Backbone Replacement ================================ This tutorial describes an example of how to find an available backbone and how it can be replaced in OpenVINO™ Training Extensions. The process has been tested on the following configuration. - Ubuntu 20.04 - NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090 - Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-11900 - CUDA Toolkit 11.1, python 3.9 ***************************** Currently supported backbones ***************************** The following libraries are currently available for backbone replacement. +-----------------------+-------+-------+-------------+-----------+-----------+ | Task | mmdet | mmseg | torchvision | pytorchcv | omz.mmcls | +=======================+=======+=======+=============+===========+===========+ | Classification | O | O | O | O | O | +-----------------------+-------+-------+-------------+-----------+-----------+ | Detection | O | O | O | O | | +-----------------------+-------+-------+-------------+-----------+-----------+ | Segmentation | O | O | O | O | | +-----------------------+-------+-------+-------------+-----------+-----------+ | Instance-Segmentation | O | O | O | O | | +-----------------------+-------+-------+-------------+-----------+-----------+ ************************* Setup virtual environment ************************* 1. You can follow the installation process from a :doc:`quick start guide <../../get_started/quick_start_guide/installation>` to create a universal virtual environment for OpenVINO™ Training Extensions. 2. Activate your virtual environment: .. code-block:: .otx/bin/activate # or by this line, if you created an environment, using tox . venv/otx/bin/activate ***************************** Backbone replacement tutorial ***************************** 1. First, we need to configure the workspace for the backbone replacement: .. note:: You can use the OpenVINO™ Training Extensions workspace to swap out backbones, train, set up configurations, and more. Workspaces are created automatically on ``otx build`` or ``otx train``. .. code-block:: (otx) ...$ otx build --task classification [*] Workspace Path: otx-workspace-CLASSIFICATION [*] Load Model Template ID: Custom_Image_Classification_EfficinetNet-B0 [*] Load Model Name: EfficientNet-B0 [*] - Updated: otx-workspace-CLASSIFICATION/ [*] - Updated: otx-workspace-CLASSIFICATION/ [*] - Updated: otx-workspace-CLASSIFICATION/ [*] - Updated: otx-workspace-CLASSIFICATION/hpo_config.yaml [*] - Updated: otx-workspace-CLASSIFICATION/ [*] - Updated: otx-workspace-CLASSIFICATION/ [*] - Updated: otx-workspace-CLASSIFICATION/compression_config.json [*] Update data configuration file to: otx-workspace-CLASSIFICATION/data.yaml (otx) ...$ cd otx-workspace-CLASSIFICATION 2. Next, we can find the backbone we want to replace via ``otx find``: .. note:: We can use ``otx find`` to find templates and available backbones. Each backbone may have a required argument. If the backbone has options for required arguments, ``otx build`` provide the first option as default. .. code-block:: (otx) ...$ otx find --backbone mmdet +-------+-------------------------+---------------+-------------------------------+ | Index | Backbone Type | Required-Args | Options | +-------+-------------------------+---------------+-------------------------------+ | 1 | mmdet.RegNet | arch | regnetx_400mf, regnetx_800mf, | | | | | regnetx_1.6gf, regnetx_3.2gf, | | | | | regnetx_4.0gf, regnetx_6.4gf, | | | | | regnetx_8.0gf, regnetx_12gf | | 2 | mmdet.ResNet | depth | 18, 34, 50, 101, 152 | | 3 | mmdet.ResNetV1d | depth | 18, 34, 50, 101, 152 | | 4 | mmdet.ResNeXt | depth | 50, 101, 152 | | 5 | mmdet.SSDVGG | input_size | 300, 512 | | | | depth | 11, 16, 19 | | 6 | mmdet.HRNet | extra | | | 7 | mmdet.Res2Net | depth | 50, 101, 152 | | 8 | mmdet.DetectoRS_ResNet | depth | 50, 101, 152 | | 9 | mmdet.DetectoRS_ResNeXt | depth | 50, 101, 152 | | 10 | mmdet.Darknet | | | | 11 | mmdet.ResNeSt | depth | 50, 101, 152, 200 | | 12 | mmdet.CSPDarknet | | | +-------+-------------------------+---------------+-------------------------------+ 3. We need to run the command below to replace the backbone: In this example, we'll replace the classification model using the default EfficientNet with ``mmdet.ResNet``. You can use the ``Backbone Type`` in the table output from ``otx find --backbone`` to use a different backbone. .. code-block:: (otx) ...$ otx build --backbone mmdet.RegNet [*] Backbone Config: mmdet.RegNet [*] mmdet.RegNet requires the argument : ['arch'] [*] Please refer to /venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/mmdet/models/backbones/ [*] 'arch' can choose between: ['regnetx_400mf', 'regnetx_800mf', 'regnetx_1.6gf', 'regnetx_3.2gf', 'regnetx_4.0gf', 'regnetx_6.4gf', 'regnetx_8.0gf', 'regnetx_12gf'] [*] 'arch' default value: regnetx_400mf [*] Save backbone configuration: otx-workspace-CLASSIFICATION/backbone.yaml [*] Update with backbone.yaml Target Model: SAMImageClassifier Target Backbone: mmdet.RegNet Backbone config: {'arch': 'regnetx_400mf', 'avg_down': False, 'base_channels': 32, 'conv_cfg': None, 'dcn': None, 'deep_stem': False, 'dilations': (1, 1, 1, 1), 'frozen_stages': -1, 'in_channels': 3, 'init_cfg': None, 'norm_cfg': {'requires_grad': True, 'type': 'BN'}, 'norm_eval': True, 'out_indices': (0, 1, 2, 3), 'plugins': None, 'pretrained': None, 'stage_with_dcn': (False, False, False, False), 'stem_channels': 32, 'strides': (2, 2, 2, 2), 'style': 'pytorch', 'type': 'mmdet.RegNet', 'with_cp': False, 'zero_init_residual': True} [*] Save model configuration: Then we get ````, which has been changed to ``mmdet.ResNet``. .. note:: If you get a log like this, follow the steps below: .. code-block:: [!] mmseg.HRNet backbone has inputs that the user must enter. [!] Edit backbone.yaml and run 'otx build --backbone backbone.yaml'. Please modify the available configuration file directly (``backbone.yaml``). You can then update the model with the command below: .. code-block:: (otx) ...$ otx build --backbone backbone.yaml 4. After that, you can use any other OpenVINO™ Training Extensions command with the new model: :doc:`quick start guide <../../get_started/quick_start_guide/installation>` You can use the backbones provided by ``mmdet``, ``mmseg``, ``torchvision``, and ``omz.mmcls`` in the same way as above. .. warning:: Depending on your backbone, your data may require multiple hyperparameter optimizations. Custom models, except for TEMPLATE, are not yet guaranteed to be accurate.