Source code for

"""OTX searching command 'otx find'.

Through this command, you can check the tasks, templates, and backbones available in OTX.
# Copyright (C) 2021 Intel Corporation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions
# and limitations under the License.

import argparse
import os
from textwrap import fill

from prettytable import PrettyTable

from otx.cli.registry import Registry
from otx.cli.utils.importing import SUPPORTED_BACKBONE_BACKENDS, get_otx_root_path

# pylint: disable=too-many-locals


[docs] def parse_args(): """Parses command line arguments.""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--task", help=f"The currently supported options: {SUPPORTED_TASKS}.") parser.add_argument( "--template", action="store_true", help="Shows a list of templates that can be used immediately." ) parser.add_argument( "--backbone", nargs="+", help=f"The currently supported options: {list(SUPPORTED_BACKBONE_BACKENDS.keys())}.", ) return parser.parse_args()
[docs] def generate_backbone_rows(index: int, backbone_type: str, meta_data: dict): """Generate table row for backbone json format. It expects a json file format from src/otx/cli/builder/supported_backbone. index: The index of each backbone (int) backbone_type: The backbone type want to add (str) meta_data: This is the metadata of the backbone type (dict) Metadata keys expect required, options, and available. """ max_row_width = 40 rows = [] required_args = meta_data["required"] if meta_data["required"] else [""] required_options = meta_data["options"] use_backbone_type = False for arg in required_args: row = [] options = list(map(str, required_options[arg])) if arg in required_options else [] if use_backbone_type: row.append("") # Index row.append("") # backbone_type else: row.append(str(index)) # Index row.append(backbone_type) # backbone_type use_backbone_type = True row.append(arg) # Required-Args option_str = ", ".join(options) if options else "" row.append(fill(option_str, width=max_row_width)) # Options rows.append(row) return rows
[docs] def main(): """Main function for model templates & backbone searching. When the template argment is input, the templates based on the otx folder are displayed. Given a backbone argument as input, it displays a list of backbones available in the backend of the relevant task. """ args = parse_args() otx_root = get_otx_root_path() otx_registry = Registry(otx_root).filter(task_type=args.task) if not args.backbone or args.template: template_table = PrettyTable(["TASK", "ID", "NAME", "BASE PATH"]) templates = sorted(otx_registry.templates, key=lambda x: for template in templates: relpath = os.path.relpath(template.model_template_path, os.path.abspath(".")) template_table.add_row( [ template.task_type, template.model_template_id,, relpath, ] ) print(template_table) if args.backbone: all_backbones = otx_registry.get_backbones(args.backbone) backbone_table = PrettyTable(["Index", "Backbone Type", "Required-Args", "Options"]) row_index = 1 for _, backbone_meta in all_backbones.items(): for backbone_type, meta_data in backbone_meta.items(): available_task = meta_data.get("available", []) if not available_task or (args.task and args.task.upper() not in available_task): continue rows = generate_backbone_rows(row_index, backbone_type, meta_data) backbone_table.add_rows(rows) row_index += 1 print(backbone_table) return dict(retcode=0, task_type=args.task)
if __name__ == "__main__": main()