Source code for otx.algorithms.common.adapters.mmdeploy.utils.mmdeploy

"""Functions for mmdeploy adapters."""
# Copyright (C) 2022 Intel Corporation
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

import importlib

import onnx

[docs] def is_mmdeploy_enabled(): """Checks if the 'mmdeploy' Python module is installed and available for use. Returns: bool: True if 'mmdeploy' is installed, False otherwise. Example: >>> is_mmdeploy_enabled() True """ return importlib.util.find_spec("mmdeploy") is not None
def mmdeploy_init_model_helper(ctx, model_checkpoint=None, cfg_options=None, **kwargs): """Helper function for initializing a model for inference using the 'mmdeploy' library.""" model_builder = kwargs.pop("model_builder") model = model_builder( ctx.model_cfg, checkpoint=model_checkpoint, device=ctx.device, cfg_options=cfg_options, ) # TODO: Need to investigate it why # NNCF compressed model lost trace context from time to time with no reason # even with 'torch.no_grad()'. Explicitly setting 'requires_grad' to'False' # makes things easier. for i in model.parameters(): i.requires_grad = False return model def update_deploy_cfg(onnx_path, deploy_cfg, mo_options=None): """Update the 'deploy_cfg' configuration file based on the ONNX model specified by 'onnx_path'.""" from mmdeploy.utils import get_backend_config, get_ir_config onnx_model = onnx.load(onnx_path) ir_config = get_ir_config(deploy_cfg) get_backend_config(deploy_cfg) # update input input_names = [ for i in onnx_model.graph.input] ir_config["input_names"] = input_names # update output output_names = [ for i in onnx_model.graph.output] ir_config["output_names"] = output_names # update mo options mo_options = mo_options if mo_options else dict() deploy_cfg.merge_from_dict({"backend_config": {"mo_options": mo_options}}) if is_mmdeploy_enabled(): # fmt: off # FIXME: openvino pot library adds stream handlers to root logger # which makes annoying duplicated logging from mmdeploy.utils import get_root_logger get_root_logger().propagate = False # fmt: on