Source code for otx.api.entities.inference_parameters

"""This module implements the AnalyseParameters entity."""

# Copyright (C) 2021-2022 Intel Corporation
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Any, Callable, Optional

# pylint: disable=unused-argument
[docs] def default_progress_callback(progress: int, score: Optional[float] = None): """This is the default progress callback for OptimizationParameters."""
[docs] @dataclass class InferenceParameters: """Inference parameters. Attributes: is_evaluation: Set to ``True`` if the output dataset is intended to be used for evaluation purposes. In this scenario, any postprocessing filtering (such as thresholding and NMS) should be disabled to avoid interfering with algorithms such as NMS. update_progress: Callback which can be used to provide updates about the progress of a task. explainer: Explain algorithm to be used in explanation mode. Will be converted automatically to lowercase. process_saliency_maps: Process saliency map to input image resolution and apply colormap explain_predicted_classes: If set to True, provide explanations only for predicted classes. Otherwise, explain all classes. enable_async_inference: Enables async inference to increase performance. """ is_evaluation: bool = False update_progress: Callable[[int, Optional[float]], Any] = default_progress_callback explainer: str = "" process_saliency_maps: bool = False explain_predicted_classes: bool = True enable_async_inference: bool = True