Source code for otx.algorithms.common.adapters.nncf.compression

"""NNCF utils."""
# Copyright (C) 2022 Intel Corporation
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional

import numpy as np
import torch

from .utils import check_nncf_is_enabled, get_nncf_version

class NNCFMetaState:
    """NNCF meta state wrapper."""

    state_to_build: Optional[Dict[str, torch.Tensor]] = field(default=None)
    data_to_build: Optional[np.ndarray] = field(default=None)
    compression_ctrl: Optional[Dict[Any, Any]] = field(default=None)

    def __repr__(self):
        out = f"{self.__class__.__name__}("
        if self.state_to_build is not None:
            out += "state_to_build='<data>', "
        if self.data_to_build is not None:
            out += "data_to_build='<data>', "
        if self.compression_ctrl is not None:
            out += "compression_ctrl='<data>', "
        if out[-2:] == ", ":
            out = out[:-2]
        out += ")"
        return out

[docs] def get_nncf_metadata(): """Get NNCF related metadata. The function returns NNCF metadata that should be stored into a checkpoint. The metadata is used to check in wrap_nncf_model if the checkpoint should be used to resume NNCF training or initialize NNCF fields of NNCF-wrapped model. """ check_nncf_is_enabled() return dict(nncf_enable_compression=True, nncf_version=get_nncf_version())
[docs] def is_state_nncf(state): """Check if state_dict is NNCF state_dict. The function uses metadata stored in a dict_state to check if the checkpoint was the result of trainning of NNCF-compressed model. See the function get_nncf_metadata above. """ return bool(state.get("meta", {}).get("nncf_enable_compression", False))
[docs] def is_checkpoint_nncf(path): """Check if path is NNCF checkpoint. The function uses metadata stored in a checkpoint to check if the checkpoint was the result of trainning of NNCF-compressed model. See the function get_nncf_metadata above. """ try: checkpoint = torch.load(path, map_location="cpu") return is_state_nncf(checkpoint) except FileNotFoundError: return False
[docs] class AccuracyAwareLrUpdater: """AccuracyAwareLrUpdater.""" def __init__(self, lr_hook): self._lr_hook = lr_hook self._lr_hook.warmup_iters = 0
[docs] def step(self, *args, **kwargs): """step."""
@property def base_lrs(self): """base_lrs.""" return self._lr_hook.base_lr @base_lrs.setter def base_lrs(self, value): self._lr_hook.base_lr = value