Source code for otx.core.model.segmentation

# Copyright (C) 2023-2024 Intel Corporation
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
"""Class definition for detection model entity used in OTX."""

from __future__ import annotations

import json
from abc import abstractmethod
from import Sequence
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, ClassVar, Literal

import torch
from torch import nn
from torchvision import tv_tensors

from otx.algo.segmentation.segmentors import MeanTeacher
from import ImageInfo, OTXBatchLossEntity
from import SegBatchDataEntity, SegBatchPredEntity
from otx.core.exporter.base import OTXModelExporter
from otx.core.exporter.native import OTXNativeModelExporter
from otx.core.metrics import MetricInput
from otx.core.metrics.dice import SegmCallable
from otx.core.model.base import DefaultOptimizerCallable, DefaultSchedulerCallable, OTXModel, OVModel
from otx.core.schedulers import LRSchedulerListCallable
from otx.core.types.export import OTXExportFormatType, TaskLevelExportParameters
from otx.core.types.label import LabelInfo, LabelInfoTypes, SegLabelInfo
from otx.core.types.precision import OTXPrecisionType
from otx.core.types.task import OTXTrainType

    from pathlib import Path

    from lightning.pytorch.cli import LRSchedulerCallable, OptimizerCallable
    from model_api.models.utils import ImageResultWithSoftPrediction
    from torch import Tensor

    from otx.core.metrics import MetricCallable

[docs] class OTXSegmentationModel(OTXModel[SegBatchDataEntity, SegBatchPredEntity]): """Base class for the semantic segmentation models used in OTX.""" mean: ClassVar[tuple[float, float, float]] = (123.675, 116.28, 103.53) scale: ClassVar[tuple[float, float, float]] = (58.395, 57.12, 57.375) def __init__( self, label_info: LabelInfoTypes, input_size: tuple[int, int] = (512, 512), optimizer: OptimizerCallable = DefaultOptimizerCallable, scheduler: LRSchedulerCallable | LRSchedulerListCallable = DefaultSchedulerCallable, metric: MetricCallable = SegmCallable, # type: ignore[assignment] torch_compile: bool = False, train_type: Literal[OTXTrainType.SUPERVISED, OTXTrainType.SEMI_SUPERVISED] = OTXTrainType.SUPERVISED, model_version: str | None = None, unsupervised_weight: float = 0.7, semisl_start_epoch: int = 2, drop_unreliable_pixels_percent: int = 20, ): """Base semantic segmentation model. Args: label_info (LabelInfoTypes): The label information for the segmentation model. input_size (tuple[int, int]): Model input size in the order of height and width. optimizer (OptimizerCallable, optional): The optimizer to use for training. Defaults to DefaultOptimizerCallable. scheduler (LRSchedulerCallable | LRSchedulerListCallable, optional): The scheduler to use for learning rate adjustment. Defaults to DefaultSchedulerCallable. metric (MetricCallable, optional): The metric to use for evaluation. Defaults to SegmCallable. torch_compile (bool, optional): Whether to compile the model using TorchScript. Defaults to False. train_type (Literal[OTXTrainType.SUPERVISED, OTXTrainType.SEMI_SUPERVISED], optional): The training type of the model. Defaults to OTXTrainType.SUPERVISED. model_version (str | None, optional): The version of the model. Defaults to None. unsupervised_weight (float, optional): The weight of the unsupervised loss. Only for semi-supervised learning. Defaults to 0.7. semisl_start_epoch (int, optional): The epoch at which the semi-supervised learning starts. Only for semi-supervised learning. Defaults to 2. drop_unreliable_pixels_percent (int, optional): The percentage of unreliable pixels to drop. Only for semi-supervised learning. Defaults to 20. """ self.model_version = model_version self.unsupervised_weight = unsupervised_weight self.semisl_start_epoch = semisl_start_epoch self.drop_unreliable_pixels_percent = drop_unreliable_pixels_percent super().__init__( label_info=label_info, input_size=input_size, optimizer=optimizer, scheduler=scheduler, metric=metric, torch_compile=torch_compile, train_type=train_type, ) self.input_size: tuple[int, int] def _create_model(self) -> nn.Module: base_model = self._build_model() if self.train_type == OTXTrainType.SEMI_SUPERVISED: return MeanTeacher( base_model, unsup_weight=self.unsupervised_weight, drop_unrel_pixels_percent=self.drop_unreliable_pixels_percent, semisl_start_epoch=self.semisl_start_epoch, ) return base_model @abstractmethod def _build_model(self) -> nn.Module: """Building base nn.Module model. Returns: nn.Module: base nn.Module model for supervised training """ def _customize_inputs(self, entity: SegBatchDataEntity) -> dict[str, Any]: mode = "loss" if else "predict" if self.train_type == OTXTrainType.SEMI_SUPERVISED and mode == "loss": if not isinstance(entity, dict): msg = "unlabeled inputs should be provided for semi-sl training" raise RuntimeError(msg) return { "inputs": entity["labeled"].images, "unlabeled_weak_images": entity["weak_transforms"].images, "unlabeled_strong_images": entity["strong_transforms"].images, "global_step": self.trainer.global_step, "steps_per_epoch": self.trainer.num_training_batches, "img_metas": entity["labeled"].imgs_info, "unlabeled_img_metas": entity["weak_transforms"].imgs_info, "masks": torch.stack(entity["labeled"].masks).long(), "mode": mode, } masks = torch.stack(entity.masks).long() if mode == "loss" else None return {"inputs": entity.images, "img_metas": entity.imgs_info, "masks": masks, "mode": mode} def _customize_outputs( self, outputs: Any, # noqa: ANN401 inputs: SegBatchDataEntity, ) -> SegBatchPredEntity | OTXBatchLossEntity: if if not isinstance(outputs, dict): raise TypeError(outputs) losses = OTXBatchLossEntity() for k, v in outputs.items(): losses[k] = v return losses return SegBatchPredEntity( batch_size=len(outputs), images=inputs.images, imgs_info=inputs.imgs_info, scores=[], masks=outputs, ) @property def _export_parameters(self) -> TaskLevelExportParameters: """Defines parameters required to export a particular model implementation.""" return super()._export_parameters.wrap( model_type="Segmentation", task_type="segmentation", return_soft_prediction=True, soft_threshold=0.5, blur_strength=-1, ) @property def _exporter(self) -> OTXModelExporter: """Creates OTXModelExporter object that can export the model.""" if self.input_size is None: msg = f"Image size attribute is not set for {self.__class__}" raise ValueError(msg) return OTXNativeModelExporter( task_level_export_parameters=self._export_parameters, input_size=(1, 3, *self.input_size), mean=self.mean, std=self.scale, resize_mode="standard", pad_value=0, swap_rgb=False, via_onnx=False, onnx_export_configuration=None, output_names=None, ) def _convert_pred_entity_to_compute_metric( self, preds: SegBatchPredEntity, inputs: SegBatchDataEntity, ) -> MetricInput: return [ { "preds": pred_mask, "target": target_mask, } for pred_mask, target_mask in zip(preds.masks, inputs.masks) ] @staticmethod def _dispatch_label_info(label_info: LabelInfoTypes) -> LabelInfo: if isinstance(label_info, int): return SegLabelInfo.from_num_classes(num_classes=label_info) if isinstance(label_info, Sequence) and all(isinstance(name, str) for name in label_info): return SegLabelInfo(label_names=label_info, label_groups=[label_info]) if isinstance(label_info, SegLabelInfo): return label_info raise TypeError(label_info)
[docs] def forward_for_tracing(self, image: Tensor) -> Tensor | dict[str, Tensor]: """Model forward function used for the model tracing during model exportation.""" raw_outputs = self.model(inputs=image, mode="tensor") return torch.softmax(raw_outputs, dim=1)
[docs] def get_dummy_input(self, batch_size: int = 1) -> SegBatchDataEntity: """Returns a dummy input for semantic segmentation model.""" if self.input_size is None: msg = f"Input size attribute is not set for {self.__class__}" raise ValueError(msg) images = torch.rand(batch_size, 3, *self.input_size) infos = [] for i, img in enumerate(images): infos.append( ImageInfo( img_idx=i, img_shape=img.shape, ori_shape=img.shape, ), ) return SegBatchDataEntity(batch_size, images, infos, masks=[])
[docs] def export( self, output_dir: Path, base_name: str, export_format: OTXExportFormatType, precision: OTXPrecisionType = OTXPrecisionType.FP32, to_exportable_code: bool = False, ) -> Path: """Export this model to the specified output directory. Args: output_dir (Path): directory for saving the exported model base_name: (str): base name for the exported model file. Extension is defined by the target export format export_format (OTXExportFormatType): format of the output model precision (OTXExportPrecisionType): precision of the output model to_exportable_code (bool): flag to export model in exportable code with demo package Returns: Path: path to the exported model. """ if self.train_type == OTXTrainType.SEMI_SUPERVISED: # use only teacher model for deployment self.model = self.model.teacher_model return super().export(output_dir, base_name, export_format, precision, to_exportable_code)
[docs] class OVSegmentationModel(OVModel[SegBatchDataEntity, SegBatchPredEntity]): """Semantic segmentation model compatible for OpenVINO IR inference. It can consume OpenVINO IR model path or model name from Intel OMZ repository and create the OTX segmentation model compatible for OTX testing pipeline. """ def __init__( self, model_name: str, model_type: str = "Segmentation", async_inference: bool = True, max_num_requests: int | None = None, use_throughput_mode: bool = True, model_api_configuration: dict[str, Any] | None = None, metric: MetricCallable = SegmCallable, # type: ignore[assignment] **kwargs, ) -> None: super().__init__( model_name=model_name, model_type=model_type, async_inference=async_inference, max_num_requests=max_num_requests, use_throughput_mode=use_throughput_mode, model_api_configuration=model_api_configuration, metric=metric, ) def _customize_outputs( self, outputs: list[ImageResultWithSoftPrediction], inputs: SegBatchDataEntity, ) -> SegBatchPredEntity | OTXBatchLossEntity: if outputs and outputs[0].saliency_map.size != 1: predicted_s_maps = [out.saliency_map for out in outputs] predicted_f_vectors = [out.feature_vector for out in outputs] return SegBatchPredEntity( batch_size=len(outputs), images=inputs.images, imgs_info=inputs.imgs_info, scores=[], masks=[tv_tensors.Mask(mask.resultImage, device=self.device) for mask in outputs], saliency_map=predicted_s_maps, feature_vector=predicted_f_vectors, ) return SegBatchPredEntity( batch_size=len(outputs), images=inputs.images, imgs_info=inputs.imgs_info, scores=[], masks=[tv_tensors.Mask(mask.resultImage, device=self.device) for mask in outputs], ) def _convert_pred_entity_to_compute_metric( self, preds: SegBatchPredEntity, inputs: SegBatchDataEntity, ) -> MetricInput: return [ { "preds": pred_mask, "target": target_mask, } for pred_mask, target_mask in zip(preds.masks, inputs.masks) ] def _create_label_info_from_ov_ir(self) -> SegLabelInfo: ov_model = self.model.get_model() if ov_model.has_rt_info(["model_info", "label_info"]): label_info = json.loads(ov_model.get_rt_info(["model_info", "label_info"]).value) return SegLabelInfo(**label_info) msg = "Cannot construct LabelInfo from OpenVINO IR. Please check this model is trained by OTX." raise ValueError(msg)