Source code for

"""Utils for model io operations."""

# Copyright (C) 2021 Intel Corporation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions
# and limitations under the License.

import json
import os
import os.path as osp
import re
import struct
import tempfile
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple
from zipfile import ZipFile

import cv2
import numpy as np

from otx.api.entities.annotation import AnnotationSceneEntity, AnnotationSceneKind
from otx.api.entities.dataset_item import DatasetItemEntity
from otx.api.entities.datasets import DatasetEntity
from otx.api.entities.image import Image
from otx.api.entities.label_schema import LabelSchemaEntity
from otx.api.entities.model import (
from otx.api.serialization.label_mapper import LabelSchemaMapper
from otx.api.usecases.adapters.model_adapter import ModelAdapter
from otx.cli.utils.nncf import is_checkpoint_nncf

model_adapter_keys = (
    "image_threshold",  # NOTE: used for compatibility with with OTX 1.2.x. Remove when all Geti projects are upgraded.
    "pixel_threshold",  # NOTE: used for compatibility with with OTX 1.2.x. Remove when all Geti projects are upgraded.
    "min",  # NOTE: used for compatibility with with OTX 1.2.x. Remove when all Geti projects are upgraded.
    "max",  # NOTE: used for compatibility with with OTX 1.2.x. Remove when all Geti projects are upgraded.

[docs] def save_model_data(model: ModelEntity, folder: str) -> None: """Saves model data to folder. Folder is created if it does not exist. Args: model (ModelEntity): The model to save. folder (str): Path to output folder. """ os.makedirs(folder, exist_ok=True) for filename, model_adapter in model.model_adapters.items(): with open(osp.join(folder, filename), "wb") as write_file: write_file.write(
[docs] def read_binary(path: str) -> bytes: """Loads binary data stored at path. Args: path (str): A path where to load data from. Returns: bytes: Binary data. """ try: with open(path, "rb") as read_file: return except FileNotFoundError: return b""
[docs] def read_model(model_configuration: ModelConfiguration, path: str, train_dataset: DatasetEntity) -> ModelEntity: """Creates ModelEntity based on model_configuration and data stored at path. Args: model_configuration (ModelConfiguration): ModelConfiguration object. path (str): Path to the model data. train_dataset (DatasetEntity): DatasetEntity object. Returns: ModelEntity: ModelEntity object. """ if path.endswith(".bin") or path.endswith(".xml"): return read_openvino_model(model_configuration, path, train_dataset) if path.endswith(".pth"): return read_pytorch_model(model_configuration, path, train_dataset) if path.endswith(".zip"): return read_deployed_model(model_configuration, path, train_dataset) raise ValueError(f"Unknown file type: {path}")
[docs] def read_openvino_model( model_configuration: ModelConfiguration, path: str, train_dataset: DatasetEntity ) -> ModelEntity: """Reads an OpenVINO model from disk and returns a ModelEntity object.""" model_adapters = { "openvino.xml": ModelAdapter(read_binary(path[:-4] + ".xml")), "openvino.bin": ModelAdapter(read_binary(path[:-4] + ".bin")), } for key in model_adapter_keys: full_path = osp.join(osp.dirname(path), key) model_adapters[key] = ModelAdapter(read_binary(full_path)) model = ModelEntity( configuration=model_configuration, model_adapters=model_adapters, train_dataset=train_dataset, ) return model
[docs] def read_pytorch_model(model_configuration: ModelConfiguration, path: str, train_dataset: DatasetEntity) -> ModelEntity: """Reads a PyTorch model from disk and returns a ModelEntity object.""" optimization_type = ModelOptimizationType.NONE model_adapters = {"weights.pth": ModelAdapter(read_binary(path))} if is_checkpoint_nncf(path): optimization_type = ModelOptimizationType.NNCF # Weights of auxiliary models for key in os.listdir(osp.dirname(path)): if re.match(r"aux_model_[0-9]+\.pth", key): full_path = osp.join(osp.dirname(path), key) model_adapters[key] = ModelAdapter(read_binary(full_path)) model = ModelEntity( configuration=model_configuration, model_adapters=model_adapters, train_dataset=train_dataset, optimization_type=optimization_type, ) return model
[docs] def read_deployed_model( model_configuration: ModelConfiguration, path: str, train_dataset: DatasetEntity ) -> ModelEntity: """Reads a deployed model from disk and returns a ModelEntity object.""" with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir: with ZipFile(path) as myzip: myzip.extractall(temp_dir) model_path = osp.join(temp_dir, "model") model_adapters = { "openvino.xml": ModelAdapter(read_binary(osp.join(model_path, "model.xml"))), "openvino.bin": ModelAdapter(read_binary(osp.join(model_path, "model.bin"))), } config_path = osp.join(model_path, "config.json") with open(config_path, encoding="UTF-8") as f: model_parameters = json.load(f)["model_parameters"] model_adapters["config.json"] = ModelAdapter(read_binary(config_path)) for key in model_adapter_keys: if key in model_parameters: if key == "metadata": # anomaly tasks now use metadata for storing all parameters model_adapters[key] = ModelAdapter(json.dumps(model_parameters[key]).encode()) else: model_adapters[key] = ModelAdapter(struct.pack("f", model_parameters[key])) if key.endswith(".xml") or key.endswith(".bin"): model_adapters[key] = ModelAdapter(read_binary(osp.join(model_path, key))) model = ModelEntity( configuration=model_configuration, model_adapters=model_adapters, train_dataset=train_dataset, ) return model
[docs] def read_label_schema(path: str) -> LabelSchemaEntity: """Reads serialized LabelSchema and returns deserialized LabelSchema. Args: path (str): Path to model. It assmues that the `label_schema.json` is at the same location as the model. Returns: LabelSchemaEntity: Desetialized LabelSchemaEntity. """ if any(path.endswith(extension) for extension in (".xml", ".bin", ".pth")): with open(osp.join(osp.dirname(path), "label_schema.json"), encoding="UTF-8") as read_file: serialized_label_schema = json.load(read_file) elif path.endswith(".zip"): with ZipFile(path) as read_zip_file: with"model", "config.json")) as read_file: serialized_label_schema = json.load(read_file)["model_parameters"]["labels"] return LabelSchemaMapper().backward(serialized_label_schema)
[docs] def get_image_files(root_dir: str) -> Optional[List[Tuple[str, str]]]: """Recursively get all image file paths from given root_dir.""" img_data_formats = ( ".jpg", ".JPG", ".jpeg", ".JPEG", ".gif", ".GIF", ".bmp", ".BMP", ".tif", ".TIF", ".tiff", ".TIFF", ".png", ".PNG", ) # single image path if root_dir.endswith(img_data_formats): return [("./", root_dir)] img_files = [] for root, _, _ in os.walk(root_dir): for format_ in img_data_formats: img_files.extend([(root, for file in Path(root).glob(f"*{format_}")]) return img_files if img_files else None
[docs] def save_saliency_output( process_saliency_maps: bool, img: np.array, saliency_map: np.array, save_dir: str, fname: str, weight: float = 0.3, ) -> None: """Saves processed saliency map (with image overlay) or raw saliency map.""" if process_saliency_maps: # Saves processed saliency map overlay = img * weight + saliency_map * (1 - weight) overlay[overlay > 255] = 255 overlay = overlay.astype(np.uint8) cv2.imwrite(f"{osp.join(save_dir, fname)}_saliency_map.png", saliency_map) cv2.imwrite(f"{osp.join(save_dir, fname)}_overlay_img.png", overlay) else: # Saves raw, low-resolution saliency map cv2.imwrite(f"{osp.join(save_dir, fname)}_saliency_map.tiff", saliency_map)
[docs] def get_explain_dataset_from_filelist(image_files: list): """Get explain dataset with empty annotation.""" empty_annotation = AnnotationSceneEntity(annotations=[], kind=AnnotationSceneKind.PREDICTION) items = [] for root_dir, filename in image_files: frame = cv2.imread(osp.join(root_dir, filename)) item = DatasetItemEntity( media=Image(cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)), annotation_scene=empty_annotation, ) items.append(item) explain_dataset = DatasetEntity(items=items) return explain_dataset