Source code for otx.core.types.label

# Copyright (C) 2023 Intel Corporation
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
"""Dataclasses for label information."""

from __future__ import annotations

import json
from dataclasses import asdict, dataclass
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any

    from datumaro import Label, LabelCategories

__all__ = [

[docs] @dataclass class LabelInfo: """Object to represent label information.""" label_names: list[str] label_groups: list[list[str]] @property def num_classes(self) -> int: """Return number of labels.""" return len(self.label_names)
[docs] @classmethod def from_num_classes(cls, num_classes: int) -> LabelInfo: """Create this object from the number of classes. Args: num_classes: Number of classes Returns: LabelInfo( label_names=["label_0", ...], label_groups=[["label_0", ...]] ) """ if num_classes <= 0: return NullLabelInfo() label_names = [f"label_{idx}" for idx in range(num_classes)] return cls( label_names=label_names, label_groups=[label_names], )
[docs] @classmethod def from_dm_label_groups(cls, dm_label_categories: LabelCategories) -> LabelInfo: """Create this object from the datumaro label groups. Args: dm_label_categories (LabelCategories): The label category information from Datumaro. Returns: LabelInfo( label_names=["Heart_King", "Heart_Queen", "Spade_King", "Spade_Jack"] label_groups=[["Heart_King", "Heart_Queen"], ["Spade_King", "Spade_Jack"]] ) """ label_names = [ for item in dm_label_categories.items] label_groups = [label_group.labels for label_group in dm_label_categories.label_groups] if len(label_groups) == 0: # Single-label classification label_groups = [label_names] return LabelInfo( label_names=label_names, label_groups=label_groups, )
[docs] def as_dict(self) -> dict[str, Any]: """Return a dictionary including all params.""" return asdict(self)
[docs] def to_json(self) -> str: """Return JSON serialized string.""" return json.dumps(self.as_dict())
[docs] @classmethod def from_json(cls, serialized: str) -> LabelInfo: """Reconstruct it from the JSON serialized string.""" return cls(**json.loads(serialized))
[docs] @dataclass class HLabelInfo(LabelInfo): """The label information represents the hierarchy. All params should be kept since they're also used at the Model API side. :param num_multiclass_heads: the number of the multiclass heads :param num_multilabel_classes: the number of multilabel classes :param head_to_logits_range: the logit range of each heads :param num_single_label_classes: the number of single label classes :param class_to_group_idx: represents the head index and label index :param all_groups: represents information of all groups :param label_to_idx: index of each label :param empty_multiclass_head_indices: the index of head that doesn't include any label due to the label removing i.e. Single-selection group information (Multiclass, Exclusive) { "Shape": ["Rigid", "Non-Rigid"], "Rigid": ["Rectangle", "Triangle"], "Non-Rigid": ["Circle"] } Multi-selection group information (Multilabel) { "Animal": ["Lion", "Panda"] } In the case above, HlabelInfo will be generated as below. NOTE, If there was only one label in the multiclass group, it will be handeled as multilabel(Circle). num_multiclass_heads: 2 (Shape, Rigid) num_multilabel_classes: 3 (Circle, Lion, Panda) head_to_logits_range: {'0': (0, 2), '1': (2, 4)} (Each multiclass head have 2 labels) num_single_label_classes: 4 (Rigid, Non-Rigid, Rectangle, Triangle) class_to_group_idx: { 'Non-Rigid': (0, 0), 'Rigid': (0, 1), 'Rectangle': (1, 0), 'Triangle': (1, 1), 'Circle': (2, 0), 'Lion': (2,1), 'Panda': (2,2) } (head index, label index for each head) all_groups: [['Non-Rigid', 'Rigid'], ['Rectangle', 'Triangle'], ['Circle'], ['Lion'], ['Panda']] label_to_idx: { 'Rigid': 0, 'Rectangle': 1, 'Triangle': 2, 'Non-Rigid': 3, 'Circle': 4 'Lion': 5, 'Panda': 6 } label_tree_edges: [ ["Rectangle", "Rigid"], ["Triangle", "Rigid"], ["Circle", "Non-Rigid"], ] # NOTE, label_tree_edges format could be changed. empty_multiclass_head_indices: [] All of the member variables should be considered for the Model API. """ num_multiclass_heads: int num_multilabel_classes: int head_idx_to_logits_range: dict[str, tuple[int, int]] num_single_label_classes: int class_to_group_idx: dict[str, tuple[int, int]] all_groups: list[list[str]] label_to_idx: dict[str, int] label_tree_edges: list[list[str]] empty_multiclass_head_indices: list[int]
[docs] @classmethod def from_dm_label_groups(cls, dm_label_categories: LabelCategories) -> HLabelInfo: """Generate HLabelData from the Datumaro LabelCategories. Args: dm_label_categories (LabelCategories): the label categories of datumaro. """ def get_exclusive_group_info(all_groups: list[Label | list[Label]]) -> dict[str, Any]: """Get exclusive group information.""" exclusive_groups = [g for g in all_groups if len(g) > 1] last_logits_pos = 0 num_single_label_classes = 0 head_idx_to_logits_range = {} class_to_idx = {} for i, group in enumerate(exclusive_groups): head_idx_to_logits_range[str(i)] = (last_logits_pos, last_logits_pos + len(group)) last_logits_pos += len(group) for j, c in enumerate(group): class_to_idx[c] = (i, j) num_single_label_classes += 1 return { "num_multiclass_heads": len(exclusive_groups), "head_idx_to_logits_range": head_idx_to_logits_range, "class_to_idx": class_to_idx, "num_single_label_classes": num_single_label_classes, } def get_single_label_group_info( all_groups: list[Label | list[Label]], num_exclusive_groups: int, ) -> dict[str, Any]: """Get single label group information.""" single_label_groups = [g for g in all_groups if len(g) == 1] class_to_idx = {} for i, group in enumerate(single_label_groups): class_to_idx[group[0]] = (num_exclusive_groups, i) return { "num_multilabel_classes": len(single_label_groups), "class_to_idx": class_to_idx, } def merge_class_to_idx( exclusive_ctoi: dict[str, tuple[int, int]], single_label_ctoi: dict[str, tuple[int, int]], ) -> dict[str, tuple[int, int]]: """Merge the class_to_idx information from exclusive and single_label groups.""" def put_key_values(src: dict, dst: dict) -> None: """Put key and values from src to dst.""" for k, v in src.items(): dst[k] = v class_to_idx: dict[str, tuple[int, int]] = {} put_key_values(exclusive_ctoi, class_to_idx) put_key_values(single_label_ctoi, class_to_idx) return class_to_idx def get_label_tree_edges(dm_label_items: list[LabelCategories]) -> list[list[str]]: """Get label tree edges information. Each edges represent [child, parent].""" return [[, item.parent] for item in dm_label_items if item.parent != ""] all_groups = [label_group.labels for label_group in dm_label_categories.label_groups] exclusive_group_info = get_exclusive_group_info(all_groups) single_label_group_info = get_single_label_group_info(all_groups, exclusive_group_info["num_multiclass_heads"]) merged_class_to_idx = merge_class_to_idx( exclusive_group_info["class_to_idx"], single_label_group_info["class_to_idx"], ) return HLabelInfo( label_names=[ for item in dm_label_categories.items], label_groups=all_groups, num_multiclass_heads=exclusive_group_info["num_multiclass_heads"], num_multilabel_classes=single_label_group_info["num_multilabel_classes"], head_idx_to_logits_range=exclusive_group_info["head_idx_to_logits_range"], num_single_label_classes=exclusive_group_info["num_single_label_classes"], class_to_group_idx=merged_class_to_idx, all_groups=all_groups, label_to_idx=dm_label_categories._indices, # noqa: SLF001 label_tree_edges=get_label_tree_edges(dm_label_categories.items), empty_multiclass_head_indices=[], # consider the label removing case )
[docs] def as_head_config_dict(self) -> dict[str, Any]: """Return a dictionary including params needed to configure the HLabel MMPretrained head network.""" return { "num_classes": self.num_classes, "num_multiclass_heads": self.num_multiclass_heads, "num_multilabel_classes": self.num_multilabel_classes, "head_idx_to_logits_range": self.head_idx_to_logits_range, "num_single_label_classes": self.num_single_label_classes, "empty_multiclass_head_indices": self.empty_multiclass_head_indices, }
[docs] @classmethod def from_json(cls, serialized: str) -> HLabelInfo: """Reconstruct it from the JSON serialized string.""" loaded = json.loads(serialized) # List to tuple loaded["head_idx_to_logits_range"] = { key: tuple(value) for key, value in loaded["head_idx_to_logits_range"].items() } loaded["class_to_group_idx"] = {key: tuple(value) for key, value in loaded["class_to_group_idx"].items()} return cls(**loaded)
[docs] @dataclass class SegLabelInfo(LabelInfo): """Meta information of Semantic Segmentation.""" ignore_index: int = 255
[docs] @classmethod def from_num_classes(cls, num_classes: int) -> LabelInfo: """Create this object from the number of classes. Args: num_classes: Number of classes Returns: LabelInfo( label_names=["Background", "label_0", ..., "label_{num_classes - 1}"] label_groups=[["Background", "label_0", ..., "label_{num_classes - 1}"]] ) """ if num_classes == 1: # binary segmentation label_names = ["background", "label_0"] return SegLabelInfo(label_names=label_names, label_groups=[label_names]) return super().from_num_classes(num_classes)
[docs] @dataclass class NullLabelInfo(LabelInfo): """Represent no label information. It is used for Visual Prompting tasks.""" def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__(label_names=[], label_groups=[[]])
[docs] @classmethod def from_json(cls, _: str) -> LabelInfo: """Reconstruct it from the JSON serialized string.""" return cls()
@dataclass class AnomalyLabelInfo(LabelInfo): """Represent no label information. It is used for Anomaly tasks.""" def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__(label_names=["Normal", "Anomaly"], label_groups=[["Normal", "Anomaly"]]) # Dispatching rules: # 1. label_info: int => LabelInfo.from_num_classes(label_info) # 2. label_info: list[str] => LabelInfo(label_names=label_info, label_groups=[label_info]) # 3. label_info: LabelInfo => label_info # See OTXModel._dispatch_label_info() for more details LabelInfoTypes = LabelInfo | int | list[str]