Source code for otx.core.model.visual_prompting

# Copyright (C) 2023-2024 Intel Corporation
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
"""Class definition for visual prompting models entity used in OTX."""

from __future__ import annotations

import logging as log
import pickle  # nosec: B403   used pickle dump and load only to share inference results
from abc import abstractmethod
from collections import defaultdict
from functools import partial
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Literal

import numpy as np
import torch
from datumaro import Polygon as dmPolygon
from model_api.models import Model
from model_api.models.visual_prompting import (
from torch import Tensor, nn
from torchvision import tv_tensors

from import ImageInfo, OTXBatchLossEntity, Points
from import (
from otx.core.exporter.base import OTXModelExporter
from otx.core.exporter.visual_prompting import OTXVisualPromptingModelExporter
from otx.core.metrics import MetricInput
from otx.core.metrics.visual_prompting import VisualPromptingMetricCallable
from otx.core.model.base import DefaultOptimizerCallable, DefaultSchedulerCallable, OTXModel, OVModel
from otx.core.schedulers import LRSchedulerListCallable
from otx.core.types.export import TaskLevelExportParameters
from otx.core.types.label import LabelInfo, LabelInfoTypes, NullLabelInfo
from otx.core.utils.mask_util import polygon_to_bitmap

    from lightning.pytorch.cli import LRSchedulerCallable, OptimizerCallable
    from model_api.models.utils import PredictedMask, VisualPromptingResult
    from torchmetrics import MetricCollection

    from import OTXDataModule
    from otx.core.metrics import MetricCallable

# ruff: noqa: F401

def _convert_pred_entity_to_compute_metric(
    preds: VisualPromptingBatchPredEntity,
    inputs: VisualPromptingBatchDataEntity,
) -> MetricInput:
    """Convert the prediction entity to the format required by the compute metric function.

    TODO (sungchul): consider to use iseg and sseg's metrics
    pred_info = []
    target_info = []

    for masks, scores, labels in zip(
                "scores": scores,
                "labels": labels,

    for imgs_info, masks, polygons, labels in zip(
        bit_masks = (
            if len(masks)
            else tv_tensors.Mask(polygon_to_bitmap(polygons, *imgs_info.ori_shape), dtype=torch.uint8)
                "labels": if isinstance(labels, dict) else labels,

    return {"preds": pred_info, "target": target_info}

def _inference_step(
    model: OTXVisualPromptingModel | OVVisualPromptingModel,
    metric: MetricCollection,
    inputs: VisualPromptingBatchDataEntity,
) -> None:
    """Perform a single inference step on a batch of data from the inference set."""
    preds = model.forward(inputs)  # type: ignore[arg-type]

    if not isinstance(preds, VisualPromptingBatchPredEntity):
        raise TypeError(preds)

    converted_entities: dict[str, list[dict[str, Tensor]]] = _convert_pred_entity_to_compute_metric(preds, inputs)  # type: ignore[assignment]

    for _name, _metric in metric.items():
        if _name == "mAP":
            # MeanAveragePrecision
            _preds = [
                {k: v > 0.5 if k == "masks" else if k == "labels" else v for k, v in ett.items()}
                for ett in converted_entities["preds"]
            _target = converted_entities["target"]
            _metric.update(preds=_preds, target=_target)
        elif _name in ["iou", "f1-score", "dice"]:
            # BinaryJaccardIndex, BinaryF1Score, Dice
            # TODO (sungchul): change to multi-class metric
            # Currently, label_info is NullLabelInfo and it is required to be changed for multi-label support.
            # But huge changes is required, it will be changed in the near future.
            for cvt_preds, cvt_target in zip(converted_entities["preds"], converted_entities["target"]):
                max_label =["labels"], cvt_target["labels"])).max()
                for label in range(max_label + 1):
                    mask_preds = cvt_preds["masks"][cvt_preds["labels"] == label]
                    mask_target = cvt_target["masks"][cvt_target["labels"] == label]
                    if len(mask_preds) == 0:
                        mask_preds = torch.zeros((1, *mask_target.shape[1:]), device=model.device)
                    if len(mask_target) == 0:
                        mask_target = torch.zeros((1, *mask_preds.shape[1:]), device=model.device, dtype=torch.uint8)

                        mask_preds.sum(dim=0).clamp(0, 1).float().flatten(),
                        mask_target.sum(dim=0).clamp(0, 1).flatten(),

[docs] class OTXVisualPromptingModel(OTXModel[VisualPromptingBatchDataEntity, VisualPromptingBatchPredEntity]): """Base class for the visual prompting models used in OTX.""" def __init__( self, label_info: LabelInfoTypes = NullLabelInfo(), # TODO (sungchul): update label_info for multi-label support input_size: tuple[int, int] = (1024, 1024), optimizer: OptimizerCallable = DefaultOptimizerCallable, scheduler: LRSchedulerCallable | LRSchedulerListCallable = DefaultSchedulerCallable, metric: MetricCallable = VisualPromptingMetricCallable, torch_compile: bool = False, ) -> None: msg = f"Given label_info={label_info} has no effect." log.debug(msg) super().__init__( label_info=NullLabelInfo(), # TODO (sungchul): update label_info for multi-label support input_size=input_size, optimizer=optimizer, scheduler=scheduler, metric=metric, torch_compile=torch_compile, ) self.input_size: tuple[int, int] @abstractmethod def _build_model(self) -> nn.Module: raise NotImplementedError def _create_model(self) -> nn.Module: return self._build_model() def _customize_inputs(self, inputs: VisualPromptingBatchDataEntity) -> dict[str, Any]: # type: ignore[override] """Customize the inputs for the model.""" images = tv_tensors.wrap(torch.stack(inputs.images, dim=0).to(dtype=torch.float32), like=inputs.images[0]) return { "images": images, "ori_shapes": [torch.tensor(info.ori_shape) for info in inputs.imgs_info], "gt_masks": inputs.masks, "bboxes": self._inspect_prompts(inputs.bboxes), "points": [ ( (tv_tensors.wrap(point.unsqueeze(1), like=point), torch.ones(len(point), 1, device=point.device)) if point is not None else None ) for point in self._inspect_prompts(inputs.points) ], } def _customize_outputs( self, outputs: Any, # noqa: ANN401 inputs: VisualPromptingBatchDataEntity, # type: ignore[override] ) -> VisualPromptingBatchPredEntity | OTXBatchLossEntity: """Customize OTX output batch data entity if needed for model.""" if return outputs masks: list[tv_tensors.Mask] = [] scores: list[torch.Tensor] = [] for mask, score in zip(*outputs): masks.append(tv_tensors.Mask(mask, dtype=torch.float32)) scores.append(score) return VisualPromptingBatchPredEntity( batch_size=len(outputs), images=inputs.images, imgs_info=inputs.imgs_info, scores=scores, masks=masks, polygons=[], points=[], bboxes=[], labels=[ for labels in inputs.labels], ) def _inspect_prompts(self, prompts: list[tv_tensors.TVTensor]) -> list[tv_tensors.TVTensor | None]: """Inspect if given prompts are empty. If there are empty prompts (shape=0), they will be converted to None. """ return [None if p is None or p.shape[0] == 0 else p for p in prompts] @property def _exporter(self) -> OTXModelExporter: """Creates OTXModelExporter object that can export the model.""" return OTXVisualPromptingModelExporter( task_level_export_parameters=self._export_parameters, input_size=(1, 3, *self.input_size), mean=(123.675, 116.28, 103.53), std=(58.395, 57.12, 57.375), resize_mode="fit_to_window", via_onnx=True, ) @property def _export_parameters(self) -> TaskLevelExportParameters: """Defines parameters required to export a particular model implementation.""" return super()._export_parameters.wrap( model_type="Visual_Prompting", task_type="visual_prompting", ) @property def _optimization_config(self) -> dict[str, Any]: """PTQ config for visual prompting models.""" return { "model_type": "transformer", "advanced_parameters": { "activations_range_estimator_params": { "min": { "statistics_type": "QUANTILE", "aggregator_type": "MIN", "quantile_outlier_prob": "1e-4", }, "max": { "statistics_type": "QUANTILE", "aggregator_type": "MAX", "quantile_outlier_prob": "1e-4", }, }, }, }
[docs] def validation_step(self, inputs: VisualPromptingBatchDataEntity, batch_idx: int) -> None: """Perform a single validation step on a batch of data from the validation set. Args: inputs (VisualPromptingBatchDataEntity): The input data for the validation step. batch_idx (int): The index of the current batch. Raises: TypeError: If the predictions are not of type VisualPromptingBatchPredEntity. Returns: None """ _inference_step(model=self, metric=self.metric, inputs=inputs)
[docs] def test_step(self, inputs: VisualPromptingBatchDataEntity, batch_idx: int) -> None: """Perform a single test step on a batch of data from the test set. Args: inputs (VisualPromptingBatchDataEntity): The input data for the test step. batch_idx (int): The index of the current batch. Raises: TypeError: If the predictions are not of type VisualPromptingBatchPredEntity. """ _inference_step(model=self, metric=self.metric, inputs=inputs)
def _convert_pred_entity_to_compute_metric( self, preds: VisualPromptingBatchPredEntity, inputs: VisualPromptingBatchDataEntity, ) -> MetricInput: """Convert the prediction entity to the format required by the compute metric function.""" return _convert_pred_entity_to_compute_metric(preds=preds, inputs=inputs) def _set_label_info(self, _: LabelInfoTypes) -> None: msg = f"Reconfiguring label_info has no effect on {self.__class__.__name__}." log.warning(msg)
[docs] def get_dummy_input(self, batch_size: int = 1) -> VisualPromptingBatchDataEntity: """Returns a dummy input for VPT model.""" images = [torch.rand(3, *self.input_size) for _ in range(batch_size)] labels = [{"points": torch.LongTensor([0] * batch_size)}] * batch_size prompts = [torch.zeros((1, 2))] * batch_size return VisualPromptingBatchDataEntity( batch_size, images, imgs_info=[], labels=labels, points=prompts, masks=[None] * batch_size, polygons=[[None]] * batch_size, bboxes=[None] * batch_size, )
[docs] class OVVisualPromptingModel( OVModel[ VisualPromptingBatchDataEntity, VisualPromptingBatchPredEntity, ], ): """Visual prompting model compatible for OpenVINO IR inference. It can only consume OpenVINO IR model path and create the OTX visual prompting model compatible for OTX testing pipeline. """ def __init__( self, model_name: str, model_type: str = "Visual_Prompting", async_inference: bool = False, max_num_requests: int | None = None, use_throughput_mode: bool = False, model_api_configuration: dict[str, Any] | None = None, metric: MetricCallable = VisualPromptingMetricCallable, **kwargs, ) -> None: if async_inference: log.warning( "Async inference is not supported for visual prompting models. Setting async_inference to False.", ) async_inference = False basename: str = Path(model_name).name model_type_name: str = "_".join(basename.split("_")[:2]) self.model_names: dict[str, str] = { module: model_name.replace(basename, f"{model_type_name}_{module}.xml") for module in ["image_encoder", "decoder"] } super().__init__( model_name=model_name, model_type=model_type, async_inference=async_inference, max_num_requests=max_num_requests, use_throughput_mode=use_throughput_mode, model_api_configuration=model_api_configuration, metric=metric, ) def _create_model(self) -> SAMVisualPrompter: """Create a OV model with help of Model API.""" from model_api.adapters import OpenvinoAdapter, create_core ov_device = "CPU" ie = create_core() if not self.force_cpu: devices = ie.available_devices for device in devices: device_name = ie.get_property(device_name=device, property="FULL_DEVICE_NAME") if "dGPU" in device_name and "Intel" in device_name: ov_device = device break plugin_config = {} if self.use_throughput_mode: plugin_config["PERFORMANCE_HINT"] = "THROUGHPUT" model_parameters = {"decoder": {"input_layouts": "image_embeddings:NCHW"}} ov_models: dict[str, Model] = {} for module in ["image_encoder", "decoder"]: model_adapter = OpenvinoAdapter( core=create_core(), device=ov_device, model=self.model_names.get(module), model_parameters=model_parameters.get(module, {}), max_num_requests=self.num_requests, plugin_config=plugin_config, ) ov_models[module] = Model.create_model( model_adapter, model_type=f"sam_{module}", configuration=self.model_api_configuration, ) return SAMVisualPrompter(ov_models["image_encoder"], ov_models["decoder"])
[docs] def forward( self, inputs: VisualPromptingBatchDataEntity, # type: ignore[override] ) -> VisualPromptingBatchPredEntity: """Model forward function.""" if self.async_inference: log.warning( ( "Async inference is not supported for visual prompting models yet. " "Running synchronous inference instead.", ), ) images, batch_prompts = self._customize_inputs(inputs) outputs: list[VisualPromptingResult] = [] for image, prompt in zip(images, batch_prompts): outputs.append(self.model(image, **prompt)) return self._customize_outputs(outputs, inputs)
def _customize_inputs( # type: ignore[override] self, entity: VisualPromptingBatchDataEntity, ) -> tuple[list[np.ndarray], list[dict[str, Any]]]: """Customize OTX input batch data entity.""" images: list[np.ndarray] = [] prompts: list[dict[str, Any]] = [] for image, bbox, point, label in zip( entity.images, entity.bboxes, entity.points, entity.labels, ): processed_image = image.cpu().numpy().transpose(1, 2, 0) images.append(processed_image) all_labels = {k: v.cpu().numpy() for k, v in label.items()} boxes_prompts = [] points_prompts = [] if bbox is not None: for i, box in enumerate(bbox.cpu().numpy()): boxes_prompts.append(Prompt(box, all_labels["bboxes"][i])) if point is not None: for i, p in enumerate(point.cpu().numpy()): points_prompts.append(Prompt(p, all_labels["points"][i])) processed_prompt = { "boxes": boxes_prompts if boxes_prompts else None, "points": points_prompts if points_prompts else None, } prompts.append(processed_prompt) return images, prompts def _customize_outputs( self, outputs: list[VisualPromptingResult], inputs: VisualPromptingBatchDataEntity, # type: ignore[override] ) -> VisualPromptingBatchPredEntity: """Customize OTX output batch data entity if needed for model.""" masks: list[tv_tensors.Mask] = [] scores: list[Tensor] = [] labels: list[Tensor] = [] for image_output in outputs: masks.append(tv_tensors.Mask(np.concatenate(image_output.hard_predictions), device=self.device)) scores.append(torch.as_tensor(np.concatenate(image_output.scores)[:, 0], device=self.device)) labels.append(torch.as_tensor(image_output.labels, device=self.device)) return VisualPromptingBatchPredEntity( batch_size=len(outputs), images=inputs.images, imgs_info=inputs.imgs_info, scores=scores, masks=masks, polygons=[], points=[], bboxes=[], labels=labels, )
[docs] def optimize( # type: ignore[override] self, output_dir: Path, data_module: OTXDataModule, ptq_config: dict[str, Any] | None = None, ) -> dict[str, Path]: """Runs NNCF quantization.""" import nncf import openvino def check_if_quantized(model: openvino.Model) -> bool: """Checks if OpenVINO model is already quantized.""" nodes = model.get_ops() return any(op.get_type_name() == "FakeQuantize" for op in nodes) def transform_fn( data_batch: VisualPromptingBatchDataEntity, module: Literal["image_encoder", "decoder"], ) -> np.ndarray | dict[str, Any]: images: list[np.ndarray] = [] prompts: list[list[dict[str, Any]]] = [] for image, bbox, point, label, imgs_info in zip( data_batch.images, data_batch.bboxes, data_batch.points, data_batch.labels, data_batch.imgs_info, ): # preprocess image encoder inputs numpy_image = image.cpu().numpy().transpose(1, 2, 0) processed_image, meta = self.model.encoder.preprocess(numpy_image) images.append(processed_image) # preprocess decoder inputs processed_prompts = self.model.decoder.preprocess( { "bboxes": bbox.cpu().numpy() if bbox is not None else bbox, "points": point.cpu().numpy() if point is not None else point, "labels": {k: v.cpu().numpy() for k, v in label.items()}, "orig_size": imgs_info.ori_shape, }, ) prompts.append(processed_prompts) image = images[0]["images"] # use only the first image if module == "image_encoder": # resize resized_image = self.model.encoder.resize( image[0], (self.model.encoder.w, self.model.encoder.h), ) # pad image if necessary because `fit_to_window` resize for python in modelapi doesn't support pad pad_w = max(0, self.model.encoder.w - resized_image.shape[1]) pad_h = max(0, self.model.encoder.h - resized_image.shape[0]) resized_image = np.pad( resized_image, ((0, pad_h), (0, pad_w), (0, 0)), mode="constant", constant_values=0, ) # normalization resized_image = self.model.encoder.input_transform(resized_image) # change layout from HWC to NCHW return self.model.encoder._change_layout(resized_image) # noqa: SLF001 # obtain image embeddings from image encoder image_embeddings = self.model.encoder.infer_sync(image) # use only the first prompt prompt_for_optim = next(iter(prompts[0].values()))[0] if isinstance(prompts[0], dict) else prompts[0][0] # type: ignore[attr-defined] prompt_for_optim.pop("label") prompt_for_optim.update(**image_embeddings) return prompt_for_optim # ticket no. : CVS-135462 # There is segmentation fault issue when using num_workers > 0 during releasing memory. # To avoid this issue, force num_workers to 0. data_module.train_subset.num_workers = 0 output_model_paths: dict[str, Path] = {} for module in ["image_encoder", "decoder"]: output_model_path = output_dir / (self._OPTIMIZED_MODEL_BASE_NAME + f"_{module}.xml") ov_model = openvino.Core().read_model(self.model_names[module]) if check_if_quantized(ov_model): msg = "Model is already optimized by PTQ" raise RuntimeError(msg) train_dataset = data_module.train_dataloader() ptq_config_from_ir = self._read_ptq_config_from_ir(ov_model) if ptq_config is not None: ptq_config_from_ir.update(ptq_config) ptq_config = ptq_config_from_ir else: ptq_config = ptq_config_from_ir quantization_dataset = nncf.Dataset(train_dataset, partial(transform_fn, module=module)) # type: ignore[attr-defined] compressed_model = nncf.quantize( # type: ignore[attr-defined] ov_model, quantization_dataset, **ptq_config, ) openvino.save_model(compressed_model, output_model_path) output_model_paths[module] = output_model_path return output_model_paths
[docs] def validation_step(self, inputs: VisualPromptingBatchDataEntity, batch_idx: int) -> None: """Perform a single validation step on a batch of data from the validation set. Args: inputs (VisualPromptingBatchDataEntity): The input data for the validation step. batch_idx (int): The index of the current batch. Raises: TypeError: If the predictions are not of type VisualPromptingBatchPredEntity. Returns: None """ _inference_step(model=self, metric=self.metric, inputs=inputs)
[docs] def test_step(self, inputs: VisualPromptingBatchDataEntity, batch_idx: int) -> None: """Perform a single test step on a batch of data from the test set. Args: inputs (VisualPromptingBatchDataEntity): The input data for the test step. batch_idx (int): The index of the current batch. Raises: TypeError: If the predictions are not of type VisualPromptingBatchPredEntity. """ _inference_step(model=self, metric=self.metric, inputs=inputs)
def _convert_pred_entity_to_compute_metric( self, preds: VisualPromptingBatchPredEntity, inputs: VisualPromptingBatchDataEntity, ) -> MetricInput: """Convert the prediction entity to the format required by the compute metric function.""" return _convert_pred_entity_to_compute_metric(preds=preds, inputs=inputs) def _create_label_info_from_ov_ir(self) -> LabelInfo: """Create NullLabelInfo since Visual Prompting tasks has no use of label information.""" return NullLabelInfo() # TODO (sungchul): update label_info for multi-label support def _set_label_info(self, _: LabelInfoTypes) -> None: msg = f"Reconfiguring label_info has no effect on {self.__class__.__name__}." log.warning(msg)
[docs] def get_dummy_input(self, batch_size: int = 1) -> VisualPromptingBatchDataEntity: """Returns a dummy input for classification OV model.""" # Resize is embedded to the OV model, which means we don't need to know the actual size images = [torch.rand(3, 224, 224) for _ in range(batch_size)] labels = [{"points": torch.LongTensor([0] * batch_size)}] * batch_size prompts = [torch.zeros((1, 2))] * batch_size return VisualPromptingBatchDataEntity( batch_size, images, imgs_info=[], labels=labels, points=prompts, masks=[None] * batch_size, polygons=[[None]] * batch_size, bboxes=[None] * batch_size, )