Source code for otx.api.entities.model

"""This file defines the ModelConfiguration, ModelEntity and Model classes."""

# Copyright (C) 2021-2022 Intel Corporation
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import datetime
from enum import IntEnum, auto
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Dict, List, Optional, Union

from otx.api.configuration import ConfigurableParameters
from import ID
from otx.api.entities.label_schema import LabelSchemaEntity
from otx.api.entities.metrics import NullPerformance, Performance
from otx.api.entities.model_template import TargetDevice
from otx.api.usecases.adapters.model_adapter import (
from otx.api.utils.time_utils import now

    # pylint: disable=ungrouped-imports
    from otx.api.entities.datasets import DatasetEntity

[docs] class ModelPrecision(IntEnum): """Represents the ModelPrecision of a Model.""" INT4 = auto() INT8 = auto() FP16 = auto() FP32 = auto() def __str__(self): """String.""" return
[docs] class ModelConfiguration: """This class represents the task configuration which was used to generate a specific model. Those are the parameters that a task may need in order to use the model. Args: configurable_parameters: Task configurable parameters used to generate the model label_schema: Label schema inside the project used to generate the model """ configurable_parameters: ConfigurableParameters def __init__( self, configurable_parameters: ConfigurableParameters, label_schema: LabelSchemaEntity, ): self.configurable_parameters = configurable_parameters self.__label_schema = label_schema
[docs] def get_label_schema(self) -> LabelSchemaEntity: """Get the LabelSchema.""" return self.__label_schema
[docs] class ModelFormat(IntEnum): """Indicate the format of the model.""" OPENVINO = auto() BASE_FRAMEWORK = auto() ONNX = auto()
[docs] class ModelOptimizationType(IntEnum): """Represents optimization type that is used to optimize the model.""" NONE = auto() MO = auto() NNCF = auto() POT = auto() ONNX = auto()
[docs] class OptimizationMethod(IntEnum): """Represents optimization method that is used to optimize the model.""" FILTER_PRUNING = auto() QUANTIZATION = auto()
# pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes, too-many-public-methods
[docs] class ModelEntity: """Represents the Entity of a Model.""" # TODO: add tags and allow filtering on those in modelrepo # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,too-many-locals; Requires refactor def __init__( self, train_dataset: "DatasetEntity", configuration: ModelConfiguration, *, creation_date: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None, performance: Optional[Performance] = None, previous_trained_revision: Optional["ModelEntity"] = None, previous_revision: Optional["ModelEntity"] = None, version: int = 1, tags: Optional[List[str]] = None, model_format: ModelFormat = ModelFormat.OPENVINO, training_duration: float = 0.0, model_adapters: Optional[Dict[str, ModelAdapter]] = None, exportable_code_adapter: Optional[ExportableCodeAdapter] = None, precision: Optional[List[ModelPrecision]] = None, latency: int = 0, fps_throughput: int = 0, target_device: TargetDevice = TargetDevice.CPU, target_device_type: Optional[str] = None, optimization_type: ModelOptimizationType = ModelOptimizationType.NONE, optimization_methods: List[OptimizationMethod] = None, optimization_objectives: Dict[str, str] = None, performance_improvement: Dict[str, float] = None, model_size_reduction: float = 0.0, _id: Optional[ID] = None, has_xai: bool = False, ): _id = ID() if _id is None else _id performance = NullPerformance() if performance is None else performance creation_date = now() if creation_date is None else creation_date optimization_methods = [] if optimization_methods is None else optimization_methods optimization_objectives = {} if optimization_objectives is None else optimization_objectives performance_improvement = {} if performance_improvement is None else performance_improvement tags = [] if tags is None else tags precision = [ModelPrecision.FP32] if precision is None else precision if model_adapters is None: model_adapters = {} self.__id_ = _id self.__creation_date = creation_date self.__train_dataset = train_dataset self.__previous_trained_revision = previous_trained_revision self.__previous_revision = previous_revision self.__version = version self.__tags = tags self.__model_format = model_format self.__performance = performance self.__training_duration = training_duration self.__configuration = configuration self.__model_adapters = model_adapters self.__exportable_code_adapter = exportable_code_adapter self.model_adapters_to_delete: List[ModelAdapter] = [] self.__precision = precision self.__latency = latency self.__fps_throughput = fps_throughput self.__target_device = target_device self.__target_device_type = target_device_type self.__optimization_type = optimization_type self.__optimization_methods = optimization_methods self.__optimization_objectives = optimization_objectives self.__performance_improvement = performance_improvement self.__model_size_reduction = model_size_reduction self.__has_xai = has_xai @property def id_(self) -> ID: """Gets or sets the id of a Model.""" return self.__id_ @id_.setter def id_(self, value: ID): self.__id_ = value @property def id(self) -> ID: """DEPRECATED.""" return self.__id_ @id.setter def id(self, value: ID): """DEPRECATED.""" self.__id_ = value @property def configuration(self) -> ModelConfiguration: """Gets or sets the configuration of the Model.""" return self.__configuration @configuration.setter def configuration(self, value: ModelConfiguration): self.__configuration = value @property def creation_date(self) -> datetime.datetime: """Gets or sets the creation_date of the Model.""" return self.__creation_date @creation_date.setter def creation_date(self, value: datetime.datetime): self.__creation_date = value @property def train_dataset(self) -> "DatasetEntity": """Gets or sets the current Training Dataset.""" return self.__train_dataset @train_dataset.setter def train_dataset(self, value: "DatasetEntity"): self.__train_dataset = value @property def previous_trained_revision(self) -> Union[None, "ModelEntity"]: """Gets or sets the previous model. Returns: None if no previous_trained_revision has been created """ return self.__previous_trained_revision @previous_trained_revision.setter def previous_trained_revision(self, value: "ModelEntity"): self.__previous_trained_revision = value @property def previous_revision(self) -> Union[None, "ModelEntity"]: """Gets or sets the previous model.""" return self.__previous_revision @previous_revision.setter def previous_revision(self, value: "ModelEntity"): self.__previous_revision = value @property def version(self) -> int: """Gets or sets the version.""" return self.__version @version.setter def version(self, value: int): self.__version = value @property def tags(self) -> List[str]: """Gets or sets the tags of the Model.""" return self.__tags @tags.setter def tags(self, value: List[str]): self.__tags = value @property def model_format(self) -> ModelFormat: """Gets the model format.""" return self.__model_format @model_format.setter def model_format(self, value: ModelFormat): self.__model_format = value @property def performance(self) -> Performance: """Gets or sets the current Performance of the Model.""" return self.__performance @performance.setter def performance(self, value: Performance): self.__performance = value @property def training_duration(self) -> float: """Gets or sets the current training duration.""" return self.__training_duration @training_duration.setter def training_duration(self, value: float): self.__training_duration = value @property def precision(self) -> List[ModelPrecision]: """Get or set the precision for the model. This has effect on accuracy, latency and throughput of the model. """ return self.__precision @precision.setter def precision(self, value: List[ModelPrecision]): self.__precision = value @property def latency(self) -> int: """Get or set the latency of the model. Unit is milliseconds (ms) """ return self.__latency @latency.setter def latency(self, value: int): self.__latency = value @property def fps_throughput(self) -> int: """Get or set the throughput of the model. Unit is frames per second (fps) """ return self.__fps_throughput @fps_throughput.setter def fps_throughput(self, value: int): self.__fps_throughput = value @property def target_device(self) -> TargetDevice: """Get or set the device on which the model will be deployed.""" return self.__target_device @target_device.setter def target_device(self, value: TargetDevice): self.__target_device = value @property def target_device_type(self) -> Optional[str]: """Get or set the type of the target device used by the model.""" return self.__target_device_type @target_device_type.setter def target_device_type(self, value: str): self.__target_device_type = value @property def optimization_methods(self) -> Optional[List[OptimizationMethod]]: """Get or set the optimization methods used on the model.""" return self.__optimization_methods @optimization_methods.setter def optimization_methods(self, value: List[OptimizationMethod]): self.__optimization_methods = value @property def optimization_type(self) -> ModelOptimizationType: """Get or set the optimization type used for the model.""" return self.__optimization_type @optimization_type.setter def optimization_type(self, value: ModelOptimizationType): self.__optimization_type = value @property def optimization_objectives(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, str]]: """Get or set the optimization level of the model.""" return self.__optimization_objectives @optimization_objectives.setter def optimization_objectives(self, value: Dict[str, str]): self.__optimization_objectives = value @property def performance_improvement(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, float]]: """Get or set the performance improvement of the model.""" return self.__performance_improvement @performance_improvement.setter def performance_improvement(self, value: Dict[str, float]): self.__performance_improvement = value @property def model_size_reduction(self) -> float: """Get or set the reduction in model size by optimizing.""" return self.__model_size_reduction @model_size_reduction.setter def model_size_reduction(self, value: float): self.__model_size_reduction = value @property def exportable_code(self) -> Optional[bytes]: """Get the exportable_code from the exportable code adapter.""" if self.__exportable_code_adapter is not None: return return None @exportable_code.setter def exportable_code(self, data: Union[bytes, IDataSource]): """Set the exportable code using the exportable code adapter.""" self.__exportable_code_adapter = ExportableCodeAdapter(data_source=data) @property def has_xai(self) -> float: """Get or set the xAI flag.""" return self.__has_xai @has_xai.setter def has_xai(self, value: bool): self.__has_xai = value @property def exportable_code_adapter(self) -> Optional[ExportableCodeAdapter]: """Returns the exportable code adapter.""" return self.__exportable_code_adapter
[docs] def get_data(self, key: str) -> bytes: """Fetches byte data for a certain model. Args: key: key to fetch data for Returns: bytes: data for the key. """ return self.__model_adapters[key].data
[docs] def set_data(self, key: str, data: Union[bytes, IDataSource], skip_deletion=False): """Sets the data for a specified key, either from a binary blob or from a data source. If the key already exists it appends existing data url to a list of urls that will be removed upon saving the model. Skip deletion parameter should only be true if replacing bytes data with a file. """ if not skip_deletion: self.delete_data(key) self.__model_adapters[key] = ModelAdapter(data)
[docs] def delete_data(self, key: str): """This function is used to delete data sources that are on the filesystem. If the key exists the model adapter will be appended to a list of model adapter that will be removed once the model is saved by the repo. Note that an optimized model must contain at least 1 DataSource otherwise you are left with an invalid optimized model. """ if key in self.__model_adapters: self.model_adapters_to_delete.append(self.__model_adapters[key]) del self.__model_adapters[key]
@property def model_adapters(self) -> Dict[str, ModelAdapter]: """Returns the dictionary of model adapters for each data key.""" return self.__model_adapters
[docs] def is_optimized(self) -> bool: """Returns a boolean indicating if the model has been optimized or not.""" if self.optimization_type == ModelOptimizationType.NONE: return False return True
def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: """Compares if both the ModelEntities use the same dataset and have the same performance. Args: other (ModelEntity): ModelEntity to compare with. Returns: bool: True if the two ModelEntities are equal, False otherwise. """ if isinstance(other, ModelEntity): return ( self.id_ == other.id_ and self.train_dataset == other.train_dataset and self.performance == other.performance ) return False