Source code for otx.api.utils.anomaly_utils

"""Detection Utils."""

# Copyright (C) 2021-2022 Intel Corporation
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

from typing import Dict, List

import cv2
import numpy as np

from otx.api.entities.annotation import Annotation
from otx.api.entities.label import LabelEntity
from otx.api.entities.scored_label import ScoredLabel
from otx.api.entities.shapes.rectangle import Rectangle

[docs] def create_detection_annotation_from_anomaly_heatmap( hard_prediction: np.ndarray, soft_prediction: np.ndarray, label_map: Dict[int, LabelEntity], ) -> List[Annotation]: """Create box annotation from the soft predictions. Args: hard_prediction: hard prediction containing the final label index per pixel. soft_prediction: soft prediction with shape label_map: dictionary mapping labels to an index. It is assumed that the first item in the dictionary corresponds to the background label and will therefore be ignored. Returns: List of annotations. """ # pylint: disable=too-many-locals if hard_prediction.ndim == 3 and hard_prediction.shape[0] == 1: hard_prediction = hard_prediction.squeeze().astype(np.uint8) if soft_prediction.ndim == 3 and soft_prediction.shape[0] == 1: soft_prediction = soft_prediction.squeeze() image_h, image_w = hard_prediction.shape[:2] annotations: List[Annotation] = [] for label_index, label in label_map.items(): # Skip the normal label. if label_index == 0: continue # cv2.connectedComponentsWithStats returns num_labels, labels, coordinates # and centroids. This script only needs the coordinates. _, connected_components, coordinates, _ = cv2.connectedComponentsWithStats(hard_prediction) for i, coordinate in enumerate(coordinates): # First row of the coordinates is always backround, # so should be ignored. if i == 0: continue # Last column of the coordinates is the area of the connected component. # It could therefore be ignored. comp_x, comp_y, comp_w, comp_h, _ = coordinate # Compute the probability of each connected-component component_hard_prediction = (connected_components == i).astype(np.uint8) component_soft_prediction = cv2.bitwise_and( soft_prediction, soft_prediction, mask=component_hard_prediction ) # NOTE: Find the best approach to calculate the probability probability = component_soft_prediction.reshape(-1).max() # NOTE: NMS could be needed here. # Create the annotation based on the box shape and the probability. shape = Rectangle( x1=comp_x / image_w, y1=comp_y / image_h, x2=(comp_x + comp_w) / image_w, y2=(comp_y + comp_h) / image_h, ) annotations.append(Annotation(shape=shape, labels=[ScoredLabel(label, float(probability))])) return annotations