Source code for otx.api.entities.dataset_item

"""This module implements the dataset item entity."""

# Copyright (C) 2021-2022 Intel Corporation
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# pylint: disable=cyclic-import

import abc
import copy
import itertools
import logging
from inspect import signature
from threading import Lock
from typing import List, Optional, Sequence, Set, Tuple, TypeVar, Union
from bson import ObjectId
import numpy as np

from otx.api.entities.annotation import Annotation, AnnotationSceneEntity
from import ID
from otx.api.entities.label import LabelEntity
from import IMedia2DEntity
from otx.api.entities.metadata import IMetadata, MetadataItemEntity
from otx.api.entities.model import ModelEntity
from otx.api.entities.scored_label import ScoredLabel
from otx.api.entities.shapes.rectangle import Rectangle
from otx.api.entities.subset import Subset
from otx.api.utils.shape_factory import ShapeFactory

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

T = TypeVar("T", bound="DatasetItemEntity")

[docs] class DatasetItemEntity(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """DatasetItemEntity represents an item in the DatasetEntity. It holds a media item, annotation and an ROI. The ROI determines the region of interest for the dataset item, and is described by a shape entity. The fundamental properties of a dataset item are: - A 2d media entity (e.g. Image) - A 2d annotation entity for the full resolution media entity - An ROI, describing the region of interest. - The subset it belongs to - Metadata for the media entity (e.g. saliency map or active score) - A list of labels to ignore .. rubric:: Getting data from dataset item The first step is to fetch the input data for the network. >>> dataset_item = DatasetItemEntity() >>> media_numpy = dataset_item.numpy # RGB media data (Height, Width, Channels) This returns the numpy data for the assigned ROI. But it is possible to extract any arbitrary region. >>> from otx.api.entities.shapes.rectangle import Rectangle >>> top_left_quart_roi = Annotation(Rectangle(x1=0.0, y1=0.0, x2=0.5, y2=0.5), labels=[]) >>> top_left_quart_numpy = dataset_item.roi_numpy(roi=top_left_quart_roi) Get the subset of labels for the item ROI: >>> labels = dataset_item.get_roi_labels(labels=...) Get the annotations __visible__ in the ROI: >>> dataset_item.get_annotations() .. rubric:: Adding output data to dataset item It is possible to add shapes or just labels for the ROI. Add shapes to dataset item: >>> box = Rectangle(x1=0.2, y1=0.3, x2=0.6, y2=0.5) >>> dataset_item.append_annotations(annotations=[Annotation(box, labels=[...])]) Add labels to ROI: >>> dataset_item.append_labels(labels=[...]) Args: media (IMedia2DEntity): Media item annotation_scene (AnnotationSceneEntity): Annotation scene roi (Optional[Annotation]): Region Of Interest metadata (Optional[List[MetadataItemEntity]]): Metadata attached to dataset item subset (Subset): `Subset` for item. E.g. `Subset.VALIDATION` ignored_labels (Optional[Union[List[LabelEntity], Tuple[LabelEntity, ...], Set[LabelEntity]]]): Collection of labels that should be ignored in this dataset item. For instance, in a training scenario, this parameter is used to ignore certain labels within the existing annotations because their status becomes uncertain following a label schema change. """ # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments def __init__( self, media: IMedia2DEntity, annotation_scene: AnnotationSceneEntity, roi: Optional[Annotation] = None, metadata: Optional[List[MetadataItemEntity]] = None, subset: Subset = Subset.NONE, ignored_labels: Optional[Union[List[LabelEntity], Tuple[LabelEntity, ...], Set[LabelEntity]]] = None, ): self.__media: IMedia2DEntity = media self.__annotation_scene: AnnotationSceneEntity = annotation_scene self.__subset: Subset = subset self.__roi_lock = Lock() # set ROI if roi is None: for annotation in annotation_scene.annotations: # if there is a full box in annotation.shapes, set it as ROI if Rectangle.is_full_box(annotation.shape): roi = annotation break if roi is None: roi = Annotation(Rectangle.generate_full_box(), labels=[]) self.__roi = roi self.__metadata: List[MetadataItemEntity] = [] if metadata is not None: self.__metadata = metadata self.__ignored_labels: Set[LabelEntity] = set() if ignored_labels is None else set(ignored_labels)
[docs] def set_metadata(self, metadata: List[MetadataItemEntity]): """Sets the metadata.""" self.__metadata = metadata
[docs] def get_metadata(self) -> List[MetadataItemEntity]: """Returns the metadata.""" return self.__metadata
@property def ignored_labels(self) -> Set[LabelEntity]: """Get the IDs of the labels to ignore in this dataset item.""" return self.__ignored_labels @ignored_labels.setter def ignored_labels(self, value: Union[List[LabelEntity], Tuple[LabelEntity, ...], Set[LabelEntity]]): self.__ignored_labels = set(value) def __repr__(self): """String representation of the dataset item.""" return ( f"{self.__class__.__name__}(" f"media={}, " f"annotation_scene={self.annotation_scene}, " f"roi={self.roi}, " f"subset={self.subset}), " f"meta={self.get_metadata()}" ) @property def roi(self) -> Annotation: """Region Of Interest.""" with self.__roi_lock: return self.__roi @roi.setter def roi(self, roi: Optional[Annotation]): with self.__roi_lock: if roi is None: roi = Annotation(Rectangle.generate_full_box(), labels=[]) self.__roi = roi @property def subset(self) -> Subset: """Returns the subset that the IDatasetItem belongs to. e.g. Subset.TRAINING.""" return self.__subset @subset.setter def subset(self, value: Subset): self.__subset = value @property def media(self) -> IMedia2DEntity: """Media.""" return self.__media
[docs] def roi_numpy(self, roi: Optional[Annotation] = None) -> np.ndarray: """Gives the numpy data for the media, given an ROI. This function allows to take a crop of any arbitrary region of the media in the Dataset entity. If the ROI is not given, the ROI assigned to the DatasetItem will be used as default. Args: roi (Optional[Annotation]): Shape entity. The shape will be converted if needed, to extract the ROI numpy. Returns: np.ndarray: Numpy array with media data """ if roi is None: roi = self.roi if roi is not None: roi.shape = ShapeFactory.shape_as_rectangle(roi.shape) return
@property def numpy(self) -> np.ndarray: """Returns the numpy data for the media, taking ROI into account. Returns: np.ndarrray: Numpy array. RGB array of shape (Height, Width, Channels) """ return self.roi_numpy() @property def width(self) -> int: """The width of the dataset item, taking into account the ROI.""" roi_shape_as_box = ShapeFactory.shape_as_rectangle(self.roi.shape) roi_shape_as_box = roi_shape_as_box.clip_to_visible_region() width = # Note that we cannot directly use roi_shape_as_box.width due to the rounding # because round(x2 - x1) is not always equal to round(x2) - round(x1) x1 = int(round(roi_shape_as_box.x1 * width)) x2 = int(round(roi_shape_as_box.x2 * width)) return x2 - x1 @property def height(self) -> int: """The height of the dataset item, taking into account the ROI.""" roi_shape_as_box = ShapeFactory.shape_as_rectangle(self.roi.shape) roi_shape_as_box = roi_shape_as_box.clip_to_visible_region() height = # Note that we cannot directly use roi_shape_as_box.height due to the rounding # because round(y2 - y1) is not always equal to round(y2) - round(y1) y1 = int(round(roi_shape_as_box.y1 * height)) y2 = int(round(roi_shape_as_box.y2 * height)) return y2 - y1 @property def annotation_scene(self) -> AnnotationSceneEntity: """Access to annotation scene.""" return self.__annotation_scene @annotation_scene.setter def annotation_scene(self, value: AnnotationSceneEntity): self.__annotation_scene = value
[docs] def get_annotations( self, labels: Optional[List[LabelEntity]] = None, include_empty: bool = False, include_ignored: bool = False, preserve_id: bool = False, ) -> List[Annotation]: """Returns a list of annotations that exist in the dataset item (wrt. ROI). This is done by checking that the center of the annotation is located in the ROI. Args: labels (Optional[LabelEntity]): Subset of input labels to filter with; if ``None``, all the shapes within the ROI are returned. include_empty (bool): if True, returns both empty and non-empty labels include_ignored (bool): if True, includes the labels in ignored_labels preserve_id (bool): if True, preserve the annotation id when copying Returns: List[Annotation]: The intersection of the input label set and those present within the ROI """ is_full_box = Rectangle.is_full_box(self.roi.shape) annotations = [] if is_full_box and labels is None and include_empty and include_ignored: # Fast path for the case where we do not need to change the shapes annotations = self.annotation_scene.annotations else: # Todo: improve speed. This is O(n) for n shapes. roi_as_box = ShapeFactory.shape_as_rectangle(self.roi.shape) labels_set = { for label in labels} if labels is not None else set() for annotation in self.annotation_scene.annotations: if not is_full_box and not self.roi.shape.contains_center(annotation.shape): continue shape_labels = annotation.get_labels(include_empty) check_labels = False if not include_ignored: shape_labels = [label for label in shape_labels if label.label not in self.ignored_labels] check_labels = True if labels is not None: shape_labels = [label for label in shape_labels if in labels_set] check_labels = True if check_labels and len(shape_labels) == 0: continue if not is_full_box: # Create a denormalized copy of the shape. shape = annotation.shape.denormalize_wrt_roi_shape(roi_as_box) else: # Also create a copy of the shape, so that we can safely modify the labels # without tampering with the original shape. shape = copy.deepcopy(annotation.shape) annotations.append( Annotation( shape=shape, labels=shape_labels, id=annotation.id_ if preserve_id else None, ) ) return annotations
[docs] def append_annotations(self, annotations: Sequence[Annotation]): """Adds a list of shapes to the annotation.""" roi_as_box = ShapeFactory.shape_as_rectangle(self.roi.shape) validated_annotations = [ Annotation( shape=annotation.shape.normalize_wrt_roi_shape(roi_as_box), labels=annotation.get_labels(), ) for annotation in annotations if ShapeFactory().shape_produces_valid_crop( shape=annotation.shape,,, ) ] n_invalid_shapes = len(annotations) - len(validated_annotations) if n_invalid_shapes > 0: "%d shapes will not be added to the dataset item as they " "would produce invalid crops (this is expected for some tasks, " "such as segmentation).", n_invalid_shapes, ) self.annotation_scene.append_annotations(validated_annotations)
[docs] def get_roi_labels( self, labels: Optional[List[LabelEntity]] = None, include_empty: bool = False, include_ignored: bool = False, ) -> List[LabelEntity]: """Return the subset of the input labels which exist in the dataset item (wrt. ROI). Args: labels (Optional[List[LabelEntity]]): Subset of input labels to filter with; if ``None``, all the labels within the ROI are returned. include_empty (bool): if True, returns both empty and non-empty labels include_ignored (bool): if True, includes the labels in ignored_labels Return: List[LabelEntity]: The intersection of the input label set and those present within the ROI. """ filtered_labels = set() for label in self.roi.get_labels(include_empty): if labels is None or label.get_label() in labels: filtered_labels.add(label.get_label()) if not include_ignored: filtered_labels -= self.ignored_labels return sorted(list(filtered_labels), key=lambda x:
[docs] def get_shapes_labels( self, labels: Optional[List[LabelEntity]] = None, include_empty: bool = False, include_ignored: bool = False, ) -> List[LabelEntity]: """Get the labels of the shapes present in this dataset item. if a label list is supplied, only labels present within that list are returned. if include_empty is True, present empty labels are returned as well. Args: labels (Optional[List[LabelEntity]]): if supplied only labels present in this list are returned. Defaults to None. include_empty (bool): if True, returns both empty and non-empty labels. Defaults to False. include_ignored (bool): if True, includes the labels in ignored_labels. Defaults to False. Returns: List[LabelEntity]: a list of labels from the shapes within the roi of this dataset item """ annotations = self.get_annotations(labels=labels, include_empty=include_empty, include_ignored=include_ignored) scored_label_set = set(itertools.chain(*[annotation.get_labels(include_empty) for annotation in annotations])) label_set = {scored_label.get_label() for scored_label in scored_label_set} if not include_ignored: label_set -= self.ignored_labels if labels is None: return list(label_set) return [label for label in label_set if label in labels]
[docs] def append_labels(self, labels: List[ScoredLabel]): """Appends labels to the DatasetItem and adds it to the the annotation label as well if it's not yet there. Args: labels (List[ScoredLabel]): list of labels to be appended. """ if len(labels) == 0: return roi_annotation = None for annotation in self.annotation_scene.annotations: if annotation.shape == self.roi.shape: roi_annotation = annotation break if roi_annotation is None: # no annotation found with shape roi_annotation = self.roi self.annotation_scene.append_annotation(roi_annotation) for label in labels: if label not in self.roi.get_labels(include_empty=True): self.roi.append_label(label) if label not in roi_annotation.get_labels(include_empty=True): roi_annotation.append_label(label)
def __eq__(self, other): """Compares if two DatasetItems are equal. Args: other ("DatasetItems"): other DatasetItem to compare with. Returns: bool: True if equal, False otherwise. """ if isinstance(other, DatasetItemEntity): return ( == and self.annotation_scene == other.annotation_scene and self.roi == other.roi and self.subset == other.subset and self.ignored_labels == other.ignored_labels ) return False def __deepcopy__(self, memo): """Avoids copying the lock and unintentional ID sharing among AnnotationSceneEntity instances. When we deepcopy this object, be sure not to deep copy the lock, as this is not possible, make a new lock instead. In addition, we prevent deepcopy of AnnotationSceneEntity member variable to avoid unintentional ID sharing among instances. Same instance reference is copied to the output instead. """ # Call ROI getter to ensure original object has an ROI. _ = self.roi clone = copy.copy(self) for name, value in vars(self).items(): if "__roi_lock" in name: setattr(clone, name, Lock()) elif "__annotation_scene" in name: pass # Keep the same instance else: setattr(clone, name, copy.deepcopy(value, memo)) return clone def __getstate__(self): """Exclude '__roi_lock' during pickling.""" _ = self.roi # Call ROI getter to ensure original object has an ROI. obj_dict = copy.copy(self.__dict__) obj_dict["_DatasetItemEntity__roi_lock"] = None return obj_dict def __setstate__(self, d): """Set new lock object during unpickling.""" lock_obj = Lock() for key in list(d.keys()): if "_DatasetItemEntity" in key: if "roi_lock" in key: d[key] = lock_obj self.__dict__ = d
[docs] def append_metadata_item(self, data: IMetadata, model: Optional[ModelEntity] = None): """Appends metadata produced by some model to the dataset item. .. rubric:: Adding visualization heatmap (ResultMediaEntity) to DatasetItemEntity >>> from otx.api.entities.image import Image >>> from otx.api.entities.result_media import ResultMediaEntity >>> media = Image(file_path='image.jpeg') >>> annotation = NullAnnotationSceneEntity() >>> dataset_item = DatasetItem(media=media, annotation_scene=annotation) >>> data = np.ones((120, 120, 3)).astype(np.uint8) * 255 # Saliency numpy >>> result_media = ResultMediaEntity(name="Gradcam++", ... type="Gradcam++", ... annotation_scene=annotation, ... numpy=data) >>> dataset_item.append_metadata_item(result_media) .. rubric:: Representation vector for active learning >>> from otx.api.entities.tensor import TensorEntity >>> tensor = TensorEntity(name="representation_vector", numpy=data) >>> dataset_item.append_metadata_item(data=tensor, model=model) Args: data (IMetadata): any object of a class inherited from IMetadata. (e.g., FloatMetadata, Tensor) model (Optional[ModelEntity]): model that was used to generated metadata """ self.__metadata.append(MetadataItemEntity(data=data, model=model))
[docs] def get_metadata_by_name_and_model(self, name: str, model: Optional[ModelEntity]) -> Sequence[MetadataItemEntity]: """Returns a metadata item with `name` and generated by `model`. Args: name (str): the name of the metadata model (Optional[ModelEntity]): the model which was used to generate the metadata. Returns: Sequence[MetadataItemEntity]: a list of metadata items with `name` and generated by `model`. """ return [meta for meta in self.get_metadata() if == name and meta.model == model]
[docs] def wrap(self: T, **kwargs) -> T: """Creates a new DatasetItemEntity, overriding only the given arguments to the existing ones for this instance.""" params = { name: getattr(self, name) for name in signature(self.__class__.__init__).parameters.keys() if hasattr(self, name) } params.update({"metadata": self.get_metadata()}) params.update(**kwargs) return self.__class__(**params)
# TODO: This should be removed in the near future and DatasetItemEntity should have id_ field.
[docs] class DatasetItemEntityWithID(DatasetItemEntity): def __init__( self, media: IMedia2DEntity, annotation_scene: AnnotationSceneEntity, roi: Optional[Annotation] = None, metadata: Optional[List[MetadataItemEntity]] = None, subset: Subset = Subset.NONE, ignored_labels: Optional[Union[List[LabelEntity], Tuple[LabelEntity, ...], Set[LabelEntity]]] = None, id_: Optional[Union[str, ObjectId]] = None, ): super().__init__(media, annotation_scene, roi, metadata, subset, ignored_labels) self._id_ = ID(id_) if id_ is not None else ID(ObjectId()) @property def id_(self) -> ID: """ Returns the id of this entity :return: ID of this entity """ return self._id_ @id_.setter def id_(self, value: ID) -> None: """ Set the unique id for this entity :param value: a unique ID to set """ self._id_ = value def __eq__(self, other): return super().__eq__(other) and self.id_ == other.id_