Source code for

"""OTX building command 'otx build'.

This command allows you to build an OTX workspace, provide usable backbone configurations,
and build models with new backbone replacements.
# Copyright (C) 2021 Intel Corporation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions
# and limitations under the License.

from otx.cli.manager.config_manager import TASK_TYPE_TO_SUB_DIR_NAME, ConfigManager
from otx.cli.utils.parser import get_parser_and_hprams_data
from otx.utils.logger import config_logger


[docs] def get_args(): """Parses command line arguments.""" parser, _, _ = get_parser_and_hprams_data() parser.add_argument( "--train-data-roots", help="Comma-separated paths to training data folders.", ) parser.add_argument("--train-ann-files", help="Comma-separated paths to train annotation files.") parser.add_argument( "--val-data-roots", help="Comma-separated paths to validation data folders.", ) parser.add_argument("--val-ann-files", help="Comma-separated paths to train annotation files.") parser.add_argument( "--test-data-roots", help="Comma-separated paths to test data folders.", ) parser.add_argument("--test-ann-files", help="Comma-separated paths to train annotation files.") parser.add_argument( "--unlabeled-data-roots", help="Comma-separated paths to unlabeled data folders", ) parser.add_argument( "--unlabeled-file-list", help="Comma-separated paths to unlabeled file list", ) parser.add_argument("--task", help=f"The currently supported options: {SUPPORTED_TASKS}.", default="") parser.add_argument( "--train-type", help=f"The currently supported options: {TASK_TYPE_TO_SUB_DIR_NAME.keys()}.", type=str, default=None, ) parser.add_argument( "--workspace", help="Path to the workspace where the command will run.", default=None, ) parser.add_argument( "--model", help="Enter the name of the model you want to use. (Ex. EfficientNet-B0).", default="" ) parser.add_argument( "--backbone", help="Available Backbone Type can be found using 'otx find --backbone {framework}'.\n" "If there is an already created backbone configuration yaml file, enter the corresponding path.", ) parser.add_argument( "--deterministic", action="store_true", help="Set deterministic to True, default=False.", ) parser.add_argument( "--seed", type=int, help="Set seed for configuration.", ) return parser.parse_args()
[docs] def main(): """Main function for model or backbone or task building.""" args = get_args() config_manager = ConfigManager(args, workspace_root=args.workspace, mode="build") config_logger(config_manager.output_path / "otx.log", "INFO") if args.task: config_manager.task_type = args.task.upper() # Auto-Configuration for model template config_manager.configure_template(model=args.model) config_manager.build_workspace(new_workspace_path=args.workspace) # Auto-Configuration for Dataset configuration config_manager.configure_data_config() # Build Backbone related if args.backbone: from otx.cli.builder import Builder builder = Builder() missing_args = [] if not args.backbone.endswith((".yml", ".yaml", ".json")): backbone_config_file = str(config_manager.workspace_root / "backbone.yaml") missing_args = builder.build_backbone_config(args.backbone, backbone_config_file) else: backbone_config_file = args.backbone if missing_args: print( f"[!] {args.backbone} backbone has inputs that the user must enter.\n" f"[!] Edit {backbone_config_file} and run 'otx build --backbone backbone.yaml'." ) else: builder.merge_backbone(config_manager.workspace_root / "", backbone_config_file) return dict(retcode=0, task_type=args.task)
if __name__ == "__main__": main()