Source code for otx.core.ov.models.ov_model

# type: ignore
# TODO: Need to remove line 1 (ignore mypy) and fix mypy issues
"""Modules for otx.core.ov.models.ov_model."""
# Copyright (C) 2023 Intel Corporation
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

import math
import os
import tempfile
from collections import OrderedDict
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import Callable, List, Optional, Union

import openvino.runtime as ov
import torch
from torch.nn import init

from otx.utils.logger import get_logger

from ..graph import Graph
from ..graph.utils import (
from ..ops.builder import OPS
from ..utils import load_ov_model, normalize_name


# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments, too-many-locals, too-many-branches, too-many-statements
logger = get_logger()

[docs] class OVModel(torch.nn.Module): # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes """OVModel class.""" def __init__( # noqa: C901 self, model_path_or_model: Union[str, ov.Model] = None, weight_path: Optional[str] = None, inputs: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, outputs: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, features_to_keep: Optional[List] = None, remove_normalize: bool = False, merge_bn: bool = True, paired_bn: bool = True, init_weight: Union[bool, Callable] = False, verify_shape: bool = True, ): super().__init__() self._model_path_or_model = model_path_or_model self._weight_path = weight_path self._remove_normalize = remove_normalize self._features_to_keep = features_to_keep self._merge_bn = merge_bn self._paired_bn = paired_bn self._init_weight = init_weight self._verify_shape = verify_shape self._inputs: List[str] = [] self._outputs: List[str] = [] self._feature_dict = OrderedDict() # build graph graph = self.build_graph(model_path_or_model, weight_path) self._graph = graph if remove_normalize: graph.remove_normalize_nodes() # handle inputs if inputs: inputs = inputs if isinstance(inputs, list) else [inputs] assert all(isinstance(i, str) for i in inputs), f"input must be string but {inputs} is given" inputs = self.build_custom_inputs(graph, deepcopy(inputs)) else: inputs = [ for node in graph.get_nodes_by_types(["Parameter"])] self._inputs = inputs # handle outputs if outputs: outputs = outputs if isinstance(outputs, list) else [outputs] assert all(isinstance(i, str) for i in outputs), f"input must be string but {outputs} is given" outputs = self.build_custom_outputs(graph, deepcopy(outputs)) else: outputs = [ for node in graph.get_nodes_by_types(["Result"])] self._outputs = outputs # clean up graph self.clean_up(graph, inputs, outputs) handle_reshape(graph) if merge_bn: handle_merging_into_batchnorm(graph) if paired_bn: handle_paired_batchnorm(graph, replace=True) # clean up graph self.clean_up(graph, inputs, outputs) # build torch module self.model = self.build_torch_module(graph) if init_weight: if not isinstance(init_weight, Callable): # internal init weight def init_weight(module, graph): # pylint: disable=function-redefined from ..ops.op import Operation if not isinstance(module, Operation): return if module.TYPE == "BatchNormInference": _, gamma, beta, mean, var = list(graph.predecessors(module)) init.ones_( init.zeros_("Initialize {module.TYPE} -> {}") elif module.TYPE in [ "Convolution", "GroupConvolution", "MatMul", ]: for weight in graph.predecessors(module): if weight.TYPE == "Constant" and isinstance(, torch.nn.parameter.Parameter): init.kaiming_uniform_(, a=math.sqrt(5))"Initialize {module.TYPE} -> {}") elif module.TYPE in [ "Multiply", "Divide", "Add", "Subtract", ]: for weight in graph.predecessors(module): if weight.TYPE == "Constant" and isinstance(, torch.nn.parameter.Parameter): fan_in, _ = init._calculate_fan_in_and_fan_out( # pylint: disable=protected-access ) bound = 1 / math.sqrt(fan_in) if fan_in > 0 else 0 init.uniform_(, -bound, bound)"Initialize {module.TYPE} -> {}") self.model.apply(lambda m: init_weight(m, graph)) for node in self._graph.get_nodes_by_types(["Parameter"]): node.attrs.verify_shape = verify_shape input_shapes = {} output_shapes = {} for node in self._graph.get_nodes_by_types(["Parameter", "Result"]): if in self._inputs: input_shapes[] = node.shape[0] elif in self._outputs: output_shapes[] = node.shape[0] self._input_shapes = OrderedDict() self._output_shapes = OrderedDict() for input_ in self._inputs: self._input_shapes[input_] = input_shapes[input_] for output in self._outputs: self._output_shapes[output] = output_shapes[output] @property def inputs(self): """Property inputs.""" return self._inputs @property def outputs(self): """Property outputs.""" return self._outputs @property def features(self): """Property features.""" return self._feature_dict @property def input_shapes(self): """Property input_shapes.""" return self._input_shapes @property def output_shapes(self): """Property output_shapes.""" return self._output_shapes
[docs] @staticmethod def build_graph(model_path_or_model, weight_path=None): """Function build_graph.""" with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tempdir: if isinstance(model_path_or_model, ov.Model): assert weight_path is None, "if openvino model is given 'weight_path' must be None" ov.serialize( model_path_or_model, os.path.join(tempdir, "model.xml"), os.path.join(tempdir, "model.bin"), ) model_path_or_model = os.path.join(tempdir, "model.xml") weight_path = os.path.join(tempdir, "model.bin") # TODO: reshape decompose ir graph ov_model = load_ov_model(model_path_or_model, weight_path, False) graph = Graph.from_ov(ov_model) return graph
[docs] @staticmethod def build_custom_outputs(graph, outputs): # noqa: C901 """Function build_custom_outputs.""" cls_result = OPS.get_by_type_version("Result", "opset1") node_dict = OrderedDict((, i) for i in graph.topological_sort()) if not isinstance(outputs, list): outputs = [outputs] nodes_to_remove = [] edges_to_add = {} for i, output in enumerate(outputs): output = normalize_name(output) output = output.split(CONNECTION_SEPARATOR) explicit_tgt = False if len(output) == 1: src = output[0] tgt = None elif len(output) == 2: src, tgt = output explicit_tgt = True else: raise ValueError() src = node_dict[src] if src.type == "Result": continue if explicit_tgt: tgt = node_dict[tgt] else: tgt = list(graph.successors(src))[0] output_result = f"{}/result_{i}" outputs[i] = output_result if src not in edges_to_add: edges_to_add[src] = [] for successor in graph.successors(src): if tgt == successor: edges_attrs = graph.get_edge_data(src, successor) assert len(edges_attrs) == 1 output_result = cls_result(output_result, shape=src.shape) for edge_attrs in edges_attrs: edges_to_add[src].append({"node_from": src, "node_to": output_result, **edge_attrs}) if explicit_tgt and tgt != successor: continue nodes_to_remove.append(successor) # handle duplicated successors merge_candidates = [k for k, v in edges_to_add.items() if len(v) > 1] if merge_candidates: for merge_candidate in merge_candidates: edges = edges_to_add[merge_candidate] seen = {} out_ports = [edge["out_port"] for edge in edges] for idx in reversed(range(len(out_ports))): out_port = out_ports[idx] if out_port in seen: edge = edges.pop(idx) outputs.pop(outputs.index(edge["node_to"].name)) else: seen[out_port] = edges[idx] if edges_to_add: for edges in edges_to_add.values(): for edge in edges: edge["in_port"] = 0 assert {len(edges) for edges in edges_to_add.values()} == {1} edges_to_add = [edge for edges in edges_to_add.values() for edge in edges] else: edges_to_add = [] for node in set(nodes_to_remove): graph.remove_node(node) for edge in edges_to_add: graph.add_edge(**edge) return outputs
[docs] @staticmethod def build_custom_inputs(graph, inputs: Union[str, List[str]]): # noqa: C901 """Function build_custom_inputs.""" cls_param = OPS.get_by_type_version("Parameter", "opset1") node_dict = OrderedDict((, i) for i in graph.topological_sort()) if not isinstance(inputs, list): inputs = [inputs] edges_to_add = {} nodes_to_remove = [] for i, input_ in enumerate(inputs): input_ = normalize_name(input_) input_ = input_.split(CONNECTION_SEPARATOR) explicit_src = False if len(input_) == 1: src = None tgt = input_[0] elif len(input_) == 2: src, tgt = input_ explicit_src = True else: raise ValueError() tgt = node_dict[tgt] if tgt.type == "Parameter": continue if explicit_src: src = node_dict[src] else: src = list(graph.predecessors(tgt))[0] input_parameter = f"{}/parameter_{i}" inputs[i] = input_parameter if src not in edges_to_add: edges_to_add[src] = [] for predecessor in graph.predecessors(tgt): if src == predecessor: edges_attrs = graph.get_edge_data(predecessor, tgt) assert len(edges_attrs) == 1 # TODO: here, we force the batch dim to be dynamic # it is assumed to be dim 0 new_shape = [] for shape in predecessor.shape: new_shape.append([-1 if j == 0 else k for j, k in enumerate(shape)]) new_shape = tuple(tuple(shape) for shape in new_shape) input_parameter = cls_param(input_parameter, shape=new_shape) for edge_attrs in edges_attrs: edges_to_add[src].append({"node_from": input_parameter, "node_to": tgt, **edge_attrs}) if (explicit_src and src != predecessor) or predecessor.type == "Constant": continue nodes_to_remove.append(predecessor) # handle duplicated predecessors merge_candidates = [k for k, v in edges_to_add.items() if len(v) > 1] if merge_candidates: for merge_candidate in merge_candidates: ctr = 0 edges = edges_to_add[merge_candidate] seen = {} out_ports = [edge["out_port"] for edge in edges] for idx in reversed(range(len(out_ports))): out_port = out_ports[idx] if out_port in seen: edge = edges.pop(idx) inputs.pop(inputs.index(edge["node_from"].name)) edge["node_from"] = seen[out_port]["node_from"] edges_to_add[f"{}_{ctr}"] = [edge] ctr += 1 else: seen[out_port] = edges[idx] if edges_to_add: for edges in edges_to_add.values(): for edge in edges: edge["out_port"] = 0 assert {len(edges) for edges in edges_to_add.values()} == {1} edges_to_add = [edge for edges in edges_to_add.values() for edge in edges] else: edges_to_add = [] for node in set(nodes_to_remove): graph.remove_node(node) for edge in edges_to_add: graph.add_edge(**edge) return inputs
[docs] @staticmethod def clean_up(graph, inputs=None, outputs=None): """Function clean_up.""" inputs = inputs if inputs else [] outputs = outputs if outputs else [] nodes = list(graph.topological_sort()) nodes_to_keep = [] for node in nodes: if in inputs or in outputs: nodes_to_keep.append(node) def get_nodes_without_successors(graph, ignores=None): ignores = ignores if ignores else [] outputs = [] for node in reversed(list(graph.topological_sort())): if not list(graph.successors(node)) and node not in ignores: outputs.append(node) return outputs nodes = get_nodes_without_successors(graph, nodes_to_keep) while nodes: graph.remove_nodes_from(nodes) nodes = get_nodes_without_successors(graph, nodes_to_keep) graph.clean_up(nodes_to_keep)
[docs] @staticmethod def build_torch_module(graph): """Function build_torch_module.""" node_dict = OrderedDict((, i) for i in graph.topological_sort()) return torch.nn.ModuleDict(list(node_dict.items()))
def _build_forward_inputs(self, *args, **kwargs): """Function _build_forward_inputs.""" inputs = {} if args: for key, arg in zip(self._inputs, args): inputs[key] = arg if kwargs: for key, arg in kwargs.items(): if key in inputs: raise ValueError inputs[key] = arg return inputs
[docs] def forward(self, *args, **kwargs): """Function forward.""" self._feature_dict.clear() inputs = self._build_forward_inputs(*args, **kwargs) done = {} for node_name, node in self.model.items(): done[node_name] = { False for node in self._graph.successors(node)} for node_name, node in self.model.items(): predecessors_with_edge = list(self._graph.predecessors(node, with_edge_data=True)) if not predecessors_with_edge: if node.type == "Parameter": self._feature_dict[node_name] = node(inputs[node_name]) elif node.type == "Constant": self._feature_dict[node_name] = node() else: raise ValueError( f"Broken graph. Node {node_name} is a type of {node.type} " "but it has no in edges." ) else: input_nodes, edges = list(map(list, zip(*predecessors_with_edge))) input_node_names = [ for input_node in input_nodes] input_features = [edge["in_port"] for edges_ in edges for edge in edges_] assert len(input_features) == len(set(input_features)) input_features = [None for _ in input_features] for idx, input_node_name in enumerate(input_node_names): if self._features_to_keep is not None and input_node_name in self._features_to_keep: input_feature = self._feature_dict.get(input_node_name) else: input_feature = self._feature_dict.pop(input_node_name) done[input_node_name][node_name] = True if not all(done[input_node_name].values()): self._feature_dict[input_node_name] = input_feature if isinstance(input_feature, tuple): for edges_ in edges[idx]: input_features[edges_["in_port"]] = input_feature[edges_["out_port"]] else: for edges_ in edges[idx]: input_features[edges_["in_port"]] = input_feature assert all(input_feature is not None for input_feature in input_features) self._feature_dict[node_name] = node(*input_features) outputs = OrderedDict() for output_name in self._outputs: outputs[output_name] = self._feature_dict[output_name] return outputs