Source code for otx.api.utils.shape_factory

"""This module implements helpers for converting shape entities."""

# Copyright (C) 2021-2022 Intel Corporation
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

from otx.api.entities.shapes.ellipse import Ellipse
from otx.api.entities.shapes.polygon import Point, Polygon
from otx.api.entities.shapes.rectangle import Rectangle
from otx.api.entities.shapes.shape import ShapeEntity

[docs] class ShapeFactory: """Helper class converting between shape types."""
[docs] @staticmethod def shape_as_rectangle(shape: ShapeEntity) -> Rectangle: """Get the outer-fitted rectangle representation of the shape. `media_width` and `media_height` are the width and height of the media in which the shape is expressed. Example: Let's assume a DatasetItem `dataset_item`. To obtain the shapes inside the full annotation as rectangles, one could call: >>> from otx.api.entities.dataset_item import DatasetItem >>> from otx.api.entities.image import NullImage >>> from otx.api.entities.annotation_scene import NullAnnotationScene >>> dataset_item = DatasetItem(media=NullImage(), >>> annotation=NullAnnotationScene()) >>> rectangles = [ShapeFactory.shape_as_rectangle(shape, >>>, for shape ... in dataset_item.annotation_scene.shapes] To obtain the shapes inside the dataset item (note that dataset item can have roi), one should call: >>> rectangles = [ShapeFactory.shape_as_rectangle(shape) for shape in >>> dataset_item.get_annotations()] Since the shapes in the first call come from annotation directly, this means they are expressed in the media coordinate system. Therefore, and are passed. While in the second call, the shapes come from denormalization results wrt. dataset_item.roi and therefore expressed inside the roi. In this case, dataset_item.width and dataset_item.height are passed. Converting Ellipse to rectangle >>> height = 240 >>> width = 480 >>> rectangle = Rectangle(x1=0.375, y1=0.25, x2=0.625, y2=0.75, ... labels=[]) # a square of 120 x 120 pixels at the center of the image >>> ellipse = Ellipse(x1=0.5, y1=0.5, x2=0.625, y2=0.56125, ... labels=[]) # an ellipse of radius 60 pixels (x2 is wrt width) at the center of the image >>> ellipse_as_rectangle = ShapeFactory.shape_as_rectangle(ellipse) # get the fitted rectangle for the ellipse >>> str(rectangle) == str(ellipse_as_rectangle) True Converting triangle to rectangle >>> points = [Point(x=0.5, y=0.25), Point(x=0.375, y=0.75), >>> Point(x=0.625, y=0.75)] >>> triangle = Polygon(points=points, labels=[]) >>> triangle_as_rectangle = ShapeFactory.shape_as_rectangle(triangle) >>> str(triangle_as_rectangle) == str(rectangle) True Args: shape (ShapeEntity): the shape to convert to rectangle Returns: Rectangle: bounding box of the shape """ if isinstance(shape, Rectangle): return shape if isinstance(shape, Ellipse): x1 = shape.x1 y1 = shape.y1 x2 = shape.x2 y2 = shape.y2 elif isinstance(shape, Polygon): x1 = shape.min_x x2 = shape.max_x y1 = shape.min_y y2 = shape.max_y else: raise NotImplementedError(f"Conversion of a {type(shape)} to a rectangle is not implemented yet: {shape}") new_shape = Rectangle(x1=x1, y1=y1, x2=x2, y2=y2) return new_shape
[docs] @staticmethod def shape_as_polygon(shape: ShapeEntity) -> Polygon: """Return a shape converted as polygon. For a rectangle, a polygon will be constructed with a point in each corner. For a ellipse, 360 points will be made. Otherwise, the original shape will be returned. The width/height for the parent need to be specified to make sure the aspect ratio is maintained. Args: shape (ShapeEntity): the shape to convert to polygon. Returns: Polygon: the polygon representation of the shape. Raises: NotImplementedError: if the shape is not a rectangle or ellipse. """ if isinstance(shape, Polygon): new_shape = shape elif isinstance(shape, Rectangle): points = [ Point(x=shape.x1, y=shape.y1), Point(x=shape.x2, y=shape.y1), Point(x=shape.x2, y=shape.y2), Point(x=shape.x1, y=shape.y2), Point(x=shape.x1, y=shape.y1), ] new_shape = Polygon(points=points) elif isinstance(shape, Ellipse): coordinates = shape.get_evenly_distributed_ellipse_coordinates() points = [Point(x=point[0], y=point[1]) for point in coordinates] new_shape = Polygon(points=points) else: raise NotImplementedError(f"Conversion of a {type(shape)} to a polygon is not implemented yet: " f"{shape}") return new_shape
[docs] @staticmethod def shape_as_ellipse(shape: ShapeEntity) -> Ellipse: """Returns the inner-fitted ellipse for a given shape. Args: shape (ShapeEntity): Shape to convert. Returns: Ellipse: Ellipse representation of the shape. Raises: NotImplementedError: If the shape is not a rectangle or polygon. """ if isinstance(shape, Ellipse): return shape if isinstance(shape, Rectangle): x1 = shape.x1 x2 = shape.x2 y1 = shape.y1 y2 = shape.y2 elif isinstance(shape, Polygon): x1 = shape.min_x x2 = shape.max_x y1 = shape.min_y y2 = shape.max_y else: raise NotImplementedError(f"Conversion of a {type(shape)} to an ellipse is not implemented yet: {shape}") return Ellipse(x1=x1, y1=y1, x2=x2, y2=y2)
[docs] @staticmethod def shape_produces_valid_crop(shape: ShapeEntity, media_width: int, media_height: int) -> bool: """Check if crop is valid. Checks if the shape produces a valid crop based on the image width and height, regardless of the contents of the image. Args: shape (ShapeEntity): Shape to check media_width (int): Width of the image media_height (int): Height of the image Returns: bool: True if the shape produces a valid crop, False otherwise """ is_valid = True try: shape_as_rectangle = ShapeFactory.shape_as_rectangle(shape=shape) except ValueError: # Thrown if the resulting bounding box is invalid return False # The min and max are to handle out-of-bounds coordinates x1 = min(max(round(shape_as_rectangle.x1 * media_width), 0), media_width) x2 = min(max(round(shape_as_rectangle.x2 * media_width), 0), media_width) y1 = min(max(round(shape_as_rectangle.y1 * media_height), 0), media_height) y2 = min(max(round(shape_as_rectangle.y2 * media_height), 0), media_height) if x1 == x2 or y1 == y2: is_valid = False return is_valid