Source code for otx.core.exporter.detection_3d

# Copyright (C) 2024 Intel Corporation
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
"""Class definition for object detection 3D model exporter used in OTX."""

from __future__ import annotations

import logging as log
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import onnx
import openvino
import torch

from otx.core.exporter.native import OTXNativeModelExporter
from otx.core.types.precision import OTXPrecisionType

    from otx.core.model.base import OTXModel

[docs] class OTXObjectDetection3DExporter(OTXNativeModelExporter): """Class definition for object detection 3D model exporter used in OTX."""
[docs] def to_openvino( self, model: OTXModel, output_dir: Path, base_model_name: str = "exported_model", precision: OTXPrecisionType = OTXPrecisionType.FP32, ) -> Path: """Export to OpenVINO Intermediate Representation format. In this implementation the export is done only via standard OV/ONNX tools. """ device = next(model.parameters()).device dummy_tensor = torch.rand(self.input_size).to(device) dummy_calib_matrix = torch.rand(1, 3, 4).to(device) dummy_image_sizes = torch.tensor([self.input_size[::-1][:2]]).to(device) exported_model = openvino.convert_model( model, example_input={"images": dummy_tensor, "calib_matrix": dummy_calib_matrix, "img_sizes": dummy_image_sizes}, input=( openvino.runtime.PartialShape(self.input_size), openvino.runtime.PartialShape([1, 3, 4]), openvino.runtime.PartialShape([1, 2]), ), ) exported_model = self._postprocess_openvino_model(exported_model) save_path = output_dir / (base_model_name + ".xml") openvino.save_model(exported_model, save_path, compress_to_fp16=(precision == OTXPrecisionType.FP16))"Converting to OpenVINO is done.") return Path(save_path)
[docs] def to_onnx( self, model: OTXModel, output_dir: Path, base_model_name: str = "exported_model", precision: OTXPrecisionType = OTXPrecisionType.FP32, embed_metadata: bool = True, ) -> Path: """Export the given PyTorch model to ONNX format and save it to the specified output directory. Args: model (OTXModel): The PyTorch model to be exported. output_dir (Path): The directory where the ONNX model will be saved. base_model_name (str, optional): The base name for the exported model. Defaults to "exported_model". precision (OTXPrecisionType, optional): The precision type for the exported model. Defaults to OTXPrecisionType.FP32. embed_metadata (bool, optional): Whether to embed metadata in the ONNX model. Defaults to True. Returns: Path: The path to the saved ONNX model. """ dummy_tensor = torch.rand(self.input_size) dummy_calib_matrix = torch.rand(1, 3, 4) dummy_image_sizes = torch.tensor([self.input_size[::-1][:2]]) dummy_inputs = {"images": dummy_tensor, "calib_matrix": dummy_calib_matrix, "img_sizes": dummy_image_sizes} save_path = str(output_dir / (base_model_name + ".onnx")) torch.onnx.export( model, args=tuple(dummy_inputs.values()), f=save_path, **self.onnx_export_configuration, ) onnx_model = onnx.load(save_path) onnx_model = self._postprocess_onnx_model(onnx_model, embed_metadata, precision), save_path)"Converting to ONNX is done.") return Path(save_path)