Source code for otx.api.entities.label_schema

"""This module implements the LabelSchema entity."""

# Copyright (C) 2021-2022 Intel Corporation
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

import copy
import logging
from enum import Enum
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Sequence, Union

import numpy as np
from bson import ObjectId

from otx.api.entities.graph import MultiDiGraph
from import ID
from otx.api.entities.label import LabelEntity
from otx.api.entities.scored_label import ScoredLabel

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def natural_sort_label_id(target: Union[ID, LabelEntity, ScoredLabel]) -> List[Union[int, str]]: """Generates a natural sort key for a LabelEntity object based on its ID. Args: target (Union[ID, LabelEntity]): The ID or LabelEntity or ScoredLabel object to be sorted. Returns: List[Union[int, str]]: A list of integers representing the numeric substrings in the ID in the order they appear. Example: origin_sorted_labels = sorted(labels, key=lambda x: x.id_) natural_sorted_labels = sorted(labels, key=lambda x: x.natural_sort_label_id) print(origin_sorted_labels) # Output: [LabelEntity(0), LabelEntity(1), LabelEntity(10), ... LabelEntity(2)] print(natural_sorted_labels) # Output: [LabelEntity(0), LabelEntity(1), LabelEntity(2), ... LabelEntity(10)] """ if isinstance(target, (LabelEntity, ScoredLabel)): target = target.id_ if isinstance(target, str) and target.isdecimal(): return ["", int(target)] # "" is added for the case where id of some lables is None return [target]
[docs] class LabelGroupExistsException(ValueError): """Exception thrown if the LabelGroup already exists."""
[docs] class LabelGroupDoesNotExistException(ValueError): """Exception thrown if the LabelGroup does not exist."""
[docs] class LabelGroupType(Enum): """Enum to indicate the LabelGroupType.""" EXCLUSIVE = 1 EMPTY_LABEL = 2
[docs] class LabelGroup: """A label group which has exclusive (multiclass) or contains the empty label. Non-exclusive (multilabel) relationships are represented by multiple (exclusive) label groups. The labels have to be from one task. Args: name (str): Descriptive name of the label group labels (Sequence[LabelEntity]): Labels that form the group group_type (LabelGroupType): EXCLUSIVE or EMPTY_LABEL id (ID): ID of the LabelGroup. If no ID is provided, a new ObjectId() will be assigned """ # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin def __init__( self, name: str, labels: Sequence[LabelEntity], group_type: LabelGroupType = LabelGroupType.EXCLUSIVE, id: ID = None, ): self.id_ = ID(ObjectId()) if id is None else id self.labels = sorted(labels, key=natural_sort_label_id) = name self.group_type = group_type @property def id(self) -> ID: """DEPRECATED.""" return self.id_ @id.setter def id(self, value: ID): """DEPRECATED.""" self.id_ = value @property def minimum_label_id(self) -> ID: """Returns the minimum (oldest) label ID, which is the first label in self.labels since this list is sorted.""" return self.labels[0].id_
[docs] def remove_label(self, label: LabelEntity) -> None: """Remove label from label group if it exists in the group. Args: label (LabelEntity): label to remove """ if label in self.labels: self.labels.remove(label)
[docs] def is_single_label(self) -> bool: """Returns True if the label group only contains one label. Returns: bool: True if the label group only contains one label. """ return len(self.labels) == 1
def __eq__(self, other: object): """Returns True if the LabelGroup is equal to the other object.""" if not isinstance(other, LabelGroup): return False return self.id_ == other.id_ and (set(self.labels) == set(other.labels) and self.group_type == other.group_type) def __repr__(self) -> str: """Returns the string representation of the LabelGroup.""" return f"LabelGroup(id={self.id_}, name={}, group_type={self.group_type}," f" labels={self.labels})"
[docs] class LabelTree(MultiDiGraph): """Represents a hierarchy of labels in the form a tree. The tree is represented by a directed graph """ def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__() self.__topological_order_cache: Optional[List[LabelEntity]] = None
[docs] def add_edge(self, node1, node2, edge_value=None): """Add edge between two nodes in the tree. Args: node1: first node node2: second node edge_value: The value of the new edge. Defaults to None. """ super().add_edge(node1, node2, edge_value) self.clear_topological_cache()
[docs] def add_node(self, node): """Add node to the tree.""" super().add_node(node) self.clear_topological_cache()
[docs] def add_edges(self, edges): """Add edges between Labels.""" self._graph.add_edges_from(edges) self.clear_topological_cache()
[docs] def remove_node(self, node): """Remove node from the tree.""" super().remove_node(node) self.clear_topological_cache()
@property def num_labels(self): """Return the number of labels in the tree.""" return self.num_nodes()
[docs] def clear_topological_cache(self): """Clear the internal cache of the list of labels sorted in topological order. This function should be called if the topology of the graph has changed to prevent the cache from being stale. Note that it is automatically called when modifying the topology through the methods provided by this class. """ self.__topological_order_cache = None
[docs] def get_labels_in_topological_order(self) -> List[LabelEntity]: """Return a list of the labels in this graph sorted in topological order. To avoid performance issues, the output of this function is cached. Returns: List[LabelEntity]: sorted list of labels """ if self.__topological_order_cache is None: # TODO: It seems that we are storing the edges the wrong way around. # To work around this issue, we have to reverse the sorted list. self.__topological_order_cache = list(reversed(list(self.topological_sort()))) return self.__topological_order_cache
@property def type(self): """Returns the type of the LabelTree.""" return "tree"
[docs] def add_child(self, parent: LabelEntity, child: LabelEntity): """Add a `child` Label to `parent`.""" self.add_edge(child, parent) self.clear_topological_cache()
[docs] def get_parent(self, label: LabelEntity) -> Optional[LabelEntity]: """Returns the parent of `label`. Returns: the parent if it has one otherwise None """ result = self.neighbors(label) return result[0] if len(result) > 0 else None
[docs] def get_children(self, parent: LabelEntity) -> List[LabelEntity]: """Returns children of `parent`.""" if parent not in self._graph.nodes: return [] return list(self._graph.predecessors(parent)) # pylint: disable=no-member
[docs] def get_descendants(self, parent: LabelEntity) -> List[LabelEntity]: """Returns descendants (children and children of children, etc.) of `parent`.""" return self.descendants(parent)
[docs] def get_siblings(self, label: LabelEntity) -> List[LabelEntity]: """Returns the siblings of a label.""" parent = self.get_parent(label) if parent is None: siblings = [] else: siblings = [u for u, v in self._graph.in_edges(parent) if u != label] # pylint: disable=no-member return siblings
[docs] def get_ancestors(self, label: LabelEntity) -> List[LabelEntity]: """Returns ancestors of `label`, including self.""" result = [] parent: Optional[LabelEntity] = label while parent is not None: result.append(parent) parent = self.get_parent(parent) return result
[docs] def subgraph(self, labels: Sequence[LabelEntity]) -> "LabelTree": """Return the subgraph containing the given labels.""" new_graph = LabelTree() new_graph.set_graph(self.get_graph().subgraph(labels).copy()) return new_graph
def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: """Check if two LabelTrees are equal.""" if isinstance(other, LabelTree): return super().__eq__(other) return False
[docs] class LabelSchemaEntity: """This class represents the relationships of labels. This class currently keeps track of the following relationships: - parent/child label relationship - label group relationships Args: label_tree (LabelTree): a hierarchy of labels represented as a tree label_groups (List[LabelGroup]): list of groups of labels that form logical groups. E.g. a group of mutually exclusive labels. """ # pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods, too-many-arguments def __init__( self, label_tree: Optional[LabelTree] = None, label_groups: Optional[List[LabelGroup]] = None, ): if label_tree is None: label_tree = LabelTree() self.label_tree = label_tree if label_groups is None: label_groups = [] self._groups = label_groups
[docs] def get_labels(self, include_empty: bool) -> List[LabelEntity]: """Get the labels in the label schema. Args: include_empty (bool): flag determining whether to include empty labels Returns: List[LabelEntity]: list of all labels in the label schema """ labels = {label for group in self._groups for label in group.labels if include_empty or not label.is_empty} return sorted(list(labels), key=natural_sort_label_id)
[docs] def get_groups(self, include_empty: bool = False) -> List[LabelGroup]: """Get the label groups in the label schema. Args: include_empty (bool): flag determining whether to include empty label groups Returns: List[LabelGroup]: list of all label groups in the label schema """ if include_empty: return self._groups return [group for group in self._groups if group.group_type != LabelGroupType.EMPTY_LABEL]
[docs] def add_group(self, label_group: LabelGroup): """Adding a group to label schema. Args: label_group (LabelGroup): label group to add Returns: None """ if in [ for group in self._groups]: raise LabelGroupExistsException( f"group with '{}' exists, " f"use add_labels_to_group_by_group_name instead" ) self.__append_group(label_group)
[docs] def add_child(self, parent: LabelEntity, child: LabelEntity): """Add a `child` Label to `parent`.""" parent = self.__get_label(parent) child = self.__get_label(child) self.label_tree.add_child(parent, child)
[docs] def get_parent(self, label: LabelEntity) -> Optional[LabelEntity]: """Returns the parent of `label`. Returns: Optional[LabelEntity]: the parent if it has one otherwise None """ label = self.__get_label(label) return self.label_tree.get_parent(label)
[docs] def get_label_ids(self, include_empty: bool) -> List[ID]: """Returns a list of label ids that are in the LabelSchema. Args: include_empty (bool): Include empty label id or not. Returns: List[ID]: sorted list of label ids """ label_ids = { label.id_ for group in self._groups for label in group.labels if include_empty or not label.is_empty } return sorted(list(label_ids), key=natural_sort_label_id)
[docs] def get_label_group_by_name(self, group_name: str) -> Optional[LabelGroup]: """Get the label group by the passed group_name. Args: group_name (str): name of the group to get Returns: Optional[LabelGroup] """ for label_group in self._groups: if group_name == return label_group return None
[docs] def get_exclusive_groups(self) -> List[LabelGroup]: """Returns exclusive groups in the LabelSchema.""" return [group for group in self._groups if group.group_type == LabelGroupType.EXCLUSIVE]
[docs] def add_labels_to_group_by_group_name(self, group_name: str, labels: Sequence[LabelEntity]): """Adds `labels` to group named `group_name`. Args: labels (str): list of Label group_name (Sequence[LabelEntity]): group name Raises: LabelGroupDoesNotExistException: This is raised if the group does not exist """ group = self.get_label_group_by_name(group_name) if group is not None: group.labels.extend(labels) else: raise LabelGroupDoesNotExistException(f"group with name '{group_name}' does not exist, cannot add")
def __append_group(self, label_group: LabelGroup): """Convenience function for appending `label_group` to the necessary internal data structures. Args: label_group (LabelGroup): label group to append """ if label_group not in self._groups: self._groups.append(label_group)
[docs] def are_exclusive(self, label1: LabelEntity, label2: LabelEntity) -> bool: """Returns whether `label` and `label2` are mutually exclusive.""" return label2 in self.get_labels_exclusive_to(label1)
[docs] def get_children(self, parent: LabelEntity) -> List[LabelEntity]: """Return a list of the children of the passed parent Label.""" parent = self.__get_label(parent) return self.label_tree.get_children(parent)
[docs] def get_siblings_in_group(self, label: LabelEntity) -> List[LabelEntity]: """Return a list of the 'siblings', which are all labels within the same group as a label.""" containing_group = self.get_group_containing_label(label) if containing_group is None: return [] return [label_iter for label_iter in containing_group.labels if not label_iter == label]
[docs] def get_descendants(self, parent: LabelEntity) -> List[LabelEntity]: """Returns descendants (children and children of children, etc.) of `parent`.""" parent = self.__get_label(parent) return self.label_tree.get_descendants(parent)
[docs] def get_ancestors(self, label: LabelEntity) -> List[LabelEntity]: """Returns ancestors of `label`, including self.""" label = self.__get_label(label) return self.label_tree.get_ancestors(label)
[docs] def get_group_containing_label(self, label: LabelEntity) -> Optional[LabelGroup]: """Returns the label group which contains the label. Args: label (LabelEntity): the query label Returns: Optional[LabelGroup]: the group containing the label """ label = self.__get_label(label) for group in self._groups: if label in group.labels: return group return None
[docs] def get_labels_exclusive_to(self, label: LabelEntity) -> List[LabelEntity]: """Returns a list of labels that are exclusive to the passed label.""" if label.is_empty: exclusive_labels = self.__get_exclusivity_for_empty_label(label=label) else: exclusive_labels = self.__get_exclusivity_recursion(label=label) return exclusive_labels
def __get_exclusivity_recursion(self, label: LabelEntity, add_empty: bool = True) -> List[LabelEntity]: """Recursively computes all labels exclusive to a non-empty label. A label is exclusive with: - All labels in the same group - All children of labels in the same group - All labels in the same group as any of the label's ancestors - All children of labels in the same group as any of the label's ancestors - All empty labels that are not descendants of the label Args: label (LabelEntity): The label to get exclusive labels for add_empty (bool): If set to True, adds all empty labels that are not descendants of the label. This is only needed for the first recursion iteration. Returns: List[LabelEntity]: List of labels exclusive to the label. """ output = [] # Add all labels in the same group siblings = self.get_siblings_in_group(label) output += siblings # Add all children of labels in the same group for sibling in siblings: output += self.get_children(sibling) # Do the same for the parent of the label parent = self.get_parent(label) if parent is not None: output += self.__get_exclusivity_recursion(parent, add_empty=False) # Add all empty labels that are not descendants of the label. We don't need to check the ancestors for being # empty, because empty label's don't have descendants. if add_empty: descendants = self.get_descendants(label) exclusive_empty_labels = [ label_iter for label_iter in self.get_labels(include_empty=True) if label_iter.is_empty and label_iter not in descendants ] output = list(set(output + exclusive_empty_labels)) return output def __get_exclusivity_for_empty_label(self, label: LabelEntity) -> List[LabelEntity]: """Get the labels exclusive to an empty label. For an empty label, all labels are exclusive to it except it's ancestors. Args: label (LabelEntity): empty Label to get exclusive labels for Returns: List[LabelEntity]: List of Labels exclusive to the Label """ ancestors = self.get_ancestors(label) return [label for label in self.get_labels(include_empty=True) if label not in ancestors] @staticmethod def __get_label(label: Union[ScoredLabel, LabelEntity]) -> LabelEntity: """Returns Label object from possibly non-label object. Args: label (Union[ScoredLabel, LabelEntity]): label to get Label object for Returns: LabelEntity: Label object """ if isinstance(label, ScoredLabel): returned_label = label.get_label() elif isinstance(label, LabelEntity): returned_label = label else: raise ValueError("Input of __get_label is not of type Label or ScoredLabel") return returned_label # type: ignore def __repr__(self) -> str: """String representation of LabelSchemaEntity.""" return f"LabelSchemaEntity(label_groups={self._groups})" def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: """Returns whether two LabelSchemaEntities are equal.""" if isinstance(other, LabelSchemaEntity): return self.label_tree == other.label_tree and self.get_groups(include_empty=True) == other.get_groups( include_empty=True ) return False
[docs] @classmethod def from_labels(cls, labels: Sequence[LabelEntity]) -> "LabelSchemaEntity": """Create LabelSchemaEntity from a list of exclusive labels. Args: labels (Sequence[LabelEntity]): list of labels Returns: LabelSchemaEntity from the given labels """ label_group = LabelGroup(name="from_label_list", labels=labels) return LabelSchemaEntity(label_groups=[label_group])
[docs] def resolve_labels_greedily(self, scored_labels: List[ScoredLabel]) -> List[ScoredLabel]: """Resolves hierarchical labels and exclusivity based on a list of ScoredLabels (labels with probability). The following two steps are taken: - select the most likely label from each label group - add it and it's predecessors if they are also most likely labels (greedy approach). Args: scored_labels (List[LabelEntity]): list of labels to resolve Returns: List[ScoredLabel]: List of ScoredLabels (labels with probability) """ def get_predecessors(lbl: LabelEntity, candidates: List[LabelEntity]) -> List[LabelEntity]: """Returns all the predecessors of the input label or an empty list if one of the predecessors is not a candidate.""" predecessors = [] last_parent = self.get_parent(lbl) if last_parent is None: return [lbl] while last_parent is not None: if last_parent not in candidates: return [] predecessors.append(last_parent) last_parent = self.get_parent(last_parent) if predecessors: predecessors.append(lbl) return predecessors label_to_prob = {lbl: 0.0 for lbl in self.get_labels(include_empty=True)} for s_lbl in scored_labels: label_to_prob[s_lbl.label] = s_lbl.probability candidates = [] for g in self.get_groups(): if g.is_single_label(): candidates.append(g.labels[0]) else: max_prob = 0.0 max_label = None for lbl in g.labels: if label_to_prob[lbl] > max_prob: max_prob = label_to_prob[lbl] max_label = lbl if max_label is not None: candidates.append(max_label) output_labels = [] for lbl in candidates: if lbl in output_labels: continue labels_to_add = get_predecessors(lbl, candidates) for new_lbl in labels_to_add: if new_lbl not in output_labels: output_labels.append(new_lbl) output_scored_labels = [ScoredLabel(lbl, label_to_prob[lbl]) for lbl in output_labels] return output_scored_labels
[docs] def resolve_labels_probabilistic( self, scored_labels: List[ScoredLabel], selected_labels: List[LabelEntity] = None, ) -> List[ScoredLabel]: """Resolves hierarchical labels and exclusivity based on a list of ScoredLabels (labels with probability). The following two steps are taken: - selects the most likely label from an exclusive (multiclass) group - removes children of "not-most-likely" (non-max) parents in an exclusive group (top-down approach) The method is intended to post-process the output of probabilistic systems such as predictions coming from machine learning methods to resolve ambiguities and logical impossibilities. When processing (non-probabilistic) user input please use `complete_labels` instead. Args: scored_labels (List[ScoredLabel]): a list of ScoredLabels (labels with probability) selected_labels (List[LabelEntity]): if not None, will only consider labels within `selected_labels` for resolving. Any other labels which have relations with selected_labels (e.g. parent), but are outside `selected_labels` are set to a default probability of 1.0 """ input_domains = set(lbl.domain for lbl in scored_labels) label_to_probability = {scored_label.get_label(): scored_label.probability for scored_label in scored_labels} resolved_labels = self.__resolve_labels_probabilistic(label_to_probability, selected_labels) output_domains = set(lbl.domain for lbl in resolved_labels) if input_domains != output_domains: logger.error( "Something went wrong in 'resolve_labels_probabilistic', " "some tasks (domains) lost all their labels; " "label_schema: %s input_labels: %s output_labels: %s", self, scored_labels, resolved_labels, ) return resolved_labels
def __resolve_labels_probabilistic( self, label_to_probability: Dict[LabelEntity, float], selected_labels: Optional[Sequence[LabelEntity]], ) -> List[ScoredLabel]: """Resolves hierarchical labels and exclusivity based on a probabilistic label output. - selects the most likely (max) label from an exclusive group - removes children of non-max parents in an exclusive group See `resolve_labels_probabilistic` for parameter descriptions Args: label_to_probability (Dict[LabelEntity, float]): map from `Label` to float. selected_labels (Optional[Sequence[LabelEntity]]): Subset of labels. Returns: List[ScoredLabel]: List of ScoredLabels (labels with probability) """ # add (potentially) missing ancestors labels for children with probability 0 # this is needed so that suppression of children of non-max exclusive labels works when the exclusive # group has only one member label_to_probability = self.__add_missing_ancestors(label_to_probability, selected_labels) hard_classification = self.__resolve_exclusive_labels(label_to_probability) # suppress the output of children of parent nodes that are not the most likely label within their group resolved = self.__suppress_descendant_output(hard_classification) result = [] for label, probability in resolved.items(): if probability > 0: # only return labels with non-zero probability result.append( ScoredLabel( label, probability=( probability * label_to_probability.get(label, 1.0) # retain the original probability in the output ), ) ) return result def __suppress_descendant_output(self, hard_classification: Dict[LabelEntity, float]) -> Dict[LabelEntity, float]: """Suppresses outputs in `label_to_probability`. Sets probability to 0.0 for descendants of parents that have 0 probability in `hard_classification`. """ # Input: Conditional probability of each label given its parent label # Output: Marginal probability of each label # We recursively compute the marginal probability of each node by multiplying the conditional probability # with the marginal probability of its parent. That is: # P(B) = P(B|A) * P(A) # The recursion is done a topologically sorted list of labels to ensure that the marginal probability # of the parent label has been computed before trying to compute the child's probability. label_tree = self.label_tree all_labels = label_tree.get_labels_in_topological_order() for child in all_labels: if child in hard_classification: # Get the immediate parents (should be at most one element; zero for root labels) parents = label_tree.neighbors(child) if len(parents) > 0: parent = parents[0] if parent in hard_classification: hard_classification[child] *= hard_classification[parent] return hard_classification def __resolve_exclusive_labels(self, label_to_probability: Dict[LabelEntity, float]) -> Dict[LabelEntity, float]: """Resolve exclusive labels. For labels in `label_to_probability` sets labels that are most likely (maximum probability) in their exclusive group to 1.0 and other (non-max) labels to probability 0. """ hard_classification: Dict[LabelEntity, float] = {} top_level_labels_in_label_schema = [ label_ for label_ in self.label_tree.get_labels_in_topological_order() if self.get_parent(label_) is None ] for label, probability in label_to_probability.items(): if label not in hard_classification: label_parent = self.get_parent(label) if label_parent is None: # The label itself is a top-level label exclusive_neighbours = [label_ for label_ in top_level_labels_in_label_schema if label_ != label] else: exclusive_neighbours = [label_ for label_ in self.get_children(label_parent) if label_ != label] probabilities = [probability] neighbours_ = [label] for neighbor in exclusive_neighbours: neighbours_.append(neighbor) probabilities.append(label_to_probability.get(neighbor, 0)) if len(probabilities) > 1: max_index = np.argmax(probabilities) for idx, neighbor in enumerate(neighbours_): hard_classification[neighbor] = float(max_index == idx) else: # single node group, interpret as multilabel node hard_classification[label] = float(label_to_probability[label] > 0.0) return hard_classification def __add_missing_ancestors( self, label_to_probability: Dict[LabelEntity, float], selected_labels: Optional[Sequence[LabelEntity]], ) -> Dict[LabelEntity, float]: """Adds missing ancestors (of the same task) to the `label_to_probability` map. Missing ancestors get probability `probability` """ updated_label_to_probability = copy.deepcopy(label_to_probability) for label in label_to_probability: for ancestor in self.get_ancestors(label): if ancestor not in updated_label_to_probability: updated_label_to_probability[ancestor] = ( 0.0 # by default missing ancestors get probability 0.0 if selected_labels is None else (ancestor not in selected_labels) * 1.0 # ... unless label selection is used, in that case # the ancestor will get probability 1.0 if it is missing ) return updated_label_to_probability