Source code for

"""Visualisation module."""

# Copyright (C) 2021 Intel Corporation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions
# and limitations under the License.

from typing import List, Tuple
from warnings import warn

import cv2
import numpy as np
from cv2 import Mat

from otx.api.entities.annotation import Annotation
from otx.api.entities.model_template import TaskType
from otx.api.entities.shapes.polygon import Polygon
from otx.api.entities.shapes.rectangle import Rectangle

[docs] def put_text_on_rect_bg(frame: Mat, message: str, position: Tuple[int, int], color=(255, 255, 0)): """Puts a text message on a black rectangular aread in specified position of a frame.""" font_face = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX font_scale = 1 thickness = 1 color_bg = (0, 0, 0) x, y = position text_size, _ = cv2.getTextSize(message, font_face, font_scale, thickness) text_w, text_h = text_size cv2.rectangle(frame, position, (x + text_w + 1, y + text_h + 1), color_bg, -1) cv2.putText( frame, message, (x, y + text_h + font_scale - 1), font_face, font_scale, color, thickness, ) return text_size
[docs] def draw_masks(frame: Mat, predictions, put_object_count: bool = False): """Converts predictions to masks and draw them on frame.""" frame = frame.copy() height, width = frame.shape[0], frame.shape[1] segments_image = frame.copy() aggregated_mask = np.zeros(frame.shape[:2], dtype=np.uint8) aggregated_colored_mask = np.zeros(frame.shape, dtype=np.uint8) for prediction in predictions: if not isinstance(prediction.shape, Polygon): continue contours = np.array([[(int(p.x * width), int(p.y * height)) for p in prediction.shape.points]]) assert len(prediction.get_labels()) == 1 label = prediction.get_labels()[0] color = tuple(getattr(label.color, x) for x in ("blue", "green", "red")) mask = np.zeros(shape=(height, width), dtype=np.uint8) cv2.drawContours(mask, contours, -1, 255, -1) cv2.drawContours(frame, contours, -1, color, 1) rect = cv2.boundingRect(contours[0]) cv2.rectangle(frame, (rect[0], rect[1]), (rect[0] + rect[2], rect[1] + rect[3]), color, 1) put_text_on_rect_bg(frame, f"{} {label.probability*100:.1f}%", (rect[0], rect[1]), color=color) cv2.bitwise_or(aggregated_mask, mask, dst=aggregated_mask) cv2.bitwise_or( aggregated_colored_mask, np.asarray(color, dtype=np.uint8), dst=aggregated_colored_mask, mask=mask, ) # Fill the area occupied by all instances with a colored instances mask image. cv2.bitwise_and( segments_image, np.zeros(3, dtype=np.uint8), dst=segments_image, mask=aggregated_mask, ) cv2.bitwise_or( segments_image, aggregated_colored_mask, dst=segments_image, mask=aggregated_mask, ) # Blend original image with the one, where instances are colored. # As a result instances masks become transparent. cv2.addWeighted(frame, 0.5, segments_image, 0.5, 0, dst=frame) if put_object_count: put_text_on_rect_bg(frame, f"Obj. count: {len(predictions)}", (0, 0)) return frame
[docs] def put_labels(frame: Mat, predictions: List[Annotation]): """Converts predictions to text labels and puts them to the top left corner of a frame.""" frame = frame.copy() assert len(predictions) == 1 # TODO (ilya-krylov): handle multi-label classification assert len(predictions[0].get_labels()) == 1 label = predictions[0].get_labels()[0] color = tuple(getattr(label.color, x) for x in ("blue", "green", "red")) put_text_on_rect_bg(frame, f"{} {label.probability*100:.1f}%", (0, 0), color=color) return frame
[docs] def draw_bounding_boxes(frame: Mat, predictions: List[Annotation], put_object_count: bool): """Converts predictions to bounding boxes and draws them on a frame.""" frame = frame.copy() height, width = frame.shape[0], frame.shape[1] for prediction in predictions: if isinstance(prediction.shape, Rectangle): x1 = int(prediction.shape.x1 * width) x2 = int(prediction.shape.x2 * width) y1 = int(prediction.shape.y1 * height) y2 = int(prediction.shape.y2 * height) assert len(prediction.get_labels()) == 1 label = prediction.get_labels()[0] color = tuple(getattr(label.color, x) for x in ("blue", "green", "red")) cv2.rectangle(frame, (x1, y1), (x2, y2), color, thickness=2) put_text_on_rect_bg(frame, f"{} {label.probability*100:.1f}%", (x1, y1), color=color) else: warn( f"Predictions called on Annotations with shape {type(prediction.shape)}." "Expected shape to be of type Rectangle." ) if put_object_count: put_text_on_rect_bg(frame, f"Obj. count: {len(predictions)}", (0, 0)) return frame
[docs] def draw_predictions(task_type: TaskType, predictions: List[Annotation], frame: Mat, fit_to_size: Tuple[int, int]): """Converts predictions to visual representations depending on task type and draws them on a frame.""" width, height = frame.shape[1], frame.shape[0] if fit_to_size: ratio_x = fit_to_size[0] / width ratio_y = fit_to_size[1] / height ratio = min(ratio_x, ratio_y) frame = cv2.resize(frame, None, fx=ratio, fy=ratio) if task_type in {TaskType.DETECTION, TaskType.ANOMALY_DETECTION}: frame = draw_bounding_boxes(frame, predictions, put_object_count=True) elif task_type in {TaskType.CLASSIFICATION, TaskType.ANOMALY_CLASSIFICATION}: frame = put_labels(frame, predictions) elif task_type in {TaskType.INSTANCE_SEGMENTATION, TaskType.ROTATED_DETECTION}: frame = draw_masks(frame, predictions, put_object_count=True) elif task_type in {TaskType.SEGMENTATION, TaskType.ANOMALY_SEGMENTATION}: frame = draw_masks(frame, predictions, put_object_count=False) else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown task type: {task_type}") return frame