Source code for

"""This module implements the ID entity."""
# Copyright (C) 2021-2022 Intel Corporation
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

from typing import Optional, Union

from bson import ObjectId

[docs] class ID(str): """An identifier for objects that can be persisted in repositories. Usually the creation of IDs is handled by the repositories. In that case objects are initialized with an empty ID() >>> str(ID()) '' Args: Optional[Union[str, ObjectId]]: value of the identifier """ # Instead of using composition, we directly subclass the str builtin type. # This allows us to reuse most of the builtin functions of the str type, # and avoid the overhead of Python function calls for operations such as hashing and comparison. # In Python 3.6, using this approach, hash and equality are about 5 times faster than using composition. # Since the str type is immutable, we cannot handle the object construction arguments in __init__ # as we would normally and instead have to use __new__. # The __init__ function is still left for typing correctness and so that Sphinx can get the prototype of the class. def __new__(cls, representation: Optional[Union[str, ObjectId]] = None): """Creates a new ID object.""" if representation is None: representation = "" elif isinstance(representation, ObjectId): representation = str(representation) else: representation = str(representation).strip().lower() # Ignore typing error because Mypy does not support calling super().__new__ with a parameter. return super().__new__(cls, representation) # type: ignore # See comment block above # pylint: disable=W0231 def __init__(self, representation: Optional[Union[str, ObjectId]] = None): pass # This property name is there to allow automatic mapping between ID <> IDMessage # It should be the same as the argument in init @property def representation(self): """Returns the value of the identifier.""" return self def __repr__(self): """Returns the representation of the identifier.""" return f"ID({self})"