Models Optimization =================== OpenVINO™ Training Extensions provides optimization algorithm: `Post-Training Quantization tool (PTQ) `_. ******************************* Post-Training Quantization Tool ******************************* PTQ is designed to optimize the inference of models by applying post-training methods that do not require model retraining or fine-tuning. If you want to know more details about how PTQ works and to be more familiar with model optimization methods, please refer to `documentation `_. To run Post-training quantization it is required to convert the model to OpenVINO™ intermediate representation (IR) first. To perform fast and accurate quantization we use ``DefaultQuantization Algorithm`` for each task. Please, refer to the `Tune quantization Parameters `_ for further information about configuring the optimization. Please, refer to our :doc:`dedicated tutorials <../../tutorials/base/how_to_train/index>` on how to optimize your model using PTQ. .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: API .. code-block:: python from otx.engine import Engine ... engine.optimize(checkpoint="") .. tab-item:: CLI .. code-block:: shell (otx) ...$ otx optimize ... --checkpoint