configs.base.draem.configuration

"""Configurable parameters for Draem anomaly task."""

# Copyright (C) 2021-2022 Intel Corporation
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

from attr import attrs

from otx.algorithms.anomaly.configs.base.configuration import BaseAnomalyConfig
from otx.algorithms.anomaly.configs.base.configuration_enums import EarlyStoppingMetrics
from otx.api.configuration.elements import (
from otx.api.configuration.model_lifecycle import ModelLifecycle

[docs] @attrs class DraemAnomalyBaseConfig(BaseAnomalyConfig): """Configurable parameters for DRAEM anomaly classification task.""" header = string_attribute("Configuration for Draem") description = header
[docs] @attrs class LearningParameters(BaseAnomalyConfig.LearningParameters): """Parameters that can be tuned using HPO.""" header = string_attribute("Learning Parameters") description = header train_batch_size = configurable_integer( default_value=8, min_value=1, max_value=512, header="Batch size", description="The number of training samples seen in each iteration of training. Increasing this value " "improves training time and may make the training more stable. A larger batch size has higher " "memory requirements.", warning="Increasing this value may cause the system to use more memory than available, " "potentially causing out of memory errors, please update with caution.", affects_outcome_of=ModelLifecycle.TRAINING, ) lr = configurable_float( default_value=0.0001, header="Learning Rate", min_value=1e-4, max_value=1, description="Learning rate used for optimizing the network.", )
[docs] @attrs class EarlyStoppingParameters(ParameterGroup): """Early stopping parameters.""" header = string_attribute("Early Stopping Parameters") description = header metric = selectable( default_value=EarlyStoppingMetrics.IMAGE_ROC_AUC, header="Early Stopping Metric", description="The metric used to determine if the model should stop training", ) patience = configurable_integer( default_value=20, min_value=1, max_value=100, header="Early Stopping Patience", description="Number of epochs to wait for an improvement in the monitored metric. If the metric has " "not improved for this many epochs, the training will stop and the best model will be " "returned.", warning="Setting this value too low might lead to underfitting. Setting the value too high will " "increase the training time and might lead to overfitting.", affects_outcome_of=ModelLifecycle.TRAINING, )
early_stopping = add_parameter_group(EarlyStoppingParameters) max_epochs = configurable_integer( default_value=700, header="Max Epochs", min_value=1, max_value=700, description="Maximum number of epochs to train the model for.", warning="Training for very few epochs might lead to poor performance. If Early Stopping is enabled then " "increasing the value of max epochs might not lead to desired result.", affects_outcome_of=ModelLifecycle.TRAINING, )
learning_parameters = add_parameter_group(LearningParameters)