Source code for otx.api.entities.shapes.ellipse

"""This module implements the Ellipse shape entity."""
# Copyright (C) 2021-2022 Intel Corporation
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

# Conflict with Isort
# pylint: disable=wrong-import-order

import datetime
import math
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple

import numpy as np
from scipy import optimize, special
from shapely.geometry import Polygon as shapely_polygon

from otx.api.entities.shapes.rectangle import Rectangle
from otx.api.entities.shapes.shape import Shape, ShapeType
from otx.api.utils.time_utils import now

# pylint: disable=invalid-name

[docs] class Ellipse(Shape): """Ellipse represents an ellipse that is encapsulated by a Rectangle. - x1 and y1 represent the top-left coordinate of the encapsulating rectangle - x2 and y2 representing the bottom-right coordinate of the encapsulating rectangle Args: x1: left x coordinate of encapsulating rectangle y1: top y coordinate of encapsulating rectangle x2: right x coordinate of encapsulating rectangle y2: bottom y coordinate of encapsulating rectangle modification_date: last modified date """ # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments; Requires refactor def __init__( self, x1: float, y1: float, x2: float, y2: float, modification_date: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None, ): modification_date = now() if modification_date is None else modification_date super().__init__( shape_type=ShapeType.ELLIPSE, modification_date=modification_date, ) for (x, y) in [(x1, y1), (x2, y2)]: self._validate_coordinates(x, y) self.x1 = x1 self.y1 = y1 self.x2 = x2 self.y2 = y2 if self.width <= 0 or self.height <= 0: raise ValueError( f"Invalid Ellipse with coordinates: x1={self.x1}, y1={self.y1}, x2={self.x2}," f" y2={self.y2}" ) def __repr__(self): """Returns the representation of the Ellipse.""" return f"Ellipse(x1={self.x1}, y1={self.y1}, x2={self.x2}, y2={self.y2})" def __eq__(self, other): """Returns True if Ellipse is equal to other.""" if isinstance(other, Ellipse): return ( self.x1 == other.x1 and self.y1 == other.y1 and self.x2 == other.x2 and self.y2 == other.y2 and self.modification_date == other.modification_date ) return False def __hash__(self): """Returns the hash of the Ellipse.""" return hash(str(self)) @property def width(self) -> float: """Returns the width [x-axis] of the ellipse. Example: >>> e1 = Ellipse(x1=0.5, x2=1.0, y1=0.0, y2=0.5) >>> e1.width 0.5 Returns: the width of the ellipse. (x-axis) """ return self.x2 - self.x1 @property def height(self) -> float: """Returns the height [y-axis] of the ellipse. Example: >>> e1 = Ellipse(x1=0.5, x2=1.0, y1=0.0, y2=0.5) >>> e1.height 0.5 Returns: the height of the ellipse. (y-axis) """ return self.y2 - self.y1 @property def x_center(self) -> float: """Returns the x coordinate in the center of the ellipse.""" return self.x1 + self.width / 2 @property def y_center(self) -> float: """Returns the y coordinate in the center of the ellipse.""" return self.y1 + self.height / 2 @property def minor_axis(self) -> float: """Returns the minor axis of the ellipse. Example: >>> e1 = Ellipse(x1=0.5, x2=1.0, y1=0.0, y2=0.4) >>> e1.minor_axis 0.2 Returns: minor axis of ellipse. """ if self.width > self.height: return self.height / 2 return self.width / 2 @property def major_axis(self) -> float: """Returns the major axis of the ellipse. Example: >>> e1 = Ellipse(x1=0.5, x2=1.0, y1=0.0, y2=0.4) >>> e1.major_axis 0.25 Returns: major axis of ellipse. """ if self.height > self.width: return self.height / 2 return self.width / 2
[docs] def normalize_wrt_roi_shape(self, roi_shape: Rectangle) -> "Ellipse": """Transforms from the `roi` coordinate system to the normalized coordinate system. This function is the inverse of ``denormalize_wrt_roi_shape``. Example: Assume we have Ellipse `c1` which lives in the top-right quarter of a 2D space. The 2D space where `c1` lives in is an `roi` living in the top-left quarter of the normalized coordinate space. This function returns Ellipse `c1` expressed in the normalized coordinate space. >>> from otx.api.entities.annotation import Annotation >>> from otx.api.entities.shapes.rectangle import Rectangle >>> from otx.api.entities.shapes.ellipse import Ellipse >>> c1 = Ellipse(x1=0.5, y1=0.5, x2=0.6, y2=0.6) >>> roi = Rectangle(x1=0.0, x2=0.5, y1=0.0, y2=0.5) >>> normalized = c1.normalize_wrt_roi_shape(roi_shape) >>> normalized Ellipse(, x1=0.25, y1=0.25, x2=0.3, y2=0.3) Args: roi_shape: Region of Interest Returns: New polygon in the image coordinate system """ if not isinstance(roi_shape, Rectangle): raise ValueError("roi_shape has to be a Rectangle.") roi_shape = roi_shape.clip_to_visible_region() return Ellipse( x1=self.x1 * roi_shape.width + roi_shape.x1, y1=self.y1 * roi_shape.height + roi_shape.y1, x2=self.x2 * roi_shape.width + roi_shape.x1, y2=self.y2 * roi_shape.height + roi_shape.y1, )
[docs] def denormalize_wrt_roi_shape(self, roi_shape: Rectangle) -> "Ellipse": """Transforming shape from the normalized coordinate system to the `roi` coordinate system. This function is the inverse of ``normalize_wrt_roi_shape`` Example: Assume we have Ellipse `c1` which lives in the top-right quarter of the normalized coordinate space. The `roi` is a rectangle living in the half right of the normalized coordinate space. This function returns Ellipse `c1` expressed in the coordinate space of `roi`. (should return top-half) Ellipse denormalized to a rectangle as ROI >>> from otx.api.entities.annotation import Annotation >>> from otx.api.entities.shapes.ellipse import Ellipse >>> c1 = Ellipse(x1=0.5, x2=1.0, y1=0.0, y2=0.5) # An ellipse in the top right >>> roi = Rectangle(x1=0.5, x2=1.0, y1=0.0, y2=1.0) # the half-right >>> normalized = c1.denormalize_wrt_roi_shape(roi_shape) # should return top half >>> normalized Ellipse(, x1=0.0, y1=0.0, x2=1.0, y2=0.5) Args: roi_shape: Region of Interest Returns: New polygon in the ROI coordinate system """ if not isinstance(roi_shape, Rectangle): raise ValueError("roi_shape has to be a Rectangle.") roi_shape = roi_shape.clip_to_visible_region() x1 = (self.x1 - roi_shape.x1) / roi_shape.width y1 = (self.y1 - roi_shape.y1) / roi_shape.height x2 = (self.x2 - roi_shape.x1) / roi_shape.width y2 = (self.y2 - roi_shape.y1) / roi_shape.height return Ellipse(x1=x1, y1=y1, x2=x2, y2=y2)
# pylint: disable=no-member; PyLint cannot find scipy.special.ellipeinc()
[docs] def get_evenly_distributed_ellipse_coordinates(self, number_of_coordinates: int = 50) -> List[Tuple[float, float]]: """Returns evenly distributed coordinates along the ellipse. Makes use of scipy.special.ellipeinc() which provides the numerical integral along the perimeter of the ellipse, and scipy.optimize.root() for solving the equal-arcs length equation for the angles. Args: number_of_coordinates: number of evenly distributed points to generate along the ellipsis line Returns: list of tuple's with coordinates along the ellipse line """ angles = 2 * np.pi * np.arange(number_of_coordinates) / number_of_coordinates e = (1.0 - self.minor_axis**2.0 / self.major_axis**2.0) ** 0.5 total_size = special.ellipeinc(2.0 * np.pi, e) arc_size = total_size / number_of_coordinates arcs = np.arange(number_of_coordinates) * arc_size res = optimize.root(lambda x: (special.ellipeinc(x, e) - arcs), angles) angles = res.x if self.width > self.height: x_points = list(self.major_axis * np.sin(angles)) y_points = list(self.minor_axis * np.cos(angles)) else: x_points = list(self.minor_axis * np.cos(angles)) y_points = list(self.major_axis * np.sin(angles)) coordinates = [ (point_x + self.x_center, point_y + self.y_center) for point_x, point_y in zip(x_points, y_points) ] return coordinates
def _as_shapely_polygon(self) -> shapely_polygon: coordinates = self.get_evenly_distributed_ellipse_coordinates() return shapely_polygon(coordinates)
[docs] def get_area(self) -> float: """Computes the approximate area of the Ellipse. Area is a value between 0 and 1, computed as `pi * vertex * co-vertex`. >>> Ellipse(x1=0, y1=0, x2=0.8, y2=0.4).get_area() 0.25132741228718347 Returns: area of the shape """ return math.pi * self.minor_axis * self.major_axis