Source code for otx.api.usecases.evaluation.dice

"""This module contains the Dice performance provider."""

# Copyright (C) 2021-2022 Intel Corporation
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple
import numpy as np

from otx.api.entities.label import LabelEntity
from otx.api.entities.metrics import (
from otx.api.entities.resultset import ResultSetEntity
from otx.api.usecases.evaluation.averaging import MetricAverageMethod
from otx.api.usecases.evaluation.basic_operations import (
from otx.api.usecases.evaluation.performance_provider_interface import (
from otx.api.utils.segmentation_utils import mask_from_dataset_item
from otx.api.utils.time_utils import timeit
from otx.api.entities.image import Image

[docs] class DiceAverage(IPerformanceProvider): """Computes the average Dice coefficient overall and for individual labels. See for background information. To compute the Dice coefficient the shapes in the dataset items of the prediction and ground truth dataset are first converted to masks. Dice is computed by computing the intersection and union computed over the whole dataset, instead of computing intersection and union for individual images and then averaging. Args: resultset (ResultSetEntity): ResultSet that score will be computed for average (MetricAverageMethod): One of - MICRO: every pixel has the same weight, regardless of label - MACRO: compute score per label, return the average of the per-label scores """ def __init__( self, resultset: ResultSetEntity, average: MetricAverageMethod = MetricAverageMethod.MACRO, ): self.average = average ( self._overall_dice, self._dice_per_label, ) = self.__compute_dice_averaged_over_pixels(resultset, average) @property def overall_dice(self) -> ScoreMetric: """Returns the dice average as ScoreMetric.""" return self._overall_dice @property def dice_per_label(self) -> Dict[LabelEntity, ScoreMetric]: """Returns a dictionary mapping the label to its corresponding dice score (as ScoreMetric).""" return self._dice_per_label
[docs] def get_performance(self) -> Performance: """Returns the performance of the resultset.""" score = self.overall_dice dashboard_metrics: Optional[List[MetricsGroup]] if len(self.dice_per_label) == 0: dashboard_metrics = None else: dashboard_metrics = [ BarMetricsGroup( metrics=list(self.dice_per_label.values()), visualization_info=BarChartInfo( name="Dice Average Per Label", palette=ColorPalette.LABEL, ), ) ] return Performance(score=score, dashboard_metrics=dashboard_metrics)
@classmethod @timeit def __compute_dice_averaged_over_pixels( cls, resultset: ResultSetEntity, average: MetricAverageMethod ) -> Tuple[ScoreMetric, Dict[LabelEntity, ScoreMetric]]: """Computes the diced averaged over pixels. Args: resultset (ResultSetEntity): Result set to use average (MetricAverageMethod): Averaging method to use Returns: Tuple[ScoreMetric, Dict[LabelEntity, ScoreMetric]]: Tuple of the overall dice and the dice averaged over pixels for each label. """ if len(resultset.prediction_dataset) == 0: raise ValueError("Cannot compute the DICE score of an empty result set.") if len(resultset.prediction_dataset) != len(resultset.ground_truth_dataset): raise ValueError( f"Prediction and ground truth dataset should have the same length. " f"Ground truth dataset has {len(resultset.ground_truth_dataset)} items, " f"prediction dataset has {len(resultset.prediction_dataset)} items" ) resultset_labels = set(resultset.prediction_dataset.get_labels() + resultset.ground_truth_dataset.get_labels()) model_labels = set(resultset.model.configuration.get_label_schema().get_labels(include_empty=False)) labels = sorted(resultset_labels.intersection(model_labels)) hard_predictions = [] hard_references = [] for prediction_item, reference_item in zip( list(resultset.prediction_dataset), list(resultset.ground_truth_dataset) ): try: hard_predictions.append(mask_from_dataset_item(prediction_item, labels)) hard_references.append(mask_from_dataset_item(reference_item, labels)) except: # when item consists of masks with Image properties # TODO (sungchul): how to add condition to check if polygon or mask? labels_map = {label: i + 1 for i, label in enumerate(labels)} def combine_masks(annotations): combined_mask = None for annotation in annotations: if isinstance(annotation.shape, Image): scored_label = annotation.get_labels()[0] label = scored_label.label if combined_mask is None: combined_mask = np.where(annotation.shape.numpy > 0, labels_map[label], 0) else: combined_mask += np.where(annotation.shape.numpy > 0, labels_map[label], 0) combined_mask = np.expand_dims(combined_mask, axis=2) return combined_mask hard_predictions.append(combine_masks(prediction_item.get_annotations())) hard_references.append(combine_masks(reference_item.get_annotations())) all_intersection, all_cardinality = get_intersections_and_cardinalities( hard_references, hard_predictions, labels ) return cls.compute_dice_using_intersection_and_cardinality(all_intersection, all_cardinality, average)
[docs] @classmethod def compute_dice_using_intersection_and_cardinality( cls, all_intersection: Dict[Optional[LabelEntity], int], all_cardinality: Dict[Optional[LabelEntity], int], average: MetricAverageMethod, ) -> Tuple[ScoreMetric, Dict[LabelEntity, ScoreMetric]]: """Computes dice score using intersection and cardinality dictionaries. Both dictionaries must contain the same set of keys. Dice score is computed by: 2 * intersection / cardinality Args: average: Averaging method to use all_intersection: collection of intersections per label all_cardinality: collection of cardinality per label Returns: A tuple containing the overall DICE score, and per label DICE score Raises: KeyError: if the keys in intersection and cardinality do not match KeyError: if the key `None` is not present in either all_intersection or all_cardinality ValueError: if the intersection for a certain key is larger than its corresponding cardinality """ dice_per_label: Dict[LabelEntity, ScoreMetric] = {} for label, intersection in all_intersection.items(): cardinality = all_cardinality[label] dice_score = cls.__compute_single_dice_score_using_intersection_and_cardinality(intersection, cardinality) # If label is None, then the dice score corresponds to the overall dice score # rather than a per-label dice score. # This score is calculated last because it can depend on the values in dice_per_label if label is not None: dice_per_label[label] = ScoreMetric(value=dice_score, # Set overall_dice to 0 in case the score cannot be computed overall_dice = ScoreMetric(value=0.0, name="Dice Average") if len(dice_per_label) == 0: # dataset consists of background pixels only pass # Use the default value of 0 elif average == MetricAverageMethod.MICRO: overall_cardinality = all_cardinality[None] overall_intersection = all_intersection[None] dice_score = cls.__compute_single_dice_score_using_intersection_and_cardinality( overall_intersection, overall_cardinality ) overall_dice = ScoreMetric(value=dice_score, name="Dice Average") elif average == MetricAverageMethod.MACRO: scores = [item.value for item in dice_per_label.values()] macro_average_score = sum(scores) / len(scores) overall_dice = ScoreMetric(value=macro_average_score, name="Dice Average") return overall_dice, dice_per_label
@staticmethod def __compute_single_dice_score_using_intersection_and_cardinality(intersection: int, cardinality: int): """Computes a single dice score using intersection and cardinality. Dice score is computed by: 2 * intersection / cardinality Raises: ValueError: If intersection is larger than cardinality """ if intersection > cardinality: raise ValueError("intersection cannot be larger than cardinality") if cardinality == 0 and intersection == 0: dice_score = 0.0 else: dice_score = float(2 * intersection / cardinality) return dice_score