Source code for otx.algorithms.classification.utils.cls_utils

"""Collection of utils about labels in Classifation Task."""

# Copyright (C) 2022 Intel Corporation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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# pylint: disable=too-many-nested-blocks, invalid-name

import json
from operator import itemgetter
from typing import Any, Dict, List

from otx.api.entities.label import LabelEntity
from otx.api.entities.label_schema import LabelSchemaEntity
from otx.api.serialization.label_mapper import LabelSchemaMapper

[docs] def get_multihead_class_info(label_schema: LabelSchemaEntity): # pylint: disable=too-many-locals """Get multihead info by label schema.""" all_groups = label_schema.get_groups(include_empty=False) all_groups_str = [] for g in all_groups: group_labels_str = [ for lbl in g.labels] all_groups_str.append(group_labels_str) single_label_groups = [g for g in all_groups_str if len(g) == 1] exclusive_groups = [sorted(g) for g in all_groups_str if len(g) > 1] single_label_groups.sort(key=itemgetter(0)) exclusive_groups.sort(key=itemgetter(0)) class_to_idx = {} head_idx_to_logits_range = {} num_single_label_classes = 0 last_logits_pos = 0 for i, group in enumerate(exclusive_groups): head_idx_to_logits_range[str(i)] = (last_logits_pos, last_logits_pos + len(group)) last_logits_pos += len(group) for j, c in enumerate(group): class_to_idx[c] = (i, j) # group idx and idx inside group num_single_label_classes += 1 # other labels are in multilabel group for j, group in enumerate(single_label_groups): class_to_idx[group[0]] = (len(exclusive_groups), j) # Idx of label corresponds to model output label_to_idx = {lbl: i for i, lbl in enumerate(class_to_idx.keys())} mixed_cls_heads_info = { "num_multiclass_heads": len(exclusive_groups), "num_multilabel_classes": len(single_label_groups), "head_idx_to_logits_range": head_idx_to_logits_range, "num_single_label_classes": num_single_label_classes, "class_to_group_idx": class_to_idx, "all_groups": exclusive_groups + single_label_groups, "label_to_idx": label_to_idx, "empty_multiclass_head_indices": [], } return mixed_cls_heads_info
[docs] def get_cls_inferencer_configuration(label_schema: LabelSchemaEntity): """Get classification inferencer config by label schema.""" multilabel = len(label_schema.get_groups(False)) > 1 and len(label_schema.get_groups(False)) == len( label_schema.get_labels(include_empty=False) ) hierarchical = not multilabel and len(label_schema.get_groups(False)) > 1 multihead_class_info = {} if hierarchical: multihead_class_info = get_multihead_class_info(label_schema) return { "multilabel": multilabel, "hierarchical": hierarchical, "multihead_class_info": multihead_class_info, "confidence_threshold": 0.5, }
[docs] def get_cls_deploy_config(label_schema: LabelSchemaEntity, inference_config: Dict[str, Any]): """Get classification deploy config.""" parameters = {} # type: Dict[Any, Any] parameters["type_of_model"] = "Classification" parameters["converter_type"] = "CLASSIFICATION" parameters["model_parameters"] = inference_config parameters["model_parameters"]["labels"] = LabelSchemaMapper.forward(label_schema) return parameters
[docs] def get_cls_model_api_configuration(label_schema: LabelSchemaEntity, inference_config: Dict[str, Any]): """Get ModelAPI config.""" mapi_config = {} mapi_config[("model_info", "model_type")] = "Classification" mapi_config[("model_info", "task_type")] = "classification" mapi_config[("model_info", "confidence_threshold")] = str(inference_config["confidence_threshold"]) mapi_config[("model_info", "multilabel")] = str(inference_config["multilabel"]) mapi_config[("model_info", "hierarchical")] = str(inference_config["hierarchical"]) mapi_config[("model_info", "output_raw_scores")] = str(True) label_entities = label_schema.get_labels(include_empty=False) if inference_config["hierarchical"]: label_entities = get_hierarchical_label_list(inference_config["multihead_class_info"], label_entities) all_labels = "" all_label_ids = "" for lbl in label_entities: all_labels +=" ", "_") + " " all_label_ids += f"{lbl.id_} " mapi_config[("model_info", "labels")] = all_labels.strip() mapi_config[("model_info", "label_ids")] = all_label_ids.strip() hierarchical_config = {} hierarchical_config["cls_heads_info"] = get_multihead_class_info(label_schema) hierarchical_config["label_tree_edges"] = [] for edge in label_schema.label_tree.edges: # (child, parent) hierarchical_config["label_tree_edges"].append((edge[0].name, edge[1].name)) mapi_config[("model_info", "hierarchical_config")] = json.dumps(hierarchical_config) return mapi_config
[docs] def get_hierarchical_label_list(hierarchical_cls_heads_info: Dict, labels: List) -> List[LabelEntity]: """Return hierarchical labels list which is adjusted to model outputs classes.""" # Create the list of Label Entities (took from "labels") # corresponding to names and order in "label_to_idx" label_to_idx = hierarchical_cls_heads_info["label_to_idx"] hierarchical_labels = [] for label_str, _ in label_to_idx.items(): for label_entity in labels: if == label_str: hierarchical_labels.append(label_entity) break return hierarchical_labels