Source code for otx.cli.install

# Copyright (C) 2023 Intel Corporation
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

"""OTX CLI Installation."""

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
import os
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

from jsonargparse import ArgumentParser
from pkg_resources import Requirement
from rich.console import Console
from rich.logging import RichHandler

from otx.cli.utils.installation import (

    from jsonargparse._actions import _ActionSubCommands

logger = logging.getLogger("pip")
logger.setLevel(logging.WARNING)  # setLevel: CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG, NOTSET
console = Console()
handler = RichHandler(

[docs] def add_install_parser(subcommands_action: _ActionSubCommands) -> None: """Add subparser for install command. Args: subcommands_action (_ActionSubCommands): Sub-Command in CLI. Returns: None """ parser = ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( "--option", help="Install optional-dependencies. The 'full' option will install all dependencies.", default="base", type=str, ) parser.add_argument( "-v", "--verbose", help="Set Logger level to INFO", action="store_true", ) parser.add_argument( "--do-not-install-torch", help="Do not install PyTorch. Choose this option if you already installed PyTorch.", action="store_true", ) parser.add_argument( "--user", help="Install packages in the user site directory, e.g., `pip install --user ...`", action="store_true", ) subcommands_action.add_subcommand("install", parser, help="Install OTX requirements.")
[docs] def otx_install( option: str | None = None, verbose: bool = False, do_not_install_torch: bool = False, user: bool = False, ) -> int: """Install OTX requirements. Args: option (str): Optional-dependency to install requirements for. verbose (bool): Set pip logger level to INFO do_not_install_torch (bool): If true, skip PyTorch installation. user (bool): If true, install packages in the user site directory, e.g., `pip install --user ...` Raises: ValueError: When the task is not supported. Returns: int: Status code of the pip install command. """ from pip._internal.commands import create_command requirements_dict = get_requirements("otx") # Add base and openvino requirements. requirements = requirements_dict["base"] requirements_dict.pop("xpu", None) if option == "full": for extra in requirements_dict: requirements.extend(requirements_dict[extra]) elif option in requirements_dict: requirements.extend(requirements_dict[option]) elif option is not None: requirements.append(Requirement.parse(option)) # Parse requirements into torch, mmcv and other requirements. # This is done to parse the correct version of torch (cpu/cuda) and mmcv (mmcv/mmcv-full). torch_requirement, mmcv_requirements, other_requirements = parse_requirements(requirements) install_args: list[str] = ["--user"] if user else [] # Combine torch and other requirements. install_args = ( # Get install args for torch to install it from a specific index-url other_requirements + get_torch_install_args(torch_requirement) if not do_not_install_torch else other_requirements ) # Parse mmX requirements if the task requires mmX packages. mmcv_install_args = [] if mmcv_requirements: mmcv_install_args = get_mmcv_install_args(torch_requirement, mmcv_requirements) install_args += ["openmim"] # Install requirements. with console.status("[bold green]Working on installation...\n") as status: if verbose: logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) status.stop() console.log(f"Installation list: [yellow]{install_args}[/yellow]") status_code = create_command("install").main(install_args) if status_code == 0: console.log(f"Installation Complete: {install_args}") else: msg = "Cannot complete installation" raise RuntimeError(msg) # os.environ["SETUPTOOLS_USE_DISTUTILS"] = "stdlib" # Install mmX requirements if the task requires mmX packages using mim. if mmcv_install_args and status_code == 0: if user: mmcv_install_args.append("--user") console.log(f"Installation list: [yellow]{mmcv_install_args}[/yellow]") status_code = mim_installation(mmcv_install_args) if status_code == 0: console.log(f"MMLab Installation Complete: {mmcv_install_args}") else: msg = "Cannot complete installation" raise RuntimeError(msg) # Patch MMAction2 with src/otx/cli/patches/mmaction2.patch patch_mmaction2() if status_code == 0: console.print("OTX Installation [bold green]Complete.[/bold green]") return status_code