Source code for otx.cli.utils.jsonargparse

"""Functions related to jsonargparse."""

# Copyright (C) 2023-2024 Intel Corporation
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

from __future__ import annotations

import ast
import logging
from contextlib import contextmanager
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Iterator, TypeVar, Union

import docstring_parser
from jsonargparse import ActionConfigFile, ArgumentParser, Namespace, dict_to_namespace, namespace_to_dict

from otx.core.types import PathLike

logger = logging.getLogger()

[docs] def get_short_docstring(component: TypeVar) -> str: """Get the short description from the docstring. Args: component (TypeVar): The component to get the docstring from Returns: str: The short description """ if component.__doc__ is None: return "" docstring = docstring_parser.parse(component.__doc__) return docstring.short_description
[docs] def flatten_dict(config: dict, parent_key: str = "", sep: str = ".") -> dict: """Flatten a nested dictionary into a single-level dictionary. Args: d (dict): The dictionary to be flattened. parent_key (str): The parent key to be used for nested keys. sep (str): The separator to be used between parent and child keys. Returns: dict: The flattened dictionary. """ items: list = [] for k, v in config.items(): new_key = f"{parent_key}{sep}{k}" if parent_key else k if isinstance(v, dict): items.extend(flatten_dict(v, new_key, sep=sep).items()) else: items.append((new_key, v)) return dict(items)
# [FIXME]: Overriding Namespce.update to match mmengine.Config (DictConfig | dict) # and prevent int, float types from being converted to str #
[docs] def update( self: Namespace, value: Any, # noqa: ANN401 key: str | None = None, only_unset: bool = False, ) -> Namespace: """Sets or replaces all items from the given nested namespace. Args: value: A namespace to update multiple values or other type to set in a single key. key: Branch key where to set the value. Required if value is not namespace. only_unset: Whether to only set the value if not set in namespace. """ is_value_dict = False if isinstance(value, dict): # Dict -> Nested Namespace for overriding is_value_dict = True value = dict_to_namespace(value) if not isinstance(value, (Namespace, dict)): if not key: msg = "Key is required if value not a Namespace." raise KeyError(msg) if not only_unset or key not in self: if key not in self or value is not None: if isinstance(value, str) and (value.isnumeric() or value in ("True", "False")): value = ast.literal_eval(value) self[key] = value elif value is None: del self[key] else: prefix = key + "." if key else "" for _key, val in value.items(): if not only_unset or prefix + _key not in self: self.update(val, prefix + _key) if is_value_dict and key is not None: # Dict or Namespace -> Dict self[key] = dict_to_namespace(self[key]).as_dict() return self
# To provide overriding of the Config file
[docs] def apply_config(self: ActionConfigFile, parser: ArgumentParser, cfg: Namespace, dest: str, value: str) -> None: # noqa: ARG001 """Applies the configuration to the parser. Args: parser: The parser object. cfg: The configuration object. dest: The destination attribute. value: The value to be applied. Returns: None """ from jsonargparse._actions import _ActionSubCommands, previous_config_context from jsonargparse._link_arguments import skip_apply_links from jsonargparse._loaders_dumpers import get_loader_exceptions, load_value from jsonargparse._optionals import get_config_read_mode with _ActionSubCommands.not_single_subcommand(), previous_config_context(cfg), skip_apply_links(): kwargs = {"env": False, "defaults": False, "_skip_check": True, "_fail_no_subcommand": False} try: cfg_path: Path | None = Path(value, mode=get_config_read_mode()) except TypeError: try: if isinstance(load_value(value), str): raise cfg_path = None cfg_file = parser.parse_string(value, **kwargs) except (TypeError, *get_loader_exceptions()) as ex_str: msg = f'Parser key "{dest}": {ex_str}' raise TypeError(msg) from ex_str else: cfg_file = parser.parse_path(value, **kwargs) cfg_merged = parser.merge_config(cfg_file, cfg) cfg.__dict__.update(cfg_merged.__dict__) overrides = cfg.__dict__.pop("overrides", None) if overrides is not None: apply_override(cfg, overrides) cfg.update(overrides) if cfg.get(dest) is None: cfg[dest] = [] cfg[dest].append(cfg_path)
[docs] def namespace_override( configs: Namespace, key: str, overrides: Namespace, convert_dict_to_namespace: bool = True, ) -> None: """Overrides the nested namespace type in the given configs with the provided overrides. Args: configs (Namespace): The configuration object containing the key. key (str): key of the configs want to override. overrides (Namespace): The configuration object to override the existing ones. convert_dict_to_namespace (bool): Whether to convert the dictionary to Namespace. Defaults to True. """ for sub_key, sub_value in overrides.items(): if isinstance(sub_value, list) and all(isinstance(sv, dict) for sv in sub_value): # only enable list of dictionary items list_override( configs=configs[key], key=sub_key, overrides=sub_value, convert_dict_to_namespace=convert_dict_to_namespace, ) else: configs[key].update(sub_value, sub_key)
[docs] def list_override(configs: Namespace, key: str, overrides: list, convert_dict_to_namespace: bool = True) -> None: """Overrides the nested list type in the given configs with the provided override_list. Args: configs (Namespace): The configuration object containing the key. key (str): key of the configs want to override. overrides (list): The list of dictionary item to override the existing ones. convert_dict_to_namespace (bool): Whether to convert the dictionary to Namespace. Defaults to True. Example: >>> configs = [ ... ... ... Namespace( ... class_path='lightning.pytorch.callbacks.EarlyStopping', ... init_args=Namespace(patience=10, ...), ... ), ... ... ... ] >>> override_callbacks = [ ... ... ... { ... 'class_path': 'lightning.pytorch.callbacks.EarlyStopping', ... 'init_args': {'patience': 3}, ... }, ... ... ... ] >>> list_override(configs=configs, key="callbacks", overrides=override_callbacks) >>> configs = [ ... ... ... Namespace( ... class_path='lightning.pytorch.callbacks.EarlyStopping', ... init_args=Namespace(patience=3, ...), ... ), ... ... ... ] >>> append_callbacks = [ ... { ... 'class_path': 'new_callbacks', ... }, ... ] >>> list_override(configs=configs, key="callbacks", overrides=append_callbacks) >>> configs = [ ... ... ... Namespace(class_path='new_callbacks'), ... ] >>> append_callbacks_as_dict = [ ... { ... 'class_path': 'new_callbacks1', ... }, ... ] >>> list_override( ... configs=configs, key="callbacks", overrides=append_callbacks_as_dict, convert_dict_to_namespace=False ... ) >>> configs = [ ... ... ... {'class_path': 'new_callbacks1'}, ... ] """ if key not in configs or configs[key] is None: return for target in overrides: class_path = target.get("class_path", None) if class_path is None: msg = "class_path is required in the override list." raise ValueError(msg) item = next((item for item in configs[key] if item["class_path"] == class_path), None) if item is not None: Namespace(item).update(target) else: converted_target = dict_to_namespace(target) if convert_dict_to_namespace else target configs[key].append(converted_target)
[docs] def apply_override(cfg: Namespace, overrides: Namespace) -> None: """Overrides the provided overrides in the given configs. Args: configs (Namespace): The configuration object containing the key. overrides (Namespace): The configuration object to override the existing ones. """ # replace the config with the overrides for keys in reset list reset = overrides.pop("reset", []) if isinstance(reset, str): reset = [reset] for key in reset: if key in overrides: # callbacks, logger -> update to namespace # rest -> use dict as is cfg[key] = ( [dict_to_namespace(o) for o in overrides.pop(key)] if key in ("callbacks", "logger") else overrides.pop(key) ) # This is a feature to handle the callbacks, logger, and data override for user-convinience list_override(configs=cfg, key="callbacks", overrides=overrides.pop("callbacks", [])) list_override(configs=cfg, key="logger", overrides=overrides.pop("logger", [])) namespace_override( configs=cfg, key="data", overrides=overrides.pop("data", Namespace()), convert_dict_to_namespace=False, )
# [FIXME] harimkang: have to see if there's a better way to do it. (For now, Added 2 lines to existing function) # The thing called `overrides` is only available in OTXCLI via `apply_config`. # Currently, default_config_files in jsonargparse is loading the default config file without using the ActionConfigFile, # and it's not updating the overrides properly in the process. # So this function patches to allow configs to come in via `default_config_files` with `overrides` applied.
[docs] def get_defaults_with_overrides(self: ArgumentParser, skip_check: bool = False) -> Namespace: """Returns a namespace with all default values. Args: skip_check: Whether to skip check if configuration is valid. Returns: An object with all default values as attributes. """ import argparse from jsonargparse._actions import _ActionPrintConfig, filter_default_actions from jsonargparse._common import parser_context from jsonargparse._namespace import recreate_branches from jsonargparse._parameter_resolvers import UnknownDefault from jsonargparse._typehints import ActionTypeHint from jsonargparse._util import argument_error, change_to_path_dir cfg = Namespace() for action in filter_default_actions(self._actions): if ( action.default != argparse.SUPPRESS and action.dest != argparse.SUPPRESS and not isinstance(action.default, UnknownDefault) ): cfg[action.dest] = recreate_branches(action.default) self._logger.debug("Loaded parser defaults: %s", cfg) default_config_files = self._get_default_config_files() for key, default_config_file in default_config_files: with change_to_path_dir(default_config_file), parser_context(parent_parser=self): cfg_file = self._load_config_parser_mode(default_config_file.get_content(), key=key) cfg = self.merge_config(cfg_file, cfg) overrides = cfg.__dict__.pop("overrides", {}) apply_override(cfg, overrides) if overrides is not None: cfg.update(overrides) try: with _ActionPrintConfig.skip_print_config(): cfg = self._parse_common( cfg=cfg, env=False, defaults=False, with_meta=None, skip_check=skip_check, skip_required=True, ) except (TypeError, KeyError, argparse.ArgumentError) as ex: msg = f'Problem in default config file "{default_config_file}": {ex.args[0]}' raise argument_error(msg) from ex meta = cfg.get("__default_config__") if isinstance(meta, list): meta.append(default_config_file) elif isinstance(meta, Path): cfg["__default_config__"] = [meta, default_config_file] else: cfg["__default_config__"] = default_config_file self._logger.debug("Parsed default configuration from path: %s", default_config_file) ActionTypeHint.add_sub_defaults(self, cfg) return cfg
# Workaround for
[docs] def add_list_type_arguments( parser: ArgumentParser, baseclass: tuple[type, ...], nested_key: str, skip: set[str] | None = None, ) -> None: """Add list type arguments to the given ArgumentParser. From python >= 3.11, add_subclass_arguments no longer allows adding arguments of the form list[Class]. Modify it to bypass class checking, allowing you to use the list argument. Copy from jsonargparse._signatures.SignatureArguments.add_subclass_arguments. Args: parser (ArgumentParser): The ArgumentParser to add the arguments to. baseclass (tuple[type, ...]): A tuple of base classes for the subclasses. nested_key (str): The nested key for the arguments. skip (set[str] | None, optional): A set of arguments to skip. Defaults to None. """ from argparse import SUPPRESS from jsonargparse._parameter_resolvers import ParamData from jsonargparse._util import get_import_path, iter_to_set_str group = parser._create_group_if_requested( # noqa: SLF001 baseclass, nested_key, True, None, config_load=False, required=False, instantiate=False, ) added_args: list[str] = [] if skip is not None: skip = {f"{nested_key}.init_args." + s for s in skip} param = ParamData(name=nested_key, annotation=Union[baseclass], component=baseclass) str_baseclass = iter_to_set_str(get_import_path(x) for x in baseclass) kwargs = { "metavar": "CONFIG | CLASS_PATH_OR_NAME | .INIT_ARG_NAME VALUE", "help": ( f"One or more arguments specifying 'class_path' and 'init_args' for any subclass of {str_baseclass}s." ), } kwargs["default"] = SUPPRESS parser._add_signature_parameter( # noqa: SLF001 group, None, param, added_args, skip, sub_configs=True, instantiate=False, fail_untyped=False, )
[docs] @contextmanager def patch_update_configs() -> Iterator[None]: """Patch the update and apply_config methods of the given namespace and action_config_file objects.""" original_update = Namespace.update original_apply_config = ActionConfigFile.apply_config original_get_defaults = ArgumentParser.get_defaults try: Namespace.update = update ActionConfigFile.apply_config = apply_config ArgumentParser.get_defaults = get_defaults_with_overrides yield finally: Namespace.update = original_update ActionConfigFile.apply_config = original_apply_config ArgumentParser.get_defaults = original_get_defaults
[docs] def get_configuration(config_path: str | Path, subcommand: str = "train", **kwargs) -> dict: """Get the configuration from the given path. Args: config_path (str | Path): The path to the configuration file. Returns: dict: The configuration dictionary. """ from otx.cli.cli import OTXCLI with patch_update_configs(): parser, _ = OTXCLI.engine_subcommand_parser(subcommand=subcommand) if kwargs: parser.set_defaults(**kwargs) args = parser.parse_args(args=["--config", str(config_path)], _skip_check=True) config = namespace_to_dict(args)"{config_path} is loaded.") # Remove unnecessary cli arguments for API usage cli_args = [ "verbose", "data_root", "task", "seed", "callback_monitor", "resume", "disable_infer_num_classes", "workspace", ] logger.warning(f"The corresponding keys in config are not used.: {cli_args}") for arg in cli_args: config.pop(arg, None) return config
[docs] def get_instantiated_classes( config: PathLike, work_dir: PathLike | None, data_root: PathLike | None, **kwargs, ) -> tuple[dict, dict]: """Get the instantiated classes for training. Args: config (PathLike): Path to the configuration file. work_dir (PathLike): Path to the working directory. data_root (PathLike): Path to the data root directory. Returns: dict: The instantiated classes for training. """ from otx.cli import OTXCLI cli_args = [ "train", "--config", str(config), "--workspace.use_sub_dir", "false", ] if work_dir is not None: cli_args.extend(["--work_dir", str(work_dir)]) if data_root is not None: cli_args.extend(["--data_root", str(data_root)]) for key, value in kwargs.items(): cli_args.extend([f"--{key}", str(value)]) otx_cli = OTXCLI( args=cli_args, run=False, ) otx_cli.set_seed() otx_cli.instantiate_classes(instantiate_engine=False) instantiated_config = namespace_to_dict(otx_cli.config_init["train"]) return instantiated_config, otx_cli.prepare_subcommand_kwargs("train")