Source code for otx.core.model.base

# Copyright (C) 2023-2024 Intel Corporation
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
"""Class definition for base model entity used in OTX."""

# mypy: disable-error-code="arg-type"

from __future__ import annotations

import contextlib
import inspect
import json
import logging
import warnings
from abc import abstractmethod
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, Generic, Literal, NamedTuple, Sequence

import numpy as np
import openvino
import torch
from datumaro import LabelCategories
from jsonargparse import ArgumentParser
from lightning import LightningModule, Trainer
from model_api.models import Model
from model_api.tilers import Tiler
from torch import Tensor, nn
from torch.optim.lr_scheduler import ConstantLR
from torch.optim.sgd import SGD
from torchmetrics import Metric, MetricCollection

from otx import __version__
from import TileConfig
from import (
from import OTXTileBatchDataEntity
from otx.core.exporter.native import OTXNativeModelExporter
from otx.core.metrics import MetricInput, NullMetricCallable
from otx.core.optimizer.callable import OptimizerCallableSupportHPO
from otx.core.schedulers import (
from otx.core.types.export import OTXExportFormatType, TaskLevelExportParameters
from otx.core.types.label import LabelInfo, LabelInfoTypes, NullLabelInfo
from otx.core.types.precision import OTXPrecisionType
from otx.core.types.task import OTXTrainType
from import get_default_num_async_infer_requests
from otx.core.utils.miscellaneous import ensure_callable
from otx.core.utils.utils import is_ckpt_for_finetuning, is_ckpt_from_otx_v1, remove_state_dict_prefix

    from pathlib import Path

    from lightning.pytorch.cli import LRSchedulerCallable, OptimizerCallable
    from lightning.pytorch.utilities.types import LRSchedulerTypeUnion, OptimizerLRScheduler
    from model_api.adapters import OpenvinoAdapter
    from torch.optim.lr_scheduler import LRScheduler
    from torch.optim.optimizer import Optimizer, params_t

    from import OTXDataModule
    from otx.core.exporter.base import OTXModelExporter
    from otx.core.metrics import MetricCallable

logger = logging.getLogger()

def _default_optimizer_callable(params: params_t) -> Optimizer:
    return SGD(params=params, lr=0.01)

def _default_scheduler_callable(
    optimizer: Optimizer,
    interval: Literal["epoch", "step"] = "epoch",
) -> LRScheduler:
    scheduler = ConstantLR(optimizer=optimizer, **kwargs)
    # NOTE: "interval" attribute should be set to configure the scheduler's step interval correctly
    scheduler.interval = interval
    return scheduler

DefaultOptimizerCallable = _default_optimizer_callable
DefaultSchedulerCallable = _default_scheduler_callable

[docs] class OTXModel(LightningModule, Generic[T_OTXBatchDataEntity, T_OTXBatchPredEntity]): """Base class for the models used in OTX. Args: num_classes: Number of classes this model can predict. Attributes: explain_mode: If true, `self.predict_step()` will produce a XAI output as well input_size_multiplier (int): multiplier value for input size a model requires. If input_size isn't multiple of this value, error is raised. """ _OPTIMIZED_MODEL_BASE_NAME: str = "optimized_model" input_size_multiplier: int = 1 def __init__( self, label_info: LabelInfoTypes, input_size: tuple[int, int] | None = None, optimizer: OptimizerCallable = DefaultOptimizerCallable, scheduler: LRSchedulerCallable | LRSchedulerListCallable = DefaultSchedulerCallable, metric: MetricCallable = NullMetricCallable, torch_compile: bool = False, tile_config: TileConfig = TileConfig(enable_tiler=False), train_type: Literal[OTXTrainType.SUPERVISED, OTXTrainType.SEMI_SUPERVISED] = OTXTrainType.SUPERVISED, ) -> None: super().__init__() self._label_info = self._dispatch_label_info(label_info) self.train_type = train_type self._check_input_size(input_size) self.input_size = input_size self.classification_layers: dict[str, dict[str, Any]] = {} self.model = self._create_model() self._explain_mode = False self.optimizer_callable = ensure_callable(optimizer) self.scheduler_callable = ensure_callable(scheduler) self.metric_callable = ensure_callable(metric) self.torch_compile = torch_compile self._explain_mode = False # NOTE: To guarantee immutablility of the default value self._tile_config = tile_config.clone() # this line allows to access init params with 'self.hparams' attribute # also ensures init params will be stored in ckpt # TODO(vinnamki): Ticket no. 138995: MetricCallable should be saved in the checkpoint # so that it can retrieve it from the checkpoint self.save_hyperparameters(logger=False, ignore=["optimizer", "scheduler", "metric"])
[docs] def training_step(self, batch: T_OTXBatchDataEntity, batch_idx: int) -> Tensor: """Step for model training.""" train_loss = self.forward(inputs=batch) if isinstance(train_loss, Tensor): self.log( "train/loss", train_loss, on_step=True, on_epoch=False, prog_bar=True, ) return train_loss if isinstance(train_loss, dict): for k, v in train_loss.items(): self.log( f"train/{k}", v, on_step=True, on_epoch=False, prog_bar=True, ) total_train_loss = sum(train_loss.values()) self.log( "train/loss", total_train_loss, on_step=True, on_epoch=False, prog_bar=True, ) return total_train_loss raise TypeError(train_loss)
[docs] def validation_step(self, batch: T_OTXBatchDataEntity, batch_idx: int) -> None: """Perform a single validation step on a batch of data from the validation set. :param batch: A batch of data (a tuple) containing the input tensor of images and target labels. :param batch_idx: The index of the current batch. """ preds = self.forward(inputs=batch) if isinstance(preds, OTXBatchLossEntity): raise TypeError(preds) metric_inputs = self._convert_pred_entity_to_compute_metric(preds, batch) if isinstance(metric_inputs, dict): self.metric.update(**metric_inputs) return if isinstance(metric_inputs, list) and all(isinstance(inp, dict) for inp in metric_inputs): for inp in metric_inputs: self.metric.update(**inp) return raise TypeError(metric_inputs)
[docs] def test_step(self, batch: T_OTXBatchDataEntity, batch_idx: int) -> None: """Perform a single test step on a batch of data from the test set. :param batch: A batch of data (a tuple) containing the input tensor of images and target labels. :param batch_idx: The index of the current batch. """ preds = self.forward(inputs=batch) if isinstance(preds, OTXBatchLossEntity): raise TypeError(preds) metric_inputs = self._convert_pred_entity_to_compute_metric(preds, batch) if isinstance(metric_inputs, dict): self.metric.update(**metric_inputs) return if isinstance(metric_inputs, list) and all(isinstance(inp, dict) for inp in metric_inputs): for inp in metric_inputs: self.metric.update(**inp) return raise TypeError(metric_inputs)
[docs] def predict_step( self, batch: T_OTXBatchDataEntity, batch_idx: int, dataloader_idx: int = 0, ) -> T_OTXBatchPredEntity: """Step function called during PyTorch Lightning Trainer's predict.""" if self.explain_mode: return self.forward_explain(inputs=batch) outputs = self.forward(inputs=batch) if isinstance(outputs, OTXBatchLossEntity): raise TypeError(outputs) return outputs
[docs] def on_validation_start(self) -> None: """Called at the beginning of validation.""" self.configure_metric()
[docs] def on_test_start(self) -> None: """Called at the beginning of testing.""" self.configure_metric()
[docs] def on_validation_epoch_start(self) -> None: """Callback triggered when the validation epoch starts.""" self.metric.reset()
[docs] def on_test_epoch_start(self) -> None: """Callback triggered when the test epoch starts.""" self.metric.reset()
[docs] def on_validation_epoch_end(self) -> None: """Callback triggered when the validation epoch ends.""" self._log_metrics(self.metric, "val")
[docs] def on_test_epoch_end(self) -> None: """Callback triggered when the test epoch ends.""" self._log_metrics(self.metric, "test")
[docs] def setup(self, stage: str) -> None: """Lightning hook that is called at the beginning of fit (train + validate), validate, test, or predict. This is a good hook when you need to build models dynamically or adjust something about them. This hook is called on every process when using DDP. :param stage: Either `"fit"`, `"validate"`, `"test"`, or `"predict"`. """ if self.torch_compile and stage == "fit": self.model = torch.compile(self.model)
[docs] def configure_optimizers(self) -> OptimizerLRScheduler: """Configure an optimizer and learning-rate schedulers. Configure an optimizer and learning-rate schedulers from the given optimizer and scheduler or scheduler list callable in the constructor. Generally, there is two lr schedulers. One is for a linear warmup scheduler and the other is the main scheduler working after the warmup period. Returns: Two list. The former is a list that contains an optimizer The latter is a list of lr scheduler configs which has a dictionary format. """ optimizer = self.optimizer_callable(self.parameters()) schedulers = self.scheduler_callable(optimizer) def ensure_list(item: Any) -> list: # noqa: ANN401 return item if isinstance(item, list) else [item] lr_scheduler_configs = [] for scheduler in ensure_list(schedulers): lr_scheduler_config = {"scheduler": scheduler} if hasattr(scheduler, "interval"): lr_scheduler_config["interval"] = scheduler.interval if hasattr(scheduler, "monitor"): lr_scheduler_config["monitor"] = scheduler.monitor lr_scheduler_configs.append(lr_scheduler_config) return [optimizer], lr_scheduler_configs
[docs] def configure_metric(self) -> None: """Configure the metric.""" if not callable(self.metric_callable): raise TypeError(self.metric_callable) metric = self.metric_callable(self.label_info) if not isinstance(metric, (Metric, MetricCollection)): msg = "Metric should be the instance of `torchmetrics.Metric` or `torchmetrics.MetricCollection`." raise TypeError(msg, metric) self._metric =
@property def metric(self) -> Metric | MetricCollection: """Metric module for this OTX model.""" return self._metric @abstractmethod def _convert_pred_entity_to_compute_metric( self, preds: T_OTXBatchPredEntity, inputs: T_OTXBatchDataEntity, ) -> MetricInput: """Convert given inputs to a Python dictionary for the metric computation.""" raise NotImplementedError def _log_metrics(self, meter: Metric, key: Literal["val", "test"], **compute_kwargs) -> None: sig = inspect.signature(meter.compute) filtered_kwargs = {key: value for key, value in compute_kwargs.items() if key in sig.parameters} if removed_kwargs := set(compute_kwargs.keys()).difference(filtered_kwargs.keys()): msg = f"These keyword arguments are removed since they are not in the function signature: {removed_kwargs}" logger.debug(msg) results: dict[str, Tensor] = meter.compute(**filtered_kwargs) if not isinstance(results, dict): raise TypeError(results) if not results: msg = f"{meter} has no data to compute metric or there is an error computing metric" raise RuntimeError(msg) for name, value in results.items(): log_metric_name = f"{key}/{name}" if not isinstance(value, Tensor) or value.numel() != 1: msg = f"Log metric name={log_metric_name} is not a scalar tensor. Skip logging it." warnings.warn(msg, stacklevel=1) continue self.log(log_metric_name,, sync_dist=True, prog_bar=True)
[docs] def on_save_checkpoint(self, checkpoint: dict[str, Any]) -> None: """Callback on saving checkpoint.""" if self.torch_compile: # If torch_compile is True, a prefix key named _orig_mod. is added to the state_dict. Remove this. compiled_state_dict = checkpoint["state_dict"] checkpoint["state_dict"] = remove_state_dict_prefix(compiled_state_dict, "_orig_mod.") super().on_save_checkpoint(checkpoint) checkpoint["label_info"] = self.label_info checkpoint["otx_version"] = __version__ checkpoint["tile_config"] = self.tile_config
[docs] def on_load_checkpoint(self, checkpoint: dict[str, Any]) -> None: """Callback on loading checkpoint.""" super().on_load_checkpoint(checkpoint) if ckpt_label_info := checkpoint.get("label_info", None): self._label_info = ckpt_label_info if ckpt_tile_config := checkpoint.get("tile_config", None): self.tile_config = ckpt_tile_config
[docs] def load_state_dict_incrementally(self, ckpt: dict[str, Any], *args, **kwargs) -> None: """Load state dict incrementally.""" ckpt_label_info: LabelInfo | None = ( ckpt.get("label_info", None) if not is_ckpt_from_otx_v1(ckpt) else self.get_ckpt_label_info_v1(ckpt) ) if ckpt_label_info is None: msg = "Checkpoint should have `label_info`." raise ValueError(msg, ckpt_label_info) if ckpt_label_info != self.label_info: msg = ( "Load model state dictionary incrementally: " f"Label info from checkpoint: {ckpt_label_info} -> " f"Label info from training data: {self.label_info}" ) self.register_load_state_dict_pre_hook( self.label_info.label_names, ckpt_label_info.label_names, ) # Model weights state_dict: dict[str, Any] = ckpt.get("state_dict", None) if not is_ckpt_from_otx_v1(ckpt) else ckpt if state_dict is None: msg = "Checkpoint should have `state_dict`." raise ValueError(msg, state_dict) self.load_state_dict(state_dict, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def load_state_dict(self, ckpt: dict[str, Any], *args, **kwargs) -> None: """Load state dictionary from checkpoint state dictionary. It successfully loads the checkpoint from OTX v1.x and for finetune and for resume. If checkpoint's label_info and OTXLitModule's label_info are different, load_state_pre_hook for smart weight loading will be registered. """ if is_ckpt_from_otx_v1(ckpt): msg = "The checkpoint comes from OTXv1, checkpoint keys will be updated automatically." warnings.warn(msg, stacklevel=2) state_dict = self.load_from_otx_v1_ckpt(ckpt) elif is_ckpt_for_finetuning(ckpt): state_dict = ckpt["state_dict"] else: state_dict = ckpt return super().load_state_dict(state_dict, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def load_from_otx_v1_ckpt(self, ckpt: dict[str, Any]) -> dict: """Load the previous OTX ckpt according to OTX2.0.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @staticmethod def get_ckpt_label_info_v1(ckpt: dict) -> LabelInfo: """Generate label info from OTX v1 checkpoint.""" return LabelInfo.from_dm_label_groups(LabelCategories.from_iterable(ckpt["labels"].keys()))
@property def label_info(self) -> LabelInfo: """Get this model label information.""" return self._label_info @label_info.setter def label_info(self, label_info: LabelInfoTypes) -> None: """Set this model label information.""" self._set_label_info(label_info) def _set_label_info(self, label_info: LabelInfoTypes) -> None: """Actual implementation for set this model label information. Derived classes should override this function. """ msg = ( "Assign new label_info to the model. " "It is usually not recommended. " "Please create a new model instance by giving label_info to its initializer " "such as `OTXModel(label_info=label_info, ...)`." ) logger.warning(msg, stacklevel=0) new_label_info = self._dispatch_label_info(label_info) old_num_classes = self._label_info.num_classes new_num_classes = new_label_info.num_classes if old_num_classes != new_num_classes: msg = ( f"Given LabelInfo has the different number of classes " f"({old_num_classes}!={new_num_classes}). " "The model prediction layer is reset to the new number of classes " f"(={new_num_classes})." ) logger.warning(msg, stacklevel=0) self._reset_prediction_layer(num_classes=new_label_info.num_classes) self._label_info = new_label_info @property def num_classes(self) -> int: """Returns model's number of classes. Can be redefined at the model's level.""" return self.label_info.num_classes @property def explain_mode(self) -> bool: """Get model explain mode.""" return self._explain_mode @explain_mode.setter def explain_mode(self, explain_mode: bool) -> None: """Set model explain mode.""" self._explain_mode = explain_mode @abstractmethod def _create_model(self) -> nn.Module: """Create a PyTorch model for this class.""" def _customize_inputs(self, inputs: T_OTXBatchDataEntity) -> dict[str, Any]: """Customize OTX input batch data entity if needed for your model.""" raise NotImplementedError def _customize_outputs( self, outputs: Any, # noqa: ANN401 inputs: T_OTXBatchDataEntity, ) -> T_OTXBatchPredEntity | OTXBatchLossEntity: """Customize OTX output batch data entity if needed for model.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def forward( self, inputs: T_OTXBatchDataEntity, ) -> T_OTXBatchPredEntity | OTXBatchLossEntity: """Model forward function.""" # If customize_inputs is overridden if isinstance(inputs, OTXTileBatchDataEntity): return self.forward_tiles(inputs) outputs = ( self.model(**self._customize_inputs(inputs)) if self._customize_inputs != OTXModel._customize_inputs else self.model(inputs) ) return ( self._customize_outputs(outputs, inputs) if self._customize_outputs != OTXModel._customize_outputs else outputs )
[docs] def forward_explain(self, inputs: T_OTXBatchDataEntity) -> T_OTXBatchPredEntity: """Model forward explain function.""" msg = "Derived model class should implement this class to support the explain pipeline." raise NotImplementedError(msg)
[docs] def forward_for_tracing(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Tensor | dict[str, Tensor]: """Model forward function used for the model tracing during model exportation.""" msg = ( "Derived model class should implement this class to support the export pipeline. " "If it wants to use `otx.core.exporter.native.OTXNativeModelExporter`." ) raise NotImplementedError(msg)
[docs] def get_explain_fn(self) -> Callable: """Returns explain function.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def forward_tiles( self, inputs: OTXTileBatchDataEntity[T_OTXBatchDataEntity], ) -> T_OTXBatchPredEntity | OTXBatchLossEntity: """Model forward function for tile task.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def register_load_state_dict_pre_hook(self, model_classes: list[str], ckpt_classes: list[str]) -> None: """Register load_state_dict_pre_hook. Args: model_classes (list[str]): Class names from training data. ckpt_classes (list[str]): Class names from checkpoint state dictionary. """ self.model_classes = model_classes self.ckpt_classes = ckpt_classes self._register_load_state_dict_pre_hook(self.load_state_dict_pre_hook)
[docs] def load_state_dict_pre_hook(self, state_dict: dict[str, torch.Tensor], prefix: str, *args, **kwargs) -> None: """Modify input state_dict according to class name matching before weight loading.""" model2ckpt = self.map_class_names(self.model_classes, self.ckpt_classes) for param_name, info in self.classification_layers.items(): model_param = self.state_dict()[param_name].clone() ckpt_param = state_dict[prefix + param_name] stride = info.get("stride", 1) num_extra_classes = info.get("num_extra_classes", 0) for model_dst, ckpt_dst in enumerate(model2ckpt): if ckpt_dst >= 0: model_param[(model_dst) * stride : (model_dst + 1) * stride].copy_( ckpt_param[(ckpt_dst) * stride : (ckpt_dst + 1) * stride], ) if num_extra_classes > 0: num_ckpt_class = len(self.ckpt_classes) num_model_class = len(self.model_classes) model_param[(num_model_class) * stride : (num_model_class + 1) * stride].copy_( ckpt_param[(num_ckpt_class) * stride : (num_ckpt_class + 1) * stride], ) # Replace checkpoint weight by mixed weights state_dict[prefix + param_name] = model_param
[docs] @staticmethod def map_class_names(src_classes: list[str], dst_classes: list[str]) -> list[int]: """Computes src to dst index mapping. src2dst[src_idx] = dst_idx # according to class name matching, -1 for non-matched ones assert(len(src2dst) == len(src_classes)) ex) src_classes = ['person', 'car', 'tree'] dst_classes = ['tree', 'person', 'sky', 'ball'] -> Returns src2dst = [1, -1, 0] """ src2dst = [] for src_class in src_classes: if src_class in dst_classes: src2dst.append(dst_classes.index(src_class)) else: src2dst.append(-1) return src2dst
[docs] def optimize(self, output_dir: Path, data_module: OTXDataModule, ptq_config: dict[str, Any] | None = None) -> Path: """Runs quantization of the model with NNCF.PTQ on the passed data. Works only for OpenVINO models. PTQ performs int-8 quantization on the input model, so the resulting model comes in mixed precision (some operations, however, remain in FP32). Args: output_dir (Path): working directory to save the optimized model. data_module (OTXDataModule): dataset for calibration of quantized layers. ptq_config (dict[str, Any] | None): config for NNCF.PTQ. Returns: Path: path to the resulting optimized OpenVINO model. """ msg = "Optimization is not implemented for torch models" raise NotImplementedError(msg)
[docs] def export( self, output_dir: Path, base_name: str, export_format: OTXExportFormatType, precision: OTXPrecisionType = OTXPrecisionType.FP32, to_exportable_code: bool = False, ) -> Path: """Export this model to the specified output directory. Args: output_dir (Path): directory for saving the exported model base_name: (str): base name for the exported model file. Extension is defined by the target export format export_format (OTXExportFormatType): format of the output model precision (OTXExportPrecisionType): precision of the output model to_exportable_code (bool): flag to export model in exportable code with demo package Returns: Path: path to the exported model. """ mode = self.eval() orig_forward = self.forward orig_trainer = self._trainer # type: ignore[has-type] try: if self._trainer is None: # type: ignore[has-type] self._trainer = Trainer() self.forward = self.forward_for_tracing # type: ignore[method-assign, assignment] return self._exporter.export( self, output_dir, base_name, export_format, precision, to_exportable_code, ) finally: self.train(mode) self.forward = orig_forward # type: ignore[method-assign] self._trainer = orig_trainer
@property def _exporter(self) -> OTXModelExporter: """Defines exporter of the model. Should be overridden in subclasses.""" msg = ( "To export this OTXModel, you should implement an appropriate exporter for it. " "You can try to reuse ones provided in `otx.core.exporter.*`." ) raise NotImplementedError(msg) @property def _export_parameters(self) -> TaskLevelExportParameters: """Defines export parameters sharable at a task level. To export OTXModel which is compatible with ModelAPI, you should define an appropriate export parameters for each task. This property is usually defined at the task level classes defined in `otx.core.model.*`. Please refer to `TaskLevelExportParameters` for more details. Returns: Collection of exporter parameters that can be defined at a task level. Examples: This example shows how this property is used at the new model development ```python class MyDetectionModel(OTXDetectionModel): ... @property def _exporter(self) -> OTXModelExporter: # `self._export_parameters` defined at `OTXDetectionModel` # You can redefine it `MyDetectionModel` if you need return OTXModelExporter( task_level_export_parameters=self._export_parameters, ... ) ``` """ return TaskLevelExportParameters( model_type="null", task_type="null", label_info=self.label_info, optimization_config=self._optimization_config, ) def _reset_prediction_layer(self, num_classes: int) -> None: """Reset its prediction layer with a given number of classes. Args: num_classes: Number of classes """ raise NotImplementedError @property def _optimization_config(self) -> dict[str, str]: return {}
[docs] def lr_scheduler_step(self, scheduler: LRSchedulerTypeUnion, metric: Tensor) -> None: """It is required to prioritize the warmup lr scheduler than other lr scheduler during a warmup period. It will ignore other lr scheduler's stepping if the warmup scheduler is currently activated. """ warmup_schedulers = [ config.scheduler for config in self.trainer.lr_scheduler_configs if isinstance(config.scheduler, LinearWarmupScheduler) ] if not warmup_schedulers: # There is no warmup scheduler return super().lr_scheduler_step(scheduler=scheduler, metric=metric) if len(warmup_schedulers) != 1: msg = "No more than two warmup schedulers coexist." raise RuntimeError(msg) warmup_scheduler = next(iter(warmup_schedulers)) if scheduler != warmup_scheduler and warmup_scheduler.activated: msg = ( "Warmup lr scheduler is currently activated. " "Ignore other schedulers until the warmup lr scheduler is finished" ) logger.debug(msg) return None return super().lr_scheduler_step(scheduler=scheduler, metric=metric)
[docs] def patch_optimizer_and_scheduler_for_hpo(self) -> None: """Patch optimizer and scheduler for hyperparameter optimization and adaptive batch size. This is inplace function changing inner states (`optimizer_callable` and `scheduler_callable`). Both will be changed to be picklable. In addition, `optimizer_callable` is changed to make its hyperparameters gettable. """ if not isinstance(self.optimizer_callable, OptimizerCallableSupportHPO): self.optimizer_callable = OptimizerCallableSupportHPO.from_callable(self.optimizer_callable) if not isinstance(self.scheduler_callable, SchedulerCallableSupportHPO) and not isinstance( self.scheduler_callable, LinearWarmupSchedulerCallable, # LinearWarmupSchedulerCallable natively supports HPO ): self.scheduler_callable = SchedulerCallableSupportHPO.from_callable(self.scheduler_callable)
@property def tile_config(self) -> TileConfig: """Get tiling configurations.""" return self._tile_config @tile_config.setter def tile_config(self, tile_config: TileConfig) -> None: """Set tiling configurations.""" msg = ( "Assign new tile_config to the model. " "It is usually not recommended. " "Please create a new model instance by giving tile_config to its initializer " "such as `OTXModel(..., tile_config=tile_config)`." ) logger.warning(msg, stacklevel=0) self._tile_config = tile_config
[docs] def get_dummy_input(self, batch_size: int = 1) -> OTXBatchDataEntity[Any]: """Generates a dummy input, suitable for launching forward() on it. Args: batch_size (int, optional): number of elements in a dummy input sequence. Defaults to 1. Returns: OTXBatchDataEntity[Any]: An entity containing randomly generated inference data. """ raise NotImplementedError
@staticmethod def _dispatch_label_info(label_info: LabelInfoTypes) -> LabelInfo: if isinstance(label_info, int): return LabelInfo.from_num_classes(num_classes=label_info) if isinstance(label_info, Sequence) and all(isinstance(name, str) for name in label_info): return LabelInfo(label_names=label_info, label_groups=[label_info]) if isinstance(label_info, LabelInfo): return label_info raise TypeError(label_info) def _check_input_size(self, input_size: tuple[int, int] | None = None) -> None: if input_size is not None and ( input_size[0] % self.input_size_multiplier != 0 or input_size[1] % self.input_size_multiplier != 0 ): msg = f"Input size should be a multiple of {self.input_size_multiplier}, but got {input_size} instead." raise ValueError(msg)
[docs] class OVModel(OTXModel, Generic[T_OTXBatchDataEntity, T_OTXBatchPredEntity]): """Base class for the OpenVINO model. This is a base class representing interface for interacting with OpenVINO Intermediate Representation (IR) models. OVModel can create and validate OpenVINO IR model directly from provided path locally or from OpenVINO OMZ repository. (Only PyTorch models are supported). OVModel supports synchronous as well as asynchronous inference type. Args: num_classes: Number of classes this model can predict. """ def __init__( self, model_name: str, model_type: str, async_inference: bool = True, force_cpu: bool = True, max_num_requests: int | None = None, use_throughput_mode: bool = True, model_api_configuration: dict[str, Any] | None = None, metric: MetricCallable = NullMetricCallable, **kwargs, ) -> None: self.model_name = model_name self.model_type = model_type self.force_cpu = force_cpu self.async_inference = async_inference self.num_requests = max_num_requests if max_num_requests is not None else get_default_num_async_infer_requests() self.use_throughput_mode = use_throughput_mode self.model_api_configuration = model_api_configuration if model_api_configuration is not None else {} # NOTE: num_classes and label_info comes from the IR metadata super().__init__(label_info=NullLabelInfo(), metric=metric) self._label_info = self._create_label_info_from_ov_ir() tile_enabled = False with contextlib.suppress(RuntimeError): if isinstance(self.model, Model): tile_enabled = "tile_size" in self.model.inference_adapter.get_rt_info(["model_info"]).astype(dict) if tile_enabled: self._setup_tiler() def _setup_tiler(self) -> None: """Setup tiler for tile task.""" raise NotImplementedError def _get_hparams_from_adapter(self, model_adapter: OpenvinoAdapter) -> None: """Reads model configuration from ModelAPI OpenVINO adapter. Args: model_adapter (OpenvinoAdapter): target adapter to read the config """ def _create_model(self) -> Model: """Create a OV model with help of Model API.""" from model_api.adapters import OpenvinoAdapter, create_core if self.device.type != "cpu": msg = ( f"Device {self.device.type} is set for Lightning module, but the actual inference " "device is selected by OpenVINO." ) logger.warning(msg) ov_device = "CPU" ie = create_core() if not self.force_cpu: devices = ie.available_devices for device in devices: device_name = ie.get_property(device_name=device, property="FULL_DEVICE_NAME") if "dGPU" in device_name and "Intel" in device_name: ov_device = device break plugin_config = {} if self.use_throughput_mode: plugin_config["PERFORMANCE_HINT"] = "THROUGHPUT" model_adapter = OpenvinoAdapter( ie, self.model_name, device=ov_device, max_num_requests=self.num_requests, plugin_config=plugin_config, model_parameters=self.model_adapter_parameters, ) self._get_hparams_from_adapter(model_adapter) return Model.create_model(model_adapter, model_type=self.model_type, configuration=self.model_api_configuration) def _customize_inputs(self, entity: T_OTXBatchDataEntity) -> dict[str, Any]: # restore original numpy image images = [np.transpose(im.cpu().numpy(), (1, 2, 0)) for im in entity.images] return {"inputs": images} def _forward(self, inputs: T_OTXBatchDataEntity) -> T_OTXBatchPredEntity: """Model forward function.""" def _callback(result: NamedTuple, idx: int) -> None: output_dict[idx] = result numpy_inputs = self._customize_inputs(inputs)["inputs"] if self.async_inference: output_dict: dict[int, NamedTuple] = {} self.model.set_callback(_callback) for idx, im in enumerate(numpy_inputs): if not self.model.is_ready(): self.model.await_any() self.model.infer_async(im, user_data=idx) self.model.await_all() outputs = [out[1] for out in sorted(output_dict.items())] else: outputs = [self.model(im) for im in numpy_inputs] customized_outputs = self._customize_outputs(outputs, inputs) if isinstance(customized_outputs, OTXBatchLossEntity): raise TypeError(customized_outputs) return customized_outputs
[docs] def forward(self, inputs: T_OTXBatchDataEntity) -> T_OTXBatchPredEntity: """Model forward function.""" return self._forward(inputs=inputs) # type: ignore[return-value]
[docs] def forward_explain(self, inputs: T_OTXBatchDataEntity) -> T_OTXBatchPredEntity: """Model forward explain function.""" return self._forward(inputs=inputs) # type: ignore[return-value]
[docs] def optimize( self, output_dir: Path, data_module: OTXDataModule, ptq_config: dict[str, Any] | None = None, ) -> Path: """Runs NNCF quantization.""" import nncf output_model_path = output_dir / (self._OPTIMIZED_MODEL_BASE_NAME + ".xml") def check_if_quantized(model: openvino.Model) -> bool: """Checks if OpenVINO model is already quantized.""" nodes = model.get_ops() return any(op.get_type_name() == "FakeQuantize" for op in nodes) ov_model = openvino.Core().read_model(self.model_name) if check_if_quantized(ov_model): msg = "Model is already optimized by PTQ" raise RuntimeError(msg) train_dataset = data_module.train_dataloader() ptq_config_from_ir = self._read_ptq_config_from_ir(ov_model) if ptq_config is not None: ptq_config_from_ir.update(ptq_config) ptq_config = ptq_config_from_ir else: ptq_config = ptq_config_from_ir quantization_dataset = nncf.Dataset(train_dataset, self.transform_fn) # type: ignore[attr-defined] compressed_model = nncf.quantize( # type: ignore[attr-defined] ov_model, quantization_dataset, **ptq_config, ) openvino.save_model(compressed_model, output_model_path) return output_model_path
[docs] def export( self, output_dir: Path, base_name: str, export_format: OTXExportFormatType, precision: OTXPrecisionType = OTXPrecisionType.FP32, to_exportable_code: bool = True, ) -> Path: """Export this model to the specified output directory. Args: output_dir (Path): directory for saving the exported model base_name: (str): base name for the exported model file. Extension is defined by the target export format export_format (OTXExportFormatType): format of the output model precision (OTXExportPrecisionType): precision of the output model to_exportable_code (bool): whether to generate exportable code with demo package. OpenVINO model supports only exportable code option. Returns: Path: path to the exported model. """ if not to_exportable_code: msg = "OpenVINO model can be exported only as exportable code with demo package." raise RuntimeError(msg) return self._exporter.export( self.model, output_dir, base_name, export_format, precision, to_exportable_code, )
[docs] def transform_fn(self, data_batch: T_OTXBatchDataEntity) -> np.array: """Data transform function for PTQ.""" np_data = self._customize_inputs(data_batch) image = np_data["inputs"][0] # NOTE: Tiler wraps the model, so we need to unwrap it to get the model model = self.model.model if isinstance(self.model, Tiler) else self.model resized_image = model.resize(image, (model.w, model.h)) resized_image = model.input_transform(resized_image) return model._change_layout(resized_image) # noqa: SLF001
def _read_ptq_config_from_ir(self, ov_model: Model) -> dict[str, Any]: """Generates the PTQ (Post-Training Quantization) configuration from the meta data of the given OpenVINO model. Args: ov_model (Model): The OpenVINO model in which the PTQ configuration is embedded. Returns: dict: The PTQ configuration as a dictionary. """ from nncf import IgnoredScope # type: ignore[attr-defined] from nncf.common.quantization.structs import QuantizationPreset # type: ignore[attr-defined] from nncf.parameters import ModelType from nncf.quantization.advanced_parameters import AdvancedQuantizationParameters if "optimization_config" not in ov_model.rt_info["model_info"]: return {} initial_ptq_config = json.loads(ov_model.rt_info["model_info"]["optimization_config"].value) if not initial_ptq_config: return {} argparser = ArgumentParser() if "advanced_parameters" in initial_ptq_config: argparser.add_class_arguments(AdvancedQuantizationParameters, "advanced_parameters") if "preset" in initial_ptq_config: initial_ptq_config["preset"] = QuantizationPreset(initial_ptq_config["preset"]) argparser.add_argument("--preset", type=QuantizationPreset) if "model_type" in initial_ptq_config: initial_ptq_config["model_type"] = ModelType(initial_ptq_config["model_type"]) argparser.add_argument("--model_type", type=ModelType) if "ignored_scope" in initial_ptq_config: argparser.add_class_arguments(IgnoredScope, "ignored_scope", as_positional=True) initial_ptq_config = argparser.parse_object(initial_ptq_config) return argparser.instantiate_classes(initial_ptq_config).as_dict() @property def _exporter(self) -> OTXNativeModelExporter: """Exporter of the OVModel for exportable code.""" return OTXNativeModelExporter( task_level_export_parameters=self._export_parameters, input_size=(1, 3, self.model.h, self.model.w), ) @property def model_adapter_parameters(self) -> dict: """Model parameters for export.""" return {} def _set_label_info(self, label_info: LabelInfoTypes) -> None: """Set this model label information.""" new_label_info = self._dispatch_label_info(label_info) if self._label_info != new_label_info: msg = "OVModel strictly does not allow overwrite label_info if they are different each other." raise ValueError(msg) self._label_info = new_label_info def _create_label_info_from_ov_ir(self) -> LabelInfo: ov_model = self.model.get_model() if ov_model.has_rt_info(["model_info", "label_info"]): serialized = ov_model.get_rt_info(["model_info", "label_info"]).value return LabelInfo.from_json(serialized) mapi_model: Model = self.model if label_names := getattr(mapi_model, "labels", None): msg = ( 'Cannot find "label_info" from OpenVINO IR. ' "However, we found labels attributes from ModelAPI. " "Construct LabelInfo from it." ) logger.warning(msg) return LabelInfo(label_names=label_names, label_groups=[label_names]) msg = "Cannot construct LabelInfo from OpenVINO IR. Please check this model is trained by OTX." raise ValueError(msg)
[docs] def get_dummy_input(self, batch_size: int = 1) -> OTXBatchDataEntity: """Returns a dummy input for base OV model.""" # Resize is embedded to the OV model, which means we don't need to know the actual size images = [torch.rand(3, 224, 224) for _ in range(batch_size)] infos = [] for i, img in enumerate(images): infos.append( ImageInfo( img_idx=i, img_shape=img.shape, ori_shape=img.shape, ), ) return OTXBatchDataEntity(batch_size=batch_size, images=images, imgs_info=infos)