Source code for otx.api.entities.resultset

"""This module implements the ResultSet entity."""

# Copyright (C) 2021-2022 Intel Corporation
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

import abc
import datetime
from enum import Enum
from typing import Optional

from otx.api.entities.datasets import DatasetEntity
from import ID
from otx.api.entities.metrics import NullPerformance, Performance
from otx.api.entities.model import ModelEntity
from otx.api.utils.time_utils import now

[docs] class ResultsetPurpose(Enum): """This defines the purpose of the resultset. EVALUATION denotes resultsets generated at Evaluation stage on validation subset. TEST denotes resultsets generated at Evaluation stage on test subset. PREEVALUATION denotes resultsets generated at Preevaluation stage (e.g., train from scratch) onn validation subset. """ EVALUATION = 0 TEST = 1 PREEVALUATION = 2 def __repr__(self): """Returns ResultsetPurpose as a string.""" return str( def __str__(self): """Returns a user friendly representation of the ResultSetPurpose. This that can be used for instance in a progress reporting message. """ user_friendly_names = {0: "Validation", 1: "Test", 2: "Pre-validation"} return user_friendly_names[self.value]
[docs] class ResultSetEntity(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """ResultsetEntity. It aggregates: - the dataset containing ground truth (based on user annotations) - the dataset containing predictions for the above ground truth dataset In addition, it links to the model which computed the predictions, as well as the performance of this model on the ground truth dataset. Args: model: the model using which the prediction_dataset has been generated ground_truth_dataset: the dataset containing ground truth annotation prediction_dataset: the dataset containing prediction purpose: see :class:`ResultsetPurpose` performance: the performance of the model on the ground truth dataset creation_date: the date time which the resultset is created. Set to None to set this to id: the id of the resultset. Set to ID() so that a new unique ID will be assigned upon saving. If the argument is None, it will be set to ID() """ # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin, too-many-arguments; Requires refactor def __init__( self, model: ModelEntity, ground_truth_dataset: DatasetEntity, prediction_dataset: DatasetEntity, purpose: ResultsetPurpose = ResultsetPurpose.EVALUATION, performance: Optional[Performance] = None, creation_date: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None, id: Optional[ID] = None, ): id = ID() if id is None else id performance = NullPerformance() if performance is None else performance creation_date = now() if creation_date is None else creation_date self.__id_ = id self.__model = model self.__prediction_dataset = prediction_dataset self.__ground_truth_dataset = ground_truth_dataset self.__performance = performance self.__purpose = purpose self.__creation_date = creation_date @property def id_(self) -> ID: """Returns the id of the ResultSet.""" return self.__id_ @id_.setter def id_(self, value: ID) -> None: self.__id_ = value @property def id(self) -> ID: """DEPRECATED.""" return self.__id_ @id.setter def id(self, value: ID): """DEPRECATED.""" self.__id_ = value @property def model(self) -> ModelEntity: """Returns the model that is used for the ResultSet.""" return self.__model @model.setter def model(self, value: ModelEntity) -> None: self.__model = value @property def prediction_dataset(self) -> DatasetEntity: """Returns the prediction dataset that is used in the ResultSet.""" return self.__prediction_dataset @prediction_dataset.setter def prediction_dataset(self, value: DatasetEntity) -> None: self.__prediction_dataset = value @property def ground_truth_dataset(self) -> DatasetEntity: """Returns the ground truth dataset that is used in the ResultSet.""" return self.__ground_truth_dataset @ground_truth_dataset.setter def ground_truth_dataset(self, value: DatasetEntity) -> None: self.__ground_truth_dataset = value @property def performance(self) -> Performance: """Returns the performance of the model on the ground truth dataset.""" return self.__performance @performance.setter def performance(self, value: Performance) -> None: self.__performance = value @property def purpose(self) -> ResultsetPurpose: """Returns the purpose of the ResultSet, for example ResultSetPurpose.EVALUATION.""" return self.__purpose @purpose.setter def purpose(self, value: ResultsetPurpose) -> None: self.__purpose = value @property def creation_date(self) -> datetime.datetime: """Returns the creation date of the ResultSet.""" return self.__creation_date @creation_date.setter def creation_date(self, value: datetime.datetime) -> None: self.__creation_date = value
[docs] def has_score_metric(self) -> bool: """Returns True if the resultset contains non-null performance and score value.""" return not isinstance(self.performance, NullPerformance)
def __repr__(self): """String representation of the resultset.""" return ( f"{type(self).__name__}(" f"model={self.model}, " f"ground_truth_dataset={self.ground_truth_dataset}, " f"prediction_dataset={self.prediction_dataset}, " f"purpose={self.purpose}, " f"performance={self.performance}, " f"creation_date={self.creation_date}, " f"id={self.id_})" )